Beast Wars dance-off!

Where we talk about nothing other than that. :)

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Beast Wars dance-off!

Post by Cinder-claw »

Me: "Now, let's have some fun with....a Beast Wars dance competition!" *With the exception of Cheetor and Airazor, everyone else starting groaning at the sight of disco balls and a multi-coloured dance floor*.

Me: "Stop groaning! You will be split into groups of my choosing and each group will be given a dance to learn. Cheets, since you seem so keen to get started, you can be in Group 1, learning the 'Macarena' with....*pulls 2 names from a hat*....Waspinator and Terrorsaur!"

Cheetor: "Cool!"

Waspy: "Ooooh, Wazzzpinator gets to learn danzzzing!"

Terrorsaur: "Are you serious?!"

Me: "You're damn right I'm serious! Now get dancing! *Pulls 3 more names from the hat*....Optimus, Rhinox and Tarantulas are Group 2, learning the 'Boot Scoot'." *Tarantulas buries his face in his hands.*

Rhinox: "Suppose I'll give it a try."

Optimus: "That's the spirit, Rhinox."

Me: "I agree. Nice to see Rhinox is willing to give it a go. *Pulls another 3 names from the hat*. Group 3 is....Tigatron, Depth Charge and Dinobot, learning 'Thriller'."

Dinobot: *watching 'Thriller' music video* "Challenge accepted!"

Depth Charge: "This is SO not happening."

Me: "Stop complaining, Depth! You never know, you might be good at it! You in, Tigatron?"

Tigatron: "Of course."

Me: "Great! Now on to Group 4....*more names come out of the hat*....Learning the 'Time Warp' is....Silverbolt, Rampage and Scorponok."

Rampage *watching 'Time Warp' music video* "It's just a load of jumping around and waving our arms in the air!"

Silverbolt: "Simple and fun."

Scorponok: *also watching 'Time Warp' music video* "I'll survive as long as I avoid Rampage's flailing limbs!"

Me: "Right, there's 6 of you left. Group 5 are learning 'Gangnam Style'. That's....*pulls more names from the hat*....Airazor, Quickstrike and Megs." *Switches on 'Gangnam Style' music video.*

Airazor: "Mmm, I like it."

Quickstrike: *frowning* "Would be nice if I could understand the words."

Megatron: "You expect ME to do THAT?! Are you trying to make me look stupid?!"

Me: "Yes."

Terrorsaur: *laughing* "You mean more stupid than you already look?" *Megs tries to hit Terry but misses*

Me: "Time for you to embrace the spirit of dancing, Megs. *Turns to the final group consisting of Blackarachnia, Inferno and Rattrap*. You three are learning 'The Nutbush'."

So the stage is set for the world's first Beast Wars Dance Competition! Which group do YOU think should win?
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