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Abandon and create a new episode

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:49 am
by starshadow
Hey guys I'm back from the dead. I also realize the current episode has dragged on for 2 years with some players leaving and it's nowhere near finished. So I decided to bring up a poll up if we should carry on since at this rate, the episode can stretch up to a 4th thread. So what you guys think?

The poll will end in 7 days.

Re: Abandon and create a new episode

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:42 pm
by Phoenix
Actually it is 'near' finished. The last of the three episodes should be wrapped up within a couple of weeks. But whatever. You know you could have simply joined in and added your own stuff for people to respond to if there was something in particular you wanted to play out. But when people don't input their own ideas and aren't partaking in the episodes, they will get bored.

Re: Abandon and create a new episode

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:57 pm
by Mystrea
Well I think Starshadow has point. And you can say that Pheonix because you have some knowledge on what is going to happen. I can understand some people just not caring but this thing Zodiac just kinda goes on and on with no break.

Re: Abandon and create a new episode

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 1:24 pm
by Phoenix
If you want to make another episode in a different thread, I'm not stopping you. I just won't pay it any attention until a couple of weeks from now.

Re: Abandon and create a new episode

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 1:36 pm
by una
Many players have left due to real life. Like Alak, Blackrosefencer, and Wintersong. Not because of the episode. Also, the episode went long due to a number of reasons. It does take time for some people to respond and things happen. I can understand if many people don't know what their characters can do in an episode. Or they been too busy and need an extra hand. All you have to do is ask for help. Other players can help.

Edit: Also, this episode is reaching its end like Phoenix said.

Re: Abandon and create a new episode

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:53 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
The current episode, which began one year and six days ago not two years, will be ending soon. There's a lot going on right now, part of which will lead into the next episode like the Vok coming back. And there will be a lot going on in the next episode as well. In the current episode, there was a time I wanted to wrap it up, however, there were things some players wanted to do for their characters, and DarkSpark just introduced a new Predacon, so I'm not going to abandon it and take away some of the fun for the majority of the players.

I will open a new topic soon for discussion on the next episode so everyone can throw in their ideas based loosely off the plot from an episode in the show. There will be new characters joining and hopefully some old ones returning... *cough*Wintersong*cough*. Players who have left episodes can rejoin at any time whether they know what's going on or not. If they don't, then that's their choice, but those already involved shouldn't have to be forced to give it up.

Re: Abandon and create a new episode

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:02 pm
by Wintersong
Know this is a week old but figured I'd put in my small two cents...

I may not have been able to be here for months now, consistently anyway, but doesn't seem to make much sense to abandon the episode. Mean, we got this far and from what little I've been able to see it seems things are almost to a close. And admittedly I haven't jumped right back in because even I've gotten lost of what's gone on since it's been a handful of pages I last posted and every time I think I have time to post I ended up with more crap to do.

Anyway, I do plan to be more active this summer since I'll be done with finals by Wednesday and I can take the rest of the following week before I have to return home to try and catch up with the craziness. I've probably annoyed the living hell out of you guys by now but real life has come first and has given me little time to do the usual things I love to do.