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Re: Absentee List 3

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 3:24 pm
by DarkSpark
I'm back :mrgreen:

Re: Absentee List 3

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:43 pm
by Phoenix
Welcome back, DS! Looking forward to your post :)

Re: Absentee List 3

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 4:38 pm
by una
I'm glad you are back, DarkSpark! :D I never heard of Anime Boston. Is that a convention?

Re: Absentee List 3

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:06 pm
by DarkSpark
una wrote:I'm glad you are back, DarkSpark! :D I never heard of Anime Boston. Is that a convention?

Yep, its a big anime convention they hold in Boston every year, its a lot of fun, and a great place to see new anime releases as well as find "buried treasure," i.e. rare & out of print anime series like Super Dimensional Cavalry Southern Cross or Big O etc.

Re: Absentee List 3

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 6:19 pm
by NaitoKage
Southern Cross and Big O have become rare? Wow.. I am getting old. *LOL* Back in my day it was a pain in the ass to find a working copy of the Robotech II: the sentinels or Dancougar. Crap.. now I have the Dancougar theme stuck in my head again. Oh well. Do they still sell Chinese bootlegs with impossible subtitles at those conventions?

Re: Absentee List 3

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:23 am
by DarkSpark
NaitoKage wrote:Southern Cross and Big O have become rare? Wow.. I am getting old. *LOL* Back in my day it was a pain in the ass to find a working copy of the Robotech II: the sentinels or Dancougar. Crap.. now I have the Dancougar theme stuck in my head again. Oh well. Do they still sell Chinese bootlegs with impossible subtitles at those conventions?

Yep, sad but true, anything distributed by Bandai or ADV in the U.S. is now rare as hell to find, only way to find them is either online, where they can range from being virtually non-existent or absurdly expensive, or at a con like I do every year (I go to each con expecting to buy a recent release but instead scavenge for rare & out of print anime instead, like a Rare Hunter from Yugioh XD). Granted, I've had an opposite experience in which I stumbled across a dealer who tried to rip me off by over pricing a rare anime I was able to find online for much cheaper, but this year I met an honest dealer who not only had an AMAZING selection of rare anime to choose from, but offered very reasonable prices for his collection.

I basically hit the jack pot :D, some of the stuff I found was as difficult to find as a unicorn or a dragon if you catch my drift XD

Heck, up until this year even anything from the Gundam franchise, one of the most popular mecha franchises of all time, was hard to find for a fair price, only now have the first series & Zeta Gundam been re-released on blu ray & DVD. As for Chinese bootlegs with impossible subtitles, I haven't stumbled across one of those since my very first visit to Anime Boston YEARS ago...I was pretty pissed when I realized what I'd been saddled with XD

Re: Absentee List 3

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:10 pm
by NaitoKage
DarkSpark wrote:Heck, up until this year even anything from the Gundam franchise, one of the most popular mecha franchises of all time, was hard to find for a fair price, only now have the first series & Zeta Gundam been re-released on blu ray & DVD. As for Chinese bootlegs with impossible subtitles, I haven't stumbled across one of those since my very first visit to Anime Boston YEARS ago...I was pretty pissed when I realized what I'd been saddled with XD

Ah, yeah.. Gundam hasn't really recovered from it's popularity back in the day. I remember when some shops like Electronics boutique were importing Gundam model kits(picked up X and Double X back then), but EB games was also doing stuff like importing Saturn games during the system's death cycle, they were a strange company. As for Chinese bootlegs.. Eh, I guess I'd be mad these days, but back in 2000 or earlier that was pretty much the only way to get rare shows outside of internet piracy (Like downloading the Evangelion movie on dialup for 10 hours for a 60 mb file that was blurry as *slag*.) or the even older method of penpal vhs which a friend of mine used to do, trading Ninja turtles and Robocop episodes for Metal heroes or obscure anime.

Sadly, it's easier to pirate most rare anime then wait for a localized release.. All of Gundam has already been fansubbed over the years and some titles never had a dvd release in japan having to be copied from Laserdisc.

Re: Absentee List 3

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:28 pm
by DarkSpark
Hey guys, this weekend I'll be celebrating my birthday & fathers day with the family so I likely won't be roleplaying until the festivities are over, AND I'm attending a wedding next weekend during my vacation week, so I'll be away beginning Friday of that week and won't be back until the following Monday (so I likely won't be ready for role-play again until the Tuesday after, sorry, just giving you a heads up).

P.S. dude, I'd LOVE to see more metal hero shows (they're very rare in comparison to super sentai or kamen rider), was a big VR Trooper fan as a kid.

Re: Absentee List 3

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 6:25 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
No worries, DarkSpark. Thanks for letting us know. The weekends are usually pretty quiet in the game anyway. Everyone is busy and has plans. Happy Birthday to you and Happy Father's Day to the dads out there!

Re: Absentee List 3

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:00 pm
by NaitoKage
Yeah, Metal heroes is pretty rare stuff. Only one I got on tape is an episode of Janperson.. which is almost like japanese robocop, though I'm pretty sure he's just an A.I. instead of a cyborg. [youtube] [/youtube]

If I find any links to some Metal heroes stuff online I'll pm them to you. Happy birthday and enjoy the weekend.

Re: Absentee List 3

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:27 pm
by una
I know this is late late, but happy birthday, DarkSpark, and I hope it was a good one! :D

Re: Absentee List 3

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:13 am
by una
Hey guys, this isn't really an absence, but I do think I need to tell you guys so that you will understand.

For the past few weeks, people have probably noticed it is taking me a bit longer to get my posts done, and I do apologize for that. The reason why I'm taking too long is the fact that where I live the heat is really getting bad here. It's all between the nineties and the hundreds. Maximize that hot weather with the fact that it is also humid, and it is just unbearable, uncomfortable, and exhausting. I'm one of those people who can't take heat very well and it just severely weakens me sometimes. It depends.

So... what I'm trying to say is... if you see it taking me extra longer with my posts. That's the reason why, and please don't hesitate to let me know if I'm taking too long and you need my post before a certain day. I'm not absent and I'm still here (I have to be. Work at home. XD).

Just wanted to give you guys a heads up. I should be able to post today. I'm dealing with it better than I have been, but it fluctuates.

Re: Absentee List 3

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 12:34 pm
by NaitoKage
We all have our issues with the heat, don't worry about it. ( I think half the remaining active people live in the north east US at this point.. I know OOP, Pheonix, and I live within 5 hours of each other with blistering heat and humidity. ) I personally prefer carrying around icepacks in a jacket if I have to go outside.. You might want something like that while typing?

Anyway, you don't need to worry about posting slowly. Be it the heat or life reasons, all that matters is you still having fun and doing it when you can.

Re: Absentee List 3

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 10:55 am
by una
I... just don't do well in the heat. It really weakens me, and it makes the ADHD (I believe I have this, but that's my opinion. I don't really know for sure. All I know is I'm have executive dysfunction. Is that term? )) in me feel even worse. Can't focus or concentrate and get very antsy. Right now, it is past ten o'clock am and it's already a hundred degrees outside. I don't know about the humidity, but I was just out there and.... ouch. :lol:

Still having fun. :wink: Just that my posts are going to probably be slow incoming. Still trying to work my schedule around what I need to do and want to do. Though, I think I'm slowly finding a system that works.

Re: Absentee List 3

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 8:19 am
by Optimal Optimus Primal
No worries, una. What NK said. It has been very hot and dry everywhere. In my area we're finally back down in the 80's this weekend, still a little humid, though.