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Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:39 pm
by Alak
You guys dress up or do anything fun? I don't do the whole trick-or-treat thing, but I did go to a small Halloween party this year. I wore a Captain America laplander hat and carried a kid-sized shield :D The best costume combo I saw today was that two of my friends dressed up as Ash Ketchum and Misty from Pokemon, but they had no idea what the other person's outfit was. For something that was unplanned, it worked out incredibly well and they stuck together the whole time.

Re: Halloween

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:35 pm
by Wintersong
Didn't really do anything over exciting this year, but my family did finally get to go all out in decorations which we've never really done before so that was fun. Had table full of different body parts like ears, eyes, a hand, a foot, heart, brain, and kidney,and all the other fun stuff like the spiderwebs, some fake rats and blood, just a lot of fun stuff we've never done before. :lol: I only passed out candy to the trick-or-treaters this year and last, and found out the hard way last year we get a ton of people in my neighborhood so had to have LOTS of candy. Otherwise it was pretty fun still!

Although, my mother definitely wasn't too happy when we discovered someone TPed one of our trees, none of us were and definitely a pain to get it off the branches. Still have no idea who did it either.

Re: Halloween

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:08 am
by Phoenix
Alas we both had to work this Haloween. I was at work from 3 pm to 2 am but it was windy and raining today so probably didn't miss much.

Re: Halloween

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 9:44 pm
by Blackrosefencer
Halloween is my favorite holiday! :-D

We had a Halloween party with the residents of the nursing home where I work so we wore Halloween costumes to work on the 31st! I really wanted to be Alice Cooper for Halloween, but I didn't have time to figure out how to make that work since we were so busy this month moving into the new place and adjusting to the new area. I have to pull that off somehow next year. Instead I was a witch. I found a real cheap witch costume at walmart...a black dress with a belt and a witch hat. I wore these really cool spider earrings! My fiance and I watched a movie after dinner called "The Relic".

Last night, we had a party with a few friends and I wore the same costume except I wore black and white striped stockings and my thigh high boots (I obviously did not wear the thigh high boots to work as that would be very unprofessional and would have killed my feet!). I also did some really cool spider web face make up and also put a black spider hanging down from one of the webs I painted on my face. We were watching "World War Z," "This is the End" and "The Rocky Horror Picture Show!!"

I love Halloween!!