"Aftermath: Part II - Resurrections"

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Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: My apologies for the delay! Didn't have as much time as I thought I would while I was gone this weekend. Spent all day flying back home yesterday.

Loving the interaction between Whitegrazer and Nemesis! Also, thank you, guys, for getting the injured Maximals back inside the Axalon. And I am intrigued with what's happening with Starshadow; so conflicting. XD
Megatron had also revealed his position. The badger clocked him and moved accordingly.
Hey, Mystrea, I'm assuming this part of your last post means you attacked Megatron. You might want to stick with chasing down Tarantulas instead unless you plan on Ironclaw getting beat up by Megs and thrown aside because Phoenix and I plan on having Megatron and Optimus duke it out one-on-one since I never get to fight Megs and am dying to do so. And he's already damaged so I'd rather him be able to put up a decent fight than not. She and I will be doing a joint post as soon as we can get together so no one can interrupt our battle. ))


Primal's current position was located in an open area of dirt, but there was cover not far in every direction; large rock formations protruding from the ground and boulders. It wasn't long when the Predacons began converging on his signature. And who was the first to show up? His best friend, of course, who was already firing at him before his purple toes touched the ground. Optimus strafed to the side from one of Megatron's blasts, his numb legs giving way easier than he had liked, but it allowed him to somersault across the ground toward some large rocks and boulders, a small cloud of dust kicking up into the air in his roll's wake. He could hear and feel the vibrations of Megatron's shots following closely behind him. Without stopping, Primal stumbled to stand just as he reached some cover, and dived behind the boulders. Sitting on the ground but leaning his back against a rock, he caught his breath for a moment while he was hidden from the Predacon's vision and weapons and listened closely so he could figure out how many others there might be now and in which directions.
"I don't know how you escaped oblivion, Primal, but never fear.. your friends will join you back there very soon, yessss."
"I find that highly unlikely, Megatron, seeing as you clearly failed to get rid of me with the best opportunity that you could have ever hoped for. You're no better at killing Maximals than at, well, really anything else," Optimus pointed out to the egotistical leader.

There was movement and sound above that his receptors picked up and caused the Maximal to look up in the direction where he suddenly found Starshadow too close to him than he cared for. As her arm raised and Primal could hear the charging of the electricity, he immediately ducked forward, laying flat on his new wash-board abdomen stomach on the ground as her deathly bolt of what seemed to be like lightning crashed into the rock he had been leaning against just moments before, and chunks of stone blew off in every direction. He felt a tingling sensation across his body when the bolt neared him, but despite the debris covering him from head to toe, he had sustained no injuries. Sitting up quickly as the dirt and dust fell off of him, he grabbed his gun from his hip and targeted Starshadow, followed by firing two shots at her. It was unclear to him whether her scream meant she had been hit or if she was suffering from something else, but either way she retreated for the time being, disappearing beyond the rock formations that blocked her from his sight.
"Pr...Pri...Primal..." "Slag you...If its the last thing I do...I. Will. Slag. YOU"
It was Terrorsaur's voice that Optimus could hear but because of the distance between them and the objects surrounding him, he couldn't quite make out what he was saying. But he sounded pretty angry. Sore loser with the aerial games, he supposed. Just then, a shot echoed across the terrain and Terrorsaur was silent. What happened? While distracted with that, a sudden barrage of miniature missiles from Tarantulas rained down upon the Maximal. Most of them hit the ground or the cover that was shielding him, but one managed to clip the side of his left shoulder, engulfing it with heat and a burning sensation. Primal gave a low grumble to expel and cope with the fresh wound, looking at the damage that was caused. Fortunately, his arm and shoulder were still functional and nothing serious was damaged; it was just a bit painful. He tried pushing the anguish aside.

At that time, an interesting aurora of emotions came to Primal from Whitegrazer. She was obviously still in a great deal of hurt and exhaustion, but there was also a calmness within her, as if she was trying to convince someone of showing some compassion or peace. It was too vague for Optimus to understand. All he knew was that he needed to get back to her and the rest of his Maximals as quickly as possible.

Using a boulder in front of him to help support him while he stood up with his legs that were gradually regaining more feeling, the Maximal Commander targeted and fired a few shots at Megatron's abdomen with his gun.


Rattrap, Rhinox and Tigatron all laid peacefully near the others who were also unconscious or in stasis lock thanks to their comrades who brought their bodies inside the Axalon. If they could, they'd show their rescuers their appreciation, but that would have to wait until they were functioning again. For now, the trio were silent and lifeless.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by New Moon »

As the two femmes were heading to the bridge Frilla came to a halt when they neared the medical bay, knowing she would need some tools from there just to make the repairs many of the Maximals needed. "Feralnight, go ahead of me I'll be right there." She called to the fuzor before moving past the blown up door, wondering if it had been Umbra and Cecaelia's doing when they were inside earlier but that would be something to dwell on later. Transforming back to robot mode she moved over the shelves, going through her processor of the different items she would need and began grabbing them as she went until satisfied she had gotten it all and mostly having to go off what little knowledge she had of being a new medic and what she had seen sometimes from Glowstick.

Holding the pile of medical tools in her arms the small femme quickly began making her way to the bridge once more and finally arriving, but the sight before her made her Spark sink with worry. With Orcarnier being taken care of the most damaged among them seemed Cheetor and Rhinox. Taking a deep breathe Frilla relaxed her nerves before setting the tools down and shifting back to beast mode to let her internal repairs continue before she moved over onto Rhinox to better observe his damaged chest, frowning at the gapping hole that was there and could only imagine the pain the large mech had gone through. "I'll get you fixed up before you know it Rhinox," She murmured knowing full well he couldn't hear her but any reassurance would help to keep up hope she just might be able to pull this off and began going to work in fixing circuits, cables, and any ruptured or damaged energon lines. But as she worked she was also aware Airazor was there with them and also damaged. "Airazor, I'd recommend going to beast mode and allowing internal repairs help with some of your damaged systems. I shall get around to the rest of you soon as I can." Frilla told her, also aiming the last statement at those still functioning there.

Though a soft sigh escaped her as she worked as fast as she could, having to make sure she wasn't making any mistakes along the way with her untrained but nimble hands, "In times like these I wish I had considered medical skills from the beginning, Glowstick could have even taught me. Heck, I wish I had as many arms as he did right about now."She said, now beginning to regret not thinking of this before.HIm, Icebreaker, and Rhinox all make this look easy, even Aurora does,She thought to herself. As Feralnight could only sit nearby and watch, looking a little sympathetic for the little lizard but knowing there wasn't much she could do herself. Unfortunately the fuzor knew nothing of medical expertise or the medical field so wouldn't be of much use.

((Finding it pretty funny that the only one capable of doing repairing the others manually right now is Frilla, who has only just begun her medical training. :lol: Nothing like putting her right into it for hands on practice, although I probably should have considered her being a medic or having some medical skill much earlier in Season 1 from the start.))
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

( Eh, Frilla should be fine since she did do alot of building and mechanical work with Glowstick as his assistant. Though Transformer biology is different from say building a flying armored carrier or computer softwear, alot of it should be similar though besides the living metal CNA stuff and spark. Though yes, the Maximals did burn through all their medical staff. The only other one well suited for doing these sort of repairs is Ironclaw, and he really doesn't seem interested in doing that.

Ah Glowstick.. I have wished I could of brought him back in some capacity, besides just being a ghostly AI similar to Dinobot's backed up memory from Darkglass, but I'll just leave that as is to clean up some of the things of his I was requested to remove.. IE:The Leviathan, a few certain space ships, and some other things.. Also since I was requested to never use a scientific based character again.. even though Stag fits that to a T being a rolling Hal 9000. Though I have pondered just leaving Aerostriker for dead since he is just part of a spark chamber, some ribs, and half a face... and his heroic nature among other things have caused complaints and is annoying... Hm.. though on the upside that would also leave the CR chamber open to repair Cheetor, Rattrap, or Tigatron... but would leave the Maximals sad they lost another. Choices choices..

Anyway,we can make things a little easier on Frilla atleast.)

Stag observed as Silverstreak headed outside, he then activated his comlink

Unit Silverstreak, it would be advised to pick up unit Tigatron's blaster if possible. The Cryo shot may prove useful at slowing down unit Nemesis.
Frilla wrote: "Airazor, I'd recommend going to beast mode and allowing internal repairs help with some of your damaged systems. I shall get around to the rest of you soon as I can.""In times like these I wish I had considered medical skills from the beginning, Glowstick could have even taught me. Heck, I wish I had as many arms as he did right about now."

Stag looked towards Frilla, then rolled towards her. This unit is not designed for repair functions, however will provide assistance the best it can.

Stag then looked up at the ceiling as he spoke up Computer, bring up schematics on unit Rhinox.

A small lens then extended from the top of Stag's head as a holographic display appeared in the air above Rhinox's chest showing schematic data, in other word's Rhinox's blueprints. If possible, this unit can also call for assistance from Unit Orcariner or Unit Aurora's core consciousness, or even act as a vessel to be used at their disposal. Do you desire this extra assistance?
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Unread post by starshadow »

((Star/Cece's spaceship will not move anywhere nor will it be used in battle as I'm gonna use it at the last episode of season 3 as a transport. *inside plans yessssssss....*)
From what I can tell, the mission is a failure. The virus Tarantulas prepared was taken down swiftly and Sentinel is already up and running. My skills with hacking are not up to what is required and the operator of the defense system seems to be paranoid from the battle attacking my disguises. And from what I can tell, the Predacons chasing that flying ape around are falling left and right. Battles have an ebb and flow.. like the ocean.. It would seem the Maximals' high tide has come. The effects of which even one of the bots ran screaming into the woods.. I'm not really sure who or what it was though. I did however manage to get some of their supplies from the armory and medical bay.. I'm not a medic, but we should be able to do some field repairs with these.
"Well that's good...in a sense...and thanks." Cecaelia smiled and kept the dagger, "so...what now? We sit and wait..for something to happen?"


Starshadow avoided the first shot Primal fired and the second one nearly hit her left eye. The catbot quickly hid behind the neares boulder for cover while trying to endure the pain in her left arm.

"Only 30% of energy left? Using 10% of it to make an arm blade would last only for sometime.. but if my energy levels are any lower than 15%,"

You'll be as good as a fresh new target practice ready to be slagged badly..

"Well thank you for putting it in such a pretty picture, Keres..."

You're welcome.

She sighed and came out of her hiding spot and snuck up behind Primal with a blue electric arm blade forming on her right arm. Once Primal was not looking, she swung her blade horizontally on his back.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

Mystrea wrote: Ironclaw tilted his head slightly, his hand slightly reluctant to grap the Predacons neck when he asked him what he wanted. He didn't expect this from any of his foes, he expected then to just die. The noise that exited their mouth was a concern of his until this moment. His guard lowered for a second and that was the chance the flyer needed to swipe at Ironclaw. The blade cut a gouge his to his thick chest armor, thus disfiguring the symbol on it. Ironclaw extended his reach and grabbed the neck of this particualar victim and pulled him off the floor and drew him closer. The cannon from his left forearm deployed and business end shoved up against the flyers abdomen. "I want nothing from you, Predacon" he answered him discharged a shot from his weapon into the Predacon. Ironclaw did not care for the damage that he had caused, he simply dropped him and moved on.

Optimus had now been grounded and had to fight like Ironclaw. A spider had brought him down. His eyes narrowed and he made his way toward to the Predacon. Megatron had also revealed his position. The badger clocked him and moved accordingly.

Gasping in shock from the shot to the torso as he fell to the ground, the mammal having obviously been a maximal after all, Terrorsaur lay on his back, mech fluid oozing out his mouth, damaged optics ablaze with fury at this further indignation. How dare these maximals do this to him?!

"Slag you...SLAG YOU ALL!" he shrieked as he propped himself up on his elbows and fired two shoulder missiles right in Ironclaw's back, the explosives detonating with terrific force, catching the maximal completely unawares.

"That'll teach you to turn your back on a Predacon, furball" Terrorsaur rasped with a faint smile, passing out for the time being as his body began to undergo internal repairs...He dreamt of ruling predacon armies and a throne made from the bodies of Optimus Primal and Megatron...With a furcoat made from Ironclaw's hide draped around his shoulders.

Elsewhere in the distance, Tarantulas observed the battle raging between Primal and Megatron, waiting for an opportunity to strike...But then he heard the sounds of explosions close to his position and looked over to see Terrorsaur lying in stasis with a new injury in his gut, and the maximal badger who'd likely done this to him, and who was now critically injured himself...No doubt the treacherous pterodactyl had shot him in the back.

"Never turn your back on a predacon until you're sure its offline, rookie mistake" Tarantulas scolded, unimpressed by the maximal who'd likely been tracking him until Terrorsaur gave him something else to be worried about.

Tarantulas motored away, looking for another vantage point to strike from behind the rocks scattered across this battlefield, and not wanting to be around should the maximal recover from its injuries, unlikely as that seemed to be.

OOC: I wasn't sure if OOP wanted Tarantulas to interrupt his fight with Megatron, so hence why Legs hasn't done anything yet to intervene, figured I should ask first. Also, since Mystrea hasn't replied to my last note or posted recently (hence why Tarantulas isn't sticking around to wait for Ironclaw), I decided to allow the gut shot to Terrorsaur to stand, but to have Terrorsaur return the favor to Ironclaw so they're both in bad shape after that fiasco. Sorry for the short post this week, just not alot to write for this week lol.
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Unread post by una »

((OOC: I forgot to say this in my PM Phoenix (and you probably won't see my post or this until you return), but I can't wait to see what occurs between Nemesis and Whitegrazer in Season Two. Will Nemesis consider Whitegrazer's option? Can she actually be redeemed? If she does, will it last? Or maybe would she try to take advantage of Whitegrazer's option to wreck more havoc on the Maximals?

Oooooooooooo I can't wait! I really want to see how this all plays it! :mrgreen: ))

"Why are you doing this?," she finally asked, "Are all Maximals so naive that they truly believe everyone can be redeemed and live by their ethical codes..?"
This question wasn't foreign to Whitegrazer. It was asked to her a bunch of times from many Predacons. Some asked it with a mockery, some with no emotion, and some asked with uncertainty and discomfort, which seemed to be what Nemesis was conveying to her.

She remained silent, knowing that Nemesis wanted to speak and ask her more questions.

"Very well. Let's play it your way. In the pretense that you could offer me some absolution, then what? Do you honestly think that your kind will be as easily persuaded?"
"Do you really believe we could all live as a big happy family? Surely you're aware of the things I've done.. I hardly think the others will offer forgiveness as freely as you."
"You're a fool if you think you can protect me, Maximal."
Whitegrazer caught Nemesis's wrist as the sai was about to plunge into her, "You ask qood questions." Using Nemesis's own force against her, she flipped the Predacon yet again, but she held on to the arm when Nemesis's body impacted on the ground, "I never said it would be easy, Nemesis. It would be hard. There will be people who distrust you. Some wouldn't forgive so easily. I know that."

Her thoughts run over to Frilla, Dinobot, and Arachnitron. From what she heard about Dinobot, it took time for them to trust him, especially for Rattrap. Though Rattrap would put on a tough guy act and never admit what he was feeling, she could tell that Rattrap did regard Dinobot as a comrade and as a friend despite their interesting banter. Frilla... She became a Maximal at the same time she entered the Beast Wars. Frilla was accepted so quickly. In her opinion, it may have been the female's personality. Arachnitron... That was difficult. It was a complicated situation. Though her actions towards the ones who were willing to give her a chance and try to help her were inexcusable, the way some Maximals had treated her was also inexcusable. Nemesis... if Nemesis came onboard, she would have no doubt there would be heated arguments and many who were rather put a bullet to her spark from the unintentional or intentational deaths of their comrades.

Also, Nemesis, she was an individual who operated on instinct. If she felt back up into a corner and couldn't tell who was really her friend or foe, she will do what she had to do to insure her own survival. Even she would not be safe, she may take vengeance on her for putting her in this hostile atmosphere in the first place, feeling her head with peace and broken promises.

She won't promise Nemesis that would be okay. She only promised that things will get better in time.

"Wounds take a long time to heal, but eventually, they will. All I am saying is give us a chance. Give yourself a chance. I have just opened the door for you. You and only you can choose to walk through it."

"If you don't take it now, I will still, and always, keep it open."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(hm.. as someone who has been around the Nemesis character for a long time (Since 2000), I do have to say.. it's very unlikely Nemesis can get "redemption" or atleast as much as Megatron can, even before the Nanomachines she was exactly the same. The only instance otherwise was around Warwulf.. who acts exactly like Silverbolt. So for all likelyhood, Nem will probably wreck havoc.. specially since even if she becomes friendly with the Maximals, back on Cybertron just like Dinobot she's just a war criminal. That's my 2 cents on it anyway. )
Cecaelia wrote:"Well that's good...in a sense...and thanks." "so...what now? We sit and wait..for something to happen?"

Umbra shrugged I suppose we could, I mean neither one of you is really in shape to continue fighting.. unless Steelclaw wants to take Potshots against the guy that just attacked him. We could just head back to base and get you two repaired. I guess drag Inferno and the new guy along as well. What do you think sir?

Umbra then looked towards Steelclaw.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Wintersong looked back as the lift came up surprised to see the transmetal cheetah was even able to move about at all, in fact she recalled him coming to sometime during their face off with the Predacons that had likely been their last. Though she shook her head when seeing him suddenly collapse back into stasis lock which with all the damage he took and his arm being separated from his body it amazed her he was even still able to come out of it in the first place, but the spotted cat had always been tough in most situations and this seemed no exception. But in the end the damage to his body won over once more.

Though on thing did occur to her, she couldn't help wondering if Silverbolt had been alright since Whitegrazer and Aurora had been looking after him from what she last heard. But by now the white tigress figured he might have been set in one of the CR chambers to enable him to be repaired like the others, and really she wondered if he would consider joining them since he seemed far from being a Predacon. Or at least like most of them. Sighing as she thought of their night long battle her gaze went back to the lift as Silverstreak arrived with Rattrap but it wasn't long before she was going down again and really Wintersong was tempted to follow her, hating to have to sit inside doing nothing while she could still function. The most she could do was improvise with her beast mode, something she had come rely on when she spent much of her time away from the crew rather than be a part of them until recent months that had begun to change.

After some much thought Wintersong finally stood, wincing a bit as she partly limped to the lift due to her back leg now just being painful, "I'm going back outside as well no telling if there are still Predacons lurking about or trying to." She said growling slightly as she jumped down, grunting as she landed on the lift behind the silver fox and stepped off and surveying what was going on. Nemesis was still there? That giant chicken didn't seem to give up, then again most of the fliers tended to be stubborn but Whitegrazer seemed to be holding her own for now not to mention with Silverstreak and Dinobot being back up already. Her attention then turned to the fights going on in the distance, watching Optimus and Megatron once again facing off for a bit before an explosion captured her attention and optics widening as she made out Ironclaw's damaged form and having to resist rushing in to help. Instead she tried contacting him this time through the com-link, "Ironclaw, are you alright?" She asked with concern.
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Unread post by Mystrea »

Ironclaw could see now that Megatron was engaged in a battle of his own. This time Ironclaw wasn't going to make a move on the tyrant. It wasn't his turn for involvement, that was Primal's fight. Instead he could an ideal victim which wouldn't encroach on the show down. A spider, who was simply observing the fight as well as him. He could imagine himself pulling each leg off his body, however that was much too self indulgent. The badger knew he should deal with him as quickly as possible. Ironclaw went to make his move when he heard a soft female voice on his comlink. This perked him up slightly as he turned towards the Axalon to see if the familiar Maximal voice was within view. She was. He took a short moment to have a good look at her form. The Maximal soldier recognised his fellow soldier, she meant a lot to him and gave him a moment of peace even in this combat situation. However her beauty had distracted him in this moment violence. The flying Predacon, who he now remembered to be Terrorsaur had already opened his trap, along with a volley of missiles. It was too late. Ironclaw heard his squawk and turned as fast as he could, simultaneously deploying his right arm cannon in response. The missiles were already upon him and detonated at the same time. One had once it had made contact with his right arm and the other nearer his shoulder. At this point, to Ironclaw felt as if time had slowed down. He screwed up his eyes as he felt the initial shock wave, the explosive power began to throw him over to the side. Bits of armor ripped away from his arm, shoulder and the right of his chest. Some tore away into small fragments and shot into random directions with parts of the missile casing. It acted like shrapnel and cut gouges across the his body and into his face causing him some significant scarring. The weapon pretruding from his right arm pulled away dragging wires and mech fluid with it as it flew it flew into the distance. The after affects affects of hte flames blackened most of him.Then time seemed to return to normal, a grunt escaped him and Ironclaw lost his footing and was thrown all the way over his right side onto his front. Instinctively his hands and knees came out first, supporting his fall by landing on all four's. The badger's audio sensors where whining as he tried to regain composure. His optics were working fine despite some occasional static on his HUD. He surveyd the area, Terrorsaur had already gone into stasis lock and some dust was left in the air close to where the spider was. Ironclaw then took his optics back to his female companion, she was still there. His longing stare for her was interupted by his attempt together onto one knee.

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Unread post by Blackrosefencer »

Okee dokee. Sounds good. Sorry about the mix-up. ))
You're not the only one who was confused OOP. I was a bit lost too. At this point, it seems to me that Ironclaw has some sort of memory loss maybe? He doesn't seem to remember who anyone is so Mystrea is not using their names in his posts which makes the posts very confusing. I mean, I get why he's doing it, but it's still confusing. Maybe more specific descriptions of the characters Ironclaw is interacting with would help us. I feel like his descriptions are a bit generic and could apply to multiple characters.

Anyway, sorry for the wait, but I decided since no one is interacting with my character at the moment, that I wasn't holding anyone up by taking a few more days to unwind and get back in the swing of things. Plus, I have this engagement party I have to worry about. *sigh* This is all going to get over-whelming very fast.


It took Arachnitron about five or ten minutes to really feel the effects of the internal repairs. Lying there alone in the woods had helped her to feel so much better. The fiery sensation had dissipated and she felt as though she might be able to continue her trek to the Predacon base for more proper repairs. Her vision had cleared enough that she could make out her surroundings a bit better. She was still mostly blind, but at least she had a bit of a better idea of where she was. She struggled to her feet and then immediately transformed to beast mode so her internal repairs could work more efficiently. Her vision was still not that great even with eight eyes, so she used her long spider legs to feel where she was. She reached out to touch the plant life that surrounded her to get a more clear picture of where she was and she used vibrations in the earth to guide her back to base. Her audio sensors still crackled with static inhibiting her hearing, but, at this point, she figured most of the Maximals were either still engaged in battle or making their own repairs. As for the Preds, she could probably just admit to the fact that she had malfunctioned due to damage from the Maximals. It wasn't a complete lie.

As for her reaction to the Maximal programming: Her actions had really shocked the Hybrid. Usually, the Maximal was careful to take control of the body with the Hybrid's permission. She never caused the Hybrid any pain or discomfort when taking control. She usually did so gracefully and gently. Unlike the Predacon personality who often caused pain on purpose. But the pain that had seared through her body when the Maximal attempted to take control was so much more intense than the pain that the Predacon usually caused. She had also thought of the Predacon programming to be the stronger of the three personalities, but perhaps she was wrong. Could it be that the Maximal was the stronger personality of the three all along? Or could it be that the desperation that she felt to protect the other Maximals had been what made her so powerful? Or perhaps it had nothing to do with the Maximal programming at all, but with the inhibitor chip that Tarantulas installed. Perhaps that is what made the attempted transfer of personalities unbearably painful. She would have to wait until Tarantulas fixed the inhibitor chip. If he did.....he did say he would, wouldn't he? Arachnitron wasn't sure.

One thing was for sure......until the inhibitor chip was either fixed or removed, neither personality could have complete control. She could hear the Maximal in her mind explaining what needed to be done.

"Please just let me take control for a few seconds. I'll be able to look at the surroundings and get a clearer view than you can. Then you take control and I'll guide you back to base."

"Yeah? Whose base?" the Hybrid challenged. Not even caring that she was speaking out loud and anyone could hear her having what appeared to be a conversation with herself.

"The Predacons obviously. If we go anywhere else we're stuck like this!"

The Maximal continued to plead with the Hybrid about how they needed to work together and how she could help. The Hybrid ignored her and continued stumbling back to the Darksyde.

Sig by WorpeX.

"Better be prepared for anything
When those demons rise."
(Str8 to the Bottom, Weaving the Fate)
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Unread post by WorpeX »

"Hey, Airazor,"
Without even looking towards Cheetor, Airazor responded back. "Hey." Her mind was lost in the damaged ship in front of her. After the encounter with Umbra, she slid off her chair and began to put the bridge back together again. Despite her injuries, she had slowly begun to make repairs to the hull and mechanics. While she was certainly no Rhinox or Frilla, she did her best with what she had and her ability to repair. Most of it was simple patchwork but she did manage to repair some damaged wiring in the process. She was quite proud of herself actually!
"Airazor, I'd recommend going to beast mode and allowing internal repairs help with some of your damaged systems. I shall get around to the rest of you soon as I can."
"I'm fine, thanks." The falcon responded, still not looking behind her. "The others are far more damaged then I am." The pain of her injuries had subsided for now, although she knew very well that Frilla was right. She SHOULD transform and begin internal repairs. Yet, she had no desire to do that. Fixing the ship felt like the right thing for her to do right now and it put her mind at ease. Despite never having done it before, she felt right at home beneath the computer console, patching data cables, repairing ductwork, putting gears back into their correct spot and marking areas which needed to be rebuilt.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

OOP wrote:

"I find that highly unlikely, Megatron, seeing as you clearly failed to get rid of me with the best opportunity that you could have ever hoped for. You're no better at killing Maximals than at, well, really anything else," Optimus pointed out to the egotistical leader.

There was movement and sound above that his receptors picked up and caused the Maximal to look up in the direction where he suddenly found Starshadow too close to him than he cared for. As her arm raised and Primal could hear the charging of the electricity, he immediately ducked forward, laying flat on his new wash-board abdomen stomach on the ground as her deathly bolt of what seemed to be like lightning crashed into the rock he had been leaning against just moments before, and chunks of stone blew off in every direction. He felt a tingling sensation across his body when the bolt neared him, but despite the debris covering him from head to toe, he had sustained no injuries. Sitting up quickly as the dirt and dust fell off of him, he grabbed his gun from his hip and targeted Starshadow, followed by firing two shots at her. It was unclear to him whether her scream meant she had been hit or if she was suffering from something else, but either way she retreated for the time being, disappearing beyond the rock formations that blocked her from his sight.

"Pr...Pri...Primal..." "Slag you...If its the last thing I do...I. Will. Slag. YOU"

It was Terrorsaur's voice that Optimus could hear but because of the distance between them and the objects surrounding him, he couldn't quite make out what he was saying. But he sounded pretty angry. Sore loser with the aerial games, he supposed. Just then, a shot echoed across the terrain and Terrorsaur was silent. What happened? While distracted with that, a sudden barrage of miniature missiles from Tarantulas rained down upon the Maximal. Most of them hit the ground or the cover that was shielding him, but one managed to clip the side of his left shoulder, engulfing it with heat and a burning sensation. Primal gave a low grumble to expel and cope with the fresh wound, looking at the damage that was caused. Fortunately, his arm and shoulder were still functional and nothing serious was damaged; it was just a bit painful. He tried pushing the anguish aside.

At that time, an interesting aurora of emotions came to Primal from Whitegrazer. She was obviously still in a great deal of hurt and exhaustion, but there was also a calmness within her, as if she was trying to convince someone of showing some compassion or peace. It was too vague for Optimus to understand. All he knew was that he needed to get back to her and the rest of his Maximals as quickly as possible.

Using a boulder in front of him to help support him while he stood up with his legs that were gradually regaining more feeling, the Maximal Commander targeted and fired a few shots at Megatron's abdomen with his gun.

Hidden behind the many rocky outcroppings scattered across this battlefield, Tarantulas cruised silently in spidercycle mode, his many eyes watching Optimus as he exchanged fire with both Megatron and Starshadow, his left shoulder suffering some minor damage from his own missile barrage earlier. The maximal's legs also appeared to still be weak from his cyber venom, though it still bothered him that he was able to function at all, he should have been paralyzed or in stasis lock...Clearly these transmetal bodies had many benefits, benefits he'd have to explore further himself when he had the time to spare.

"No matter, he's still weak at the knees and occupied with less subtle opposition...He'll never see me coming, Hehehahahahaha!" Tarantulas cackled madly, leaving the cover of the rocks at long last, racing forward at top speed to attack Primal's blindside, fangs bared and dripping with cyber venom as he targeted his shoulder wound...

OOC: Hope this latest post is okay OOP, I'll leave it up to you as to whether or not Tarantulas's sneak attack connects or if Primal reacts in time to block his fangs :twisted:
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: Thanks, guys. Been having a lot of trouble with the "General Error" errors tonight, so hopefully this post will go through without any hitches. *grumble* ))

There was a sense of someone creeping up behind him, but Optimus had been too focused on targeting Megatron to turn around. Suddenly, he felt small shocks surge through his maces that traveled to his back and dissolved. Small sparks flew off of their handles as Starshadow's electric blade swiped across them. He gave a light grunt in his own disappointment for letting his guard down and for her continuing to attack when she was clearly growing weak. He could have chased her down before when she landed after her previous attack from the air and made sure of her retreat, but he let her go thinking she would have made the wiser decision. Nope. So now it was time to take action.

Immediately, Primal spun around and with a glare at the female Predacon, he aimed his gun at her right shoulder nearly point blank and fired once. It was her own fault for being that close to him, sneaking up on him like that and trying to take him down on her own. She should be grateful he didn't fire directly at her chest, lower abdomen or her head, or Starshadow might be on the ground in a similar fashion as Terrosaur. These Predacons were relentless.

Just as he had fired at the TransMetal panther, he heard a motorcycle-like rumbling quickly approaching. In search of its origin, the Maximal leader found Tarantulas driving straight toward him. With little time to react, Optimus lifted his arm and fired a shot at the spider's front wheel and then strafed to the side just in case his shot missed or while the wheeled arachnid lost control might try to trip him. However, at the end of his side-step, Primal stumbled a little on his weak legs, catching himself with his left arm on a boulder as he fell to a crouch, his gun still grasped in his right hand. He felt some of the pain in his shoulder's wound tingle down to his hand but it faded quickly and he went to stand back on his feet.

(( OOC: Kind of rushed this; getting late. Must sleep! ))
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by starshadow »

((I've been having lot of trouble about my account being logged out automatically even when I set the settings to login automatically.))

There were two words that popped up in Starshadow's mind when Optimus looked at her, Oh slag.... She could not react quickly enough to avoid that attack, so screamed at the newly made wound on her shoulder after he pulled the trigger. The shot send her on the ground with her blade deactivated, her galvaconduct driver glowly dimly, her white armor with burns, mech fluid and scratches all over it. Although Starshadow was still concious but she was slowly losing it.

"Not saying anything Keres?"

Actually, I do. What a terrible strategy...

"Well..it's just one of those days."

I know what you mean...

Starshadow looked around and noticed Cecaelia and Steelclaw were too in no condition to fight. The tables have turned all because of one Maximal. It was rather disappointing but not surprising to know that Megatron let his anger cloud his judgement and forget about the main objective of the mission.
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Unread post by New Moon »

((Sorry for my slowness, been a bit busy still. And hm, I never thought about that before NK so guess I can improvise with that somehow.))

Frilla glanced towards Stag, watching as he brought up a blue prints of Rhinox's chest which actually would make things a lot easier and quicker. And really when she thought about it this reminded her a lot of working on the Levianthan when it was just in the start of it's creation, making her think this might be in a similar situation as working on it to some degree. "Negative, the blue prints should serve well at the moment Stag which that I thank you for. It should help move things a bit more smoother." She told him, giving him a thankful look before she began to work once more, her optics flashing to the blue prints on occasion to make sure she was making the correct repairs and connections, sealing up fluid lines or putting gears back into place as she worked with a little more swifter hands and feeling her internal repairs helping to take away the pain of her wounds from last nights confrontation.

"Alright Airazor, but I do recommend that if it gets too bad beast mode will help at least." She said, pausing to look at the falcon thoughtfully before going back to her work. And after several minutes of working from the inside out she finally was sealing the large gap in the large mech's chest and leaned back on her back legs, whipping her forehead. "There Rhinox is finally done. But it might be a little while longer before he's up and moving again at full capacity."She said, still showing some concern but having some hope that these mechs might get better and soon she picked up her tools and moved over to Cheetor, seeming as he looked in worse condition than the others as well and began working on his arm, especially to reattach it.