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A Chance to be Outside

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:50 am
by Blazemane
So, I ended my role play post saying I had to go do homework. In my defense, this was homework for Creative Writing.

An iambic poem about walking. Perhaps not too original, but fitting.

* * *

A Chance to be Outside

There was a woman from across the street
who wanted to take one last walk before
the storm set in, in spite of all her friends
who warned her that by now it was too late;
the thunder was already booming- sleet
would slosh down with the lightning, torrents more
than inches- feet!- would slick sidewalks and then
would she regret her cold and windy fate!

She donned her winter coat and stepped outside,
and liked the foreign daytime dimness there.
Should clouds be cast in just one shade, she thought,
another color would not do, but grey.
Sure footed, then, she ventured to a wide,
and grassy field, behind which stood a rare,
shy state of trees whose colors had been wrought
an amber, yellow, flame-orange, red array.

The first of many heavy drops then fell-
at this she did not dare to turn away,
and when she was between the trunks- it swelled-
the humming, harmonizing wind and sway
of branches with their rattle-leaves, all wet,
cascading down by forceful sheets of snare
precipitation which had soaked her, yet
she stayed to see the painting, hear the air.