DC Universe Online

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DC Universe Online

Unread post by Alak »

For all you PS3 and PC gamers, there's this game called DC Universe Online. Last fall, it became free-to-play so if you like superheroes and you like role-playing games, then this is perfect for you! This game isn't old by any means, so why am I bringing it up now? Well, my character is a bit of a lone wolf even though he doesn't want to be a lone wolf. MMORPGs are better played with friends so I'm trying to see if anyone here would be interested. I mainly stick with the PS3 version and my PSN is A27 Alak. Here's my main character in the game:

http://alakdilion.deviantart.com/art/De ... -278281020

The gameplay is alright and pretty typical for an MMORPG. As someone who prefers action-adventures, I'm not a fan of the damage system and the controls feel clunky at times. Don't let that deter you, though, since I say that about every MMORPG. Customization isn't as extensive as City of Heroes but it's still impressive all the same.
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