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Be Nice to Your Roomba's.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:32 am
by Razor One
Oh sure. Sometimes it's all well and fun to tip over your Roombas and watch them flail helplessly about.

Or perhaps you've poked fun at the non-development of Asimo, the Robot that's almost been able to function in a household environment for years and has always been at least a decade away from market implementation for the last twenty years or so.

Yes, we've all had good reason to laugh at the progress, or lack thereof, that robotics has made in comparison to our dreams. It's a defense mechanism. It's the future damnit! We're supposed to have Jetpacks! We're meant to have flying cars! Weather control! Robots worth a damn! We were supposed to have killed off all the lawyers years ago!

Well the future is now people. It may not necessarily how we envisioned it. Marty McFly is going to be sorely dissapointed when he arrives in 4 years time.

"Who's Marty McFly?" you ask?


Still not familiar? Stop reading the damn post, go out of your house, avoid the cancer causing burning ball of hydrogen, and go buy those DVD's! THEN COME BACK AND FINISH THIS POST AFTER YOU'VE WATCHED IT.

Where was I? Oh yes.

The Future is now!

And what do we have now that may, perhaps, live up to our dreams of being conquered, Cylon-Terminator style, by robots?

Ladies, gentlemen, Machine Overlords.

I present to you.


Watching that thing walk is mesmerising. Seriously. Just look at it. It has that certain something that other robots like Asimo never had.

How best to explain what I'm thinking... hrrrm. First, watch Asimo in action.

You can see the difference between the two. Asimo's movements seem more... I hesitate to use the word mechanical but that's the only thing that really fits. Petman, by comparison seems to have....


Oh yes. It definitely has swagger. In spades.

Not enough swagger?

Have some more!

Too much swagger?

Here's a dose of Heroism instead.

The music is from Robocop.


That's another film you've got to go out and purchase.

Return only after you've watched it!

Thus endeth this long, meandering post, vaguely about Robots and the dreams of those that grew up in the 1980's hoping we'd be crushed (or lifted) by the heels of our Robotic Overlords.

Until next time :twisted:

Re: Be Nice to Your Roomba's.

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:30 pm
by Beastbot
Quit daydreaming and GET BACK TO WORK.

Re: Be Nice to Your Roomba's.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:16 am
by Razor One

:twisted: :P