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A Tough Question...

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:34 am
by Razor One
How best to phrase the question?


Lets say an exact duplicate of you could be made, with absolute precision, complete with your lifes memories, scars, genetics, everything and it was exactly the same as you.

Nobody can tell the difference. Your newfound "Twin" is completely convinced that he/she is the original, or at least feels like the original.

Got that wrapped around your head? Good.

Now. Lets say that they also duplicated the one with whom you might be romantically involved with in the same fashion.

Clear so far? Okay.

Now lets say it's resolved which couple are the original and which are not. Would the clone couples love for one another be "Real" per se or would it merely be the sum of the memories of the original?

In essence... If you clone a couple perfectly, do you also clone the love that they feel for one another, or is it merely an artifact of the inherited memories and thus the love they share can be declared to be "Not Real"?

There, I think I got that out =\ I'll post my views when I get back from work tonight.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:04 pm
by JohnHope
Hmmm quite the metaphysical quandry....

I suppose theres two questions, = is love something that is created within a person through hormonic and chemical conditions within the body/brain, or is it something far less tangable like a the idea of a soul.

if you belive in the prior then Id say yes, - if you believe in the latter.... well... its much more of a grey area!

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:48 pm
by CabooseMoose7103
Hmmm...that is a interesting question...

I believe that, yes, you would copy the love if you cloned a couple perfectly. The reason I say that is, if you copied them perfectly they would just be an extension of themselves, sort of like looking in a mirror. A mirror reflects exactly what it sees, so whatever you do, the mirror's reflection does as well. I'm not sure it really matters whether love is caused by a chemical balance in the brain, or something less defined. The cloned couple would be the reflection in the mirror, they would BE the original couple.

That is a really interesting question, though. I'm going to be pondering it for a while.