In an attempt to reach out to female Halo players (and girl gamers in general):
DeviantART Description wrote:"Make your own damn sandwich!!!"
This is piece was made simply as a dedication to [A27]Hylikus. We are indebted to her involvement and contributions to our community. Her participation in our online games such as Halo: Reach and Minecraft are also appreciated to no end. It is not easy being the only girl in a gaming clan, but she has proven her resilience time and time again. It is because of Hylikus that we are now actively looking for female gamers to join our community. If you are a girl and are interested in participating in an online community with fellow gamers, then feel free to come visit out clan at:
The overwhelming effects of our testosterone may be intoxicating at first, but like Hylikus, you will get used to it. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or any of the other administrators on our forums. Thank you for reading.