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Yay, I'm finally gonna get something BW-related!

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 5:24 pm
by Safeguard
You can't actually get those things from Finland, you know. I have to buy them from my acquaintances all over Finland, or Sweden. Here are some things I'm gonna buy, the other probably during June and the other a little later, maybe in July:

Three BW toys from Osku, a Finnish member of the NTFA. The figures are Air Hammer, Snarl and TM Cheetor. I was going to get Sonar, too, but he advised me that I can get it later because it's common. And the postage fee lowers by two euros when I get three instead of four. My poor Sky Shadow will feel pretty outnumbered, though... :P Good thing he has GF Soundblaster and some Cybertron D-Cons, along with Energon Steamhammer, helping him. Poor 'Shadow has to stand right next to Evac... :shock:

And the thing I'm getting in July... Beast Wars: The Gathering -paperback, which has all four comics. It doesn't cost that much, either.

If you guys are interested to see them, I'll send pics.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 1:03 pm
by Razor One
I'm envious of you :evil:

I've never had a TF toy at all. The closest I could get was a beaten up red plastic truck thats been holding me over since 1990.

Still, congrats!

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 3:16 pm
by Kamikaze
Same over here in england safeguard. they used to sell beast wars where i live till about 3 years ago. thats strange but i missed em. all i can get em off is ebay and BWint

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 5:57 pm
by Safeguard
And ya wanna know why they don't sell BW stuff in Finland? The show never aired in the Nordic countries. It was said that it was too violent.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 7:23 pm
by TangledInYourWeb
Wow... BW was thought to be too violent. That's kinda strange. O_o

I myself only own two BW toys. I have TM Tarantulas and Rampage. I have some old Transformers though that I had gotten from my uncle when I was a kid... can't remember them all, but the ones I do remember are Ultra Magnus, Grimlock and Galvatron.

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 5:36 am
by Safeguard
EDIT: I have over 40 (!) now. Jeez. I'll list them:

Cybertron Shockwave&Tankor, Hardtop, Scattorshot, Clocker, Wreckloose, Overhaul, Lugnutz, Landmine, Red Alert, Snarl, Sideways, CD Hot Shot, Evac, Wing Saber.

Cybertron LoC Vector Prime, Galvatron and two red Hot Shots.

Galaxy Force Soundblaster and Hell Buzzsaw.

Energon Ultra Magnus, Knock-Out, Payload, Astroscope, Skyblast, Steamhammer, Divebomb.

Armada Blurr, Knock Out.

Beast Wars Sky Shadow, TM Cheetor, Air Hammer, Snarl, Jawbreaker, fake Tigatron (pretty awesome for a fake, though), Airazor, TM2 Prowl, Sonar, Insecticon, Drill Bit.

Beast Machines Tankor, Snarl, Quickstrike.

Alternators Windcharger.

Two Victory Landcross knock-offs. The exact same figure, too. I bought the other some time ago, and my NTFA friends bought everyone in an NTFA meeting the same figure. o.0 The meeting was held two days ago and the friends I'm talking about were our hosts, Psychotron and Blackarachnia. (I'll count Landcross as six figures, so it's twelve).

One RiD Ruination knock-off. I count it as five bots.

Um... that's... 62 (WHOA! :shock: It's 43 without the fake Tigatron, the other red LoC Hot Shot and the knock-offs.. so I have 43 official ones!? Jeez!).

The. paperback. arrived. a. long. while. ago. And it was awesome! :D