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Map Idea

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:38 pm
by NaitoKage

So here is essentially the map idea so far, feel free to add any ideas.

Basically a simple map with a grid estimated to be 1 meter by 1 meter in space. The Red arrows dictate where your character is facing and the trailing line may refer to movement from a spot, as seen by Cecaelia taking cover. The blue line from Icebreaker's gun obviously being his blast.

Movement on the map would be indicated from the player's speed and certain terrain would effect that dependently on certain factors.

Grass/desert open terrain=Normal movement to land characters, can move faster other certain circumstances (Transport or particular abilities IE:Cheetor's Golden Rocket would double his movement from 10 to 20, or Primal's After burners, other players can be brought up to faster speeds by certain players IE:Icebreaker towing Orcariner or carrying someone on his break shield,riding on a four legged character's back IE:StarShadow,Whitegrazer,etc)
Mud, thick forest difficult terrain=half movement to land characters
Water Unless the character is a water type, movement is 1 to 2 squares depending on if their beast mode can swim or not.

Fliers I assume just go their speed with possible issues of wind reducing that by one or so, increased speeds from things like afterburners (aka Prime jets maximum burn) could make the character move twice their normal speed.

Similar for water character however the difference is ocean currents are less effective on heavier characters(The best swimmers on the planet tend to be the heavier of animals unless something like a Sailfish..which would be classed as 10 in speed in the ocean.)

Things like cover could help with interfering with some character's attacks, and ranges of the map would help figure out if the character is skilled enough to hit a target from said distance. Could also help with telling the area a character is hiding for ambushes, hidden traps, or other such things.

Re: Map Idea

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:44 pm
by una
That is a cool idea and will help us get a visual idea of what is happening just in case, someone gets confused.

I love it. The map looks clear to me.

Re: Map Idea

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:21 pm
by Alak
We should use this. Maybe before a significant event occurs or if someone's confused, we can whip up a map of this design.

Re: Map Idea

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:12 am
by NaitoKage
Decided to post here since I brought up the idea long ago. Here it is again in it's current form.

The battle map system is simply using "Maptools" to act as a virtual gameboard for character icons, and lets me use my vast inventory of mapping images for making battle backgrounds, or random generators for caves and other unique situations. Scale wise each square represents a 5 foot area, token/minitures come in four sizes. Medium, Large, Huge, and Gargantuan. Medium is between Cheetor and Rattrap size, Large is Optimus Primal, Rhinox, Silverbolt. Huge is around Rampage and Depthcharge size, and Gargantuan is Optimal Optimus, Orcariner, and Tantrum. The icons are drawn in a "Chibi" style, in inspiration from old RPG videogames and it kinda makes it easier to see some of the character icons to recognize who is who.

So what would these be used for and how do they effect the player? Particularly large battles which may confuse other players, when that comes to the case, just keep posting as you normally do, and I will set the characters up on the play field using a few rules.

Character speed will count for how far they move, however moving your speed limit in a post doesn't limit you to that speed as other factors can effect how fast you go. Are you just running and not attacking? Move twice speed! Are you in beast mode and built for that sorta of terrain, bonus to movement on the map! Are you in water or mud and not built to work in those environments? You'll probably move slower, though I doubt this will come up much as most the beast wars is held in a african desert.

So why movement factors? Well, we never use the speed stats on characters much, and this should prevent sometimes insane notions of a character traveling miles on their own without the capabilities to do so in a VERY Short time. IE:low or average speed stats, without a transport or mode that increases the user's movement speed and so on. Though.. this does lead to the Overkill in speed factor.. as Cheetor in beast mode can move probably over 20 squares on the map if all he is doing is running. But that's no different then having a 10 in any other skill. Transmetal 2 Cheetor.. I'm not entirely sure how many squares, but I'd put it as the fact he can travel Mach 2 on land means REALLY fast in beast mode.

In case of a situation similar to the cave episode with traps and what not, a "dungeon" map will be used to guide the players around, I'll avoid sending any of my characters in and instead act as "gamemaster", throwing traps and other situations at the group wandering the horrid maze.

Other effects will include images for placement as to location of where a character's bomb, drone, or other feature may be placed, where one of the transports is, fallen weapons, and other things that may come up.

So how often will this map be updated? Probably once every few days depending.

Now then! Vote on if you prefer with a grid, or without a grid.


Re: Map Idea

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:34 am
by starshadow
Yay chibis! I like whitegrazer chibi. :3 I perfer no grid.

Re: Map Idea

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:50 pm
by Phoenix
If we're going to have something like this, I prefer with grid so it's easier to determine distance.

Re: Map Idea

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:58 pm
by Alak
Grid for sure. It'll help out especially when Orcariner's in battle since every Maximal around him gets radar (they need to know where everyone is at all times).

Re: Map Idea

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:25 pm
by NaitoKage
True, also depending on the scale(size) of the map, commander characters could plan out tactics of where to have characters go for ambushes,retreats, or other ideas.

However that also means I'd have to figure out what Orcariner's radar range is, as well where and how far his motion sensors can detect and transmitt.

Luckily, I can present this easily enough.
As Scorponok demonstrates, scaled at Orcariner's size.

Re: Map Idea

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:31 pm
by Blazemane
I like seeing things like this- and your character drawings are fun to look at.

I think we should pay attention to how much we want movement and range to be open to interpretation, though, or we might end up debating what the maps truly do and don't allow our characters to do. Like... you laying out that a 4 speed character could move 8 when she or he isn't attacking- that makes plenty of sense, but then is double movement a hard-and-fast rule for non-attacking characters, or just a sort of... logical result of not attacking, so that a four-speed character who isn't attacking could make an argument for moving nine spaces, or ten or something?

Somewhere in the above paragraph, I think what I'm trying to say is that things could tricky if one player specifically plans out where their character is in relation to the map (so that, for example, Arachnitron plants herself just out of range of Whitegrazer's running speed so the horse doesn't get up to her and start kicking her into stasis lock), and then another player takes some story-telling liberties and moves even just a few extra squares (Whitegrazer runs 21 squares rather than 18 and starts diffusing Arachnitron into submission).
(The above example is no comment on the playing styles of Blackrose and Una)

This might not turn out to be an issue at all, and I can't think of a reason not to try the maps; they could turn out awesome. But it might be better to think about possible disagreements before they show up for the first time while we're using the maps.

Re: Map Idea

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:45 pm
by NaitoKage
Well, in the case of a slow character trying to run away from a faster character.. it really depends on the character.

For instance, Arachnitron has many skills which Whitegrazer doesn't have, like being able to climb on walls and access to webbing. So if there's a large rock, tree, or forest which would be harder for a horse to run through, Arachnitron should be able to use one of those as a means of escape.

It's just kinda something to take into consideration when you select a speed stat. Just like how some characters will have a easier time moving quicker in certain areas compared to others, like.. Whitegrazer chasing Cecaelia through a River, Cecaelia would move her speed while Whitegrazer would be slowed by the water and mud. On the other hand, in a grassy or sandy area, Whitegrazer would be catching up to Cecaelia.

There are also alternative forms of movement, like Flying, or using a Grappling hook like Tarantulus,Blackarachnia,Icebreaker, and Aurora who can use that to a certain range and just pull themselves in that direction. Or super jump like the Dragoon we were talking about.:P

Re: Map Idea

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:39 pm
by una
I love the grids better because of what you guys have dictated so far. :D

I love the map idea. I always try to visual the places our characters go and try to keep in mind what can happen and the environment.

Re: Map Idea

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:00 am
by WorpeX
I really just want to see a Chibi version of Manterror. :mrgreen:

Re: Map Idea

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:05 am
by NaitoKage
Oh he's on the list! Don't worry.

Re: Map Idea

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:47 am
by NaitoKage
Sneak peek at a few additions. Aphrodite and Season 1 Orcariner. Need to do new art for the Nomad.

Re: Map Idea

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:47 am
by Warwulf

What ever happened with this idea?