Icebreaker's shield

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Icebreaker's shield

Unread post by NaitoKage »


More scribble art as I tend to call it, though technically I suppose just character model art would be more fitting.. or rough drafts..

In any case, today we have Icebreaker's infamous Break Shield. While his gun is the envy of his teammates and bane of enemies, his shield is a rather unique piece of hardware. On the top left image is the shield in it's normal folded mode, while on the right shows it deployed in it's "board" mode, a vehicle inspired by snow mobiles and powered snowboards which Icebreaker skims across land and water at high speed when not using the shield to take insane firepower or hide behind from explosions.

The bottom images show a side view of the shield in board mode, as well as a improvised "stretcher" mode for lifting and carrying patients as Icebreaker is a field medic, though if they have to be transported.. generally he'd just put the body on the board and ride it like a motorized sled.
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