Botcon 2011

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Baron Fel
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Unread post by Baron Fel »

Ah. Well that's a bummer.

Hey silver you happen to get my reply to your facebook post bout the room and such?

Also airfare is a rip off. :x
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Unread post by Sinead »

Nurann, are you and everyone else holding out on me? Should I worry about that? XD

If you are, go for it. I'll try not to worry, and I'll try not to pry. Sneaky slaggers. ^.^

But yeah, I'm probably gonna end up skipping HoF. If anything, I would have liked to have been there when Dinobot was inducted, but I mean, eh, I'm not interested. I'm super-excited about everything else, though. It's been too long since I've been to a con just to have fun!
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Unread post by Beastbot »

OK, I must be outta the loop here. Is June 5th Sinead's birthday or something?
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Unread post by Nurann »

Sinead's birthday is indeed the week of Botcon, plus we have a request to take a roadtrip to the ocean. Silver and I were talking about another attempt at the tattoo place, but we'll see on that one.

Plus, the HoF just seemed like an unnecessary additional cost as the real party is the Awards dinner.

I think that covered the road so far...

*collapses into a heap and falls asleep*
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Unread post by Beastbot »

Sweet, I'm in. Nice to know I won't just be eating dinner alone since I'm not going to the HoF.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

I really wish they would host a botcon closer to where I live sometime soon, since it's a long trip to Florida and California from north-western NY, and sadly a vast majority of the conventions have been hosted there.

Hint hint, botcon ppl, we do have convention centers up here too. ;) Toronto would be swell as well. At least let me go to a single convention in my lifetime, since I never got to experience it.
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Unread post by Sinead »

June 4th is indeed my birthday and WE'RE GOING TO THE OCEAN??!?!? That's IT! I'm packin' my pretty bikini! This is gonna be a riot of a weekend.

Now to finish kicking this cold to the curb and to start production of the Jazz dress.
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Unread post by Rakshash »

Phoenix wrote:I really wish they would host a botcon closer to where I live sometime soon, since it's a long trip to Florida and California from north-western NY, and sadly a vast majority of the conventions have been hosted there.

Hint hint, botcon ppl, we do have convention centers up here too. ;) Toronto would be swell as well. At least let me go to a single convention in my lifetime, since I never got to experience it.
HA! I can totally relate, Phoenix. I used to gnaw at my hands and have near-aneurysms reading about all the conventions and people meeting up and such like, thinking "I'm never ever going to one." And while I have yet to go to a convention exclusively Bot-related, I did manage to go to a pretty big one eventually (PLUS point for getting to meet up with a really good friend). I'm pretty certain if someone in Pakistan managed to blunder her way to a convention, then living where you do, you will manage to make one.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

I'm pretty certain if someone in Pakistan managed to blunder her way to a convention, then living where you do, you will manage to make one.
If only it was that easy.. the further away the convention is, the more it will cost to get there. Not sure where the Pakistan girl (or boy) managed to get the money, but we are essentially living hand to mouth as is. No vacations for us. :( Not to mention the fact that I am currently 8 months pregnant and my baby is due in June.

It just seems rather unfair that such a vast majority of the big conventions are always held in the very south of the USA, in the coastal regions. As much as I would like to go there, with the little one and money and all, it just does not seem likely to happen unless they break this current trend.
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Unread post by Beastbot »

In 2007 Botcon was in Providence, Rhode Island, Phoenix. So it hasn't been too long.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

I only moved to NY in 2006. It has only been the last few years that wanting to see a convention has been an issue for me. In 2007 I was not part of any fandom, due to being extremely busy with school and even more dirt poor (was jobless at the time). I gave up on tfs for a while back then (although Rhode Island could have been fun.. aside from Canada and Virginia, I haven't really made it out of NYS. )

Still hardly seems right that throughout this vast, beautiful country, the convention is usually held in the south nowadays. It's a huge country, with plenty of nice places to see. Much more so than California only, as has been the case the past few years.

Regardless if I ever do go to California or Florida, it will be for an even longer lasting childhood dream of mine. Disneyworld/Disneyland!!!!!! As much as I would like to see a tf convention up front, you just cannot defeat the appeal of childhood wonders and dreams. :)
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Disney world=Florida
Disney land=California. Generally most people don't want to go to that one..

as for Conventions.. I'd probably only go if I could figure out how to go in a hazmat suit..
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Unread post by Nurann »

So holy slag, less that a week to go. Anyone else going Waspy in anticipation?
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Baron Fel
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Unread post by Baron Fel »

I'm going more (Ta)ranty, cackling like a madman and making evil plans. (mostly involving how far I can stretch my cash).

But I'm totally stoked for Botcon.
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Unread post by Starath »

Howdy ya'll, just checking in again. I'm coming to Botcon as well. Not excited yet, but knowing myself I'll be all wound up the night before I get to the airport.

With some repairs done, I'll be TFA Blitzwing, whose costume won't fall apart anymore (hopefully).

Baron, BeastBot, have either of you been to Pasadena before? If you have, do you know if there's a way to visit the ocean without needing to rent a car?

I was born & raised on the Californian coast, which I haven't seen for 15 years. Visiting my home town isn't going to happen, but I'd like to personally make sure the Pacific is where I left it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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