Bwint's been updated!

Where you can post announcements and other cool things. Doesn't have to be BW-related.

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Bwint's been updated!

Unread post by Sapphire »

Hi all,

At long last I managed to get the site updated. I actually did it on the 16th but spending the hours at the PC screwed up my back so much (I have chronic myofascial pain in my back and neck) that I needed to avoid computers for a few days afterward. I'll be sending out a mailing letter later today to alert others. Basically, the update is to let people know that I want to do a content-heavy update in mid to late January and that if people have anything they'd like to see up, to send (or resend) it along. If I can update the site in little bits each day, that should be a lot better for my bad back. So send away if you have stuff like fics, art, etc. :)

Sorry it took me so long, everyone!
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Unread post by sj_hawkins »

OOoooh. I'll have a cheeky look at it all later. :D

And no need to apologise. Your health always comes first.
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Unread post by Sapphire »

Hi all,

I had planned on an update by the end of January but then all kinds of crazy started to happen in the final week of the month, putting things on hold. I will attempt to update this coming weekend, though, so if you have any fanfics or art or adoptions etc. you want to send in, do it now. :)
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

I'd send you some art, Sapphire, but I think you mentioned that you'd prefer them to be in small formats. I think all of mine are pretty large (I do it by default now in case I make prints), and at the moment I don't have time to reformat them. Maybe by this weekend I can do that.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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