So.. it's dead eh?
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- NaitoKage
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So.. it's dead eh?
I think the title sums up everything on everybody's mind. It's almost Christmas and we haven't had any new posts. So.. what would you guys wanna do?
- starshadow
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Plant bombs in the threads? Just kiddin 
We have the character lounge thingy but's also dead..the only thing we can do is wait.

We have the character lounge thingy but's also dead..the only thing we can do is wait.

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Move onto a new episode (canon or OC). Orcariner and Scorponok have nothing left for them, and the story is still being dragged out.

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We could move onto a new episode. But I wonder how many of us who haven't been moving in the past couple weeks are doing it because the plot requires other character's actions, and how many of us haven't been moving because we've just lost interest in playing.
Maybe we should see who's actually still interested in playing? Like... I know Venatrix is in a dificult position right now. SkyxDB said she's getting writer's block. I suggested actions her character could take, but haven't heard from her since, etc.
We could move onto a new episode. But I wonder how many of us who haven't been moving in the past couple weeks are doing it because the plot requires other character's actions, and how many of us haven't been moving because we've just lost interest in playing.
Maybe we should see who's actually still interested in playing? Like... I know Venatrix is in a dificult position right now. SkyxDB said she's getting writer's block. I suggested actions her character could take, but haven't heard from her since, etc.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.
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- JazZeke
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*swoops in*
Sorry, can't help myself. If indeed this game really has died, which is always a sad thing to see, I would like to invite the players to come join my Beast Era RPG. We would love to see an expansion in our community.
Sorry, can't help myself. If indeed this game really has died, which is always a sad thing to see, I would like to invite the players to come join my Beast Era RPG. We would love to see an expansion in our community.
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I'll be honest that the RPG has definitely been the last thing on my mind for a long while now. And for that, I apologize. I am not on-line for long intervals nearly as much as I used to be, and it feels really good to be away from the monitor. I've been drawing and painting and roller skating and seeing movies and spending time with my siblings instead with my spare time. I was intending to get the ball rolling again for the game (great opportunity for me having the week after this one enitrely off of work), but if the majority of players don't have the time or motivation anymore, then we might as well end it. Or we can start a new episode and see how well it goes.
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I'm game for either continuing this episode or starting a new one, but either way I am definitely still interested.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.
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I'm still game, if I have to take on some ones canon character I will. That way the game can go some what faster.
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- NaitoKage
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Same. Right, so I guess we need to do some pruning a bit with characters gone and such.. and move on to the next story since honestly we know how this is going to currently end. Maximals acquire Tigatron and Feral Night, Predacons get Blackarachnia and Frilla. Aquatic unit and Valkyrie get repaired at base, while Predacons do the same with StarShadow having a broken foot, Steelclaw's messed up leg, Glowstick being full of holes, Sonar probably having some things rattling inside his head, and their vehicle probably needing a good lookover/overhaul before being sent out again. So that would just leave Megatron vs Optimus Primal, Tigatron, Cheetor, Rhinox, and Rattrap, maybe having Wintersong follow which I'm sure if Venatrix saw those odds would leave Waspinator and Terrorsaur to just get blown up with the tyrant.
Now then, I also have something to propose. If Venny doesn't want to be active in the game, should we just leave her characters in intensive care or something? Then if she wants to return they could just wake up and go "Oh! Hai guys!" kinda like how Xzuk and the others that didn't come from South America are just stated as being "Lost wandering the planet" ?
Now then.. those who are realitively ownerless at the moment..
Predacon wise Megatron, Terrorsaur(Dal went MIA pretty quick last I remembered..), Waspinator,Blackarachnia(Vena T_T) possibly Tarantulus unless that guy is still floating around (Sorry, I have trouble remembering since that was almost two months ago, even my brain has limits.). while Maximal end I guess Rhinox is mine unless someone wants him more, Blaze was playing Dinobot for awhile, and then ofcourse we have Tigatron which we'll probably want to give to someone who wont mind being flirted with by Airazor the few times that happens. (Geh.. just realized 90% of the Predacons are ownerless.)
Then ofcourse the future dealings of Inferno and Airazor.... and figuring out which OCs are still around, if Sky's writer's block means something or not and such..
Now then, I also have something to propose. If Venny doesn't want to be active in the game, should we just leave her characters in intensive care or something? Then if she wants to return they could just wake up and go "Oh! Hai guys!" kinda like how Xzuk and the others that didn't come from South America are just stated as being "Lost wandering the planet" ?
Now then.. those who are realitively ownerless at the moment..
Predacon wise Megatron, Terrorsaur(Dal went MIA pretty quick last I remembered..), Waspinator,Blackarachnia(Vena T_T) possibly Tarantulus unless that guy is still floating around (Sorry, I have trouble remembering since that was almost two months ago, even my brain has limits.). while Maximal end I guess Rhinox is mine unless someone wants him more, Blaze was playing Dinobot for awhile, and then ofcourse we have Tigatron which we'll probably want to give to someone who wont mind being flirted with by Airazor the few times that happens. (Geh.. just realized 90% of the Predacons are ownerless.)
Then ofcourse the future dealings of Inferno and Airazor.... and figuring out which OCs are still around, if Sky's writer's block means something or not and such..
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Here's one thing we really have to fix. Please don't be offended because ya'll know I love you guys, but this is something I've noticed many months ago:
The players who control the important characters are also the ones who aren't active in the RPG. OOP plays Optimus Primal and while she fulfilled her role for this episode, she admitted that the RPG is not currently a high priority for her. Most BW episodes require Primal to be active since he's a pivotal character. Dal controlled Megatron who's just as important as Primal, but how often does she post? Ven designed her OC to be the 2nd in command of the Maximals, but she probably posts once a month at most. I feel that a lot of the most frequent posters/lurkers are the ones who have "normal" characters. I think that if we just roll with an OC Episode that doesn't involve significant usage of canon characters, we could keep it going for quite a while. Just look at how fast OC Episode #1 progressed as opposed to the first two canon episodes. When it was just Glowstick, Icebreaker, Orcariner, Sonar, Starshadow, and Steelclaw (all six are just supporting characters), look how fast "Double Jeopardy" moved as opposed to the canon-filled "Fallen Comrades" thread. Heck, it still has almost double the pages. The only reason why it stopped was because its focus was moved to the battle with Ven and SkyXDB (and neither have posted).
The players who control the important characters are also the ones who aren't active in the RPG. OOP plays Optimus Primal and while she fulfilled her role for this episode, she admitted that the RPG is not currently a high priority for her. Most BW episodes require Primal to be active since he's a pivotal character. Dal controlled Megatron who's just as important as Primal, but how often does she post? Ven designed her OC to be the 2nd in command of the Maximals, but she probably posts once a month at most. I feel that a lot of the most frequent posters/lurkers are the ones who have "normal" characters. I think that if we just roll with an OC Episode that doesn't involve significant usage of canon characters, we could keep it going for quite a while. Just look at how fast OC Episode #1 progressed as opposed to the first two canon episodes. When it was just Glowstick, Icebreaker, Orcariner, Sonar, Starshadow, and Steelclaw (all six are just supporting characters), look how fast "Double Jeopardy" moved as opposed to the canon-filled "Fallen Comrades" thread. Heck, it still has almost double the pages. The only reason why it stopped was because its focus was moved to the battle with Ven and SkyXDB (and neither have posted).

- NaitoKage
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Trust me, that has been noticed and I don't believe anyone is going to be offended by stating a fact. OC mission could be an option since there are alot of OC characters around. Hell, Predacons have a full squad that has been used actively for special ops missions. Maximals could probably form one with Orcariner, Icebreaker, Saberfang, Skyfire(possibly), Feralnight, Wintersong, and so on..
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Have to say I agree in doing OC episodes, mean we all know what happens in the original series with minor tings changed due to the OCs. That's probably for the reason some have lost interest. But I'm up for trying the OC episodes an see what happens for it too.
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We could do that or we could quickly finish the Blackarachnia episode, seeing how the preds already have the pod and fight is pretty much pointless. We could put the pod at the PRed base and have three Predacons stay there to protect it while the others do thier own thing or go and help Megatron.
I have plans for Saberfang and Sonar in the later episodes and the Oc episodes could mess with that. But then again oc episode could work for what I have planned for Saber and Sonar.
I have plans for Saberfang and Sonar in the later episodes and the Oc episodes could mess with that. But then again oc episode could work for what I have planned for Saber and Sonar.
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A few ideas:
-Predacons and Maximals detect cache of energon and rush off to it. When they arrive, unexpected (or expected but unheeded) seismic activity turns the land into an unstable and potentially lethal obstacle course.
-Predacons and Maximals are out on a scouting patrol (or running after yet another cache of energon) when they run into an unknown 'bot (a Vok design- based on the anatomical information taken from Optimus Primal. Now that they know of the Cybertronians' offensive capabilities, they want to test how powerful those capabilities are in a non-virtual setting, and also see how effective an emissary of their size would be in eradicating them [a possible precursor to Tigerhawk]. This 'bot would probably possess frightening durability, and maybe some cloaking or impersonating abilities). It could be just one or two from each side who run into this creation, and they call in reinforcements, or maybe everybody's already present when it starts confronting them one-by-one, or everyone-at-the-same-time, etc.
-Predacons and Maximals get into a fight (because that's what they do) and uncover a substance or some other means of radiation which trashes all but their most basic systems (no more energon dampening, no potential for communication, no targeting or navigation computers, etc.) Now they've got to get back on knowledge and thinking alone amidst the threat of each other's teams stalking the land.
-Predacons and Maximals detect cache of energon and rush off to it. When they arrive, unexpected (or expected but unheeded) seismic activity turns the land into an unstable and potentially lethal obstacle course.
-Predacons and Maximals are out on a scouting patrol (or running after yet another cache of energon) when they run into an unknown 'bot (a Vok design- based on the anatomical information taken from Optimus Primal. Now that they know of the Cybertronians' offensive capabilities, they want to test how powerful those capabilities are in a non-virtual setting, and also see how effective an emissary of their size would be in eradicating them [a possible precursor to Tigerhawk]. This 'bot would probably possess frightening durability, and maybe some cloaking or impersonating abilities). It could be just one or two from each side who run into this creation, and they call in reinforcements, or maybe everybody's already present when it starts confronting them one-by-one, or everyone-at-the-same-time, etc.
-Predacons and Maximals get into a fight (because that's what they do) and uncover a substance or some other means of radiation which trashes all but their most basic systems (no more energon dampening, no potential for communication, no targeting or navigation computers, etc.) Now they've got to get back on knowledge and thinking alone amidst the threat of each other's teams stalking the land.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.
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- NaitoKage
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Hm.. an Evil Optimus eh? Sounds amusing. I wonder how Candi would like that.