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Good news every one!

Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Make sure you watch the hub on Friday. From 12 noon to 2:00. The first episodes of TF's prime is on at 1:00 and 1:30 and at 12noon is a Transformers Prime Preview. Check your local listings just in case you have a different channel system.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

I have to pay extra to get the HUB channel, which I refuse to do seeing how much the cable company is sucking from me as it is. So, would anyone happen to know if it'll be on-line anywhere? Hulu perhaps? YouTube? Thanks!
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Unread post by JazZeke »

Odds are you'll be able to watch it on Hulu. At least you'll have that option though, since I don't have satellite or an internet connection fast enough to watch videos on. :roll:

It's TF Animated season 3 all over again.
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Unread post by Blazemane »

JazZeke wrote:It's TF Animated season 3 all over again.
I feel your pain. I haven't been able to watch that season yet either.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by JazZeke »

Blazemane wrote:
JazZeke wrote:It's TF Animated season 3 all over again.
I feel your pain. I haven't been able to watch that season yet either.
Really? I thought they were all up on youtube, at least.

And actually I finally did manage to see it a few months ago, but only because a friend burned them onto some CDs for me. I watched 'em off my computer.
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Unread post by GoktimusPrime »

All the TF Prime episodes can be found on YouTube. This series has yet to be aired in Australia, so I've been watching them all on YouTube.

[quote=JazZeke]It's TF Animated season 3 all over again.[/quote]
So Transformers Animated Season 3 was never released on DVD anywhere right? Cos it was definitely not released here, and I'm willing to import an overseas version (my DVD player can play multi region) if possible. If anyone here lives in a region where Animated Season 3 is available on DVD please please please LMK! So far I just have a disc with downloaded eps burnt on it... but I really wanna own a proper legit licensed DVD set of Animated S3!!
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Unread post by Aesir »

GoktimusPrime wrote:All the TF Prime episodes can be found on YouTube. This series has yet to be aired in Australia, so I've been watching them all on YouTube.
JazZeke wrote:It's TF Animated season 3 all over again.
So Transformers Animated Season 3 was never released on DVD anywhere right? Cos it was definitely not released here, and I'm willing to import an overseas version (my DVD player can play multi region) if possible. If anyone here lives in a region where Animated Season 3 is available on DVD please please please LMK! So far I just have a disc with downloaded eps burnt on it... but I really wanna own a proper legit licensed DVD set of Animated S3!!
There isn't and most likely never will be since the series was partially owned by Cartoon Network, and Hasbro dumped them for their own channel

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