I wish this could happen (update)

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I wish this could happen (update)

Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Since i last posted this i've come up with more actors i would want to voice for my characters. Should War of the Wolves A new age and War of the Wolves Syria's Return ever become a movie.

Voice for Kizer: David Kaye

Voice for Ashvin (Darius' father) : Liam Neeson or Christopher Lee

Voice for Ashvin Adult (Son of Ritz and Darius) : Gary Chalk ^_^

Voice for Garland: Sean Connery or Keith David

Voice for Garland (Adult; Son of Ritz and Darius) : Scott McNeil

Voice for Marius: Arnold Vosloo

Voice for Ritz(young) : Michelle Rodriguez

Voice for Ritz(old) : Sigourney Weaver or

Voice for Mariah: (Not sure yet)

Voice for Talon: George Takei (love his voice)

Voice for Zion: Gerard Butler, Patrick Stewart, Hugo Weaving or Bill Nighy

Voice for Darius: David Kaye

Voice for Sygore: Peter Cullen

Voice for Syria: (not sure yet)

Voice for Shadowfax: Ian McKellen or Alan Rickman

Again, i don't think this could happen but i can dream. ^_^
Last edited by Night-Hunter on Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:33 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Unread post by VelociBerg »

Voice for Shadowfax: Ian McKellen
I laughed when I read that part. Can anyone guess why? :lol: (Note: not making fun of the choice)
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

I laughed when I read that part. Can anyone guess why?
I have no idea why?
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Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

XD Shadowfax was the beautiful horse only Gandolf (Ian) could ride in the Lord of the Rings.

Yay! What do I win?? Too bad the lottery isn't this easy. :lol:

Nice choices, N-H. I snickered at Kevin Michael Richardson. Doesn't he do the Bill Cosby impressions on Family Guy? So funny.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

I get it now. lol.
Nice choices, N-H. I snickered at Kevin Michael Richardson. Doesn't he do the Bill Cosby impressions on Family Guy? So funny.
Thanks, i needed some one with a deep voice for Fenris and that's who came to mind.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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