I wish this could happen (update)
Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:45 pm
Since i last posted this i've come up with more actors i would want to voice for my characters. Should War of the Wolves A new age and War of the Wolves Syria's Return ever become a movie.
Voice for Kizer: David Kaye
Voice for Ashvin (Darius' father) : Liam Neeson or Christopher Lee
Voice for Ashvin Adult (Son of Ritz and Darius) : Gary Chalk ^_^
Voice for Garland: Sean Connery or Keith David
Voice for Garland (Adult; Son of Ritz and Darius) : Scott McNeil
Voice for Marius: Arnold Vosloo
Voice for Ritz(young) : Michelle Rodriguez
Voice for Ritz(old) : Sigourney Weaver or
Voice for Mariah: (Not sure yet)
Voice for Talon: George Takei (love his voice)
Voice for Zion: Gerard Butler, Patrick Stewart, Hugo Weaving or Bill Nighy
Voice for Darius: David Kaye
Voice for Sygore: Peter Cullen
Voice for Syria: (not sure yet)
Voice for Shadowfax: Ian McKellen or Alan Rickman
Again, i don't think this could happen but i can dream. ^_^
Voice for Kizer: David Kaye
Voice for Ashvin (Darius' father) : Liam Neeson or Christopher Lee
Voice for Ashvin Adult (Son of Ritz and Darius) : Gary Chalk ^_^
Voice for Garland: Sean Connery or Keith David
Voice for Garland (Adult; Son of Ritz and Darius) : Scott McNeil
Voice for Marius: Arnold Vosloo
Voice for Ritz(young) : Michelle Rodriguez
Voice for Ritz(old) : Sigourney Weaver or
Voice for Mariah: (Not sure yet)
Voice for Talon: George Takei (love his voice)
Voice for Zion: Gerard Butler, Patrick Stewart, Hugo Weaving or Bill Nighy
Voice for Darius: David Kaye
Voice for Sygore: Peter Cullen
Voice for Syria: (not sure yet)
Voice for Shadowfax: Ian McKellen or Alan Rickman
Again, i don't think this could happen but i can dream. ^_^