Cool Guys VS Cool Girls

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Demon Man
Posts: 105
Joined: Fri Feb 22, 2008 8:44 pm
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Cool Guys VS Cool Girls

Unread post by Demon Man »

Man, it's been a while since I made a thread! Thought I'd make an awesome battle of cool, tough characters from both Beast Wars and other forms of media. So, here are the invidivudal battles. Please list the outcomes of who would win one by one in this order, everyone.

Dinobot(Beast Wars)VS Nitara(Mortal Kombat)

Sunfire(Marvel Comics)VS Frost(Mortal Kombat)

Scorpion(Mortal Kombat)VS Blackarachnia(Beast Wars)

Robocop(Robocop Series)VS Asuka Kazama(Tekken)

Paul Phoenix(Tekken)VS Chun-Li(Street Fighter)

Wolverine(Marvel Comics)VS Renamon(Digimon)

Tiger(Monster Rancher)VS Tigress(Kung Fu Panda)

Depth Charge(Beast Wars)VS Psylocke(Marvel Comics)

Vegeta(Dragonball Z)VS Ms. Marvel(Marvel Comics)

Steve Fox(Tekken)VS Cammy(Street Fighter)

Hwoarang(Tekken)VS Elektra(Marvel Comics)

Diego(Ice Age)VS Vitani(The Lion King II)

Fei Long(Street Fighter)VS Hermione Granger(Harry Potter)

Akira Yuki(Virtua Fighter)VS Colleen(Road Rovers)

Garurumon(Digimon)VS Pixie(Monster Rancher)

Gray Wolf(Monster Rancher)VS Gatomon(Digimon)

Punisher(Marvel Comics)VS Huntress(DC Comics)

Guile(Street Fighter)VS Catwoman(DC Comics)

Blade(Marvel Comics)VS Sonya Blade(Mortal Kombat)

Ghost Rider(Marvel Comics)VS Fire(DC Comics)

Kovu(The Lion King II)VS Feral(Marvel Comics)

Enjoy, everybody!
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