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Die Cast Construction...

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 4:04 am
by Sapphire
"It's a lost art," said Optimus Primal. Well, Optimus, according to my friend Greg, you're about to be remade in that lost artform.

My friend and fellow TF fan brought to my attention a day or so ago, that there's going to be a Transformers Titanium series. The die-cast toys are mostly G1 characters (and other universes) but they ARE making Optimal Optimus as a metal toy. He gave me this link to check out: And they will be fully transformable, yay! (See pics of metal Megs and Optimus Prime here: ... ron?page=1)

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 8:07 pm
by Beastbot

...Heh. And you even replied, too.


Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 12:08 pm
by Sapphire
Shows how good my memory is. :shock:

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 5:19 pm
by Outtsyder
Sapphire wrote:Shows how good my memory is. :shock:
Eh, more like how thin you've been spread out all over the place, with everything you've needed to do. Trust me, with all the stuff I've got, I'm prone to forgetting a number of stuff, as well. (hugs Sapph for just-in-case comfort) :)

Back to the topic at hand, I wonder how they're going to sculpt the Optimal Optimus toy, at 6 inches tall (presumably in robot mode), and still make him convincingly transformable. I'd hazard a guess that they might simplify some parts here and there, 'cause I can tell ya; some of the transformation steps on the full-sized OpOp toy can be pretty dad-gone frustrating (not the least of which are the blast-apart arm shields that trigger off when you merely look at them funny). Still, I expect he'll be a cool toy to check out nonetheless. 8)
