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King Richard's Faire (update)

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:58 pm
by Sinead
Yep. That's right! It's that time of year again! It's a renaissance faire in Carver, Massachusetts, an all-day event on weekends and on Labor Day and Columbus Day, filled to the brim with performances of various and many kinds!

And if you attend it this year, you'll be seeing me.

Otherwise, I'll be actually away from the boards most of the weekends (maybe a glance on Sunday nights like tonight), however, since my time will be spent either practicing or performing on those weekends, I won't be here. Speaking of practicing, Saturday and today were filled to the brim with this kinda stuff. Nine hours on an almost-deserted faire-ground? Being behind the scenes before the magic starts for a patron ... then having the realization that I am now quite seriously responsible for some of the magic that will have people talking for years about their trip to King Richard's realm in Carvershire?

Heady and weighty feeling all at the same time. But one that I enjoy so very much that I know that one year won't be enough.

So! If you're looking to enjoy something a little out of the way, or a little out of the norm, or if you just want to enjoy a renaissance faire, especially if you've never been before, please, by all means, come to King Richard's Faire. I'm not joking when I say that while it's not the most accurate renaissance faire, there's something about it that brings people back again and again.

Just a word for the wise: Entry fee is $26 dollars, cash-only. Some of the vendors will take credit or debit cards, but don't rely on plastic if you come. There IS an ATM, but it's inside and the ATM fees are sheer extortion, AND there's the chance that the money might run out (it's happened!) or that it might not even be working. Who knows? If you plan on purchasing anything for a souvenir, and you didn't smuggle your lunch in, plan on spending about $100 total for the day.

Expensive, but if you bring a camera and enjoy yourself, which is what we're there to help you with, worth every moment of the day and every penny spent.

By the way... ask for Saoirse the Brewer. (pronounced: SOAR-shah ... Gaelic, mind ye ... *winks*)


Just to give you an idea of what we're doing as the apprentice cast, this reporter tried his hardest to keep up with us. ... rd-s-Faire