"Double Jeopardy"
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"Double Jeopardy"
Not far after the previous stasis pod had began falling, another dropped out of orbit. But this one was damaged. Emergency indicator lights and sounds bleeped as the pod struggled to maintain its autopilot functioning. One of the jets was sparking and malfunctioning, which left the guidance systems and steering out of control. Like the other helpless protoform, it entered the planet's atmosphere at a dangerous pace, burning up and on its way to crash below on the planet's surface.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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((OOC: Is now a good time to start posting in here for the Predacon side of the Blackarachnia mission?))
"Then why'd you decide to come along?" he asked innocently.
Steelclaw turned to the angry bat, and gave him a slightly inquisitive look.Sonar wrote:Yes we are on a mission. And now that we all know each other, shall we get this mission moving along. I have better things to do then go looking for a pod.
"Then why'd you decide to come along?" he asked innocently.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.
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- NaitoKage
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(We're over water, so yeah. Wow.. so Glowstick has crossed the Pacific ocean and now the Atlantic for a second time.. Most traveled character!
He put a pair of tentacles behind his head, regularly glancing at the altimeter and trying to keep the vehicle as smooth flying as possible. It was certainly going to be a long night, as they may not see daytime until they return to the Darksyde. Such things didn't bother the squid though, as he was activated on the darkest and deepest place on the planet. A planet mostly water.. and I get stuck doing most my work on the bits of mud sticking out of it.. keh.. he then says to himself.

Glowstick nodded I guess so, in this case we kinda have no choice. It's a race of sort. Basically this planet has two factions on it, the Maximals, and Predacons. One of the clearer ways of victory in the current Beast war is to have more soldiers, so Megatron wants us to collect as many Stasis pods as possible. Which.. is also why Bats came with us,Megatron ordered it. So he has to come with us, but that doesn't exactly mean he can't protest the situation..More or less the same with StarShadow. He watched as they moved through the darkness of night over the water, the moon's light shining along the water, flickering as it became interrupted by clouds.Frilla:"Well I'm here now, don't get your circuits in a knot." Frilla said as she was set down, glaring slightly at Sonar then Glowstick. "And unlike some of you I actually prefer to look instead of rushing into things."
He put a pair of tentacles behind his head, regularly glancing at the altimeter and trying to keep the vehicle as smooth flying as possible. It was certainly going to be a long night, as they may not see daytime until they return to the Darksyde. Such things didn't bother the squid though, as he was activated on the darkest and deepest place on the planet. A planet mostly water.. and I get stuck doing most my work on the bits of mud sticking out of it.. keh.. he then says to himself.
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"Because Fish boy contacted me, that's why. At least with me you have a chance at getting that pod. Waspinator and that flying lizard combind make a barely passible warrior and i have doubts weather they can reach the other pod." Sonar replied his ears back."Then why'd you decide to come along?"
And we all want to please Megatron Sonar thought crossing his arms.I guess so, in this case we kinda have no choice. It's a race of sort. Basically this planet has two factions on it, the Maximals, and Predacons. One of the clearer ways of victory in the current Beast war is to have more soldiers, so Megatron wants us to collect as many Stasis pods as possible. Which.. is also why Bats came with us,Megatron ordered it. So he has to come with us, but that doesn't exactly mean he can't protest the situation..More or less the same with StarShadow.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
- starshadow
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Steelclaw wrote:"Then why'd you decide to come along?"
"We can't complain about it. Orders are orders.."Sonar wrote:"Because Fish boy contacted me, that's why. At least with me you have a chance at getting that pod."
"I hate to say it but I agree. Those two are like rookies to me."Sonar wrote:Waspinator and that flying lizard combind make a barely passible warrior and i have doubts weather they can reach the other pod."
Starshadow's ears went back when she heard that. She then felt tired due to studying alien technology for afew hours.Glowstick wrote:I guess so, in this case we kinda have no choice. It's a race of sort. Basically this planet has two factions on it, the Maximals, and Predacons. One of the clearer ways of victory in the current Beast war is to have more soldiers, so Megatron wants us to collect as many Stasis pods as possible. Which.. is also why Bats came with us,Megatron ordered it. So he has to come with us, but that doesn't exactly mean he can't protest the situation..More or less the same with StarShadow.
"I'm going to get some rest before I start screaming. Wake me up when we get there." the catbot leaned her back on the chair and closed her tired optics.

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"Well yes," Steelclaw responded, "I know Megatron ordered for you to assist us, Sonar, and I know Glowstick relayed the command to you. I just..." Steelclaw put a few fingers to his forehead, deciding on the right words. Then he removed his hand from its place.
"You don't seem the type who would want to listen to all of Megatron's commands. You're, uh... you're a bit more independent. I mean, I don't want to pry, but... did you fear Megatron enough to listen to this specific command?"
"You don't seem the type who would want to listen to all of Megatron's commands. You're, uh... you're a bit more independent. I mean, I don't want to pry, but... did you fear Megatron enough to listen to this specific command?"
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.
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Frilla only listened this time deciding there was no real reason to talk unless it was really important and just glanced around the place. Seemed like it had been imporved since last time but even if it had been a piece of junk before it certainly was working now.
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"We can't complain about it. Orders are orders.."
You're the rookie. Sonar thought."I hate to say it but I agree. Those two are like rookies to me."
Finally at least now, i can think clearly without having to listen to her complain He told himself with a inward sigh."I'm going to get some rest before I start screaming. Wake me up when we get there."
Sonar looked at the bear with a raised an eye brow."Well yes," "I know Megatron ordered for you to assist us, Sonar, and I know Glowstick relayed the command to you. I just..."
"Fear has nothing to do with me following Megatron's orders. Yes i may be more independent because unlike some of you who's only purpose in life is to blindly follow orders without question, i have a mind of my own," Sonar said calmly. "How ever with that said, i do respect Megatron more then i fear him. And if he needs my help with some thing i will see what i can do to help.""You don't seem the type who would want to listen to all of Megatron's commands. You're, uh... you're a bit more independent. I mean, I don't want to pry, but... did you fear Megatron enough to listen to this specific command?"
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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"Oh, o.k... so it's respect. Yeah, I get that." Steelclaw responded. "That makes plenty of sense."
He had felt somewhat stung by Sonar's comment about having "a mind of his own." Steelclaw definitely wasn't in the Beast Wars to just follow orders. It just seemed that he had agreed with the purpose of everything Megatron had ordered thus far.
But in the end, it didn't really matter that Sonar thought Steelclaw was a drone. Because, he probably was a bit more like one than Sonar after all, and anyways, the less the bat thought of him, the better off Steelclaw would be.
He had felt somewhat stung by Sonar's comment about having "a mind of his own." Steelclaw definitely wasn't in the Beast Wars to just follow orders. It just seemed that he had agreed with the purpose of everything Megatron had ordered thus far.
But in the end, it didn't really matter that Sonar thought Steelclaw was a drone. Because, he probably was a bit more like one than Sonar after all, and anyways, the less the bat thought of him, the better off Steelclaw would be.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.
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- NaitoKage
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The Glowstick turned on the vehicle's autopilot, a very basic system that kept the craft at a certain speed and height above the water. Listening to the crew, he wondered if maybe it would of been better if he simply left Sonar and StarShadow behind. If the resistance was small, he could probably handled the situation with just Steelclaw and Frilla. He slid his headphones up from around his neck over his head, turning the volume down he then listened to his music. His optics shifted towards the gauges on the dashboard of the cockpit, making sure altitude and fuel were right, he then glanced at the radar. Still no signs of the maximals. Though they could be taking a different course all together, the ocean itself was vast and it could be possible they would avoid them the entire trip if fast enough.
He glanced towards Frilla for a moment, even compared to Rattrap she was small and frail in stature, she wasn't built for combat at all. But then again StarShadow didn't exactly fit the look of a warrior either, looking more like a pinup model out of some of the magazines he had hidden in his room. He moved his headphones back as he then spoke to her So, how's your energon supply? If you need it we have some in the back..
He glanced towards Frilla for a moment, even compared to Rattrap she was small and frail in stature, she wasn't built for combat at all. But then again StarShadow didn't exactly fit the look of a warrior either, looking more like a pinup model out of some of the magazines he had hidden in his room. He moved his headphones back as he then spoke to her So, how's your energon supply? If you need it we have some in the back..
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Frilla had been silent up until she ehard Glowstick and returned her gaze to him, "They've been getting low, probably had another week before I'd go into stasis lock." She replied, shrugging her shoulders. "Just tell me where and I'll get it myself." She said leaning forward slightly about to stand.
- NaitoKage
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The Squid made a gesture with one of his tentacles Under the first bench seat on the left, it's in the four tanks. There should be some cups in there next to the medical supplies.
Glowstick looked back towards the screen, he glanced at the camera monitor as it went around displaying the area, then looked forward again.
Glowstick looked back towards the screen, he glanced at the camera monitor as it went around displaying the area, then looked forward again.
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Frilla stood then and headed to the back, first fidning the medical supplies and getting a cup. After getting some energon until heer energon levels were bakc to normal she threw the cup away and returned to her seat without saying a word.
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Sonar just rolled his optics and leaned against the wall."Oh, o.k... so it's respect. Yeah, I get that." "That makes plenty of sense."
After a while Sonar started to feel sick, most likely from the motion of the craft on the water.
This isn't going to end well. Sonar thought.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
- NaitoKage
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Glowstick looked as Frilla returned to her seat, his optics then shifted noticing Sonar starting to change color. He looked back towards driving as he spoke up Er.. You doing okay Sonar? Your looking a bit green there.. You can go out and get some air if you want.. while the idea of a motion sick predacon was sort of humorous to Glowstick, the idea of cleaning up the mess was not.