"Double Jeopardy"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Blazemane »

((OOC: Hey SkyxDB,

Yeah, writer's block is a mean thing isn't it? If you do want any suggestions, Frilla's been shooting at you with a laser-firing mini-gun, and Steelclaw just started firing at your character with a pretty sizable quasar cannon. Skyfire's either got to move out of the way or get shot. And if she stays in the air with either of those options, she could attempt to fulfill Valkyrie's mission objectives and try to take down the Leviathan or she could try to take down Glowstick (who just took out the leader), Sonar (who's fighting her comrade, Feralnight), Frilla (who's been firing at her) or Steelclaw (who just shot at her).))
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by SkyxDB »

((OOC: Sorry it took me so long to post, everytime I visit I had trouble motivating myself to get back to the RP. Well I'll try posting to try to get things going again, at least for a little bit.)

Skyfire was heading for the Levithan like to accomplish what Valkyrie ordered her to do, when she noticed some shots coming her way she quickly dodged all the shots that came her way but one came pretty close to hitting her in the wing. Whoa, that close she though to herself. Oh man, getting close even to Levithan isn't gonna be easy with all these Preds shooting at me...
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow smiled as she looked at the radar, noticing a maximal tailing the ship. "Hehehe...This will be fun.." she accelerated the Leviathan a little more, hoping that the maximal would fly faster and fall for her coming trap.

"C'mon little birdie! You can't be that slow!" she increased the speed of the Leviathan much more.

"Hey Steel, Frilla, get a good grip on the ship and make sure you shoot her wings."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(It's been discussed that we don't have to finish this if you don't want Sky. But I think I can get some closure on this thread.. :twisted: )

A loud splash was heard in the water as Valkyrie's body slammed into the sea, blind, damaged, and struggling just to stay above water. Glowstick turned away from her glancing into the distance and flying in a lower altitude then the Leviathan, his optics detecting Feralnight being occupied by Sonar, while Skyfire headed towards the Leviathan alone. He turned his music off removing the radio jamming effect, then went onto the Maximal frequency Your gesture is noble, but is it really in your programming to trade so many lives for another? Your Commander is blind, broken, and drowning as we speak.. Your teammates are battered to the point that they are well out of distance to even save her, and you are hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned. You're all that's left Sky..Will you play the "noble" Maximal hero and save your comrade, or waste your life at our hands?.. Clock's ticking. Glowstick then chuckles darkly as his voice fades out, a few seconds later the sound of splashing and gasps for air were heard of a familiar voice to the Maximals.
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Skyfire gasped when she heard the transmission, she had had been so focused on the Levithan she had not seen Valkyrie fall. She looked down towards the sea and saw Valkyrie injuried and trying to stay about the stay above the surface. She looked around the voice on the radio was right. There was no way she could win on her own especially since she wasn't much a of warrior. So she headed down towards the ocean to rescue Valkyrie.
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Unread post by New Moon »

Frilla kneeled slightly, keeping a hold of the Levianthan with one hand while using the other to aim he Mini-gun the best she could despite how odd it felt with an unfamiliar weapon. She was no marksman and her aim wasn't always accurate, "Here goes nothing." She muttered and tried to fire a few shots at Skyfire while she went after Valkyrie.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick flew slightly to the right as he noticed fire coming from the Leviathan towards Skyfire. He activated his comlink on all Predacon frequencies Cease fire, they're retreating, further fire is a waste of the ship's fuel reserves. StarShadow, reduce the speed. We're returning to the ship. He then spun his body as he speeded up, flying higher to catch up with the Leviathan's position.
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Unread post by starshadow »

"Aye, Captain Glowstick!" Starshadow smiled and decelerated the Leviathan.

"Hope you had a good time getting your butt kicked, batsy." she commed Sonar with a smirk.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Cease fire, they're retreating, further fire is a waste of the ship's fuel reserves. StarShadow, reduce the speed. We're returning to the ship.
Sonar heard Glowsticks voice and stopped fighting the new Maximal, before heading for the ship, he punched her in the gut then left for the ship.
"Hope you had a good time getting your butt kicked, batsy."
So not to encourage her, Sonar simply ignored her and landed ontop of the ship.

Maybe if i ignore the half breed, she might take the hint and bother some one else. He thought simply.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by New Moon »

Cease fire at last. Frilla stopped firing and lowered the weapon, "That went well." She commented standing slightly straight, or as straight as her legs would allow and looked at her fellow Predacons to see how they were doing.


Feralnight stopped when the Predacons seemed to be leaving to their ship but she didn't get much of a chance to look before Sonar punched her in the gut, causing the fuzor to grunt with pain and grab her stomach. Taking a moment she let herself recover before looking for her new teammates only to find Skyfire diving for Valkyrie. "Slag." Feralnight growled and quickly dove down to see if she could help the two.
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Fortunately for Skyfire the shots missed her. Yikes! she thought. Then she noticed the Predacons were leaving and then she continued to head towards where Valkyrie was struggling to stay about the surface. Once she got close enough she grabbed one of Valkyrie's arms. "Hang in there Val."
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Steelclaw relaxed his grip on the gun and put it back down on the ship. He was genuinely impressed by how suddenly everything had turned around.

"Glowstick, did you say something to that Maximal?" he asked after Glowstick had come close enough to be within earshot.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick landed on the ship, he looked towards Steelclaw and nodded. Yeah. I told her that if she continued course she'd be wasting her life, she was better off trying to save her drowning commander then let further bloodshed. She picked the better choice it would seem. Glowstick then climbed into the Leviathan through the roof hatch, he moved towards the turret seat and hit a switch having it lower Frilla inside of the ship. He then transformed sitting down at the end of the bench, a few sparks seen coming from bullet holes in his body with a tan line along the center of his transparent body from the close range blast of his own lasers. Initiate internal repairs..

He glanced towards Star When the others get in you can speed up and plot course for home. Then.. he looked towards the stasis pod We have an egg to hatch..


Valkyrie looked up towards Skyfire as she grabbed her arm, her optics pure white. her armor and feathers seen covered in burn marks with an odor of cooked pheasant. Thanks, a little longer and I'd be a goner..
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow nodded. "Let's see...Steel, Frilla and Glowstick are in..and flyboy's outside. Hmmmmm..." she said to herself with a playful smile forming on her face.

The femme accelerated the ship to full speed back to the Darksyde.
Hehehe...I'm going to enjoy this... she thought.
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Unread post by New Moon »

Frilla gave a small sigh, "Least we're in one piece....for the most part." She said setting the Mini gun off onto another bench, glad to be rid of the weapon. It felt off when she tried to use it and still would favor her blaster any day.


Feralnight finally came to hover near Skyfire and Valkyrie looking concerned, "Are you two alright?" She asked hoping there wasn't anything too seriously damaged.