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Bother a Beast Warrior: Terrorsaur

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:43 pm
by Dalgaroth
Alright, so we heard from Waspinator.

Let's hear from his fellow flier, Terrorsaur!

What questions do we want to ask the red terror of the skies? :D

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:28 am
by Joshin Yasha
Would you consider dating Airazor?

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 11:54 am
by Demon Man
Dear Terrorsaur,

I think you are a super cool Predacon and also cool looking! I write a great deal of stories, and you're featured in them with a good role and I even give you a hot, evil flying babe as a lover(she's also blue and dressed in black, to go with you being red and dark grey). I even have you become a Transmetal at one point. You really rock.

My questions to you, however, are as follows.

Blackarachnia defected to the Maximals even though she was initially a Predacon like you. What do you think of that? And how would you have dealt with her if you'd been around during the time she betrayed the Predacons and you had a chance to make her pay for her treachery?

Who in your group maddens you more...Scorponok or Tarantulus?

What was your initial reason for wanting to overthrow Megatron and become leader? As in, what first compelled you to want the power he had in his possession?

If you had been around to meet Rampage and Quickstrike, what do you think you would have thought of them?

A lot of girls think you're hot and badass. Does this please you?

Finally, has it ever frustrated you that Waspinator constantly screws up and gets his skidplate handed to him, making it so you have to be left to in order to do all the work as if you're the only warrior there?

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:14 pm
by SkyxDB
Yay Terrorsaur's turn! :D

Okay, here's my questions.

Dear Terrorsaur,

What exactly is your relationship with Waspinator and is it true that you're into art?

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:53 pm
by Taran Ulas
Dear Terrorsaur,

I have one question to ask of you. What would have been your strategy after the Maximals found the Ark?