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"Chain of Command"

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:58 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: I'm beginning our third canon episode to keep things moving along. The "BW Part 2" topic will remain open for a little while incase anyone wants to finish up in there. I'm starting this one as they did on the show to save time. OC's are welcome to hang around for the first battle at the standing stones since everyone is pretty much involved. Or they can begin their next episode with Valkyrie leading them as their "team captain," if I may. ))

The "standing stones" had peaked Optimus Primal's curiosity ever since they had stumbled upon the scene when they were chasing the Predacons to the mountain that was full of raw energon some time ago. He stood there with some of the Maximals ((or all of them)) on his hind feet as he scanned the pile of rocks, with a handheld device, that had been neatly stacked in a pyramid-like shape in the center of the surrounding tall stones. Who built them? And where were they now? Obviously they held some kind of intelligence, but there was something more to this place. Almost as if it were a puzzle.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:02 pm
by Venatrix
Valkyrie had been working with Rhinox and Orcariner to get into contact with the other crashed ship failed, there was no other option left then to have a team head to the ship Orcariner told about, and work on things there.
The female Maximal walked up to Optimus with a datapad in her hand with some readings of her project and some data Orcariner handed her about the crashed ship.
"Optimus, i have some important things to discuss involving the repairs on the Axalon. Should i return to base and put together a team and set out to check out the others came in?"

Valkyrie's back was now fully repaired, with help of a few moments in the CR-chamber.
The chamber even healed her organic skin, meat and the feathers on her back she lost in her fight with the large Predacon bear.

(i'll be having Venatrix stay with Megatron and help him out with the alien thingy)

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:22 pm
by Night-Hunter
Saber was a little on edge seeing how she found out that Sonar had arrived, but luckily he hadn't contacted her which she was grateful for. Though she was uneasy for another reason, the Standing Stones made her alittle uneasy there wasn't any thing strong enough aside from them that could make those... so who did?
Sonar i pray to Primus that you keep a low profile... but then again thats to much to ask when it comes to you. Saber thought her ears drooping slightly.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:59 pm
by NaitoKage
Rhinox looked over the environment surrounding the maximal group, the large group of stones positioned so was too apparent that it wasn't natural.
This isn't a natural stone formation..Somebody somehow..built this thing.
He then stated, he looked towards the pile of stones stacked ahead. Each one stacked in an almost perfect pattern. What such a thing was doing on an uninhabited planet was anyone's guess at this point.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:08 pm
by Wintersong
(Since I have Wintersong already in this I will ahve her hanging around but like her previous and new bios say she is kind of the quieter loner for awhile but she will eventually be more involved with the others.this is howeve rone of my rare moments to get on for the enxt few weeks so I'll do what I can with her.)

Time seemed to have passed so qucikly, feeling like centuries already since the Axalon had crashed and her pod scanning her a new form on this odd Prehistorix planet. Prowling away from the cover of the forest she now saw as home, Wintersong perked her ears forward. Several partly familiar scents had captured her attention, no doubt being the crashed crew of the Axalon. But what were hey doing out here? Exploring maybe as they had intended long before? Curious to the situation she crept along, using what cover she could if she saw any enemies.

Eventually she found te source of the Maximals' location, seeing they were at an odd looking stone structure. What it was or meant she did not know but was curious to what could possibly be going on. Glancing bakc and forth she started to walk closer until she came between two stone pillars, seeing the odd looking structure within the middle of it.

"What in the world?" She said under her beeathe.

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:34 am
by Alak
Guarding the rear of the exploration team, Orcariner was just as startled as the next Maximal. The stone structures towered even him as the iron giant walked between two pillars. The scenery seemed so primitive, and yet, only someone with intelligence and resources could have built this. Orcariner's thoughts of playing the sentry drifted away as the view held his optics in submission.

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:30 pm
by Blazemane
Morning. Or so his heads up display told him. It didn't feel like morning.


Steelclaw, knowing nobody was watching him behind the locked door of his quarters, rolled off of his sleeping panel and crashed onto the floor with a loud *bang* before lying there on his stomach in defiance of the time of the current planetary cycle.

Eventually he looked forward and saw the more of the floor, and eventually the door. It beckoned him. He would've loved to deny it's call, but he knew Megatron would be quick to punish slackers. He was a machine, right? He had no excuse to feel tired waking up from rest stasis. Stupid door.

Steelclaw slowly got to his feet, threw his hand on his sleeping panel, and finally dragged himself to a standing position. He moved over to the wall and opened a part of it, which was truly just another panel. And there stood his guns, arranged in a column, with ammunition packs lining the sides. The minigun was actually just stashed in a box- it was hard to attach to the magnetic rack correctly.

He deployed his armed mounted PPC and had his own computer do a system check on it. It was fully recharged, ad properly functional. He looked back to the panel weapons, and removed his gauss rifle. He unlocked the barrel from the gun's handle, and looked down it, checking the magnetic propulsion system. Nothing was out of place.

He knew already, however, that it needed more ammunition. He reached into the top right pouch and retrieved a handful of Cybertronian alloy rounds. He placed them in a compartment on the left side of the gun, just a bit in front of the handle. When he had had used everything in his hand, he saw he needed three more, and put them in. On the right side was a similar compartment. In here he put incendiary rounds. Just in case. He opened a panel in his left arm and stuffed some standards rounds in it.

He was beginning to wonder about his sniper rifle, and without even inspecting it, he deconstructed the thing into all of it's components, before pulling out a cleaning kit from a different pouch on the wall. He immediately got down to wiping the pieces clean (a process he had anticipated the night before, and thus, he had set his computer to wake him up 15 cycles earlier. This probably had added to his hate of this morning). When everything looked fine to him (and his computer had verified his thoughts with it's own visual analysis), he reassembled the gun, and put one tironium round in it's barrel before placing about two dozen more in a compartment on his right arm.

The mini-gun could stand inspection later. He rarely ever needed it, and, anyways, he was running out of time. He closed the weapons panel. Then, folding the sniper rifle and it's mounts to a manageable shape, he placed it and the gauss rifle in his subspace before opening his door and walking out into one of the halls of the Darksyde. The door closed and locked itself behind him.

He got to a computer in a room that the hallway lead to, and performed a check for Cybertronian signatures within the Darkyde's scanning range- something he also did every morning.

(( OOC: So, Night Hunter, has Sonar met up with the Predacons yet? Or should Steelclaw scan his signature outside, and inform Megatron, so Megatron can send someone to retrieve him? I think either way, Steelclaw's going to have to detect the Maximals so the Predacons can go after them. Maybe another Predacon has already detected the Maximals and beat him to the punch even. Anyways, should Steelclaw detect Sonar, or is Sonar already with the Predacons, having met the Darksyde crew in some unseen story? ))

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:50 pm
by SkyxDB
This isn't a natural stone formation..Somebody somehow..built this thing.
Skyfire was also with the crew exploring around the rock formation to see she could find anything of interest and heard what Rhinox said. "So do you think that means there are other intelligent lifeforms on this planet? But of course from what we've seen so far, it pretty doubtful that animal built it, but if there life forms with the intelligence to build something like this, then where are they and what did they build this for?"

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:00 pm
by Night-Hunter
(( OOC: So, Night Hunter, has Sonar met up with the Predacons yet? Or should Steelclaw scan his signature outside, and inform Megatron, so Megatron can send someone to retrieve him? I think either way, Steelclaw's going to have to detect the Maximals so the Predacons can go after them. Maybe another Predacon has already detected the Maximals and beat him to the punch even. Anyways, should Steelclaw detect Sonar, or is Sonar already with the Predacons, having met the Darksyde crew in some unseen story? ))
Saber sniffed the breeze to see if there were any Preds about, she relaxed slightly when there was no scent of Preds in the area. She followed Rhionx toward the middle of the Standing stones.
This isn't a natural stone formation..Somebody somehow..built this thing.
Yeah, no kidding. Saber thought.
"So do you think that means there are other intelligent lifeforms on this planet? But of course from what we've seen so far, it pretty doubtful that animal built it, but if there life forms with the intelligence to build something like this, then where are they and what did they build this for?"
Saber didn't have an answer for Skyfire so she remained silent.
((OOC: Sonar is still getting his barings so yeah he hasn't met the Preds yet. So Steelclaw can detect him and imform Megs.))

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:18 pm
by Wintersong
"How is even possible uch a structure exists when no other beings, besides the animalls of this planet have been detected?" Wintersong said aloud, walking around fromt he pillar she had stood between. When she came beside the crew she looke dback at the structure, "Some other inteeligent beings would have been here long before we had."

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:03 pm
by SkyxDB
"How is even possible uch a structure exists when no other beings, besides the animalls of this planet have been detected?" Wintersong said aloud, walking around fromt he pillar she had stood between. When she came beside the crew she looke dback at the structure, "Some other inteeligent beings would have been here long before we had."
"Yeah, you got an interesting point there" Skyfire said to Wintersong. "But what do you think could have happened to whoever build this? Did they abandon this sight or did something wipe them out?"

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:11 pm
by Wintersong
"But what do you think could have happened to whoever build this? Did they abandon this sight or did something wipe them out?"
"Something might have wiped them out maybe after they abandoned it..."WIntersong said, but could only shurgg. "The structure might have some clues or somethign to explains it but it seems nothing is really here. Unless any of you have an idea." The tigeress glanced at the other Maximals wondering what their opinions where. Was it possible for another race of beigns ot hve lande dhere or lived here in fact? Or was there more to this planet then they had first anticipated?[/quote]

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:24 pm
by SkyxDB
"Something might have wiped them out maybe after they abandoned it..."WIntersong said, but could only shurgg. "The structure might have some clues or somethign to explains it but it seems nothing is really here. Unless any of you have an idea."
"Hmmm, I didn't think of that" said Skyfire. "But so far I haven't found clues as to what prupose this structure might have served."

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 12:35 am
by starshadow
Starshadow was sleeping soundly in her hideout. After all the battle and the building of her lair made her restless for the whole day. As a dim light shone on her feline face, she growled. she slowly opened her scarlet eyes and stretched her body.
"Better grab something to eat..." she said to herself and walked out of her cave, heading to the plains to catch some organic animals.

((If anyone needs Star at the battlefield, please com link her. Thank you!! :3 ))

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:25 am
by NaitoKage
Silently floating from the darkness of the halls, a low yawn was heard behind Steelclaw. Glowstick then rubbed his own neck with one of his tentacles Bright and early hm? Your a bit late. Megatron already took Scorponok and the others out. Something about Maximals and energon.. I didn't exactly pay attention. Too busy modifying the communication equipment on this berg.

Glowstick then landed softly walking towards the computer as it detected a falling object Looks like a Stasis pod.. no wait.. bit bigger then a stasis pod.. Not too far away either.. Guess I'll investigate.. he stated in a rather tired monotone manner, the transparent squid then stretched.