Combining Role Play threads?

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Combining Role Play threads?

Unread post by Blazemane »

Both Maximal and Predacon teams in the O.C. thread are traveling to the source of the energon explosion, if I've read the thread correctly.

The Predacons are still walking to their base, Starshadow is following close behind, Venatrix is lost and Steelclaw is looking for her.

Dinobot is observing the Maximal base and intentionally taking a long way around to get into it. Meanwhile, the Maximals are ready to go inside.

So... is it time for... radio contact? Meeting?
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

[img][/img] [img][/img]
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Hm.. well Predacons that could be possible.. their means of transport is essentially like a tank/boat covered in rocket thrusters.. so going across the ocean at ridiculous speeds could be possible. Hell.. probably could give the preds a lift to base.*L*

Maximals haven't really set out yet, but time compression would be fine.
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