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A spark?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:49 pm
by Darkshadow14
First thing, if this is in the wrong spot, sorry. I think it might have to be moved in rant section, but not sure. If it's wrong will you move it for me? Thanks yah.

Okay I was somewhat confused, a spark, what exactly was it. Like I know they couldn't survive without one. Was it more like a heart, or a soul? Because when they died, their spark was extinguished it went to the matrix.

So I guess, my question is; what's a spark :?:

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:15 pm
by Lady Venom
I always thought it was like...their main battery/power source. Since without it working they died (in essence)

Or..was it explained to be something else somewhere?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:35 pm
by una
I believe a spark is more like a soul.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:56 pm
by SkyxDB
Yeah, I always thought of the spark as the like thier heart/soul. But of course I have been wondering somethings about sparks myself. Like how do sparks come into exixtest and also I cna't help but wonder what would happen if you took two transformers and switched thier sparks, what would happen? Would we like the whole switching bodies things, like we've seen in movies like Freaky Friday?

I mostly wonder about that, people I always thought that the spark also contained the personality of the transformer it resides. But of course with Beast Machines, Rhinox, Sliverbolt, and Waspinator had different personalities when they were Vechicons. So that also may me wonder if it was also possible for the spark to be tampered with to make the personality change.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 5:05 pm
by Night-Hunter
I think a spark is like a heart, you destory the spark you kill the transformer.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:06 pm
by Dalgaroth
I always thought of it as being their soul and a battery in one. It's an energy source that's highly reactive to the influences on it, so memories are stored there at the same time it's giving out energy. Like a battery with a memory card inside, kinda. Kill or break the spark, you kill the transformer's essence and its life battery. D:

But I also think that the CPU is the brain. However, unlike our brains, TF brains can be programmed. So, while the spark holds in the inner essence and everything that TF has ever experienced, the programming influences how the body operates and how that inner essence is portrayed on the outside. So, Rhinox's body was normal ad possibly all his own until he became Tankor (or reprogrammed) in which case, his 'brain' was rewired. Deep inside was still rhinox, but on the outside he was Tankor.

It's like how people have lots of layers (like onions and ogres! 8D ). You as a human being have an outer personality you put on for strangers, for family, for yourself when you're alone. Under that is your inner personailty, your inner thoughts, everything you keep from the outside world and eerything you want to put out into the world but can't or have yet to develop enough to do it. Then, deep under everything that's you, is an Inner You that never EVER changes, your whole life. It's the eye of the storm of emotions and memories, and experiences. It's the inside where everything that's ever happened to you is stored since birth. That's the Spark, I think. That's where your Will is stored, where your Vitality is stored, where the Real You, that inner essence, is stored. It might be called a soul or something scientific, but whatever. I think that's what a Spark is.

The battery part....well, I don't mean a battery as in it's the main power source. I think the main power source for the body would be energon. But the Spark is more liek the Life battery. A bot goes into stasis lock to preserve the spark, I guess. So that means the Spark can survive for quite a while in that state. Maybe that's a shift in its frequency or something, I dunno. But if you kill the spark you kill the TF's life source, waht makes it a living thing. o-o I guess if someone had the energy source, one could bring a dead TF back to 'life' and it would operate like a drone. But then, that's all it would be - a drone. It wouldn't have the will to live or die, while it would absorb info and react like the dead TF did, it couldn't learn and grow from new experiences on a life level, stuff like that I guess. I don't realyl have a theory about that spelled out for myself but I think that's generally here my thoughts are.


Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:32 pm
by transformersvoice
This question was asked about to Larry Ditillio. I think Larry may have been the person who came up with the idea that all transformers have a spark. I don't remember his exact words, but I think he mentioned a spark as being the heart and soul of a transformer.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 8:14 pm
by Nurann
:oops: Well, if you don't mind a tad bit of spiritual babble... I like to think of them as one huge chakra but instead of being split into its spectrum like in humans, it's just one BIG energy center... :oops:

Sky, I believe I read somewhere that all TF sparks are a part of Primus; a "spark of the divine" if you will (harhar).

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 9:59 pm
by Dalgaroth
Oooh Nurann! I like that explanation too!

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:57 am
by NaitoKage
Well, technically as beastwars is based from the Transformers comics, a Spark is the representation of a "soul", though to save time.. Wikipedia has everything..

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:36 pm
by Darkshadow14
Well, technically as beastwars is based from the Transformers comics, a Spark is the representation of a "soul", though to save time.. Wikipedia has everything..
Thanks NK, I wanted to know the answer, of what it exactly is, as well as hear (well read) what others thought too. :)