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Unread post by Blazemane »

And I have to say, I somewhat agree with you. I think where I differ is that I don't think they're programmed with immorality, but that they are programmed with either different morals or no morals. Like you said, BA and Dinobot were able to do moral things and joined the MAximals and all that. Yay! So I don't think it's immorality, I think it's a difference in .... how they realize their identity, I suppose. I have this concept, I jsut don't know what to call it. Can't put my finger on it.

For example, Black Arachnia was an awesome character and had a real EDGE to her. She looked after herself in the best ways she knew how and her first loyalty was to herself and her survival. But then she was turned MAximal and I was sad. This was because she LOST HER EDGE! GAH! DX Suddenly, while her general personality was the same and her 'identity' was intact, her Looking Out for Number One streak was vanished and she was nowhere near as effectively bad as she was the whole show. -_- The Maximals treated Predaconism like it was a disease she was choosing to live with. 9_9 That annoyed me greatly.
Indeed. About the Blackarachnia example, she did lose her edge- her look out for number one edge. But this is what she had done in the past with that edge?

She commandeered an island for herself, and was just about to destroy the Axalon (and hopefully some Maximals still inside it) and then proceed to defeat Megatron and rule the Predacons.

She helped Tarantulas K.O. Dinobot and Rhinox in order to gain access to the Axalon's stasis pods, intent on leaving everyone else on the planet behind to die in the Vok's wake. When Inferno deactivated Tarantulas, it is quite probable she had intended to leave him behind too. And only when she realized the Maximals would not let her fly did she change the activation codes to let Primal fly the thing and blow up the planet-buster.

She manipulated Silverbolt to get her a necessary component for a vehicle to travel to the Ark. And her plan? Take it's power all for herself.

She helped Tarantulas reprogram Inferno to be a Predacon, intent on getting another spider ally.

I don't see her self-centered nature as a good thing. Indeed, even without benefit of Blackarachnia's example, do we separate a self-centered nature from the definition of evil? People's opinions are different on this of course. But in my opinion, being self centered is one of the most dangerous things a person can do (I think I might speak from a small bit of experience :oops:) And yes, looking out for yourself is good- modern society in general advocates a healthy self-image and a willingness to defend one's basic rights. But gaining access to a weapon of mass destruction for use towards your own ends is not generally viewed as a good thing.

But then, as it is important to discuss, what about the times where Blackarachnia's selfishness helped the Maximals? For example, Megatron blows a hole though Prime's head, and Blackarachnia realizes her very existence has been threatened, so she boots Megatron out with the Ark's defenses. That was cool. But there is little evidence it was based on nobility. This would be an example of what you were talking about- not evil, but not good. Certainly the Maximals had to be thankful for it, but I don't think she did it for them. Although, that is debatable. It is after all, that very episode that she decides to join the Maximals for Silverbolt's sake. Then again, it was the episode just after she tried commandeering the Ark's power for herself.

In my opinion, however, the times her self-centered nature were used for bad ends outweighed the times they were used for neutral ends, and especially good ends (good, neutral, and bad defined by her intention rather than the result for the Maximals or Predacons.)

So, if her self centered nature was a result of her Predaconism, and I were a Maximal, I would be scared of the programming too.

As for Blackarachnia and Dinobot doing good things, I don't think the programming pre-disposition has total control. There is free will, as evidenced by those two. But it is precisely their example- their showcase of free will against Predacon tendencies which shows that in the end, a 'bot is still responsible for what they do.
I srsly do not think being a Predacon makes one bad, I think it makes one different. Technically, they're descended from Cons, so it stands to reason that they have Decepticon-like programming. Then, looking at the Decepticons we see Cons with severe paranoia, criminal records, rage issues, sadist tendencies, masochistic tendencies, trauma, OCDness, the need to challenge everyone and everything to better themselves to a psychopathic degree o-o!, insecurity issues, neurosis, strong fatalist viewpoints on life, extreme pessimism, manic lust for power, lots of other issues and things. And not-bad things too! Look at the Autobots - while some Autobots were known to have some issues, none were like the Decepticons. Many of those traits are out of a person's control. :/ They were either built that way or have glitches or they were sparked that way, I don't think they're like that on purpose. Which means what? They're not evil. -_-''''''''''''''''''''''''' Sure, a Decepticon is bad news. Worse than a PRed because of size and attitude born from years of war or something out of their control or whatever. But I don't think they're EVIL.
Again, what gets me is that free will aspect. The Decepticons and Autobots didn't always fight. They lived in peace for a time and Starscream himself was a scientist. I think even then something in their programming gave them some of the issues described above, but their was a time they were able to not go full throttle, and actually live in peace. When Skyfire gets woken up and thinks it is still a time before the Autobot and Decepticon feud, he is shown to be noble, and inquisitive- quite like Silverbolt. In fact, his free will is so much a part of him that despite the Decepticon programming which I would guess he bore, he actually rebelled, and found himself far more idealistically in line with Autobots. At that point, to him, the Decepticons were not troubled- they were wrong- they were bad. I would argue that the Decepticons are evil. As long as one has the capacity to do good, their decision to do evil is, then, by definition, their own choice.

And that history might actually give a better insight to the Maximals and Predacons on Cybertron. Perhaps their peace is quite similar to the Autobots' and Decepticons', but they are close to the stage of breaking down and going into war. And the history of Skyfire would suggest it is still in their own hands- their own conscious free will- to either engage or avoid another great war.
The moment that comes to mind is this - the episode Decepticons in King Arthur's Court or whatever, Starscream needed materials to make gun powder. He sent Rumble to get materials and when Rumble came back, Ramjet greeted him and said 'Hey, little buddy!' or "come on little buddy" or something similar and my jaw dropped. Decepticons call each other "little buddy?" are you serious? I'm sorry, but that's not evil to me. -_-'''' Then again, the Coneheads seem to be more concerned about each other and their comrades than other Cons, going just from a couple examples.... But then Rumble, while VICIOUS and totally kick aft in battle, is generally laid back ,easy to get along with, likes a good fight, does his job, cracks a few jokes, and even hangs out with Megatron who doesn't even seem to mind the occasional 'disrespectful' comment. -_o'
Yes, and Terrorsaur and Waspinator were shown to have a somewhat similar friend-like bond, likely due to their constant pairing in missions. But Terrorsaur was power hungry, and while Waspinator was often incompetent, he still held with Predacon ideals all the way until the last episode.

Rumble caused tidal waves that threatened human cities, and Earthquakes that would bury Autobots. He at times would enjoy the suffering of humans (as shown in the Ultimate Doom). He may have been friendly to his allies, but his track record labeled him as a Decepticon through and through.

At any rate, you mentioned different morals that perhaps belonged to the Predacons. I really don't want to be mean, but I just can't think of any examples right now, aside from Dinobot's code of honor, which was clearly shown to not exist in abundance in the crew he was a part of. All I keep thinking of is their attempt to eradicate humanity, or remove Optimus Prime from the time stream as a living entity, or to start a civil war, or to force their own programming system on Maximal protoforms (assuming the protoforms all had a past on Cybertron, then they would likely have had enough time to exchange this programming in favor of the Predacon programming had they so desired. Many protoforms probably were Maximals from birth, but had to be constructed one way or another anyways, and in their life time used their free will to decide to retain that Maximal programming). So I mean, if you have ideas, go ahead and say them. I just... am drawing a mental blank right now as to how they fought for anything good or moral.

The above paragraph probably sounds like sarcasm. But I'm being dead serious.

It is because of the way they were written that they looked so evil, but then, it is the way they were written- they looked evil.

Also, about the birth thing, I have no clue either. Transformers are... there, but I don't have any idea how.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Whether or not this rage is a result of Sonar's tampering or was the very thing Saber sought Sonar's assistance to remove is something I think I need Night Hunter to specify, although it seems logical that it was the latter of the two possibilities.
Alright, Saber was born with the 'rage' what she calls "The Fury," There are two ways the her 'rage' can be triggered, one if she needs to protect herself at the last possible second. And two is if she loses control of her temper. She sought out Sonar to remove it and weather or not he will get rid of it, you'll just have to wait and see.
It may also be important to note that Saber harbors a dislike for the Maximal Elders.
Well these's are Saber's words not mine. "The Maximal elders are nothing but sparkless old goats that should be offlined."
But Saber will never admit her dislike of the Maximal elders, she does regret making the deal with Sonar. Like Dinobot Saber is a warrior with honor but she has tainted it with her deal with Sonar.
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

No, no I get what you're saying and to be honest I've had such skepticism before. xD I have different ideas than many people, especially when it comes down to what's good or bad. I agree with many people on the rights and wrongs in society, but when it comes to defining evil, I have a really hard time. Demons are evil, pockets of evil intent are evil, and people who willingly kill, maim, torture or whatever other people or animals or the earth for fun or because they like it or whatever willingly and totally on their on fault is evil. Granted, something in the physical makeup of their brain might make them that way and, thus, they aren't entirely evil, but that's as close as I'll go. The scientists and all them in World War II? Evil. I can't think of any reason why what they did could possibly be right in anyway whatsoever. DX It was wrong wrong wrong! But the suicide bomber in this or that war? Are they truly evil?

I guess what my viewpoint boils down to is this: While many people see the world as black and white, I see the world as having black and white in everything in it and everything it does so that it's grey! o-o The world is grey to me. For everything bad a person or thing or idea does, there's some good to come out of it and vice versa. Call me optimistic or naive or hopeful, I don't care, but that's how I see it. n_n

So translating that into BW:

From a Maximal viewpoint, the Preds ARE evil. :/ But from the Pred viewpoint, they're not evil, they have causes and stuff themselves, or maybe they think of themselves as evil because evil is cool. 8) Maybe some Predacons view the MAximals as evil. Rampage certainly might. x_x Depth Cahrge had a thing or two to say about the High Council for sure. Dinobot freaked out when he thought he was in a "Maximal Torture Chamber"! x_x!!!!!! Megatron was willing to eradicate the entire current Cbertronian race to make the Decepticons win. o-o That is certainly very bad from a human's and Maximal's and Autobot's viewpoint, and honestly, I think Megatron's the closest to "evil" among the Predacons you've got. x_x Oh wait, Tarantulas is quite evil as well. But what about the others?

Black Arachnia could be said to be evil because of the things she did. But what about later? And was it all her fault anyway? She, with Pred programming still, saved the 'childrens' lives and helped the Maximals and all that. She was still selfish, but she was learning. Dinobot also seemed to learn the value of other lives and his friendships/loyalties. Terrorsaur and Waspinator seemed to get along well and they're Preds. Scorponok was just dumb but his idolization of his leader was not presented as selfish as it was obsessive or pure admiration. Is that evil?

Oh, btw - I agree that the programming influences the bot, it doesn't control them. If we include Beast Machines here, it is apparent that even though MEgatron's reprogramming could heavily influence a bot and his memories, he could not erase the inner person. Also, in Beast Wars, it seems the reprogramming could also heavily influence how a bot seems him or herself, but yes they still have free will. So I agree there.

So, yeah the Preds do their wrong things, as far as ethics go, but liek I said, amybe they have different morals.

"Morals" are hard to define, but I think they're rules that come about in society to protect each person and thing's personal rights. It is morally wrong to kill someone. To someone not raised and taught such a moral, killing someone is the perfect way to get rid of something one doesn't like or finds annoying or hates or whatever. It means that they never ever have to see or deal with that person ever again. It also means that other person can't harm this Someone anymore. Take Rampage for example - he killed many many peeps. D: But for what? How? Why? It's explained he was an experiment, treated as such, viewed as a monster, albeit a brilliant one, and even Optimus Primal treats him like a monster, a thing, even though Rampage's actions in the show seem to indicate farrrrr more than jsut a mindless monster thing set to kill everyone. To someone like Rampage, why is killing wrong? Why should he feel guilty about Omicron? Why shouldn't he rub it into DC's face with a laugh and a joke? I think it'd be nearly impossible to explain to Rampage exactly why he should or should not do something without a purely logical, even selfish reason. Unless there's something in it for him, why should he care? Does 'not knowing' make someone evil?

Now the Predacons are different. Morals and ethics keep order in a society and help uphold law and vice versa, so when I say they have different morals, I mean to a Predacon it's okay to do this or that, that to a Maximal would be an atrocious thing to do. Killing someone for some reason might be okay given they did this or that in return. OH! It's like, to a Predacon, the rules might be "An eye for an eye" or "get them before they get you" while to Maximals the rules might be "everyone deserves a fair trial" and "give everyone a chance." 'Morals' can be derived from both.

(Ugh, my mind's starting to bungle all my arguments together. xD I know where I stand, but explaining is proving difficult.)

However, the whole programming = morals or whatev gets blurred again. -_- Rattrap seemed more than willing to actually KILL Dinobot a few times in the show. His dislike of Predacons runs deep and with his personality and from a few things he said, I wouldn't be surprised if his past is riddled with stuff like blowing people up, sniping, putting an incapacitated or defenseless enemy down simply because it would be a risk to himself to keep them alive, stuff like that. All of which would be "immoral" to some people, but to others be a justified way of life. It's easy for someone in stable, nice society to spout off about law and upholding justice and stuff, but putting oneself into the other man's shoes - is stealing food for your children when you have no money and no way to get hired even if you tried really hard 'bad' or wrong? And does doing so make you 'evil?' Granted, someone with a reason or selfless cause gets of the hook easy with that one. But what about someone into a crime for the money or power or glory? To you and me, such a thing is wrong. It infringes on other peoples' personal rights and stuff. And because it does that, it is wrong, and therefore it's 'bad.' But is it evil? Or, rather, does it make that PERSON evil? I don't think so. Unless they do what WWII scientists did, I don't think they're evil. Something evil cannot love in any capacity, imo, but Rumble seems to have his Con buddies, his "brothers", his tape deck (Squeeeee Soundwave!) and even gets along with Megatron. xD Looking at the individuals, I don't think any Con or Predacon is truly evil, although some come close. I suppose PRedacons as a whole during war can be 'evil', but to a Pred, MAximals are evil. o_O So which side is right really?

Mah brain hurts trying to think this all out. lol A few times in there I think i started to unravel what I was saying because I had another thought to contradict it but hopefully it's readable as I tried to stick to one argument...

.............lol going ack to my original argument though - I don't think Preds and Cons and Bots and Maximals are 'programmed' with morality, if RT's example has anything to say about that. I think they're programmed with a certain self identity. For Preds its suspicion and putting themselves before others and stubbornness against change and self righteousness and a will to change their surroundings to fit them, and for Maximals it seems to be an innate curiosity that allows themselves be open to new ideas and shaping themselves t adapt to their surroundings to coexist with it. <-- That's not quite hitting it on the nose. T_T But I'm trying to sort out my words better. T_T' I know there's a certain "badness" in being a Predacon, a certain attitude and way of thinking, same for Maximals... Even thosel ines get blurred sometimes though...I know that I, for one, would definitely be a Maximal. . .

Okay NightHunter, I see! :D
Image This egg has a Predacon symbol, yess. Image
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Unread post by Blazemane »

No, no I get what you're saying and to be honest I've had such skepticism before. xD I have different ideas than many people, especially when it comes down to what's good or bad. I agree with many people on the rights and wrongs in society, but when it comes to defining evil, I have a really hard time. Demons are evil, pockets of evil intent are evil, and people who willingly kill, maim, torture or whatever other people or animals or the earth for fun or because they like it or whatever willingly and totally on their on fault is evil. Granted, something in the physical makeup of their brain might make them that way and, thus, they aren't entirely evil, but that's as close as I'll go. The scientists and all them in World War II? Evil. I can't think of any reason why what they did could possibly be right in anyway whatsoever. DX It was wrong wrong wrong! But the suicide bomber in this or that war? Are they truly evil?
Oh. o.k., let me clarify one moment. I have been using the word evil to be synonymous with immoral and bad- anything that is the opposite of good, or righteous. But yes, evil often does have a much harsher connotation, and I think that’s the way you are understanding it, so I’ll try to use “bad” to mean “lighter” offenses, and “evil” to describe to the more universally perceived drastic ones. Though I may have to discuss that distinction itself later.

I agree about the WWII people. But I disagree with the thing about the suicide bomber. I know that suicide bombers believe full well that what they are doing is good- in their own mind, they have justified themselves.

But I think that’s another problem, not an excuse. I do believe that there is determinable right and wrong. It’s already one thing that suicide bombers will bring innocents into the mess, and it’s another thing if they’re doing it for a bad cause. I believe that is evil.

Of course, it is often a huge thing to question what is a bad cause and what is a good one. If, after all, the suicide bomber, believed in his cause, is there not, in and of itself, a chance that their cause was the correct one. And I would answer that question… yes. They’ve still done evil by bombing innocents, but the cause they fight for, even wrongly, may have been right.

Of course, I believe it will be one way or the other. It might be right, and it might be wrong. But in the end, it is only one of those two things, and it is one of those two things.

Let me give an example. There is a story which I am not certain is true, although it seems very likely, and even if it is only hypothetical it would still apply. There are a band of Christians who take a group of non-Christians down to a river. They tell the first non-Christian to convert to Christianity. He refuses, and they chop his head off. The rest, in fear of this example, decided to “convert”, and were baptized in that river.

I am a Christian. So I will be the first to admit that their cause was one I absolutely agreed with. But those men were evil. Period. Why? Because they used force to convert, rather than the love which Jesus professes, and took life which I completely believe was not theirs to decide to take.

Were those Christians misguided about their method of conversion? Yes. But does that excuse them for their deeds? Absolutely not. Their killing was either wrong or right. It was one of those two things. And what they thought it was did not change what it truly was.

And that is how I think of the Predacons. If they were mistreated, it ought to be judged that they were the protagonists. They were standing up for their rights. But then, I oughtn’t contradict myself. The original intent of defending themselves was the right cause. But even if it were, Megatron’s attempt to eradicate humanity (genocide, and genocide of a sentient race above all things) and his other fighting methods (such as forced programming- quite like forced conversion in the above example) still label him in my mind as evil.
I guess what my viewpoint boils down to is this: While many people see the world as black and white, I see the world as having black and white in everything in it and everything it does so that it's grey! o-o The world is grey to me. For everything bad a person or thing or idea does, there's some good to come out of it and vice versa. Call me optimistic or naive or hopeful, I don't care, but that's how I see it. n_n
You said there is good to be found in bad things. I would call that optimistic and hopeful. But certainly not naïve. Why? Because I agree. And we should feel good about our beliefs. I won’t call that naïve, and I hope you don’t either.

The only distinction I would draw is that I believe are some things in which no good is to be found at all. Most things you can find good in, but not everything. What I do believe is that, as the Bible says “all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.” ( Romans 8:28 )

In the end everything will work for good. And I think that an end result of absolute good is more of a thing to look forward -a more optimistic outlook- than the idea that some good will come out of anything bad, but with no guarantee of absolute good at the end. Take for example, a post you made in the other thread discussing Maximal and Predacons moral ramifications (since that is the topic, it seems relevant to put it here):
But does a decline in human population do for the world?
For observation’s sake- this is the present bad. And the following is the good that would come of it:
A lot of good, imo. Less pollution, more space for surviving humans to live in, fish populations could go back up, food would be more abundant, etc. Survivors would be devastated and mentally scarred for the rest of their lives because they're sentient, but the world as a whole regained some semblance of balance somewhere because that's life. Life always finds a way. If it can grow, it will. And it will grow "good" things and "bad" things all the time.
Are those positive effects? I would say so. But even among that, there are some negative aspects thrown in (the mental scarring that you mentioned for one thing). But there is an idea here of a constant flow from disorder back to balance, and the co-existence of good and bad. I’d far prefer an eventual resolution of complete good. That is what I would call hopeful. I don’t want to think we’re stuck with the bad of life forever. I want to hope that eventually, absolute good will be attained.

Furthermore, good may have come out the bad situation of world decline (and even then, only returned to a co-existence of good and bad), but what about that hefty price- what about that world decline? When we see people in danger of losing their life, we never content ourselves with the good that will come out of their bad situation. We say “you need to get to a hospital.” We call 9-1-1. We do whatever we can to keep that person alive. And rightfully so. We should never want to give up on life. If we left the person un-helped, and somebody asked us later what we did to help that person we saw, we would feel ashamed to say that we had let them be.

Many people fear over-population. But we certainly don’t kill people just to reduce the population (well, actually, many people, including my Calculus teacher from high school justified abortion based on this concept, but that is a completely different discussion). If our fear from over-population is death, then we have merely given up and rushed into that fearful result if we somehow remove life to solve the problem.

And because of all of this, I can not content myself with the good to be found in bad. Sometimes that’s all we have to go on, and we must take some solace in it. But good from bad can not be the end result of our lives. We must fight against bad. We must stand. We must hope that good will eventually triumph in totality, or there has been no improvement. We are merely passing through this life, helpless against the big picture.

And then there’s the other side of the coin- that bad will come from any good. And here I strongly disagree. What if a student were to assemble a basket of fruit for an ailing teacher? What bad came from it? The people who grew the fruit were paid, and the teacher was encouraged (and fed). The only potential problem I see here is that the student had to pay for the fruit. But is that truly bad? For one thing money is meant to be spent at some point. Two, the student probably received some happiness from their own good deed, and three, the spending of the money on the fruit might have even prevented that student from buying bad or even less productive things.

I don’t believe bad has to follow wherever good goes.
From a Maximal viewpoint, the Preds ARE evil. :/ But from the Pred viewpoint, they're not evil, they have causes and stuff themselves,
Indeed, many probably do believe their cause is the right one. But it either is or isn’t. From my viewpoint.
or maybe they think of themselves as evil because evil is cool.
Which, logic dictates, provides no justification at all. I think this is my problem with Rampage. He knows how evil he is. He admits to reveling in the fear and pain of others. He may have had a rough life, but it seems clear that he knows what good and evil are, and had openly chosen his path. To be certain, there is some torture he deals with inside himself, and he does have those problems to deal with. “Transmutate” made that abundantly clear. But if he truly is a conflicted individual, then there is further evidence that he knows the difference between right and wrong, and chooses the latter.
Maybe some Predacons view the MAximals as evil. Rampage certainly might. x_x

This may be true. But, again, I am quite convinced that he knows his own evil, and pursues it. Therefore, his opinions of others do not have direct bearing on his goodness or badness. He probably does see them as evil. But he says “You’re evil… And so am I. BLEAUGH HA HA HAHAHAHAHA!” That doesn’t justify him.
Depth Cahrge had a thing or two to say about the High Council for sure.
And he said those things out loud. But I think he was mad at them for their error of judgment in sending Rampage to a barren planet alive. I doubt he saw them as evil. He thought they didn’t go far enough, which means they were over-scrupulous rather than under-scrupulous. Then again, I am a Christian, and do believe what the Bible says when it says not to stray too far to the left or to right. Perhaps Depth Charge did see their lack of proper action as evil in a similar fashion. But even so, I would accredit that to the imperfections in any person. Nobody is perfect. It’s the overall good or evil of a person that can be a difficult thing to decide.
Dinobot freaked out when he thought he was in a "Maximal Torture Chamber"! x_x!!!!!!
That was a fear that Rattrap quickly pacified by informing Dinobot that Maximal Torture Chamber’s did not exist. This was perhaps a case of Dinobot’s self projection of Predacon methods onto what was previously an enemy affiliation, and certainly not a case of evidence for Maximal cruelty. Even if it wasn’t self-projection of Predacon methods, then it was, at the very least, an invalid fear.
Black Arachnia could be said to be evil because of the things she did. But what about later?
She was becoming a Maximal later. Her programming had not changed, but like Dinobot, her morals clearly had. Which could, technically, be evidence for saying that morals are not a part of Maximal programming, or be evidence that free will allows a transformer to go against this programming. But there is something to be said for the fact that when a Predacon’s ideals changed, they suddenly found themselves more at home with the Maximals- which would suggest a connection between affiliation and moral systems.
But what about later? And was it all her fault anyway? She, with Pred programming still, saved the 'childrens' lives and helped the Maximals and all that. She was still selfish, but she was learning.

Was it all her fault? She was certainly “nutured” in a Predacon manner. And to say, as you do, that her Predacon programming removed any of the fault from her, then there is further evidence that there is a connection between programming and morality. As for whether it is her fault, I would say that despite her programming, free will, as she clearly showed later in the show, made it her fault. All her fault? Perhaps all is not the right word. Predacon programming had something to do with it. But in the end, it was still her fault, even if not in it’s entirety, and therefore her choice.

So what is the distinction to be made? I would argue that not all Predacons are evil. Dinobot and Blackarachnia showed a clear capacity for good. And peace has been maintained on Cybertron. But since they were influenced at times by their programming (if indeed we do seek to excuse them at all because of this programming), it seems Predacon programming is more inclined to immoral deeds.
Terrorsaur and Waspinator seemed to get along well and they're Preds.
I think it is because they were both Preds that they got along. They decidedly did not get along with Maximals.
Scorponok was just dumb but his idolization of his leader was not presented as selfish as it was obsessive or pure admiration. Is that evil?
I don’t believe all admiration is evil. But who one admires says a lot about what one believes in. Megatron was, to Scorponok, the embodiment of the Predacon cause. He was their true leader. He was the one that would bring them to their rightful glory. He admired Megatron, but he too, admired what Megatron stood for. And Megatron proved that what he stood for was evil, again and again. Even the Predacons on Cybertron derided Megatron as having jumped the gun. And many perhaps would have wanted peace. But Scorponok wanted domination and he wanted it immediately.
Take Rampage for example - he killed many many peeps. D: But for what? How? Why? It's explained he was an experiment, treated as such, viewed as a monster, albeit a brilliant one, and even Optimus Primal treats him like a monster, a thing, even though Rampage's actions in the show seem to indicate farrrrr more than jsut a mindless monster thing set to kill everyone.
That’s actually my biggest problem with him. Any lion out in the Serengeti can go on a rampage and kill a bunch of tourists. And while this would be a tragedy, we could never claim the lion had any opinion on it being right or wrong, or even knew such things existed. Morals don’t apply to mindless monsters, because they absolutely can not make a decision based on morality.

Rampage is a brilliant monster. And therein is his greatest evil. He has an extreme capacity for sentient thought, and still does evil things. And like I said earlier, it seems very clear to me that he knows precisely what he’s doing. Evil treatment in the past will never excuse evil treatment in the future. Indeed, to turn around and do the evil that you’ve had such a clear sampling of, and therefore know causes such immense pain, only gives one less of an excuse. Rampage is evil.
To someone like Rampage, why is killing wrong? Why should he feel guilty about Omicron? Why shouldn't he rub it into DC's face with a laugh and a joke? I think it'd be nearly impossible to explain to Rampage exactly why he should or should not do something without a purely logical, even selfish reason. Unless there's something in it for him, why should he care? Does 'not knowing' make someone evil?
I know I cut this paragraph from your post into two parts, and that’s why I’m restating some things. And I would say killing is wrong to him, and he should feel guilty and he shouldn’t rub it in DC’s face, because he does know. He understands pain very well, and feeds on it. He knows fear very well, and feeds on it. A noble person learns from their own past just how evil something is and chooses to avoid it. An evil person learns from their own past just how evil something is, and then passes it on to others. I don’t think Rampage doesn’t know. I think he knows full well, and revels in it all.
Rattrap seemed more than willing to actually KILL Dinobot a few times in the show. His dislike of Predacons runs deep and with his personality and from a few things he said, I wouldn't be surprised if his past is riddled with stuff like blowing people up, sniping, putting an incapacitated or defenseless enemy down simply because it would be a risk to himself to keep them alive, stuff like that.
Perhaps. Unfortunately, Rattrap’s past is a matter of speculation. We do know he was master marksmen and a demolitions expert. We know he somehow landed on an exploration with a secret mission for discarding protoform X. So he had to have had some sort of battle experience. Even if we did know of specific times where he sniped or blew stuff up, we would have to examine if these cases were valid or not.

Beast Wars is the story of a war. I do believe that violence in war is at times justified, but regardless of my beliefs, Beast Wars was based on ethical foundation that there are some things worth fighting for. They even delved into the validity of this question in “Law of the Jungle” and asked the audience to consider if the triumph of a cause was worth violence. In the end, at least the skeptical character had re-affirmed for himself that the answer was yes.

Maximals were shown almost always to be merciful to defeated Predacons, a trait severely lacking on the Predacon side. Rattrap himself stopped Dinobot from killing Silverbolt.

The bias we got to see from Rattrap was directed at Dinobot- a member of a crew that had stolen the Golden Disk and wished to start a civil war. I would contend that his fears were not undue. But remembering that there was peace on Cybertron, I would have to assume that the Maximals would have to live peaceably as well, and therefore, hot-headed soldiers would have to be kept in line. If they stepped out, they would have to get punished. We never got to see what Rattrap did on Cybertron, but if he ever did any of the things mentioned above, it is quite conceivable that he would actually have had his head on his shoulders at those moments. To be honest, if he was some sort of secret agent, I would trust his judgment. He made onto the Axalon after all, so his superiors had to have trusted him. Which also means I doubt he would ever put down a defenseless foe. Dinobot was never defenseless after all.
I don't think Preds and Cons and Bots and Maximals are 'programmed' with morality, if RT's example has anything to say about that. I think they're programmed with a certain self identity. For Preds its suspicion and putting themselves before others and stubbornness against change and self righteousness and a will to change their surroundings to fit them,
There is peace on Cybertron, which as I have said before, means not all Predacons themselves have to be evil. But as for the programming, looking at what you have listed:

Suspicion: Fear. Fear is sometimes only natural, but if a system is based on fear, then there is a definite problem. Again, as I am a Christian, I perceive morality through what the Bible says about it. The Bible says perfect love casts out fear. I don’t see fear as a self-indentifying trait. I see it as a deficiency. Again, I may speak from experience. There are many things I fear- many things I do not trust God enough with.

Besides, what does fear feed into? Selfish acts. Some fear is natural, and some reactions are necessary, but if a major component of one’s identity is fear, it will only feed into over-reaction.

Putting themselves before others: That self centered nature which through examples such as Blackarachnia and Megatron can be seen to produce evil actions. Self-obsession, can, itself, be wrong, in my opinion.

Self righteousness: A problem if there morals are skewed.

A will to change their surroundings to fit them: Well, looking how Rhinox changed in “Dark Designs” this seems to be over-abundant. It’s a basically a component of being self-centered. Sometimes you have to change your surroundings. But the show showed the Predacons doing this in over-abundance.

What’s to be said about all this? I do not believe all Predacons are evil. Indeed, to maintain peace despite what they are programmed with indicates great moral resolve. That or general apathy. But I would still contend that their programming is not a set of self-indentifying traits as much as it is a set of problems, whose primary intent really is that self-centered nature. Rhinox was changed and immediately wanted to control the Predacons. Terrorsaur continually tried the same thing. Blackarachnia plotted for power. Megatron wished for people to cower at his name, and he wanted to rule Cybertron. And in the end, I don’t their switch to being self-centered was a neutral effect, I believe it was an immoral one.
Now the Predacons are different. Morals and ethics keep order in a society and help uphold law and vice versa, so when I say they have different morals, I mean to a Predacon it's okay to do this or that, that to a Maximal would be an atrocious thing to do. Killing someone for some reason might be okay given they did this or that in return. OH! It's like, to a Predacon, the rules might be "An eye for an eye" or "get them before they get you" while to Maximals the rules might be "everyone deserves a fair trial" and "give everyone a chance." 'Morals' can be derived from both.
"Morals" are hard to define, but I think they're rules that come about in society to protect each person and thing's personal rights. It is morally wrong to kill someone. To someone not raised and taught such a moral, killing someone is the perfect way to get rid of something one doesn't like or finds annoying or hates or whatever. It means that they never ever have to see or deal with that person ever again. It also means that other person can't harm this Someone anymore.
It's easy for someone in stable, nice society to spout off about law and upholding justice and stuff, but putting oneself into the other man's shoes - is stealing food for your children when you have no money and no way to get hired even if you tried really hard 'bad' or wrong? And does doing so make you 'evil?' Granted, someone with a reason or selfless cause gets of the hook easy with that one. But what about someone into a crime for the money or power or glory? To you and me, such a thing is wrong. It infringes on other peoples' personal rights and stuff. And because it does that, it is wrong, and therefore it's 'bad.' But is it evil? Or, rather, does it make that PERSON evil? I don't think so. Unless they do what WWII scientists did, I don't think they're evil.
From other thread:
Humans and other sentient creatures are the ones that ace what is good and what is bad because to them, they want to live and they have aspirations and anything that gets in the way of that is bad and anything that helps them is good. It's all selfish.
This brings up an even more interesting question- have we invented morality ourselves? Or is morality a definitive concept which we have been shown?

Well, I may as well just say my opinion and work from there.

I believe in fixed morality. There is right and wrong, and how a person perceives something will not change whether it is truly good or bad in the end.

If we invented our morality based on selfishness, then why is it that the things we so often perceive as immoral are the things that are based on a selfish nature. If a kid wants a candy bar from the store, but doesn’t want to lose money, they might gratify their selfish nature by stealing it. If I want to gossip about someone, even if I might degrade that person’s reputation, I might selfishly gratify my need to make jokes at that person’s experience or selfishly show my knowledge of current social events, etc.

But what it really boils down to, what lies at the heart of how I perceive morality, or at least how I ought to, is my belief in God. It may perhaps seem strange for me to bring God up, but He is at the crux of everything I believe.

Without God, we must presume to have invented morality ourselves. There wasn’t Anybody there to tell us the truth, and that’s where the idea that our laws are made selfishly becomes the best possible answer.

If God is real, at least the God described in Christianity, then He gave us our moral foundation, and things will either be wrong or right. It won't matter that someone thinks they're in the right- only whether they truly are or not.
Last edited by Blazemane on Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

lol our posts just get longer and longer. And if i try to reply to everything you said, my post would be longer than yours. ._. So, I might skip some things.

Well, first off - yeah I've been using evil to refer to ultimate bad. o-o I'll try to keep your definition in mind while I write.

Second of all, I'm trying to understand where you stand - you believe that there is always right and wrong and that there is good and evil. We should strive to find pure good and sometimes something can be good or bad without having the other in it. Many times, good and bad are subjective, even causes or ideals or people or other things and in those cases, right and wrong can be confused. Even so, a person actions can be evil, such as killing innocents.

I agree with that on a personal level, but on a big picture level I feel the world is grey. And by grey I mean the universe has balance. Like karma. And the world maintains that balance. Overall, good things, bad things, they're all the same it's just that we're sentient and we think about them and how they affect us and feel we want it to change. But we're what we've got, so bad and good have to be defined for a culture in order to maintain funtionality. If killing was okay and an everyday praactice for some peoples, say the Examples, then who's to say that's wrong? In context. To us it's wrong because they're killing innocent people but to the Examples it's normal. It can't be wrong to them because it's not infringeing an anyone's rights as they define it. Killing is seen as a bad thing because Death is seen as a bad thing. But in cultures where it's normal and fine, killing isn't wrong. Now, I'm not saying death isn't a big deal or that Megatron can wipe out everyone anytime he wants. That's bad to me. That's wrong. D: But if we're talking about how the universe works, then I feel nothing is right or wrong, good or bad or even evil, because that's jsut how it is and it all happens for a reason.

With Rampage's example, I wrote about him i nthe other thread, but you bring up a point I forgot to explain: I do recognize that he knows what's right or wrong on some level. I do not agree he makes a choice to do wrong after he knows right or wrong - quite different. I believe Rampage recognizes right from wrong according to other people but there is nothing in his past to dictate or give him reason that he should choose 'right'. He seems to see what the morals and rules are to thoer people, but he doesn't seem to feel they apply to him because he is not one of them. He is alienated from that. D: Always has been. So even though he knows what others would choose, how can he 'choose' to do 'wrong' if he's never been shown or realized that they apply to him? He's like... We're Humans, they're Transformers, the Examples are their own tribe over there killing people for fun and saying, "See ya on the other side!", and then Rampage is a Transformer Living In His Own Culture over there. To him, it seems, the world is about pain and suffering and he might even laugh at te Maximals for thinking otherwise. I really can't blame him. :/ Nothing's shown him different.

gah so much....umm...

Black Arachnia did do wrong, like I said, but I feel that tampering ith someone's programming probably does a lot.... I wonder if maybe Reprogramming results in bots like her? Terrorsaur and Waspinator got along fine, in a Pred way, and they're Preds. But if they were turned Maximal, maybe it's possible that while they'd be 'nicer', they'd still be a) themselves on the inside so really they didn't change and that could present problems later and b) perhaps more self sacrificing than Primal himself? Maybe tampering with programming takes things to the extreme? Terrorsaur would be overly loyal or soemthing. Totally out of the blue, haven't trid thinking it out yet...

es about Dinobot, okay on the listed traits of Predacons, I see what you're saying. Powerhunger seems to be a Pred thing. Which brings me back to proramming. It could be a programmed thing, in which case it's not really their fault I guess, It's jsut standard procedure. But then what about the spark? Well....maybe, oeverall, Predacons are the Warriors of TF society, so to speak, while Maximals are the Thinkers and Workers. Or similar. I suppose that boils down to the Wild vs. Tame bots again. TBH, I have to think on that more, because you present great points I'd liek more time ot think about. I still do not feel Predacons are inherently evil, and Maximals inherently good, and I still do not think that their programming is based on morality. I'm trying to think what it is exactly it's based on. I know it when I see it. When I make up a Predacon OC I know how to make them Predacon and Maximal a Maximal, and I know where the boundaries are between them when I develop them (or canons) but exactly defining what it is I'm using as the measurement is very difficult.

As for God, I respect your beliefs, and I see where you're coming from. :)

I have my own beliefs that my opinions are based on as well, I guess. n_n Our most fundamental beliefs about how the world works forms what we feel is right and wrong, in many cases. I hope you don't mind me sharing - We invented morality ourselves, because God is everything. He/she/it is everything that ever was, is, or will be. It is male, female, both, neither, and another 5th option I can't think of. It is 'good' and 'evil' at the same time and is far greater than anything. We are the parts that make it the whole and more, and vice versa. Therefore, it is above good and evil because all plans it has for us and every other living thing in the Universe, this planet or others and all dimensions in between and around us, is so far beyond what we can comprehend, applying good and evil is only there to make us get along. We are merely a drop in an ocean that's the size of the known universe and bigger. And yet, to us, our world, our drop of water, is so big and important already, we need morals to keep it working. I think humans invent morality because we need to, and they arise as a result of culture, be it stemmed from religion or law or what have you.

So, since 'God' to me is that way, and I do believe he/she/it guides us in everything we do but does not dictate, to me, Predacons are not given pesonality chips based on morals but they're given a different processing nature, a different way of viewing it, that influences their thoughts on the world in such a way that control becomes a desire and etc. .... But God or It might not exist in TF world. To them they have Primus nad that was not explored in the show, only mentioned. So in BW, I think morals are based on whatever society has brought with it. Primal seems ot share the same beliefs as his ancestors regarding morality and I like his morality, and it is shared by me. :3 Whatever 'morals' Megatron has, or no morals, is different. His cause is his own and on a personal level, he's wrong, but on a universal level, what he does cannot be right or wrong. ..

...I think I was going to write a ... better conclusion to what I was saying but I've completely lost it cuz I got distracted. -_-'''''''' Um, to me Preds aren't evil, even though what they DO is 'bad' on a personal and global level, just no universal, I guess. lol
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Monday was busy, hee hee hee.
With Rampage's example, I wrote about him in the other thread, but you bring up a point I forgot to explain: I do recognize that he knows what's right or wrong on some level. I do not agree he makes a choice to do wrong after he knows right or wrong - quite different. I believe Rampage recognizes right from wrong according to other people but there is nothing in his past to dictate or give him reason that he should choose 'right'. He seems to see what the morals and rules are to thoer people, but he doesn't seem to feel they apply to him because he is not one of them. He is alienated from that. D: Always has been. So even though he knows what others would choose, how can he 'choose' to do 'wrong' if he's never been shown or realized that they apply to him? He's like... We're Humans, they're Transformers, the Examples are their own tribe over there killing people for fun and saying, "See ya on the other side!", and then Rampage is a Transformer Living In His Own Culture over there. To him, it seems, the world is about pain and suffering and he might even laugh at te Maximals for thinking otherwise. I really can't blame him. :/ Nothing's shown him different.
If this is, indeed, how he sees the world- that he knows what other’s conceptions of morality are, but simply does not agree with them- that all he’s known is pain and suffering and therefore those concepts seem the norm to him- then why he does he admit to regretting everything?

And I think the Maximals have shown him different. It is conceivable (and likely) that the Maximals who made him showed him nothing different, but what of those who fight on Earth? What about when they stood up for life like when Dinobot defended humanity? What about the whole premise of the war, which Rampage surely was bound to discover because he was forced to fight in it- that the Maximals were fighting to maintain peace on Cybertron, and then when Megatron’s plans turned worse, were fighting to maintain time itself? What about the way they fought that war? In the third season, the Maximals are mostly on the defensive, so we don’t get many chances to see them show mercy or clean fighting. But while I don’t generally like to base evidence on things we are not specifically shown, I have to assume that there was more time in between the episodes, and that Rampage had to have had a chance to see their good nature, simply because that is the way the Maximals acted in the show.

And what about when examples were specifically shown to Rampage that only served what he specifically wanted? Did Silverbolt not, too, fight for Transmutate’s acceptance? Did he not have the Maximals stand down and let Rampage have his time for pondering after Transmutate’s death?

Oh to be certain, Rampage was tortured and so kept in line by Megatron. Depth Charge was continually hounding him, and for all of their good nature, the Maximals were still the ones Rampage was constantly fighting. Not everything he was shown was good. But I would contend that he was given some example of those good things. The Maximals and Predacons clearly fought for different ideals (again while Cybertronian politics are ambiguous, the show was written with the intent of the Maximals on Earth being the good guys and the Predacons on Earth being the bad guys), and so, Rampage was exposed to both sides of the coin.

If, after all, he could perceive other’s beliefs about good and bad, then that automatically establishes that he had the chance to observe both.

Yet, for all of this, even if he does not truly regret anything, and he does not apply anybody else’s moral code to his own, he has had the chance to, which establishes that his manner of dealing with the world was a choice and not a default of his past nurturing which he never had any evidence to change, and again, I would ask whether a person’s perceptions of good or evil truly clear them from the ultimate truth of whatever situation is being dealt with.

If he does not truly believe that he is doing wrong, the effects of his actions are still un-deniably devastating to the places he chooses to apply them, and I would contend that he is doing wrong even though he doesn’t know it. And if he does believe he is doing wrong, but does it anyways, then he becomes even worse.

Furthermore, you said this earlier:
and people who willingly kill, maim, torture or whatever other people or animals or the earth for fun or because they like it or whatever willingly and totally on their on fault is evil.
He certainly relishes torture and death, and engages in it willingly. Is the argument here that Rampage does not do these things on his own fault? Very few murderers become that way just because they think it’d be fun. The vast majority must become jaded about something because of some reason. Should they still be called evil, or should they be excused as having a glimmer of righteousness because certain circumstances in their past influenced their path?
Black Arachnia did do wrong, like I said, but I feel that tampering ith someone's programming probably does a lot.... I wonder if maybe Reprogramming results in bots like her? Terrorsaur and Waspinator got along fine, in a Pred way, and they're Preds.
Maybe tampering with programming takes things to the extreme?
Indeed, there is no technical evidence that explicitly denied this to the audience. But it doesn't seem that way, at least to me. We talked earlier of Blackarachnia losing her edge. And I agreed on the basis that she wasn’t doing crazy things anymore. And changing back to Maximal programming was bound to do a lot about that. But she still had some of that personality in her. “Shut up and listen to your commander, Bone-Brain!”?

And Terrorsaur got along with each other in a Pred way. Waspinator was incompetent in general (but always trying to do the best he could for the worst of leaders), but Terrorsaur was, I would contend, far from laid back and harmless.

He got a power surge, destroyed his leader, and then moved on to the Maximals (apparently he was just waiting for the chance). He also betrayed Megatron without extra power in “Double Jeopardy”. I don’t like Megatron, but I don’t like Terrorsaur either. It is, again, that whole self-centered thing- he was so bent on his own superiority, or at the least the rank to claim he had it. Aside from the attempts at taking over, he was, in general, a Predacon lackey- sometimes effectively (he gets the Most Valued shoot Optimus Primal straight out of the air award) and sometimes ineffectively helping the wrong cause. What of Quickstrike? He was never even reprogrammed, and still managed to be all about destruction- without regard to the cause his former allies fought for (also pointing to the free will aspect of Transformers. Even with unchanged programming, Quickstrike fit into the Predacons. Interestingly, he had to have been trusted enough to be on the Axalon, so it may have been his past experiences- the ones he forgot in the stasis pod crash that had held him to a Maximal code on Cybertron.) Then there’s Megatron’s example- worse than Blackarachnia- and with no reprogramming.

Theoretically speaking too, it seems if reprogramming truly effected Cybertronians to be more drastically of a certain mindset than a certain ally would be, it almost seems that Rhinox, in his shift from Maximal to Predacon, and then back to Maximal, would have drifted even further into a peaceable mindset. But that is theoretical.
We invented morality ourselves, because God is everything. He/she/it is everything that ever was, is, or will be. It is male, female, both, neither, and another 5th option I can't think of. It is 'good' and 'evil' at the same time and is far greater than anything. We are the parts that make it the whole and more, and vice versa. Therefore, it is above good and evil because all plans it has for us and every other living thing in the Universe, this planet or others and all dimensions in between and around us, is so far beyond what we can comprehend, applying good and evil is only there to make us get along. We are merely a drop in an ocean that's the size of the known universe and bigger. And yet, to us, our world, our drop of water, is so big and important already, we need morals to keep it working. I think humans invent morality because we need to, and they arise as a result of culture, be it stemmed from religion or law or what have you.
So, is it accurate to say you define God as everything that comprises existence, whether past, present, or future?

Indeed what small drops we are then.

I have no trouble understanding your conclusion from your premise. In fact, I might even take it a bit further.

If indeed, we are of so little effect to this great ocean, what do our morals help anyways? You yourself said that we just use these morals to get by. In the end, we will have no true effects, especially if everything we try will be balanced by the opposite end of the spectrum. If we do bad, the balance of good must bring us back to neutrality. If we do good, the balance of bad must bring us back to neutrality.

But then if this existence supersedes any comprehension of good and bad, what indeed are good and bad? If there is a balance to be maintained, must it be between wrong and right? How can we be sure such things exist?

And of that man who believes that killing is acceptable. He believes he has done nothing wrong. Are we wrong to condemn him? If he is not truly evil, then has he done anything wrong at all? We’d sure feel wronged if he killed one of our own. But that’s just because we miss the person we knew who got killed. That is indeed selfish of us. The man was just misguided.

Well, actually he wasn’t misguided because that would claim our code superior to his, and in the end, neither of our society’s codes will matter to the big picture. He was other-wise guided.

But I must be honest. I do not like these results. I mean, they seem absolutely logical from the premise we start out with, but I don’t like moral futility. If my actions will have no impact on the world around me, and it is only bound to return to balance- a balance of good and bad… or… bad-seeming and good-seeming anyways- what is the point of my attempt? I see no hope.

As hard as it may seem to believe, a lot of Nazi’s in World War II did believe they were doing right. In fact, during the Nuremberg trials, that was one of there major defenses- that essentially, the Allied powers invented what criminal laws were and then imposed them.

And well, didn’t the Allied powers do that? I am convinced the Allied Powers dictated these laws after the war because of their moral implications. Surely the Nazi’s had committed moral atrocities, and this and this and this was how.

And yet, many considered themselves innocent, and so were troubled by the laws made near the end of the war.

Or I wonder about overseers at concentration camps. Were there none who simply thought they were doing their job, or perhaps even thought that what they were doing was outright… right?

Do we truly call these people who thought they were doing no wrong unrighteous? And, after all, will not the natural balance of the universe repair their harm regardless?

But we do see them as evil. You yourself said:
The scientists and all them in World War II? Evil. I can't think of any reason why what they did could possibly be right in anyway whatsoever. DX It was wrong wrong wrong!
According to whom? Us? Well, yes. But apparently not to all of them. World War II gets a lot of press for being a culmination of atrocities, but if it is logical to excuse the man from the tribe who thought it was alright to kill as innocent, then shouldn’t the same rules apply to the Nazi’s?

And yet, when you said you couldn’t think of any reason they could have been right, I understood you to mean that they were wrong period. If that is true, then there is a discernable “wrong” about the Nazi situation, regardless of what their moral convictions were on the matter at the time.

But I do agree the Nazi’s were wrong, and totally. It is moral situations like World War II that indicate that there is indeed true good and evil to be seen in the world. It is incredibly hard to defend the Nazi’s as righteous.

It’s hard to defend people who main, torture or kill for pure pleasure as righteous.

And yet, to condemn their actions stands in direction contradiction to the idea of ambiguous morality. It is because of these situations that I find it very hard to subscribe to the idea that morals are not fixed, and that someone can be righteous simply if they think they are.

And I have a hard time seeing that the world moves back to a proper balance of good and bad after things like this. 6 million Jews were lost during the duration of World War II. And what of those victims who are murdered or tortured, and their families? What balance do they get? Some murderers walk around unprosecuted, and die that way. Did their death, then, make up for the loss of that family member?

And what about good things like that situation where the one kid buys fruit for his teacher? What bad follows that act around to balance it out? And why must something so generous and kind be followed by something negative just to counteract it? I don’t mean any offense here, but that seems so depressing to me.

But of course, if I have trouble seeing some atrocities, like the death of Jews in World War II balanced by an equal good, I perhaps am falling into that same lack of hope. The only thing I have to say about that possibility is that I do believe Good will prevail ultimately and fully in the end, and even the death of those Jews will become lost in good’s complete victory. I believe God is just, and therefore will execute justice over that situation. That actually seems a lot like balance, although I think it becomes more than that- that the bad in this world will be dealt with, and then good will exist without bad.

What I’m trying to say with all of this is that though the idea of moral justification through the deed committer’s belief system, and of the balance between “good” and “evil” (perhaps, according to this belief system, non-existent concepts) can be logically deduced from the premise of an all encompassing existence which has some form of guiding principle (likely through the drive for balance), it is precisely the atrocities which shout “evil” irrevocably and the great moments which shout “good” irrevocably, and the sometimes unanswered nature of these events which contradict the conclusions given from that premise, and therefore, the premise itself.

It is illogical to presume that our morals were created by anyone but ourselves if we assume there is no Authority to have established these morals. And morals that we create ourselves should naturally differ within our individual societies, making the ideas of good and evil almost impossible to label consistently. Of course, if we have admitted that we created our morals, we don’t even need that evidence to know their unfounded nature- we can simply admit that since we created them to get by, they are actually only founded on our desires, and therefore they will often become irrelevant to others who wish to work from other desires, and in the end, they truly have no support but what we want to give them. They aren’t universal laws, they are merely fiat money- currency we want to give value to so that we can establish some sort of consistency in our dealings with each other.

And yet, we see Nazi’s as evil. There is a natural repulsion. We see murderers and torturers as evil.

We think of Mother Theresa as good. We look up to her example. It seems to me that these reactions are not because of ideals we want to give value to. Otherwise we could simply say that because morals have no true basis, these actions aren’t as bad or as good as they seem. Instead, I think we react this way to these people because of ideas that have already been given value. We just know.

It's like an instinct, and I strongly believe we have been ingrained with it. If we recognize these things as inherently good or bad, than we couldn’t have given them this natural state, or we would be able to discard it. There must have been Someone to label these things the way they intrinsically are. Because we have a natural idea of right and wrong, we can’t have made the ideas. Because we can’t have made the ideas, and they must exist because we recognize them, a higher Power had to have made them.

That’s one of the reasons I believe in Jesus.

If you do at all want to discuss your beliefs or discuss Christianity, we could probably do it over private message, as at least the debate about Predacon and Maximal morality has some relevance to this thread. But hey, if the moderators have no problem with how this discussion has been going, then talking like we have here isn’t a problem here.

Then again you might not want to discuss religion. I was just wondering if the discussion was going that way.
Last edited by Blazemane on Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Alak »

Sorry to detract you guys from your conversation, but what's the verdict on the unused OCs (the ones in the OC Episode #1)?
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I liked NaitoKage's device of having them track the huge energon explosion. I think if you guys posted about trying to contact your respective sides in the O.C. episode thread, our cannon characters could make a short appearance in there, calling you back, and having both parts of both teams finding each other to give finality to the O.C. episode.

But maybe somebody else has a different idea.
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So both OC and canon episodes are done or pretty much in the resolution stage. When are we going to start the next one?
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I figure... when all the Maximals reach the Axalon, Megatron can talk back, etc.

Sorry for saying that so late.

I realized there was another thing in thing I should add in the "Dark secrets" category about Steelclaw. Again, his past isn't really a secret. But, since he is a Maximal who simply believes the Predacons have been mistreated, I'm pretty sure he would still find the Decepticons to have a been a generally bad race (the excuse Maximals must surely use to suppress the Predacons), and, because of this, he would not fault the humans for their involvement in the Great War. Furthermore, since he is a Maximal, having the human race extinguished (causing the Autobots to lose, and thus having the Maximal race removed from the time stream) would be bad news for him.

For the above two reasons, I don't see how he could fight properly in "Code of Hero".

And I mean, I know Venatrix is having a complete turnaround in that episode, and I really don't want to steal her or Dinobot's thunder, so I keep thinking of a way that he would want to fight for the Predacons, but as it currently stands, it goes against the way I've constructed him.

Because I don't want to steal Dinobot's awesomeness and Venatrix's change of heart, I'll have to downplay it somehow. He certainly won't fight alongside those two. Maybe he'll just express minor distaste and Megatron will put him in stasis lock where he stands. Or he'll have been put out of commission earlier in the day. Or something.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Er.. by Maximals I hope you just mean Xzuk and Cerano. Moonshine, Tantrum, and Luna may end up MIA..
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True, Phoenix and Warwulf haven't been on recently.

Do you know if they're alright?
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Yeah, they're fine. Wulf is usually busy with ambulance work, firefighting and so on. Pheonix is busy with school stuff and they both kinda lost interest in the game they said due to the length it took.

So I guess we could just ignore them..retcon things and what not..
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We took too long for them.

Hmm... that kinda' bugs me.

No, not that they quit. That's their right and all. I understand why they did. And that's just the thing- we took too long for them.

We started Beast Wars episode 1 in March, and we still... haven't finished with the two parter. I mean, I've been advocating the completion of these episodes, least ways the ones that have been started, for the sake of quality, but maybe the episodes do present a problem.

I mean, take, for instance, the next episode we intend to do- "Equal Measures". The Maximals are all together for a conversation, but then the episode focuses on Primal, Dinobot, and especially Cheetor. The other Maximals aren't really seen until the end of the episode. What are they supposed to do?

And the Predacons are... kindof' all present. In turns at least. Waspinator and Scorponok, and then Terrorsaur, and then Megatron. Tarantulas doesn't really get anything.

And then what of the O.C.'s? If the Predacons are all just dealing with one Maximal (Cheetor) the entire episode, there isn't much to base their involvement around.

So I know you were asking what we thought of the episode structure near the beginning of this thread, Optimal Optimus Primal, but I guess I didn't know what to say then, and still am not quite sure now.

In all honesty... I get the feeling that if we just go exhaustively through a bunch of first season episodes, it's going to feel like re-watching the series. I enjoy adding what characters are thinking to explain why they do certain things, but I know many people far prefer to explore new situations then to explore and further define old ones. O.C.'s allow for this potential to some degree, but a strict adherence to the scripts prohibits a lot of potential as well.

Furthermore, if we go through, just casting a few episodes aside hear and there, we are going to find a bunch of plots that focus on specific characters at the expense of others (like "Equal Measures") And we're going to take years to get to potential plots with those who wish their characters to become transmetallized or to introduce fuzors, etc. Una's character Angel would be one such example. Can we really ask her to wait years?

Maybe... if the structure of scripted episodes is what we're after, so that we have clear cut goals... perhaps we could focus on episodes that include, essentially, everyone?

Fallen Comrades: Basically all of the Predacons and Maximals work in one way or another to take advantage of Tigatron's arrival on earth- whether attempting to get him on their side, or using the Maximal's field deployment to try stealing their base.

Victory: The Maximals all consider what to do with the idea that they've won. Meanwhile all the Predacons hide out and plan to steal the Axalon.
Besides. This episode is awesome.

Call of the Wild: All the Maximals must cope with the duality of their programming, and the Predacons go on a massive hunt.

That sort of thing?

Even those would take a while to go through. But, if we're taking so long we're actually sending people away from here... maybe we should reconsider?

Perhaps, even, those episodes would take too long. Episodes do provide quality structure, but the expense of time is frightening.
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Unread post by Alak »

I'll let you guys figure out how to layout the episodes, but here's an idea for Steelclaw:

In "Code of Honor", you don't have to have him turn against Megatron right away. Just show the initial phase of reluctance and him silently questioning his leader's orders. In later episodes, you could have him progress in his analysis of the situation he's in, and whether or not Steelclaw has made the right decision to stand by such a lunatic. Just an idea to go off of if you choose.
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