Beast Wars AU?

Where we talk about nothing other than that. :)

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Want to see a BW show set in an alternate universe?

Yes. Just think of the possibilities!
No. The original run was good enough for me.
Maybe. But only if it's well-done and can either live up to or surpass the original.
Meh... I already read that stuff in fanfiction. Dunno how it'll work for an actual show
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Beast Wars AU?

Unread post by EverBlue »

Anyways, I was wondering. Who here would like to see a brand new Beast Wars show set in an alternate universe? The characters would still be the same but it would be in a separate continuity completely unrelated to the original show. The settings would be a lot different with it possibly taking place elsewhere instead of prehistoric earth like on a contemporary earth or another planet, kinda. Then we'd have the opportunity to have new plots and possibilities without the stigmatism of the original show with its linear storyline. We'd still see Optimus, Rattrap, and the gang in-character except they'll just be living in another universe/continuity.

After all, they do this stuff all the time and start things over from scratch with a lot of series. I heard they rebooted G1 in the comic books. They've also done it with Spider Man, starting up the Ultimate Spider Man universe that's completely unrelated to the original comic book series. After all, if those series can be rebooted into starting over from scratch, why can't Beast Wars?
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Unread post by Taz-bot »

I wouldnt mind seeing a new Beast Wars series set in a alternate universe, but I would want it to be greater then the first series. I kinda think different about the character parts, I would reather see brand new characters so the younger fans that would watch could have their own favorite transformers. Like we had for Beast Wars, we had many characters in that show that werent name after the G1 bots and cons.
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Unread post by Tigerhawk »

Just extended the original, LMAO!!

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Unread post by Taz-bot »

Tigerhawk wrote:Just extended the original, LMAO!!
That couldnt happen, with Beast Machine taking place just extending Beast Wars would screw that up. How would you explain it, Beast Wars ends then Primal's crew goes to Cybertron and somehow ends up fighting back on prehistoric Earth again.

It just wouldnt work.
[img][/img] [img][/img]
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Unread post by EverBlue »

Tigerhawk wrote:Just extended the original, LMAO!!

You realize that this is a topic about starting Beast Wars over in a new continuity and not "extending the original," right?
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Unread post by RobotInDisguise »

I'd lvoe to see BW AU's, but I'm more into fanfics than addtional episodes.
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Unread post by Outtsyder »

AU or not, I'd love to see if a new BW series could be produced, however slim or not the chances may be. BW -- and TFs in general -- has stood as a great property for a good number of years. As long as it's a good story or just plain fun to watch, I'll be there. 8)

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