Beast Wars: Deep Impact Episode needs COMPLETION DARN IT! DX

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Beast Wars: Deep Impact Episode needs COMPLETION DARN IT! DX

Post by Dalgaroth »


Ok, so, last year I started a fic called Beast Wars: Deep Impact about how Depth Charge and others survived but only managed to drag themselves from their graves after the Maximals left. They now have to team up to get off the planet and the Vok are on the move to wipe them from the planet. THe group is fragmented and the Preds outnumber the Maximals, but for survival, safety, and sheer logic they must learn to cooperate. Depth Charge soon finds himself the leader of a rowdy group and the unwilling bondmate of his greatest enemy. The story is general and adventure, but is supposed to run similarly to the series, every three chapters making a "episode" that has a beginning, middle, and end, and a general theme.

The story was going well and I was weaving plots together and stuff.

But the latest "Episode", the end of Episode Three AKA Chapter 9, called Rebel in Command, has come to a complete halt because, quite frankly, I dunno how to end it and I'm so afraid I'll let my readers down and myself down by not writing the ending to this important episode up to par, I haven't really made much progress. ;_;

Sooo, would it be okay if I post what I have and ask for some pointers? I'm not confident in the chapter at all. :/ I feel REALLY embarrasses even thinking of posting it, but how will I ever get out of this rut without some input? :/ I don't plan on completely changing it, OR giving anything too much away, xD, but I'd like to get it rolling again. ;_;

Those who'd like to help should probably read the last chapter, if not the whole thing, though, lol... >_>

So.... who'd like to help? n_n''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
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Post by Tor »

Weeeell, while being a rather flighty creature myself, I can't promise 100% that'll I'll be on top of your fic, especially if your fic comes in bulk. I like nice easy reads of little chapters, not massive long things that take days to read. Buuuut... when I've got the time and energy, I'd be simply honored to help. :D
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Post by Dalgaroth »

That's okay! This one isn't so long this time around. At least, I'm trying to make it not long. ._.

Erm, so uh.

Well, basically, in this episode:

Depth Charge, Inferno, and Quickstrike are salvaging parts from a battle site (picking up after the Maximals and Predacons who left all kinds of equipment and shrapnel lying about. . . DC ain't happy about that, lol) while Airazor and Tigatron headed north to do the same thing at another battleground. The latter two haven't called in for a while and the Vok are running around in pirated protoforms so DC takes off to go see if they need assistance. QS and Inferno are told to head back to base (an old Tarantulas Lair) where Tarantulas is building a new Transmetal Driver using pieces of Tigerhawk's body, his most recent readings on the Vok, and any info he gathered from previous resources. He completes it. :3

Meanwhile, Rampage has been curious about the spark he's been sensing floating around under the Darksyde since he arrived. Now that he has time and DC isn't policing his every move, he sneaks off to the lava pits and finds a big ol' rock with that spark inside. He debates ending its life, but he reasons that's not the best idea AND he's curious, so he drags the rock, even being burned and stuff in the process - he's that curious - back to base. There, Tarantulas decides to test the new TM driver on Terrorsaur, who's trapped inside the rock. :D

Lots of LIGHT! 8D The driver gets rid of the lava bits and reformats Terrorsaur into a combo of his original form, his TM form, and a more realistic beast mode. n_n He has a more Seeker look in design, and he's more slender in appearance. Impressed and right back on the ball, Terrorsaur gets up and tests his new body, Tarantulas following him around with a clipboard, before settling down to hear a history lesson form the spider about the rest of the war. Half of it goes over his head while the other half gives him ideas about taking leadership now that Megatron is gone! :D yayyy! :D

Rampage, still curious, simply observes and wonders how this development might affect DC.

With promises of explosions and slagging Maximals, Terrorsaur recruits Quickstrike, but Inferno, still in wings on whether or not DC is the new Queen as conflicts between his beast mode and his bot mind clash together, goes to report this to DC. Once DC finds out that Rampage and the others teamed up with Terry, he and the others go BACK to base to hunt the others down.

Terry and his new team, though, went off to look for a ne base, but they found Waspinator instead. Finding that the PREds outnumber the Maximals now, Terrorsaur leads the team back to base again to fight the Maximals while Rampage ponders a deal he made with DC and what his goals are regarding the ray now that they need each other to get off Earth.


Oh yeah - I also took a chance I didn't think I'd have the gumption to write in a second fic so I combined a whole bunch of ideas into this one. One of those ideas was: What if Depth Charge's idea of using that raw energon crystal to kill Rampage didn't work because, like quartz and other crystal, it channeled the spark's energy outwards and since Rampage's spark is immortal, it didn't die, and then DC was on top of Rampage when he pushed it in, and his spark was above the channeled energy, and since sparks react strongly to one another, in theory, that energy combined with his own.

AKA, Page and DC are bonded. :/

What a wake up call.

So that's an ongoing theme throughout the story as I theorize what sparks are and how they react and how immortality works and all this other philosophical stuff. It's not a fluffy romance at all. :/ It might be a romance eventually, but for now, the whole bonding thing is really to exercise my mind on character development and how sparks work and a neat plot device, imo, and other stuff i talk about in my lengthy Author's Discussions. xXD

So I'm warning you cuz it shows up a lot.

So that's the epi summary so far! :D

Now the part I'm stuck on is the battle afterwards and how to have DC defeat Terrorsaur in such a way so that Terry joins the team, the team is put back together, and DC officially becomes leader. :/ (So far, he's been handing out orders without realizing it or peeps follow his direction cuz he has that strong presence and whatev. But he didn't wanna be leader. The purpose of this episode is to make him realize and accept that he HAS to be leader, because no one else around here is fit to do it. :/ lol )
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Post by Tor »

AKA, Page and DC are bonded. :/
Holy french toast!?

Their BONDED?! *hyperventilates, grabbing chair for support* Okay... okay... wow that was a near heartattack. :P Just yanking your chain. While I am not a particular fan of slash pairings, I'm pleased that you have a reason behind the bonding. Not just 'Oh! Imma make these two fall in love. It doesn't matter that DC wants to kill 'Page. DC will forgive him for all the murders and crimes he's done!' The point of that rant? Make sure when you're writing the actual fic that you keep it real. I honestly doubt that DC would take being bonded to Rampy lightly. There should be some violent explosive conversations with Tarantulas on how to reverse it. Another point on the Rampy/DC relationship, in the summary, they seem pretty dang calm with each other. Me want a BIG fight at beginning. Yesss. Sorry, I'm picky picky. P:

As for Terrorsaur submitting to DC... I have a few ideas on how to execute that. Mainly Terrorsaur would be defeated, but DC spares him. Terrorsaur returns to his BW self, conniving and scheming on how to take control, now that he knows that he can't beat DC in a straight up fight. But since DC doesn't punish and threaten his suboordinates (at least not in my mind), Terrorsaur's heart- er, spark- finally changes and he accepts DC as leader.

So I'm assuming that Tigatron's and Airazor's sparks separated and were placed in blank protoforms? Cuz for shiz Tigerhawk isn't still around.

Since I'm extremely biased, I have to ask. Will Dinobot II make a reappearance? And thanks for condensing this so it's short. Just like my attention span. :D
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Post by Dalgaroth »

LOL Of course! xD

The whole first episode, DC was in complete denial. It wasn't until he was injured and healed before his own optics that it ll came together and he realized (Rampage too). He threw a fit. :/ But somewhere inside he thinks it's his fault, like he should have known or something, so he didn't exactly explode. Seems to me that while DC is hateful, his personal responsibility, logic, and inability to completely deny the truth prevented him from going off the deep end.

I also did NOT want to write him being an irresponsible baby, no matter what happened. :/

So, about a day later, Tigatron went to talk to him and he had already 'calmed' enough to think straight. He went back to the group, blahlbahblah.

Rampage is confused as the Pit and was taken by complete surprise since DC's denial completely blocked his empathic abilities off. It was like DC didn't exist, which bothered him. When they found out, he was confused as the Pit and strongly affected by DC's reaction, but as time goes on, he starts to reason things out and thinks the whole thing is very ironic, even funny, and, in a way, fitting. He eventually expresses his possessive streak more, and instead of consuming DC's "still pulsating spark", he starts to think he sort of owns it and he's willing to try to use that to his advantage somehow. He's very curious as to the complete implications of the whole bonding thing, though, since so far his life's been torture, a chase, a capture, more torture, war, and lots of death. He's highly intelligent, of course, but if the info isn't there to ponder, and the moral issues involved in this event don't impact him the way it does DC, he can't know right? :/ And being the proud guy he is, he hates asking questions. :/

Does that sound decent? xD

I can't wait to get into the full swing of the story but I MUST take it slow and go epi by epi because I want the whole thing to be believable, especially that part. n_n What you said is exactly what I've said and I fully intend to try to keep it real...and Beast Warsy. lol 'Real' probably means that DC threw a bigger tantrum than I wrote, but like I said, he's a more complex guy than he appears sometimes and I'm trying to get a Beast Warsy feel in the story somewhere, so, if I need the plot to move on, I make it so they deal with the real heavy stuff later.

Their biggest challenge so far is reading each other. So far, Rampage could read his emotions and play with his head, and DC had one goal in mind and nothing anyone said or did could change that goal. But now DC realizes there's more going on than just him, Primal's responsibilities start to fall on him, his attempt to kill X didn't work anyway and he doesn't know how to complete it,Tarantulas has told him that sparks are very difficult to sort out (I dunno if I got to that part yet, but DC definitely goes to him and orders him to reverse it. xD), AND he inherited some of Rampage's memories that, while I've not made it clear how they're affecting him yet, they start to bother him as he starts to remember.

He, also, picks up on some empathic ability, but I don't think emotions are his strong point at all anymore (if they ever were 9_9) so I dun care how empathic he could be because of this, he can't read others using that ability for slag. :/

WOO lots of explaining, but I'm trying to make it apparent that I'm taking it very seriously. I mean, before ANYtHING remotely romantic could ever be possible, DC has to discover, process, grieve over, process some more, accept, and move on over a lot of things. Slowly, his hate turns towards the real people who are to blame (scientists, the council, etc), but he could never forgive Page for what he did, simply because emotions and trauma are that hard to overwrite.

When I glimpse into the future, (I already know how they're relationship will work later on, lol), even, DC still hasn't forgiven him. He starts to have some kind of feelings for him, (which is really weird to write right now because I'm skipping everything in between, but let's pretend there was stuff in between. ) which contrasts messily with his hate for the guy. ;_; By that time, his role as leader is taken far more seriously and he's regained some semblance of control over his group and they'll be in space heading back to Cybertron. Amidst a lot of stuff, he accepts his feelings for his ex-enemy but he kinda goes Emo on people when he thinks too hard or certain topics are brought up. I guess, another way to say it woudl be that he likes Rampage, but he feels extremely guilty, even evil or dirty, for liking him. ): ...which isn't good for any relationship is it? :D

He'll act fine, but if someone messed with his head and brought a moral question about that relationship to him, DC would have a really tough time. :/ How can you love the one who destroyed everything you knew and that you were personally responsible and failed at that and etcetc? He'd struggle with that, get all self-loathing, pull away, deny the question, pepper some emoness in there - anything but say, "WOOT, I DUN CARE I LUVS HIM! :D"

So even seeing that far ahead, there are some major issues to be explored and stressed. :3

Gods, I love psychology....

....okay, I've exhausted my 5 AM mind on that, I hope it makes sense ( I just woke up to use the bathroom and checked to see your response and decided to respond while only half lucid. xDDD lol! ) now onto Terry...

Ahem: YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! That's EXACTLY how I visualized it! :D But I've written and rewritten that moment. T_T!!! And rewritten it again! D:

Terry comes down from the sky and attacks Airazor. The others come along and the battle begins. It's pretty short, I'm not sure how to make it longer. While Inferno beats the tar out of QS and Waspinator, lol, and DC shoots Tarantulas and Rampage, Terry fights Airazor and Tigatron launches himself at him and bites his face. lol. Terrorsaur tries to maintain flight, but DC comes out of nowhere and body slams them all to the ground. Once they land, he does a Megatron thing and picks him up by the neck. He tells him off, then does an unMegatronnish thing puts him down, when Terry was expecting a full beating for that. :/ So, the group is put back together and blah.

But it just sounds so weak! DX

I REALLy didn't want to make Terrorsaur overpowered, but if he's supposed to be an example of the upgrades they're all going to get soon, then maybe they should have a much tougher time in the battle than what I have? What do you think?

lol, I think even after Terry accepts him as leader, he still probably highjac's Depth Charge's command chair when he's not in the room or something. xDD (in the ship) I fully intend to explore and develop Terrorsaur's character without ever really changing him. Same with everyone else.

CChPA! :D (Canon Character Preservation Agency. :'D )


As for Airazor and Tigatron - yesh. :3

They were blown up as Tigerhawk, but you know how in Beast Machines, there were a couple times when sparks ran around without a body AND without dying ? That was explained by "depolarizing", where the spark is somehow programmed or destabilized in frequency or something so that it's not bound to a body. Using that theory there, I made it so that they never 'bonded' with the Tigerhawk body. When it blew up, they were injured and disoriented, but unbound to the body they managed to float away into the woods somewhere.

I imagine the Maximals left only a couple days after the Nemesis thing, that's what it looked like to me, so their sparks floated around.

It kinda gets tricky here - the way I wrote it, their consciousness survived and they were able to observe things in spark form, but without optics and stuff, they could only absorb. So, they could 'see' the Maximals leave and know where, but without a chronometer, they couldn't know when except by impressions or things they heard. Without a compass or map or whatever, they couldn't tell distance either, they only have an image in their minds and a general direction.

Sooooo, first episode, DC gets up and realizes that he failed at killing X. Feeling weird and somehow knowing exactly what Rampage is doing and feeling, he walks up onto the beach. As he wakes up fully, he pushes Rampage out of his head, unwilling to deal with his failure right now, and finds - omg! Sparks! o_O!?!? In order to sustain each other without energon or a body to manage them, they support each other by fusing the way they did in the show, a big silver sphere. (yay for another Spark Theory! 8D ) Kinda like ....erm...fusion or whatever. By joining together, they release energy that they can both absorb, and thus delay their demise. If they didn't do that, the atmosphere would wear away at their sparks, depolarized or no.

DC concludes that they want him to follow them and still in slight daze, he follows them to a blank pod out in the forest somewhere. He opens the pod and makes it work, and Airazor is the first to emerge. When she does, she's Transmetalized. She explains as much as she can, but translating spark memories into a new processor takes a while. DC is impatient and starts to get snippy, but she remains calm and tells him the first big news - the MAximals left.

DC throws a fit and curses Primal's name, but calms himself and helps her program the pod to repolarize and help sustain Tigatron's spark.

Now they need energon to help fuel the pod and in turn the tiger's spark, and Airazor faintly remembers Tarantulas's cave. They take off in that direction.

Primus, is this taking too long? xD Sorry!!

Rampage, meanwhile, gets up and, confused as to what happened and how he was still alive and where DC was, he goes off in search of DC. Along the way, he passes through the area where Inferno and QS were blown up and he steps on Inferno's remains. With a surprised laugh at the irony, he takes the still living ant's torso and spots Airazor in the distance. He follows. With Inferno in tow.

Before anyone reaches the cave, DC, Airazor, Tigatron kind of, Rampage, and Inferno kind of, have a stand off. DC goes to shoot him, but Rampage plays his cards right and they strike up a deal - DC isn't stupid, he knows Rampage could come in handy in getting off the planet, there's no where to imprison him or tie him up :/, so Rampage must follow his orders or else. And 'or else' might happen anyway.

Lalala, they skip off to the labs.

For some reason, the Maximals forgot or didn't bother to check the labs or something before they left. (TBH, I kinda forgot what my reasoning was in regards to that, lol) Airazor checks the place out and finds an empty stasis pod and it looks like something big and violent came out of it. But she spots, omg, another pod! Looking it over, she realizes that the spark inside was terminated on purpose and she's saddened by this, but all of a sudden, something attacks her from the dark!! Like a zombie! D: Pulling the pod along with her, she kicks the things aft and heads outside. There, DC and Rampage turn their guns on the cave entrance.

The zombie turns out to be a welded-together Tarantulas. He has pieces of his Season 1 form and his TM form fused together and 16 legs and messy welds all over his body. He's in incredible pain. D: He starts firing at them but a swift missile later, he's tossed to the side where he writhes in agony. D: As creepy as he is, I hated writing him in so much pain. ;_; Airazor takes a chance and puts Tigatrons spark into the new pod and programs it, but the next attack interrupts that.

The big guns come flying out of the cave - a sizeable Cicada flies out and attacks DC, ripping into his chest. Airazor and Rampage shoot at it, but it's very strong and won't give up yet. DC fires his power pizzas into it, which slows it down, but its animal ferocity is not Cybertronian. OR very buglike. DUN DUN DUUUNN!

A cool blast of ice later, it's a revealed that Tigatron's up and running, Transmetal as well, and the four of them fend the thing off. The cicada lands on top of Tarantulas and the Vok that was still trapped inside his spark joins the one that's possessed the cicada's body. O_O

The cicada flies off! :D

The others are all left in shock but with a sigh of relief Airazor and Tigatron smile at each other. But THEN, Airazor's like - omg! DC look!

DC looks down and at his hands to find that he's healing in seconds, his armor closing up like nothing happened.

They realize they're bonded blahblah fit blah.

And that's the first epi! 8D

So, yeah, they get new bodies. :3


Now, for Dinobot...I was going to bring him back, the original anyways, in the Beast Machines part of the story. AKA - the Oracle or whatever brings him back. HEY, it can happen! DX The lore of BM CAN be used for good! :D But Dinobot II's body is still in the Nemesis.... So I was thinking...what if I did bring him back but I surprised my readers by bringing him back WAYYY earlier than I meant to? o_O

The Problem : Original DB in DBII's body? OR just DBII?

The way I explained DBII's death/life, was that, when DC 'killed' Rampage, Rampage's spark was kinda sucked from Dinobot II's body to be fused with DC's spark. Dinobot 2 was designed very well and only needed the spark to give it Life, but without the spark he was still able to function, albeit, on the original Dinobot's programming. Yay!

So um...well, who do I bring back? And how? o_O :scratches head:

I thought it'd be WICKED if, in some episode down the line here, hopefully within 3 or so, they go to find the Nemesis because somehow someone reasons that Dinobot's body might be found in the future by Decepticon -

LOL!!! Can you imagine?! XD

Starscream walks into the control room complaining about the salt water and finds a raggedy old body crammed behind a computer console. XDD

.....and upon inspection, he finds that it's extremely advanced! O_O!! After lots of study and stuff, the Cons make huge breakthroughs in technology and win the war using very futuristic weapons nad then the Beast Wars never happen! D: NOOOO! D:

- s, so they head off to find it. However, while fighting something off, perhaps another Vok thing, Dinobot 2 steps out of the weeds with coral growing in his eye and says something Dinobottish.

lol or something. xD

I never planned, originally for Dinobot to come back on Earth. ._. I think it'd be really weird to have him under DC's command. In fact, I don't see them getting along too well. lol So, since he doesn't quite fit into the dynamic of the group the way I see it, I'm not sure if I SHOULD. And yet.... Someone convinced me to bring Quickstrike back from the dead and he's actually working out okay. n_n

Poor Scorponok's the only one who died in the Beast Wars. :/ lol! But I couldn't think of a way he could survive the lava! D: And if there wasn't a chance, then I can't bring him back.... :/ And I had a cool redesign idea for him too. T_T

Primus, this is long. I hope it's not TOO long! x_X!!

What do you think? :3
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Post by Tor »

CURSES! The forum deleted my majorly awesome long reply! Now I don't have the heart and attention to try and rewrite it.

Basically I was saying that the whole thing in itself was very well put together, with attention to detail and all that jazz.

For the Terrorsaur and DC battle, I recommend asking Joshin Yasha or Blazemane. If you play your cards right, they can help you craft an awe-inspiring fight scene. If I recall one of Joshin's fics had recieved the 'best battle scene' award.

While you don't want DC to go off the deep end, I think he should at least dabble in the deep end for a while. Being bonded with the mech- who levelled Starbase Rugby and Colony Omicron- is no picnic. Especially when Rampage's memory's start invading (watching your friends and loved-ones die firsthand? Yee-no. No. Not fun.)

The scene where DC demands Tarantulas to help unbond him. DC storms in. Ranty is finishing up his newly repaired body, all shiny and nice. DC demands that Ranty unbond himself and Rampage. Learning this, the spider goes into a major giggle fit, until DC pulls a gun on him. Tarantulas hastily explains that there is no way to reverse it, and DC turns to leave all pissy and sulky. Ranty can't resist putting in some smart alec remark and DC turns and blasts Ranty's new body to smithereens.

Dinobot SQUEEEEE. To get him back... hmm... you remember in the beginning of season 2, when Rhinox uses that contraption to fetch Primal's spark from the void? Perhaps when the other Maximal's left on the Shuttle, another window into space and time opens. Using the salvaged contraption, a bot (maybe Tigatron [who gives great pep talks and can use Dinobot's speech in Law of the Jungle on the raptor to get him to return with him]) gets Dinobot's spark back. However the strong signal/pathway/thingy-ma-bob attract's Starscream's spark, and the two sparks are in the same body, fighting for control.

And for the scorpion, maybe its best he's left in peace... however if you want to bother the slag outta him, you can ressurect him. He was going TM too when he fell into the lava. Perhaps when Tigatron hit the Predacon base, he was blasted out of the rock and is now scuttling around the desert. He can resemble Movieverse Scorponok, with all that desert tunneling, and maybe you can base his design off the Movieverse bot too.
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Post by Dalgaroth »

The same thing happened to me a little bit ago! D: Except my whole comp turned off. -_-''''

Anways...Thanks! :D

With DC going off the Deep end, yeah, he does. Soon too. n_n But he's not going to yet, because I'm using the 5 stages of Grief as my guide here. His first reaction was disbelief/denial, now he's teetering into anger. When he starts moving into Depression, that'll be the deep end. :/ He'll go a little nuts and mucho Emo. But he won't lose it entirely, he'll be himself, know...extreme not-knowing-what-to-do. I've had that feeling before. ;_; It's not good. With the whoel memories thing...he won't only be remembering the Omicron memories. ;_; He'll be seeing before that too. ;_; T_T Poor Rampage. T_T So that's a lot of info that's going to cause him some serious trouble. I think I mgiht switch back and forth - Next episode i's a revealed that Depth Charge hasn't recharged since he woke up after the Nemesis battle. :/ He starts to nod off and he dreams about Omicron from Rampages perspective. D: It's terrible! DX He wakes up and he reaches the Anger stage. DX He still denies things a bit, but because of the dreams he's having he can't get sleep and they only fuel his anger. ): Something happens later in the episode, though, and he dreams about scientists and weird instruments and pain - again, from PAge's POV, which throws him a curve ball. :/ Suddenly confused, hes not sure what to think, before lapsing into Denial and anger again! :D Yay for the 5 Stages! 8D

Oooh, okay! :D I think my battle scenes are decent, if not a ton of detail. n_n But I'll see!


lol. Actually, I don't think Tarantulas knows they're bonded yet. n_n I was saving a scene similar to what you described for later when Depth Charge dabbles in the Bargaining stage. He starts to think that maybe Tarantulas can undo it, or there's other ways to undo it. He thinks if he can get it reversed, things will be okay and he can destroy X. (He's already said that he's willing to kill them both if it means Page dies finally, in the fic.) I think he's accepted by now that Omicron's gone, so it's not tat he'll lapse into that "Maybe if I do this, Omicron will come back" thing that's so sad to hear IRL. ;_; It's more like he wants a way back to his old life style. He wants that one track mind back, where things were simple. But he cannot deny the truth for long, so it's hard for him to even imagine what it was like ot have that one goal in mind anymore! D: Now he's forced, even in his dreams, to contemplate and try to understant what's behind Rampage's mask. ._.

Anyways, so soon enough Tarantulas gets his suspicions but can't believe it so he needs confirmation. He asks no questions though - he knows better, lol. But then DC comes to him and tells him to do something about it. Then the scene unfolds similar to how you described (Tarry is definitely going to laugh. >:3 ). DC gets angry and slams his hand on the table and gets in his face, like a cop interrogation and threatens Tarry's life or something, but Tarry maintains his position. DC storms out and Tarry lapses into giggles again.


OMG....OMG....>_> I liek that idea...Oooohhhhh....!!!!


Okay! Okay!

Let's see...

:puts thinking cap on:

You're right, Tigatron is good and Dinobot respects his Warrior's instincts and all that. OH!!

Maybe someone reasons about Dinobot's body being down ine Nemesis. DC and Rampage go get it, the Vok attack, something something. Tigatron's there to help, but gets hurt! D: He's dying! D:

Tigatron wavers between life and deathas DC and Ramapge get the bodies bac kto base.

While floating around out there, Tigatron comes across Dinobot, who hasn't quite crossed over into the Matrix yet. Turns out, Dinobot feels he has unfinished business. When he'd given his life, he was ready to die a soldier and hero, but upon passing, he felt like he'd failed. D: AFter his death, the Maximals and others needed him. He thinks they dillydallied and Primal allowed avoidable things to happen. The Ark for instance was something DB could have anticipated. D: Being only a spark in limbo, he was albe to absorb what was happening on Earth like Tigatron and Airazor could. But the Matrix also calls to him. He's torn in death as he was life! D: (lol that could be a line! :D )

Tigatron talks to him. blahblah. Tigatron mentions that the Maximals returned to Cybertron and one that is said, the Matrix could step in, like in Beast MAchines, and show them images of current Cybrtraon and what Megatron has done. ;_; Once that's over, Tigatron finds that he is being pulled back as Tarantulas and the others repair him with some risky procedure. Tigatron tells Dinobot he can come back and this might be his only chance. :3 Dinobot debates this with some Shakespearian quote I'll have to look up -_-, but after reasonong that the Maximals are in danger and need him, he ultimately decides to rejoin the Beast Wars. Together, they cross back into the Earth realm. Tigatron is pulled into his body! :D Yay! Dinobot's spark, however, is not tied to a body and faces permanent damage and final termination (joining the MAtrix for good) or something.

With a moment's hesitation and at Tigatron's prompting, Tarantulas groans and gets to work on Dinobot's body. The spark is put in an the new TM Driver is activated at the same time. The body reformats and the spark is stabilized, and now DB has a totally sweet upgrade. :D

He joins the group with solid and good intentions, his loyalty and purpose no longer in doubt as he knows exactly what he needs to do.

That would end that episode, and I could call it Hero Reborn. :3 I dun think anyone would suspect DB coming back since Tigatron's the one who woudl be dying, so DB's come back could be a complete surprise! :D Except to those reading this thread, lol... >_>

WHAT do YOU ThInK!?? I like it...


As for the Starscream idea...that'd be but maybe that coudl be the episode after where weird things start happening! And they're like OMG WHAT IS THAT!? D: It turns out that SS followed the other two sparks, and he's haunting the bots! D: The episode would be a filler episode and could possibly compare and contrast SS and Terrorsaur as separate characters! :D Whatcha think bout that?

For Scorponok....he was? I'm pretty sure he didn't go TM, but if it can be confirmed he was, or it cannot be confirmed he DIDN'T, then...well, then I'd HAVE t resurrect him! And I'd TOTALLY let him burrow in sand! :D His redesign idea is as follows:

His Beast mode is the fattail scorpion or similar, completely blueblack in color . with solid, dark red eyes. (no little black pupils, but a lighter red where the 'pupils' would be) In beast mode, he can fire plasma from his claws and his tail. He can burrow into sand or other soft material with ease using spinning thingies in his sides. (all the redesigns in my fic have realistic beast modes, but weapons hidden in places too.)

His robot mode is shining blue black armor with black metal. He has hands that are interchangeable with claws, like Tarantulas's redesign, and his tail protrudes from his back. His feet resemble boots and he has spikes make from his beast mode's legs/plating running down his helm and a couple on his back. His face is still pale silver and he has some silver/chrome in his helm and a couple other places, like joints or on his knees. His optic band is also still yellow.

The overall look is sorta heavy metal rocker. xD The look was originally for an OC of mine that was a Scorpion cuz scorpions are so cool, named Whiplash. n_n I dunno where that look came from, but looking at his awesome helm design, I thought of that. :D

IF he does come back, and I planned thisin case I did, he'd still be loyal to Megatron but a little on the depressed emo side as he comtemplates his loyalty and Megatron's betrayal. (Inferno is in a similar position.) I can't see him being loyal to DC, and if he decides to help out, he'll be the quiet brooding type. He'd retain his low intelligence but I wonder what else I could do to develop him... But first, of course, I have to see if there's a possibility he survived! :D If he did, then I'll have to find a way to bring him back as well...Maybe, ike you said, the lava was upended and he spilled out. Built to withstand heat AND burrow, he's knocked conscious and his beast mode takes over, digging him out of the rock and getting him to the desert before he fully wakes up. He wanders around, stuck in beast mode, and possibly sees the Nemesis ordeal from some vantage point. He retreats to the desert for some reason and there he stays until later DC's group finds him. I can see him being emo and gaining some more common sense eventually but possibly betraying the others or even dying. DDD: What do you think? Suggestions?

Image This egg has a Predacon symbol, yess. Image
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