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Why did Megatron choose to clone Dinobot?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:13 pm
by Dreamscreamer
Dinobot was cloned by Megatron on two occasions. The first time was to fool the Maximals and to get them to lower their guard, so the Predacons could slip into their base.

The second time was after Dinobot died, when Megatron used a blank protoform and half of Rampage's spark to create a new minion, and a powerful one at that, considering the new Dinobot was Transmetal 2.

Now, I know that the first Dinobot clone fit well within the plot for that one episode, plus it provided a bit of suspense and even a tad bit of comedy toward the end. And the second Dinobot simply lead toward the plot of possibly bringing back the old Dinobot in a way--if only Dark Glass had been created. *wistful sigh*

But anyway, I guess this is more of a fandom question from me, than anything else (if I used that word correctly.) But well... why did Megatron choose to create a clone of Dinobot for a Transmetal 2 minion? He seemed awfully fond of making clones of the Predacon traitor--especially if you count those cyber raptors he created as sort of being like extra, soulless versions of Dinobot.

Is it possible that Megatron could have used this as a form of poetic justice, in his own mind? Using the traitor for his own advantage, in some ways?

Just some thoughts. I heard someone say once that Megatron and Dinobot may have had a deep respect for each other once, considering Megatron always referred to Dinobot as "the traitor", meaning that--from a certain point of view, at least--the betrayal may have effected him more deeply than he'd let on.

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:24 pm
by Alak
There's several hypotheses that I can come up with:

- Being his 2nd in command, Dinobot's leaving hurt Megatron and therefore, he tried to compensate this through clones.

- Dinobot was a better warrior than all of his other troops put together.

- Robo-lovin'.

- The first clone was meant as an infiltrator, so Dinobot's personality was the easiest to emulate with him being an ex-Pred and all.

- The second clone was meant to tarnish Dinobot's memory as a war hero, and as a morale blower. It sucks to fight against the same soldier you fought side-by-side with.

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:29 pm
by una
It has been established that Dinobot and Megatron are close friends which is interesting since Megatron never makes friends only pawns.

I guess to Megatron Dinobot was an ally who couldn't be replaced.

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:32 pm
by Night-Hunter
Maybe he liked Raptors, who knows.

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:46 pm
by Darkshadow14
- Being his 2nd in command, Dinobot's leaving hurt Megatron and therefore, he tried to compensate this through clones.
Alak I thought Scorpy was, though he died, so I thought Inferno. He referred to him as his "sub-commander."

I thought he cloned Dinobot since he knew that most of the Maximals had an attachment to him. After all DB was "apart" of the Maximals for a while.

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:48 pm
by SkyxDB
Man, I long response, but then internet started acting weird and lost what I typed.
The first clone was meant as an infiltrator, so Dinobot's personality was the easiest to emulate with him being an ex-Pred and all.
Yeah, that and the fact that Maximal didn't know DB well enough to know what was strange behavoir for him.
I mostly believe that might have been close friends once. But of course I somethimes do wonder if Megs actually missed DB.

But now I also wonder if this why Megatron gets protaryed as posessive boyfriend in fanfics. XD

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:02 am
by artemis-lady-warrior
My theory... He's INLOVE with him XD sorry but that's the only reason I can think of... though it's kind of... eeek!

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:03 pm
by una
I always thought they could be brothers.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:22 pm
by artemis-lady-warrior
una wrote:I always thought they could be brothers.
i was kidding.

They might be brothers or even cousins.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:31 pm
by SkyxDB
I never though of the brothers or cousin thing before. Those if those series are true, then there would be some reasoning behind while Megatron cloning him.

The Megs being love with DB thoery seesm somewhat puasiable to too, but I rather not think about that one and I like slash for cryin' out loud. XD

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:35 pm
by artemis-lady-warrior
well sky I'm not a slash fan at all but that theory keeps hammering at my brain. I don't know why.

honestly I cannot see Megatron and Dinobot as a couple. O_o

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:42 pm
by SkyxDB
Neither can I and the thought of it kind of make me shudder. :shock:

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:02 pm
by Nurann
Uuuuh, if you find the right comic books, they trained under the same mentor. Yes, they were close "friends," although you can well imagine what friendship looks like for Predacons...


Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:31 am
by transformersvoice
Dinobot was a powerful warrior and was proud to be a Predacon. Perhaps Megatron thought creating a new Dinobot that was completely loyal to him would prove invaluable to his agenda.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:40 am
by Lady Venom
For show reason, I see it as fanservice alone. DB wasnted to up revenues, and that the show, so they wanted to up revenues, and that's why they brought him back as a clone.

If you're looking at it from IN-Show perspectives, I agree with Nurann.