Gah! Can't believe that one never even crossed my mind lol.
How could you not see that?! lol It was pretty clear when he first showed up in Coming of the fuzors when he picked a fight with Silverbolt and then Inforno.
How could you not see that?! lol It was pretty clear when he first showed up in Coming of the fuzors when he picked a fight with Silverbolt and then Inforno.
True, Night, he's a texan-bot thinking he's a cowboy. Inferno and Silverbolt we're the varmints!
Waspinator: Getting through a day without being scrapped...
I don't quite agree with Rampage's obsession there. He wanted to kill Megatron, very badly, but I think his main concern was ending his pain or something similar. ): I'm trying to remember exactly what it was in the show that brought that up, but while Rampage likes pain in others, likes to have that power over his victims, which I imagine he'd never had before, I don't think he much likes pain himself. He wanted to kill Megatron to end the pain Megatron put him through AND probably didn't like him anyways. xDD
I think what he was obsessed with was Freedom, with a brief "FRIEND LIKE ME! I WANT!" with Transmutate. Transmutate .... he REALLY felt a kinship with it. D': Going from his voice and his promises and his actions, Id say he truly cared for it because it was like him. T_T It hurt like he does and it was victimized and manipulated. ;_; But before and after that, I think his main goal was freedom and it didn't matter what form that freedom took. He'd like the freedom to kill Megatron, the freedom to do what he wanted, and he loved his game wit Depth Charge, that was an obsession in itself. I don't think he expected to see DC again, but when he did, it was obviously something he enjoyed immensely and things he said, like 'old friend', really struck a chord, with me, because his definition of friend was established back with Transmutate so when he speaks of Depth Charge as 'old friend' and 'playmate' or whatever, what does he mean? He also seems possessive of Depth Charge to some degree, although I couldn't give you any specific example - it was more in behavior and a subtle theme. So, in the end, when he won/lost his game, he found freedom there too, because he died! His pain and past ere erased finally and he was free.
(I don't really think so, but going from what was shown in the Toon... ;D )