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Beast Wars BeYond: Chapter 3 (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:10 pm
by Merbum
Here we are again! Chapter 3! Now this is where it kinda starts to veer off from what we all know. Expect lots of parts flying here in this exciting chapter!


Beast Wars BeYond
By The Mighty Merbum

Chapter 3

With everyone transformed thier war had begun!
Immediately the Predicon named Griswold unlatched the giant cannon on his back, planted it into the ground, aimed it, screamed out “BRING IT!” and opened fire with a massive beam!
“Whoa!” Spits yelled as he and Tuskar had to leap out of the way of the blast. Spits landed hard and pulled out his blaster and aimed it at Griswold and fired. Griswold took the shot and laughed at the weakness.
“I was bred for this slag you fool! You were drafted!”
Griswold fired again! Tuskar however managed to get a good view on Griswold and fired his large double barrel shotgun at the Predicon. Griswold actually flinched and his beam was off target and shot into the air.
Griswold glared at Tuskar, smiled and said, “Oh? Are you a strong one?!”
“Strong enough,” Tuskar said.
“Then come on!” Griswold said dropping his cannon and cracking his metallic knuckles.

Meanwhile Tunneler was back with Praiden behind a rock as the rest of the Predicons fired with everything they had, everyone except Inaga who just stood behind his team with one hand behind his back, and another on the handle of his sword which was sheathed.
“Sorry Praiden,” Tunneler said, “I know this is kind of my fault.”
“Don't be sorry,” Praiden said with his rifle in his hand, “It was obvious that the Predicons were alive, now shut up and start shooting!”
“Got it!” Tunneler said happy as he poked himself out from behind the rock and fired.
Penumbra was on her own behind another rock as two Predicons were shooting at her.
“Foolish Maximal!” Syncro the Moth said cackling, “You are no match for my madness!”
Penumbra then rolled out from cover and fired at the gloating Predicon. She got a direct hit on one of his wings and he was grounded.
“If you got time to gloat,” Penumbra said, “Save it for when you have won.”
Suddenly the black jaguar named Smoker appeared beside her and held his gun in her face.
“You should take your own advice.”
Praiden saw this and quickly shot Smoker in the leg from a distance. Smoker fell and groaned.
“ARGH!” He yelled, noticing that the shot literally blew his right shin off!
Inaga smiled, “Sucker, give me some cover.”
Sucker acknowledged with a shot from his own gun and fired on the Maximals.
Praiden saw Inaga casually walk to the center of the battle field with a smile on his face.
“Is he crazy?!” Tunneler asked, “He is just walking into a barrage of gunfire!”
“No he isn't” Praiden said, “Maximals hold your fire!”
“Predicons, that is enough.”
The guns were silent.
“What is going on?!” Tunneler said.
“A young one like you wouldn't understand,” Tuskar said, “It's a challenge.”
Praiden was now looking the one eyed Inaga in the face.
“Come on Praiden, just like the old days?” Inaga said pulling out his blade. The blade was a beautiful gold color and it had a hook shape on the end of it.
“Remember how I got this?” Inaga asked.
“That sword was a gift from the humans,” Praiden said, “And so was mine.”
Praiden pulled out his own sword that was on his back. His was a green color.
“They were gifts from those humans. Tokens for thanking us after we helped him in that one skirmish. Oh what was that again?”
“It doesn't matter,” Praiden said, “You were my friend back then and now you have decided on this? You are no longer my friend.”
“Good,” Inaga said, “It was nice knowing you!”
Inaga swung down hard and fast at Praiden with a demonic grin on his face. Praiden blocked the swing and countered with one of his own. Inaga however was far too fast.
“I can't watch this!” Tunneler said.
“Cool it!” Spits said, “This is Praiden's battle.”
“Screw that!” Tunneler said burrowing into the earth.
“Tunneler!” Tuskar said.
“Damned kid!” Penumbra said, “He is going to get himself taken offline!”
Inaga and Praiden continued to battle.
“Sir!” Smoker said, “Don't you need help?!”
Inaga laughed at the idea and kept on swinging at Praiden.
“Remind me Praiden,” Inaga said as they entered a deadlock, “Who was it who always won when we sparred with one another?”
Praiden knew all too well that Inaga was the superior sword fighter.
Just then at Inaga's feet Tunneler sprout up from the earth and sent Inaga into the air with a wail!
“Tunneler!” Praiden said, “What are you doing?!”
“I can't just watch!” Tunneler said.
Inaga, who was still in the air from the attack was on his way down. He then looked down and held his blade.
“Damned kid...” Inaga said.
Inaga then swung down fast right on Tunneler! Tunneler's right arm was immediately severed and in an astonishing motion, Inaga swept his blade horizontally and cut Tunneler right in half!
“Tunneler!” Praiden said.
Tunneler was in a few pieces on the ground groaning.
“Damn it,” Praiden said, “If he doesn't get back to base he is going to get tossed into stasis lock!”
Inaga held his blade foward and said, “We ain't done yet!”
Praiden didn't want to fight. He then looked back and yelled to Tuskar, “Tuskar! Flash!”
Tuskar pulled out a small round device and yelled, “Maximals, shield your optics!”
Tuskar tossed the small device and when it landed it emitted a blinding flash! Inaga and the other Predicons were screaming.
“I can't see!” Sucker yelled.
“No!” Inaga said, “You can't escape me Praiden!”
But, when the light was gone, so were the Maximals. Even Tunneler was nowhere to be seen.
Inaga was pissed.
“SON OF A BITCH!” He yelled at the top of his vocal processor.

The Maximals were now a safe distance away from the Predicons, and all in beast form, except Tunneler who was barely functioning. Tuskar was carrying him on his back.
“That stupid kid!” Spits said, “If he didn't jump in...”
“I would have been beaten.” Praiden said.
“Inaga is way too strong for me to handle.”
“Then why did you want to fight?” Penumbra asked.
“I thought I could reason with him...He was once my best friend.”
“What happened to that relationship?”
“He lost his eye in a fight. Silly reason why as well.”
“What was it?”
“I will tell you some other time. But right now we got a bigger problem.”
“Yeah,” Tuskar said, “The Predicons are all warriors and most of us have never been in battle.”
“Just you and me have Tuskar,” Praiden said, “But that is not all. Inaga is a cold and ruthless commander. His warriors are all loyal and will do his bidding without question.”
“We will too.” Tuskar said, “We may be only explorers now, but we were just drafted into a war.”
“Right,” Spits said, “Praiden please get us the hell out of here.”
Penumbra was silent.
“Well Penumbra?” Praiden asked.
“Alright,” She said, “But that doesn't mean we are togather again.”
“Of course not.” Praiden said.
“ in...” Tunneler managed to echo.
“Tunneler!” Praiden said, “Thank Primus you are still alive.”
“Hey...” He said, “It will take more than a shiny sword to bag this hero...”
Praiden laughed, “Good to hear...because from now on...we are in battle, far from way of getting back. So either we win here, or we die here. Let this mark the beginning of...The Beast Wars...”

To Be Continued


Once again It would please me to know how this is going so please comment on what you have read so far!