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Book of the past part 9

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:39 am
by starshadow
(( A.U: I'm pretty bored about this series so I'm going to stop working on it and maybe do some solo fics))

Back at the base, Nightstar transferred the codes to Zira.
"Yes!!! The codes are now in our hands...Tomorrow is rest day so spend your time wisely.", said Zira.
"Erm Master, can I have you something?", asked Nightstar.
"Tonight, can I sleep in my first home? I need to get used to my first home for undercover."
"Yes you may."

Tonight 3.00AM, Nightstar have difficulties in sleeping as the other building's apartment are having a wild party as usual. Too noisy to sleep in peace, she headed out to her balcony with an angry face.
"HEY!!!", shouted Nightstar.
The host of the party looked at her in confusion.
"Give it up you loser!!!", the host insulted her.
Pissed off, she headed to her room and closed her windows and headed down to the host's apartment. She knocked the door. The door opened with the host infront of her.
"Sorry lady, this party is getting wild.", he smiled.
"However, in your case I think I can make it."
"I'm flattered...But you think this one time, to turn the music down just alittle.", before Nightstar could finish, the host slammed the door.
Now Nightstar is really pissed. She kicked the door and sent it pushed o the back. She looked at the crowd. Everyone was staring at her. She jumped on the table.
"Tell you what, why don't I do this myself.", she pushed the cups away and pulled the energon beer hose and sprayed it on the music speaker.
"HEY!!! STOP THAT YOU FREAK!!!", the host shouted.
Nightstar sprayed the beer on him.
"Oh what did you say? The music still too loud?", Nightstar continued spraying on the speaker until there was silence.
"HEY!!!", he screamed.
Nightstar pulled out the hose and whipped him. She jumped on him and stepped him on the chest plate.
"You hear that? It's called silence...Now keep it down!!! And thanks for the party, I had fun.", she withdrew her leg and headed back to her house.
Nightstar opened her closet and picked up a large black box. It was titled "Open incase of dating emergency. Love, Juno and Torch". She smiled and opened the box containing a black sexy suit and wore it. Next, she put on her make-up of black melted chrome lipstick and optic shadow.
She headed down to the alley to see her brand new motorcycle with black and silver accent.
she climbed on to her vehicle and sped off to the road and stopped to the darkest alley.

Next morning in her room,
"OOF!!!" Nightstar let out a sound. Nightwish was bouncing on her on her bed.
"WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!! WAKE UP NIGHTSTAR!!!" Nightwish called out to her sleeping sister.
When Nightstar woke up and walked to the kitchen unsteadily. To her horror, Zira, Zaphiroth, Midnight and some other members were at the table eating breakfast.
"GRANDMA!! FATHER!! MOTHER!! What are you doing here?" her optics widened as her father and Zira was reading the "newspaper" while drinking energon coffee. Midnight and the others were eating energon.
"Oh! You're awake now. We had a meeting here just now if you don't mind. These few months we have to do assasinating to sharpen our skills to prepare for X starting from tonight." said Zira.
"I'm gonna wash up..." Nightstar headed for the bathroom.


The day has turned to night,
The time has come...Now let the screams of fear begin...Do your worst my troops...


Days and months of assasination have passed,

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:43 am
by starshadow

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:28 pm
by Nurann
;) There you go...

Just curious, but I noticed it's mostly the same as part 8; did you mean to do that?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:25 am
by starshadow
I was really bored making my fics and i didn't noticed it was nearly the same O_O