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Beast Wars BeYond: Chapter 1 (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 1:18 am
by Merbum
So here it is! My first chapter of my fanfic. Basically a retelling but with OCs! Hope you enjoy and comment please. Now without further adieu...

Beast Wars BeYond
A fanfic by the Mighty Merbum

Wars go beyond our understanding...Evil is everywhere, Heroes don't exist, and the truth is far beyond what we believe.

Chapter 1

Space. A quiet place where stars sparkle and life rolls on, however this quiet is about to be disturbed.
A force begins to bend the fabric of reality like ripples on water. The energy grows until a large, black, metallic vessel appears with several weapons on board its hall firing upon something back in the hole in space. The ship was shaped like a big broken wing. The ship following it appeared and the phase in reality closed behind it.
The other ship was smaller, and rounder than the broken wing. It appeared that the wing was running from the other ship. It was a fierce battle. The ships were coming towards a beautiful blue planet.
The smaller ship was getting hit bad. On board were mysterious figures in a dimly lit bridge. Only voices were present.
“Slag!” a young voice said, “One more hit like that and we are done for!”
“Why did we have to go after this thing?” An older more gruff voice said.
“Because,” A noble sounding voice said, “We were the only ship close enough to follow Inaga's warp signature!”
“The shields are going to collapse!” Another voice said. This one sounded female.
Meanwhile, on the broken wing, the same music was being played.
“Sir!” A dark and crisp voice said, “their shields are now down.”
“Good,” A voice that sounded tyrannical and domineering said, “Concentrate all fire on their engines, they will regret chasing me.”
The wing aimed its guns and open fired. The smaller ship took the hits hard and was beginning to loose control.
“This isn't good.” another voice said, this one sounded laid back, “We are loosing altitude!”
“Damn...” The noble one said, “Launch the stasis pods, we can't afford to loose them!”
The back doors of the round ship opened and out popped several small pods that were now entering a standard orbit with the blue planet.
“If you can, see if you can get a good shot on Inaga.”
“I will give it a maximal try!” the young voice said.
The round ship fired at the wing, which took hard hits.
“slag!” The tyrant roared.
His ship began to fall as well. Both were doomed to crash hard and fast.
Both streaked across the sky like comets, each one was on their own. After about 10 seconds of falling both slammed into the ground hard and the ground shook and the sound boomed for miles.
The Round ship crashed into a canyon. Cliffs on each side.
“Can I get a damage report?” The noble voice said.
“I could give you one,” The female voice said, “But you wouldn't like it sir.”
Meanwhile the other ship wasn't any better either. It crashed into a dank and dark marsh that was misty. It was a very large swamp, and good for hiding.
“Is this the place?!” The tyrant asked.
A maniacal cackle emitted from someone standing beside the tyrant as he typed on the computer in front of him.
“My liege,” the odd cackling one said, “This has to be a prehistoric earth!”
“and the energon?”
“There is enough to fill our cores for decades!”
“But there is a small problem my liege,” The cackling one said, “There is too much, if we try to extract it our bodies will no doubt be forced into stasis lock.”
“Son of a BITCH!” The tyrant yelled slamming his fist into the arm of his chair. Then a thought crossed his mind. He then lifted his hand and stroked his right eye.
“We can use shields, new protective forms based on whatever the hell is on this rock. Is there anything?”
“Yes!” The cackling one said, “This planet is full of animals.”
“Good, begin the scanning process.” The tyrant said, “Find something fierce for me.”
“You get what you get my liege!” The odd one said cackling up a storm like a mad doctor as he pecked at the keys of his computer.
A small probe shot out of the broken wing and began to scan the area with a purple light.
The scanner picked up 5 things for the 5 man crew of the tyrant's ship.
One was a crocodile, another was a moth, another was a large grizzly bear, another was a black jaguar, and lastly was a small little mosquito.

Meanwhile the round ship came to the same conclusion about finding protective forms. Their scanner began to work with a yellow light. It came across 5 creatures as well.
One was a golden lion, another was a small mole, another was a large elephant, another was a beautiful peacock, and lastly was a camel of all things.
“The scanning is done,” The laid back form said, “We can get up now.”

The young voice stood up, or at least tried too since he was on all fours now. He looked at his hands, they were furry claws. He managed to look at himself in the reflective wall of the ship's bridge, he was a mole.
“Far out!” The young one said, “I got a mole! I guess you can call me the Tunneler now!”
“Right,” the laid back voice said, walking out as a camel, chewing with his big flabby lips, “I got a camel of all things! What do they do?”
“Uh,” Tunneler said, “They spit!”
“Then call me Spits!”
“Spits?” The scruffy voice said coming out as an elephant and blowing a huge noise with his trunk, “Call me Tuskar!”
“Please,” The female said strutting out as a beautiful purple peacock, “An elephant, mole, and camel? Makes me look like the black sheep of this group. Just call me Penumbra for now.”
“She does have a point,” Tuskar said.
“Luck of the draw I guess,” Spits said, “Where is the boss?”
They all looked around then saw him emerge, he was a golden lion.
“That look really suits you,” Penumbra said.
“Thanks,” The noble voice said, “Don't call me anything different guys, just call me Praiden.”
“You got it,” Tunneler said smiling.
“So Tuskar,” Praiden said, “Have any sort of luck getting off the ground?”
“Probably not,” Tuskar said, “Me and Spits agreed this thing ain't going anywhere.”
“I got a question,” Tunnler said, “Where is here?”
“A very good question.” Praiden said, “Penumbra?”
“We could be anywhere, anytime. I did my research. That new trans warp technology was a Pandora's box of mysteries. It could go through space and time so we could be anywhere.”
“But at least we know where our comrades are.” Praiden said, “We can only hope each one will reach this planet safely in due time. Until then, we have to talk about Inaga...”

Meanwhile at the broken wing, there was activity a foot.
A large moth and mosquito were flying around checking the area out. The black panther was licking his paw and the Grizzly bear was yawning.
“AHHH!” The Grizzly bear said, “This place reeks of something.”
“Shush,” The jaguar said, “This place is perfect.” The jaguar's voice was deep and brisk, “Perfect for stalking prey.”
“That is just like you isn't it?” The bear said, “You like sneaking around and I like to blow stuff up.”
“Enough!” The tyrant's voice said. It was the crocodile crawling out, one of the crocodile's eyes was closed and it looked like it had a scar on it. “We have to plan our next move.”
The moth came down cackling, “Wouldn't the best idea to be seeking out precious energon?”
“It would be,” The crocodile said, “Of course the Maximals can give us trouble too. We will see if they survived their trip down. You all start your search.”
“Sir!” All of them said splitting off.
The jaguar looked at the crock and said, “Any luck contacting Cybertron.”
“Here?” The crocodile said, “Smoker, they wouldn't be able to receive, the trans warp drive goes through space and time. I don't think our communications are THAT strong.”
“Very well,” The jaguar known as Smoker said, “Then I will not ask again.”
“Don't” The crocodile said, “Now get going.”
The jaguar leapt off into the darkness of the swamp. The crocodile looked up at the sky and grunted.
“Damn you Scarab,” He said, “This was your plan all along?”

To Be Continued

Please comment! I hope this is to everyone's liking!

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 1:19 am
by Merbum
Sorry I forgot to mention that this is a more mature story due to the swearing and some of the content to come, just to let you know! Sorry!

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 1:41 pm
by Sapphire
Thank for being considerate, Merbum. :) Just to be sure people are aware, I have added a PG-13 to your topic title, so people are warned before, not after, the story. ;)

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:05 pm
by Merbum
thanks again, i totally didn't consider that sorry!