Some non-BW 3D work to gander at

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Some non-BW 3D work to gander at

Unread post by Jammer »

Figured I would post up a few of my recent works in the 3D relms of imagery for you all to view. I actually had most of the 3D models you see here almost done in late November. However, on thanks giving my computer's video card decided to bite the dust rather suddenly and force me to use the integrated graphics on this computer, which was woefully inadequte for 3D modeling(most the functions in Maya:PLE would crash it, to give you a example).

But I managed to get a brand spankin new video card in late January to plop into this (crapful) machine that is twice as powerful as the prevoius one. So, in way, I'm happy that my other card died. Though, my wallet is still in disagreement....

Anyways, as you might expect from my member title, they're mostly mechs(from an old mecha-sim I still play regularly), but there are some other things to see as well. Oh, and please try to ignore the ugly, ugly watermarks that Maya:PLE puts over my renders. And the Geocities crap-ola, as well. And please! Feel free to post your thoughts on these--critques are always a good thing.

Earthsiege TDF Apocalypse M.K.I
Comparison and extra views
Bad-aft of the Earthsiege games, was one of the mainstay human HERCs during gameplay, and conically-wise as well. So good was this HERC that it's still the main TDF(Terran Defense Force) assault HERC 200 years latter during the Starsiege(at that point in time it was at M.K. IV).

Earthsiege Cybrid Pitbull
Comparison view
A frickin' huge and mean machine. Was the first, and is one of the few quadrupedal HERCs in the Metaltech universe, and was/is quite a frightening sight to see lumbering over ridge-line at you. I actually modeled this before a few years back, but decided to redo it again with the knowledge I had gained since. You can view my first incarnation of it Here.

Earthsiege Arachnitron
Scary little thing to encounter. When these suicide drones make an apperence, generally one tends to forget about anything else on the battlefield and concentrates exclusively on killing them. 'Cause when they crawl up one of your HERC's legs and explode--they hurt alot.

Complete line-up of Earthsiege Autocannons
Pretty self explanitory, I think....

I'll also see about posting up some of my recent hand drawings as well some time in the near future.
Yup. This is the area where one generally puts their signature....
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