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Forbidden Love

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:55 pm
by Night-Hunter
Several weeks after her run in with Rampage and the other Predicons, Saber kept a low profile and stayed close to the Sonars lair or the Maximal base. But she couldn't shake off the feeling that she was being watched, she had a feeling that she knew who was stalking her.


Rampage smiled when he senced that Saber was alone and on the move, the weeks he had been stalking her, he had come to realize that he had grown feelings for her which was strange to him. Going into his tank-mode he headed in the direction of where he senced Saber.


Saber's ears twitched when she heard some thing, she climbed the nearest tree with ease do to her new powerful form. She never told Sonar that she could still feel the beast deep inside her, so she kept that to herself not wanting to know what would happen if she told him. Once in the tree she looked around and the sound became louder and sure enough Rampage up showed in his vehicle mode.
"Rampage, terrorize." Once he was in his robot form he looked around, he knew Saber was here.

Saber looked down at Rampage with a smile on her face normally she wouldn't think of messing with a Predicon especially if it was Rampage knowing his past, yet she felt sorry for him. No one not even a Predicon dervered what Rampage had been threw. "I know your up there, Saber." Rampage said suddenly.
Her ears went went back when she heard him, sighing she jumped from the large branch and landed on all fours beside him.
"Hmmm your beast mode looks different." Rampage said looking at her beast mode.
"Its a long story and i don't feel like talking about it." Saber said then went into her robot mode.
"Fare enough." Rampage said looking up and down her body.
"Looking for some thing?" Saber asked raising an eye brow.
He smiled he couldn't help it then to his surprise he felt Saber kiss his cheek which caught him off guard.
*Why did i just do that?!* Saber told herself.
Rampage smiled even more when he saw Saber blush. (i don't know if they are capable of blushing so just work with me)
Saber eyes widen when Rampage gently pushed her against the tree and her heart (or spark) started to speed up as she looked at Rampage and he went closer to her.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:53 am
by starshadow
I bet it would be a kiss >w< THAT'S SUCH A ROMANTIC SCENE AWW ♥♥