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"Beast Wars: Part I"

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:40 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: I have a little introduction here for the game to start and I hope it meets everyone's satisfaction. I took a little bit of a different approach to it. So anyone can start posting for their characters after this. Get your beast modes and begin the dialogue, interactions and thought processes. Have fun with it, guys! :D ))

Commander’s log of the Maximal exploration ship, the Axalon:

In pursuit of Megatron and his ship, my crew and I have followed him through time and space by his trans warp signature, determined to stop him and to retrieve what he has stolen. The battle between our ships grew more desperate as we exchanged firepower and closed in on a nearby planet. The Axalon received heavy damage just before we were able to return fire. In fear of a fatal crash landing, and the stasis hold's near failure, I ordered a launch of all of the stasis pods in the planet's orbit in hopes of securing their safety. Bringing the Axalon around, we fired upon the Predacons and disabled their ability of controlled flight. At that point, both ships entered the unidentified planet's atmosphere and raced for its surface.

After bracing for impact, my crew and I crash landed but were alive. Our ship's damage report indicated that we were stranded on this planet; our engines, among other major systems, were completely off-line and it would take some time and a lot of equipment and work to get them operational again. We did not know what kind of luck the Predacons had endured, but they had not landed in our vicinity.

This unfamiliar planet contained dangerously large amounts of raw energon that would be extremely harmful to those exposed to it in robot form for a certain amount of time. We needed to acquire alternate modes to prevent the energon build-up and adapt to the planet's habitats.

We don't know where we are, when we are, or what we're in for, but we have a mission to accomplish and we will prevail. Our fight for survival begins here…

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:39 pm
by Blazemane
Oh, what a headache that had caused.

His face was pressed against the floor underneath the control panel he had been working at. He got up just in time to take some groggy steps before his vision cleared a bit more, and then he heard Big Bot asking for some kinda' damage report.

He looked over the nearest computer and pulled up a diagnostic (why did ships have to try sounding so official?). He wasn't so sure he appreciated what he saw.

"Believe me. You don't want to know."

Pain has a fun way of going away quite quickly if its not too serious, and his energy slowly came back to him. He and the other crew members had regrouped, so here's what he knew:

Somehow, there was too much of the thing that kept him going, energon, on this planet.

However that's possible.

So what this meant is that he had to go into an AMR tank (Alternate Mode Reformatting- again, what's with the fancy talk?), and choose a life form resembling one of the animals outside. He had heard of animals before. At least in class, he was taught the history of the Great War, and how on planet Earth there were animals. They didn't talk, and they weren't made of metal (what else there is to be made of was a rather strange puzzle to him), but apparently they weren't affected by a lot of the radiation that Cybertronians were affected by, and were affected by a lot of the radiation that Cybertronians weren't.

And so, he had to sit in this tank, and pick out an animal. Like picking out a car. Only... not.

Really, really, not.

Well, he supposed if he was going to die otherwise...

Hey, these were kinda' cool looking. Small though. Oh, that's a "plant."

He had to make a rule. Anything that moved was free game. So... there were big moving things, small moving things, and medium moving things. He would be stuck with the medium ones naturally.

There was one with brownish fur. Had a strange cackle. Sounded like laughter. Not working.

Boring, boring, too much color, too much weird, boring, uh... what was that? The one in the yellow, with black spots. Yeah... that could be cool. But there was one question...

Computer... how fast does that thing move?

"Velocity estimates for animal- Giraffe, early age- approximately 32 parsecs per megacycle."

32? What kind of a number was that? If he was gonna do this right, he was going to enjoy it. And he knew what he wanted: speed.

Did the computer say baby? Oh... so the adults would be, once again, big animals. This was not working.

He continued looking around. He saw another two baby giraffes appear on screen. No! Not giraffes. Not babies either. They were adults, and they were medium size, and still had that same cool design. Like a similar paint job on different models. But then... he had gone through the whole car thing already.

"Let's try this one more time. Computer, how fast do those things go?"

"Velocity estimates for animal- Cheetah, adult- approximately 70 parsecs per megacycle."

Now that was ultra gear. Well granted, 70 parsecs was a bit slower than he was used to, but it was an average estimation anyways, right? He could work it into shape. Be one of the cheetah's above the middle line.

"Yeah, that should work."

The computer accepted these rather unofficial words and began the reformatting.

He heard the team scientist say they could get out of their tanks. The first thing he noticed was how easy his mode stretched.

Professional lazy animal. Perfection. He knew he had picked a cooler mode than anybody else. It would be impossible to top.

"*Growl* Hey, hey, look at me! I'm a cheetah!"

He saw himself in the reflection of a nearby chamber door. Yeah!

"N- No! No...

I'm Cheetor!"

He heard some sarcastic remark from Big Bot. Whatever.


Another growl came from his throat. They felt habitual already. Fitting like a glove.

"Optimus, the word is spot-on 'smooth.'"

A subtle purr escaped his lips. He chuckled confidently.

"It's a crime." Cheetor said as he moved his eyebrows (he had those now) up and down theatrically.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:00 am
by SkyxDB
Skyfire could not believe the situation they were in. She wonder what was going to happen now that they crash landed on this planet.

After taking on the form of a blad eagle as her beast mode, she looked at her reflection on the CR Chamber. "Wow, I think I like this form" she said out loud. She had always enjoyed flying and as animals go, she always found birds to be fasinating, and now she a bird. She then looked at commrades to see what forms they took on.

After listening to Cheetor admire how he looked in his new Beast Mode, she wondered if it was possible to roll her eyes in bird form.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:11 am
by Night-Hunter
She shook her head to clear the fuzz infront of her eyes, she put her hand on her head.
~Well, that was fun~ she thought.
After getting back into her seat and looked at the computer scanning the area for a suitable form for seconds later the screen infront of her showed the remains of a large cat with dagger like fangs from the size of its bones it must have been very strong. She raised an eye brow.
~This form will do from now until he shows up and helps me with my problem~ She thought.

She accepted the image and the refomatting started once it was finished she looked at her self and smiled a name for herself popped into her head it had a nice ring to it.
"I will be known as Saber-Fang." Saber said.
She looked at Cheetor and raised an eye brow and shook her head she had once been like that but she had grown out of it when she had gotten older.
"Don't let your looks get the better of you, Cheetor." Saber said with a small smile.

Bwa ha ha ha! I am a Predacon! (And all that other slag) :D

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:24 pm
by Razorclaw
((OOC:So,apparently,because of a request by Tor,and the oppinions of those who participated,I'm supposed to be Megatron. :o I know I rot at it,but hopefully,I shall be semi-acceptable.

Also,during Megatron's narration,I didn't use the trademark "Yess",because I figured he might not use it while thinking or writing.))

IC: Far from where Optimus Primal and the Maximals had landed,another ship lay in smouldering ruin. While its crew tried their best to process the siuation,its commander sat,shrouded in darkness,mentally processing what he would later write down.

"A safe landing. It was more than anyone could have hoped for,yes,given the circumstances. But still,without those accursed Maximals,it could have been much more.

Still,our mission must not be forgotten.

Upon escaping with the Golden Disk,we were beset by a group of Maximal seccurity officers. A struggle ensured,from which we emerged victorious,but not untraced. Almost imediately after leaving Cybertron,we were attacked and pursued by a small exploration vessel that was taking off around the same time as ourselves.

Though we battled valiently,and managed to take down the other ship,our hull was damaged during the battle(One of those horrid amateur sharpshooters no doubt. They have absolutely no skills whatsoever),and we,along with the remains of the Maximal ship,were sucked into the gravatational pull of a nearby planet.

If those Maximals are in any better shape than we are,I swear from here to Cybertron that their deaths shall be swift and memorable! Our ship,the Darkside,is in non-salvageable condition,or at least that's what my chief science officer,Tydraculas,tells me. He can't really be trusted,you know;No desendants of Unicron can. They're shifty and unatural,a throughly dispised minature nation of their own.

But,getting back to our position. The planet does contain unusualy high amounts of evergon,which brings my hopes and suspisions to light. Unfortunately,the ammounts are so high,that we are forced to adapt alternate forms to survive,and there are no veichles,so we shall have to use organic life instead. Barbaric,yes,but nessicary if we are to find what we seek. I've ordered Tydraculas to scan the planet's most powerful local life forms,in an attempt to back our chances of survival.

~Megatron,exhaulted Predacon Commander


Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:39 pm
by Tor
(OOC: Alright! Go OOP, lovely beginning and excellent character intros! Yay for the RP!)

Megatron's Second in Command had already evaluated the Predacon's grim situation. The Darkside had crashed with a shrill schreeching, the mighty crash wrenching one wing up and twisting the other completely off. The one-of-a-kind Predacon Transwarp Reaper would never fly again, that much was certain.

Tarantulas, the established Science Officer, announced that the scan for beast modes were complete (and greedily selected his before anyone else could take his prefered form). Megatron had earlier explained that the new alt forms would shield them from the powerful surges of the Energon fields.

As Second-in-Command, he was expected to be an example for the rest of the crew. Soon, he was first to choose his new sleek beast mode and his new name: Dinobot.

Dinobot immiedately left after recieving his new form to a hidden side chamber. Once inside, the raptor deactivated a pulsing force field surrounding Megatron's prize, the Golden Disk. Dinobot had been uneasy since the landing and his instincts compelled him to double check that nothing was amiss; that they hadn't stolen the Disk in vain.

With steady claws, he lifted the Golden Disk from its place. A small part of him marveled at the mirror-like quality and the elegance of the writing. Shelving his more frivolous thoughts, he studied the Maximal writing. It was fortunate indeed that he had studied Maximals and their literature.

His slitted eyes narrowed as he drank in the inscriptions. But before he confronted Megatron... it best to make sure...

There were two moons orbiting this unknown planet.

Dinobot's lips lifted in a furious snarl. Megatron, that fool, had lead them to the wrong planet! The insufferable tyrant! Making false promises and lies of a fool-proof plan. He couldn't even read a map! A low growl rose in the back of Dinobot's throat, as he thought of the carefully, painstakingly planned theft that was all for naught.

"No, no, NO!" Dinobot screamed, sending Tarantulas skittering away from the enraged reptile. "It is all wrong! This cannot be Earth!" His rage swelled savagely as his scanners sensed the mech who had landed them in this dump. He swiveled around, "MEGATRON! You failed! Not only did you fail to destroy the Maximals," Dinobot's free digits curled into a fist, which he shoke at Megatron, "you failed to bring us to the right planet! We stole the Golden Disk for nothing! You IDIOT!" Dinobot hurled the Disk toward Megatron, eyes narrowed in hatred.


(Edit: YES RC is Megsie now!)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:43 pm
by Sinead
Rhinox stretched in his new form, seeing the computers all come up on green-lights. Good. They had all chosen appropriately, save for Rattrap, whose beast mode had been applied out of the normal size range, but considering that Rattrap's actual size wasn't common on Cybertron ... It might have been a bit of an ego thing, knowing his little friend.

He watched the all-clear come up, signaling that the beast modes were completely installed and reported, "Scanning and replication of local life forms complete. You may emerge."

Smiling at the antics that arose from such affirmation that they were allowed to walk around, Rhinox finally pulled at the sniping, causing it to close down. Young things were intensely fun to watch when they got riled and fussy. They fluffed up and looked as if they were ready to spit slag, but were generally harmless.

"Ease off, Cheetor. Livin' large is for forms like me. Call me ... Rhinox."

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:20 pm
by Razorclaw
IC: It was all so perfect,Tydraculas,now Tarantulas,could hardly even have dared to dream it would turn out this well. Not only had that idiot he called 'Commander' actualy managed to dirrect them to the correct planet,but now,an open treachury,from one of his least-favorite 'associates' at that!

Oh,it was beautiful,truly beautiful,how one could twist another's plans to fit private desires and schemes. For just a moment,he longed to have someone else to brag to,someone who shared his intelect(Everyone else of course was an idiot compared with him;it was painstakingly obvious) and vision. But no,it was not to be. The spider sighed,allowing the fleeting thought to pass. There were more important things to do.

((OOC: That was fun! :twisted:

The purpous of Tarantulas' wish,by the way,is to set the floor for Blackarachnia.))

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:21 am
by Sinead
Agui watched from her perch upon one of the chairs, settled in her beast mode of many years. It was interesting to see how she had been ridiculed for keeping it when she had returned to Cybertron, yet now that she had returned to presumably the same planet ...

Better not tell them that. Primal would be rip-roaring mad that they had landed on Earth. Gotta love government-sanctioned "Keep off the lawn" signs. Sighing, she relinquished the seat as she saw the kid start to admire himself in the smooth polish of the CR chamber. Her stocky white tigress form suited her just fine and gave her the bulk that she needed in order to be an effective medic. Reaching out, she aimed a paw at his hip, claws sheathed, wanting to just tap him and let him know to not get cocky. Felines tended to have a huge ego.

"I'm keeping my name. Agui has good meaning behind it." Blinking ice-crystal blue eyes in the red-striped face, she grinned lopsidedly. "Besides. You might look spot-on, but leave the smooth to the ladies, cub." She trotted away from the chamber, smiling to Saberfang. "Hm. It suits you. Of course, I'm a touch biased."

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:05 am
by Night-Hunter
"I didn't think you would change your name. Agui suits you just fine."

Saber said looking at the tigress as she walked away from Cheetor she returned Agui's smile she always liked her, she kinda reminded her of herself when she had been younger. She looked down at her paws to get a good look at them they were pretty big. Looking up she wondered where the bomb expert was.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:51 pm
by Jagna
((OOC: Hrm...very sorry...I started this yesterday, but then my internet f***ed up and I couldn't get back on until today. Weird.

I've completely forgotten what I wrote yesterday, so I'll go from the actually crash))

Oi, my head...why did I sign up for this slag?

Oh wait, he didn't. So much for deep space exploration. Where the heck were they anyway?

-Scanning for Beast Mode-

For a what mode?

-Beast Mode scan complete. Select...-

Huh. Okay. That one in the middle looks pretty slick...
"Optimus, the word is spot-on 'smooth. It's a crime."
Tcheh. Time to parade my new fur coat and let that kid know his place.

"Eh, a bit tacky. Yeh never had taste, didja kid? Now THIS," he reared up and turned to show off his new rat for to Cheetor and everyone else who was awake again, "Hu-huh, THIS is what class is all about. Call me..."

...Call him what?...

"I'm keeping my name. Agui has good meaning behind it."
"In that case, I claims dibbs on prize fer originality and the coolest name. Among other things..." he added with a smirk.

He took a look around him.

"Heeey, why am I surrounded by cats?"

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:31 pm
by Venatrix
She emerged from the chamber after Rattrap. As she was outside, and right behind the rat, she spraid her large and powerful wing, casting a shadow which devowered the smaller maximal.
"Heeey, why am I surrounded by cats?"
"Cats are the least you should worry about. Creature's simular to your chosen beastmode are on the main menu for a creature such as my form now. But there is no need to worry, for my stomach is full already."

She folded her wings back onto her back, and turned her head to see her reflection.
"Datatracks indicate this form is strong and agile as well as fast in the air. You can call me, Valkyrie."

Valkyrie slowly moved towards the station that was assigned to her as CEO and pilot of the Axalon, and brushes her right wing over the trashed control panel.
"You did good old friend. I wish i could've been better prepared."

As if to respond to her, the keyboard lights start to flicker on for a bit, before sparks started flying, and it died again.
A smile formed on her strong and sharp beak.
"So there is still some fight left in in you huh, old friend?"

She then moved to another station, and activated its screen, but logging in seemed to be problematic in this beastmode, so she desided to try her new robotmode for a little test-spin.
A voice command was needed to activate the transformation sequence, and with a calm voice she gave the command: "Valkyrie. Maximise."

She let out a high pitched screetch as the transformation begon.
The bird's legs straightened as the main body transformed slightly. her large wings unfolded and remained on her back as more of her cybertronian armor showed across her body.
Her arms where formed slightly from her back, and slightly of her wings, giving her lower section of her upper and lower arms a spikey look coz of the strong feathers.
Finaly the bird's beak opens up widely, as the lower part rests on her chest, and the upper part formed slightly as a helmet.

Valkyrie sits down at the station, and activated the ship's auto-logs from the time they where hit, and was obvious the Axalon was going to sink, and crash down at the planet.
The logs showed the stasis pods where all launched succesfully, but it didn't mention if they where launched into a safe orbit or not.
That part will remain unsure untill the main scanners are repaired and re-calibrated.
And that will require some time to do, not to mention the rest of the ship she came to know as home.

"Optimus. the ship's sensors are mostly scrapped by the crash, so i cannot determen the stasis of the entire ship. The logs however notted that the stasis pods in the ships stasis bay, have all been launched succesfully, before we hit the planet's atmosfear. It's unsure however, if the pods are in a safe orbit or not."

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:30 pm
by SkyxDB
"Heeey, why am I surrounded by cats?"
"Cats are the least you should worry about. Creature's simular to your chosen beastmode are on the main menu for a creature such as my form now. But there is no need to worry, for my stomach is full already."
Skyfire giggled. "Yeah don't forget about the birds of prey rodent. But yeah, like Agui over here, I'll just keep my orignal name, and stick with being called Skyfire."
"Optimus. the ship's sensors are mostly scrapped by the crash, so i cannot determen the stasis of the entire ship. The logs however notted that the stasis pods in the ships stasis bay, have all been launched succesfully, before we hit the planet's atmosfear. It's unsure however, if the pods are in a safe orbit or not."
Skyfire sighed. Something tells things me things are going to worst before they get better she thought.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:56 pm
by Tor
Waspinator arched his back, buzzing his newly-found wings happily. He scrambled out of the AMR tank, tripping over his extra legs, and landing with a smack on his latest face. His abdomen sticking straight up into the air, his wings buzzing in small spazzes.

"Wazpinator hurtz. Eep!" Waspinator froze at the sound of his voice. "Wazpinator... Wa-ZZZ-pinator..." Waspinator's tongue poked out as he tried to correctly pronounce his 'S''s, "ZzzzzzZZZZZzzzz."

A keening voice from his wingmate told him to shut up, so the wasp slurped his long tongue back between his manibles and ripped his face off the floor with a noise like duct tape being torn off skin.

"Wazpinator go now," he excused himself when he recieved an annoyed look from one of his comrades.

It took the newly reformatted wasp quite some time to get a handle on his new form. He tried to turn, his beast mode swerving at a immediate 90 degree angle straight into a wall.

"At least Wazpinator knows beast mode can make sharp turns..." he grumbled, his six legs prying himself from the wall with another ripping sound. He was ready to buzz of when he heard dark mutterings.

A sleek reptilian form was stalking in the corridor below him, grasping something that glinted gold in the dim lights from the ceiling.

"Incompetent baffoon!" Dinobot's gravelly tone was filled with barely contained rage.

Waspinator stayed perfectly still, Dinobot was a fearfully powerful second in command, and when in a bad mood could be incredibly... irriatable.

Dinobot past in the direction of the exit, and Waspinator crawled along the wall a safe distance behind. Unfortunately, Waspinator's attention span wasn't long enough to sneak behind Dinobot to get outdoors, so he jumped off the wall, intending to zip off outside before Dinobot could accuse him of spying... but instead his wings went haywire and he landed with a splat on the ground.

Dinobot whirled, "Huh?" The reptilian robot's eyes narrowed, mouth opening slightly to display wickedly sharp fangs, designed to rip meat clean off the bone.

"Waspinator on his way outside," he said meekly, feeling his way around Dinobot.

The second in command fixed him with a feral stare, his jaws never closing, never hiding those viciously sharp teeth. Waspinator gulped hurriedly and had to keep himself from competely cowing.

He comprimised by squeaking loudly and buzzing off into the air, where he was soon joined by Terrorsaur, and together they swooped and looped and ally-ooped.

"Weee hee! Ooooh-hooo!" Waspinator squealed, swerving back toward the base to see Dinobot emerge.


Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 6:27 pm
by Venatrix
((OOC: Great entrance for my favorite char, Waspinator there Tor. When i'm done laughing, i'll continue with the introduction of Venatrix))

Being a warrior herself, she admired Dinobot in every way possible. She felt insignifficant in his precence, but remained true to her goal to overcome her weaknessess, and earn his respect as a warrior.

She never was able to sneak up on Dinobot, and even with this beastmode, who's speciality seems to be stalking, it would be difficult to remain undetected by Dinobot's sharp sences.
However, if anything, she was no coward. She has proven this time and time again.
Her attempts to ambush him, where purely a form of training to her, and Dinobot, sometimes annoyed by her actions, knew this as well.
She was getting better and better every time.
This time she managed to sneak into striking distance before Dinobot noticed her approaching black body.
She was almost perfectly camoflaged in the dark, but her stalking abilities need to be sharpened still.

Not noticing Dinobot's discovery of her, she pounced at her target, failing to notice the trap waiting a strike back at her, as it always had.
She was good as a warrior in every way. Dinobot was just a better example.
Her appearance might have changed, but not her programming.
The slik velociraptor had already identified her before she even processed the command to pounce, and on a subconcious lever, she knew it.

((OOC: depending on Tor's response, part 2 will include her introduction ^^ yessss.))