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Where does your old loyalty lie.....
Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:12 am
by Lady Venom
My very first Poll! Mainly because I've just done the Maxi/Pred Poll and was curious about who would cast their vote here...I think the older crowd might've been more responsive to this, and then I remembered that many of the younger crowd watches RiD any Energon or...whatever they're called now...(I don't watch 'em or like 'em..but that's just me ^.~)
So, which is it? Autobot or Decepticon?
Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:20 pm
by EverBlue
Since I've never really gotten into G1 all that much, I've always seen the whole G1 Transformers, Autobot/Decepticon thing as more of a Reagan-era Cold War mentality where the Autobots represented the wholesome, God-fearing USA while the Decepticons represented the evil, communistic Soviet Union. It was a pretty simple and clear-cut view between black and white, good and evil, capitalism and communism, and light and dark. I've never really considered the Autobots and Decepticons so much of characters as they are ideals and by-products of their time era. Then again, I could go with the third cliche option and say, "I'm on my own side! I walk my own lonely road!"
That being said, I think I'll just stick to Beast Wars.
Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:56 pm
by MetallixKaren
Decepticons. Yeah, I'm for the baddies again. o.o And I've seen all of G1.
Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:14 pm
by Tigerhawk
Neither really, If I had to pick I would go with the Autbots, I remember watching RiD when I was like 4 or 5, LMAO!!!
Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:41 pm
by RobotInDisguise
to quote Ravage, DECEPTICONS FOREVER!! Especially Seekers.
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 8:12 am
by Sapphire
Tigerhawk, RID came out in if you were age 4 in 2001, that means you're 9 years old now?
I haven't seen much of G1, and the first Transformers show I watched in earnest was Beast Wars, so I voted for that. I quite like what I have seen of G1, but BW was my first love, so it takes the cake. I also think it better any of the TF shows shown since.
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:48 am
by Jammer
I'll have to say Autobot.
When I was just a wee little lad of 4-5, I remember rushing off the bus after school and scramble into the household to catch the begining of the G1 reruns during the G2 era of Transformers, and root for my personal hero at that point in time: Optimus Prime.
A bit sterotypical, I suppose in a way, but, eh.
Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:22 am
by Lady Venom
Nah, not typical, lol..I was about 3 years old into G1...I don't remember too much of the show myself. I just remember my mother telling me it was the only show that would ever shut me up when she put it on....'parently I was a fan of the Tank she said, since I always seemed inraptured and smiley/giggly....
So, yea....Decepticons forever! Hence the Decepti poster on my wall, lol!!
Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:30 pm
by Tigerhawk
Sapphire wrote:Tigerhawk, RID came out in if you were age 4 in 2001, that means you're 9 years old now?
I haven't seen much of G1, and the first Transformers show I watched in earnest was Beast Wars, so I voted for that. I quite like what I have seen of G1, but BW was my first love, so it takes the cake. I also think it better any of the TF shows shown since.
Really, I thought RiD was out in '94, I can't remember I always assumed it was RiD becasue that's the only part of the theme I can remember, LoL!
Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 7:36 pm
by RobotInDisguise
Hmm I've seen G1, Beast Wars, Beast machines (somebody please wipe that 26-part piece of slag from my head), RID, and Cybertron and I like most of what I saw.
While I never saw Armada, I must admit to liking all of the Armada Starscream fanfics that I've read so far.
I think that this poll could be modified so that it'll show who likes Maxis, Bots, Preds, and Cons. Gee, I'm discursive, aren't I?