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Unread post by artemis-lady-warrior »

I find it totally retarded(for lack of a better word) for people to prefer believing that humans came from apes than actually being human from the beginning. Also 7Knight-Wolf made a good point.
Anyway, our DNA. Besides being similar to both chickens and apes, did you know our bodies are made up of many of the same elements as...dust?
Plus there is the fact that most apes began as apes and are STILL apes.

And believing that humans came form humans makes mopre sense than. "A zillion(example date don't take it seriously) all humans swung from trees and picked bugs out of each others hair, then, after another million years, the ape creatures slowly started walking upright and getting smarter, until finally they became the humans we see today. :roll: Riiiiiight.......

and you do realize that most people do not like being called "animals" that, in my oppinion, is offensive. I'm NOT an animal. I'm a human being and it's illegal to perform experiments on humans.

Wonko, you do realize that at one time all the land on earth was connected at one point don't you? and do you also realize that people have found fossils of sea creatures on mountain peaks in places? There is only one explaination for this, a Flood.
Now I should probably research this,but the religions,espeically the top one,Chiristianity all originated from Hinduism,but if I am wrong,elighten me please.
Christanity did not come from Hinduism. The word "Christian" was used as an insult at first and means "little christ". All of the prophesies about Jesus(if this is what you're alluding to) were written down thousands of years before Jesus was born.
Also there are plenty of aspects about Chistianity that makes it different than Hinduism.
There is only One God. Not a million, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and God the Father who make up the Trinity are one and the same. Plus you don't have to do a million things to appease them. In fact you have a choice whether to believe them or not without getting punished for it. (Go by the New Testament NOT the Old because many of those things only pertained to the Jews anyway).
Plus I doubt the Jews even cared about Hinduism, nor do I for that matter.
I could go on about this for hours but I won't.

Razor, I'm sure SOME of the Evolutionary things are real like maybe all the cats came from one other cat but it was still a cat.

As for the thing with scientists and apes. No I DON'T want them to really do it. I was speaking metaphorically.
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Unread post by 7Knight-Wolf »

Wonko The Sane wrote:
Creationism:I hope not to offend anyone,but the Genesis was a story of how civillization came to be.Yes,some things can be historically proven(Such as Noah's Flood,being only a flood to a certain part of land,not the whole world).There are many stories of creation,flood,and war between Divinities in most Pegan religions,and all have been adapted and used to have a creative interpretation of what life was like before them.

Now I should probably research this,but the religions,espeically the top one,Chiristianity all originated from Hinduism,but if I am wrong,elighten me please.

If we were to use the whole thing,we could not only understand more of the Universe,but God's connection to it.I go back to Nostradamus,and his prophecies,as he,having better use of his brain,was able to see the eyes that has a 'God-like' quality,which is to see into the future,.But,even though Nostadamus had that power to see,he does not have the power of his whole brain.If we were able to,we can be able to 'alter' our bodily functions,figure out more things that can advance or eliminate the laws and theories we have now.
Your view of the flood and creation is just one point of view. Your argument is that almost everybody in almost all ancient religions had flood and creation stories that were strikingly similar. My argument is that the creation and flood really did happen, and that's why the stories are so widespread. Almost every single culture has a story of a worldwide flood. The Chinese even have two seperate words for "flood" and "worldwide flood." The latter is used in their ancient stories to describe the flood.

Absolutely Christianity did come from Hinduism. People in the middle east, the ancestors of the Jews, have beleived in God as far back as stories go, and they have always had prophecies of the Messiah. Jews and Christains disagreed on whether Jesus was the Messiah.

Ooh...did somebody mention something about a "whole brain"? I presume you mean when we use the midbrain, cortex, and prefrontal cortex to think and make decisions with. That is the whole brain experience, as opposed to the way most people think, using only their midbrain or "pleasure center" because the rest is cut off by stress.

You make a very interesting point when you say "what would happen if you used your whole brain all the time?" If you use your whole brain, I believe that you will be able to clearly see that there is a very deep meaning to life and a higher power. When I have whole-brain moments I am able to see life with my emotions, my common sense, and my deeper spritual meaning all together. Those are the best of times, and acording to the Bible those are the times, in the stillness and peace, when God will make himself known to you.

There are several stories in the Bible about God speaking in stillness. There is also a verse that says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind." Which means the whole-brain experience. Also, the best example of whole-brain thinnking I've ever heard of is the thinking of Jesus. He lived a very peaceful life, and when things got to busy he would detach hismelf. He is also one of the best partiers in the Bible and was acccused of being a glutton, just because he had fun at dinner and knew how to have a balanced lifestyle. When he was challenged by pharisees, he knew exactly what to say and spoke to them with respect while arguing his point. Most importantly, Jesus was able to see God in everything; he was at peace with himself, with others, and with God. That's what happens when you truly live the whole-brain life.
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Wonko The Sane
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Unread post by Wonko The Sane »

Going by the Hinduism has a relation to Christianity:

I should have said this more specifically than make it simple.

I am very aware that the world's continents were one,then broken up,and will become either broken up or one again many millenia after.

But I am saying that I believe that Hinduism was one of the most ancient religions established,even though there are older religions before that.Hinduism was main and since people migrate all over,they see other religions and cultures and,by 'speaking' about each other's beliefs,the religions that they were used to were molded by learning other religions.Hindusim and older religions have been melded together to create new religions,great or small.The reason why we can't see some Hindu aspects in Judiasm,Christianity,and Islam is that they are reletivley new and molded by previous relgions that died out or became non mainstream.

Judiasm was formed by small relgions,Christianity was formed from Judiaism and some of Greek and Roman aspects,since Greece's culture was adopted for Rome and Christians lived in Rome and became a religion there.Modern Christianity was molded by Roman and Greek culture.

Islam had more of a combination between the two,but had more of a Persian,Babylonian,and others,and created as their own religion,but aknowledged the main two and used our symbols to create theirs.

Hinudism and other ancient religions were the root of the main religions of today.I'm sorry if you guys got it wrong but Christianity was created through other religions....sorry that my writing was inaccurate compared to my thoughts.

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Unread post by artemis-lady-warrior »

*headesk* wait! what?
How can you honestly say such a thing?
I don't see any similaries between Hinduism and Christanity. Christianity is way different than Hinduism.

Explain this better.
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Unread post by 7Knight-Wolf »

Wonko The Sane wrote: Hinudism and other ancient religions were the root of the main religions of today.I'm sorry if you guys got it wrong but Christianity was created through other religions....sorry that my writing was inaccurate compared to my thoughts.
What you say may have truth in the sense that some of the practices of Christains might have been copied from other religions. But the faith, our God, is completely uniqe and was NOT made up by any human. No human could claim to invent an infinite loving spirit like God--we don't even understand the concept of infinty! And we certainly don't understand love in its true sense, that's why we have so many codependants and messed up up relationships.
Emotions are the colors of the soul. They are like Crayola crayons: you want the 64 set box with the pencil sharpener, not the dollar-store 4 set box.
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Unread post by Razor One »

artemis-lady-warrior wrote:
Now let me point out something.
Humans have souls. Animals do not.
Humans know right from wrong. Animals do NOT and they don't care!
Humans can speak and KNOW what they mean when they say it. Animals cannot, not even parrots because parrots just mimic what people say.
A human can learn how to use a computer properly. Animals Can NOT! If you sit a monkey in front of a computer it won't get on line and browse. it will bang out random things con the keyboard.
Humans do not have intercourse with animals. They have intercourse with other humans. Unlike animals. Ever heard of the Cabbit? It's the result of Cats and Rabbits having kids.
Animals don't worry about Global warming or pollution. Humans do.
Humans can also learn other languages, animals cannot.
Plus animals can get away with killing each other and eating each other without any problems. Humans go to jail. Thou shalt not kill!

There are many other things I can point out about humans that make us different than animals but I won't.
The concept of a soul is a philosophical and religious issue. In terms of biology, it is of no consequence unless the soul can be seen, measured, and exists in a physical sense. Since the soul only exists in a metaphysical sense, it has no bearing on the science of evolution.

To say that animals dont know right from wrong and more importantly dont care is fallacious. My brother owns a dog that carries a guilty look whenever she has an "Accident" in the house. Gorillas have been known to sacrifice themselves to save a wounded mate. Entire herds of elephants will work together to save a stranded calf.

In another case, Dolphins saved a man from a pack of sharks.

If Animals absolutely and totally dont know right from wrong, and dont care either which way, please, be my guest and attempt to explain the behavior we see.

Humans can speak this is true, and your point about parrots is absolutely correct.

However, Dolphins DO communicate. While it's not known if they have a formal language and certainly requires more research into the matter. They do have a signature whistle to identify themselves. Scientists have taught apes to use rudimentary sign language to communicate, and the barking of the dog is considered to be a form of communication as well. Wild dogs and wolves do not bark in the same manner that household dogs do. A certain bark denotes excitement, another anger, another still for "Intruder!". Dogs try to imitate human language to give us the gist of what they're trying to tell us.

If you're talking about higher minded concepts such as abstract communication, like discussing religion on a forum on the internet (:P), then of course, animals cannot communicate on this level with the possible exception of dolphins.

Consider for a moment that the average human brain weighs 1300 - 1400 grams. The average Dolphin brain, in the case of the bottlenose dolphin at least, weighs 1500 - 1700 grams. Dolphin brains are larger, they merely use their grey matter differently. If Dolphins used their brains as we did, they would be capable of language on the same level as us, if not better.

Your point about monkeys and computers is also false as a cursory google search turned up. Chimps have actually beaten humans at computer memory games.

Now you're correct in the presumption that they wont punch in a website and start browsing the internet. That requires sophisticated language and the ability to process abstract information.

Additionally, put someone whom has never heard of, nor conceived of, nor knows of a computer in front of one. Lets also say this person can neither read, nor write, and is in many ways mentally handicapped (to make up for brain size difference in this analogy). Would he get online and browse? Or would he bang out random things on the keyboard?

The cabbit is an urban myth. They exist as readily as the bogey man.

Animals do not worry about global warming because animals do not cause global warming, neither for that matter have they established civilizations which can be disrupted by excessive climate change, nor for that matter do they have the resources or cognitive capability of understanding and dealing with such an issue.

Humans too can kill each other without any real consequences for the killer. It's called War. Incidentally, certain chimpanzees and lemurs also engage in war against other chimpanzees and lemurs.

Humans only go to jail when they have committed a crime according to the criminal justice system.

7Knight-Wolf wrote:Razor one, here's something to consider. I don't believe Carbon dating is accurate because most of the fossils we find today (I believe) were very quickly fossilized. There was a worldwide flood which killed almost everything on earth, and which speeded up the fossil process from millions of years to just a few hours or minutes.

And here's some more proof that carbon dating is wrong. One time a gradeschool teacher took a large slab of rock and made her school children do an activity with it. They decorated pictures of animals and stick-people. Then the peice of artwork was stolen. The teacher made a big deal about finding it, but it was not recovered until about a year later when an archealogist found it hidden in a cave. Not knowing that it was someone's work of art, the scientist carbon-dated it, conculding that it was about three hundred years old and made by Native Americans in the area. Then the treacher stepped in to claim her stolen artwork. Interesting, isn't it? :D

Artemis, bravo! There is no proof that we are very closely related to monkeys, and scientifically speaking creation and evolution are just as likely. Logically, creation makes more sense.

I must disagree with one thing, though. Being an animal freak, I believe that animals do have souls, although perhaps not as deep as that of humans. Contrary to popular belief, the Bible does not say that animals are soul-less. In fact, it hints otherwise in Romans 8, saying that when God's kingdom comes, animals will be set free into "the glorious freedom of the sons of God" depending on translation. This probably means that they will have the same freedoms as the Sons of God, which in that context means humans.

Anyway, our DNA. Besides being similar to both chickens and apes, did you know our bodies are made up of many of the same elements as...dust? ("God formed man out of the dust of the earth...")
Worldwide flood? No geological evidence whatsoever.

If however there WAS a worldwide flood, consider the following.

The fossil record we have would be complete and nearly perfect whereas it's quite fragmentary, almost vexingly so. If fossilisation occurred as rapidly as you say, we would be digging up fossils left right and center all at the same strata of soil.

Consider also that such a world wide flood would annihilate all the trees, grass, insects and so on.

Consider also geological features that are created by the gradual weathering of water against stone, such as the Grand Canyon. In a worldwide flood, the canyon (if it existed before the flood) would be filled with sediment. If it was formed after the flood, how pray tell did it form so quickly?

Your gradeschool teacher story is wrong. When said scientist carbon dated the "Art", he was dating the rock, not the artwork.

If you doubt that the radioactive decay of unstable isotopes of carbon 14 occurs at a constant rate and is a reliable method of dating, then you doubt nuclear theory. If you doubt nuclear theory and can supply evidence that it is wrong or fallacious I would be most interested in seeing your evidence.

There is evidence that apes and humans are closely related. Human Chromosome 2. It is the result of the fusion of two ape chromosomes. The genetic information present in the two ape chromosomes and the fused counterpart in Human Chromosome 2 is IDENTICAL to these two chromosomes, just stuck together. I even supplied a handy Link to backup what I'm saying.

If humans NEVER descended from ape ancestors, why then are these chromosomes identical? What is ape DNA doing in humans?

If we were entirely separate species, completely unconnected from the web of life, why then do we share so much DNA with the supposedly lower life forms we're meant to lord over? Why do we share so many anatomical characteristics with apes? Consider that our organs are in near identical positions as apes. Consider that the muscle and bone tissue of humans is remarkably similar to animal muscle and bone for a supposedly unconnected species.

And if humans have been a totally separate species for all time, when, then did we suddenly flash into existence? And if man was created by god, why then did he throw animal DNA into our genetic makeup? Would he not "Design" better, superior DNA?

If Apes and Humans never shared a common ancestor, explain the genetic similarities. For that matter, explain ANY genetic similarity between humans and any other animal. If we are all truly separate life forms, there would be no genetic similarities at all.

Account for the anomaly of genetic similarities observed between humans and apes and humans and chickens if we presume that all are seperate species that have no common ancestors with each other at all, that each and every one of them has been a distinct species completely unrelated from the beginning.

Furthermore, account for the fact that Human Chromosome 2 is identical to two ape chromosomes fused together end to end if there is in fact no common ancestry.

7Knight-Wolf wrote:
God originally created human minds and eyes to work perfectly. He originally made animals and humans able to survive without killing each other. After Adam sinned, the world as we know it changed. If our brains worked perfectly, we would hardly need a Savior now would we? When God creates the new earth, everything from molecules to brains will work perfectly.

The purpose of this imperfection is, as explained in the Bible, to refine humans. The more trials we accept or work through with God's help, the stronger our faith. The stronger our love. The wiser we are when we are reunited with Him.
I'm sorry, but I cant argue on grounds requiring faith. I dont believe in god and I dont think the story of genesis should be taken as point blank literal and historical account of to beginning. It is a great story that tells of gods love and compassion for man, how man betrayed god and himself in the process and so on, but as a valid explanation for how we and the universe came to be, I see no evidence to support it. Quite the contrary, I see much evidence that contradicts the literal interpretation.

If you subscribe to they young earth hypothesis, and I do apologise if I'm wrong on this but it does seem that you do, please explain why if the the earth is so young that we find so many fossils in the soil. Take into account that the flood was historical only in the aspect that the black sea flooded, a local event that resonated strongly in cultures throughout the area.

If the earth is so young, why then does the cratering record on the moon and mars suggest otherwise. Why then does radioactive dating prove the earth is far older then a mere 10,000 or so years old?


If we were to use the whole thing,we could not only understand more of the Universe,but God's connection to it.I go back to Nostradamus,and his prophecies,as he,having better use of his brain,was able to see the eyes that has a 'God-like' quality,which is to see into the future,.But,even though Nostadamus had that power to see,he does not have the power of his whole brain.If we were able to,we can be able to 'alter' our bodily functions,figure out more things that can advance or eliminate the laws and theories we have now.

I remember that Nostadamus himself used symbols for his prophecies,much like the revelations of God's chosen prophets,as they were able to see things(But this could be due to the brain's improper use,due to fasting and/or dehydration,but,in some way,we are able to trigger hallucinations with a dying brain).God,or the people He chose,interpret His message into symbols that even us today are still trying to comprehend.

I guess this would take a whole lifetime of studying for me,and I know I lack the research for it,but this is what I think about.I would like to hear your thoughts on this.
Nostradamus lived from 1503 - 1566. The reason he wrote most of his works in in symbols and riddles was because if he hadnt, he'd have been burned at the stake for witchcraft.

Dont believe me? Look up Giordano Bruno, an Italian philosopher that was burned at the stake for proposing that the heliocentric model of the solar system, a fate that Galileo narrowly avoided some time afterward.

I can neither prove nor disprove your ideas on the usage of his brain. It is possible his brain may have worked differently. Einsteins brain, for instance, was found to have areas that are slightly larger then in normal humans, such as the areas that handle perception, so it is possible.

Oh, and I Am Nostradamus! :P

artemis-lady-warrior wrote:I find it totally retarded(for lack of a better word) for people to prefer believing that humans came from apes than actually being human from the beginning. Also 7Knight-Wolf made a good point.

Plus there is the fact that most apes began as apes and are STILL apes.

And believing that humans came form humans makes mopre sense than. "A zillion(example date don't take it seriously) all humans swung from trees and picked bugs out of each others hair, then, after another million years, the ape creatures slowly started walking upright and getting smarter, until finally they became the humans we see today. :roll: Riiiiiight.......

and you do realize that most people do not like being called "animals" that, in my oppinion, is offensive. I'm NOT an animal. I'm a human being and it's illegal to perform experiments on humans.

Wonko, you do realize that at one time all the land on earth was connected at one point don't you? and do you also realize that people have found fossils of sea creatures on mountain peaks in places? There is only one explaination for this, a Flood.

Razor, I'm sure SOME of the Evolutionary things are real like maybe all the cats came from one other cat but it was still a cat.

As for the thing with scientists and apes. No I DON'T want them to really do it. I was speaking metaphorically.
Refer back in this post to humans and apes sharing chromosomes. Disprove that, then get back to me.

I explained why apes today are still apes today in a previous post. Please take the time to read it.

If you can accept that microbes can change their genetic makeup to become resistant to anti-biotics, then you essentially accept macro evolution.

Micro evolution, tiny changes such as differences in skin pigmentation or immunities from one generation to the next can build up over time. Macro evolution is simply Micro evolution over immense time scales.

If you reject macro evolution, you also reject micro evolution and thus have to explain why anti-biotic resistant bacteria has appeared from nowhere.

If evolution only applies to some life forms and not others, why not? What makes these life forms special? There is nothing special about human DNA. There is nothing special about human cells. There is nothing particularly remarkable about human physiology. The only thing that truly sets us apart is that our wetware works differently to most animals, most likely due to socialization.

I apologise if you found my statement offensive. I must ask however, how are we not animals? What unique trait sets us apart? Our muscles work identically. Our bones form and work identically. Our method of prorogation is identical. We respire the same gasses, consume similar foods, have near identical chemical processes occurring at all times within our bodies.

The only thing that sets humans apart from animals is the concept of a soul which cannot be perceived or measured or proven to exist.

It is illegal to perform experiments on humans (unless they have donated their corpse for purposes of science) because it is morally reprehensible to annihilate cogniscant life for any reason. This is why I am against "Whale Research" and the killing of dolphins.

You are correct in that all life on earth was once connected. You have however arrived at the incorrect solution. The world is said to have flooded and covered the highest mountains to a depth of 15 cubits.

The highest mountain on Earth is Mount Everest at 8848 meters. Where did all that water go? That's an IMMENSE amount of water. More then could possibly be frozen. In fact, water expands when it is frozen (Proof: Stick a can of drink in the freezer. I am not responsible for the subsequent mess.) so it could never have concentrated back at the poles.

The reason one finds fossils on the highest mountains on earth is because the fossils formed when said mountains were once ocean floors. Look up plate tectonics and how continental plates slide, bump and grind against one another to recycle rock and carbon dioxide, build mountain ranges, destroy old rock and help to keep our planet livable.

If you dont believe that plate tectonics is real, look at the coastlines of Africa and South America. You can practically slot them together. That's because, at one point, long ago, these continents were joined and drifted apart over the long eons to create the south atlantic.


You make a very interesting point when you say "what would happen if you used your whole brain all the time?" If you use your whole brain, I believe that you will be able to clearly see that there is a very deep meaning to life and a higher power. When I have whole-brain moments I am able to see life with my emotions, my common sense, and my deeper spritual meaning all together. Those are the best of times, and acording to the Bible those are the times, in the stillness and peace, when God will make himself known to you.
I think this is highly dependent on personal interpretation. If I had to conjecture, I would guess that a firmer grasp of physical reality would take place as the brain finally melds the threads of all human knowledge into a cohesive whole with the ability to correlate old and new information in new and exciting ways leading to radical new and higher orders of knowledge, such as truly grasping relativity or a grand unified theory.

Wonko, I'd be most interested to peruse the source of your info that Christianity/Islam/Judaism had common roots in hinduism. It sounds fascinating.

Final Note as I trudge off to bed at 4 AM (Again!), please supply geological proof that there was a flood.


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Unread post by artemis-lady-warrior »

I'm not even going to bother correcting you on anything you said because you'd just defunct it anyway and I don't want to get mad but one thing you said
The cabbit is an urban myth. They exist as readily as the bogey man.
is totally incorrect.

A few years ago my mother saw a cabbit on a(scientific) tv show.

Also: Do NOT compare mentally challenged people with monkeys. That's very diraccative, plus it's rude. I happen to know a mentally handicapt person and I don't like him being compared with apes.

As for memory games. Who cares if monkeys beat people at computer memory games. It doesn't, mean anything. It just means they know where the blinking lights are. Why don't we teach them how to read instead?
My CAT has a better memory than I do. Does that make my Cat a close relative to me? No!

and I KNOW that water expands when it's frozen. I'm not a retard. I learned that on Bill Nye.


This topic is making me sick. Ugh. T_T Why are you SO desperate to say we came from stupid apes!? to show a little more emotion here......
THAT IS THE DUMBEST PIECE OR GARBAGE I HAVE EVER HEARD OF! It's all just a lame attempt at disproving a more logical answer. and do not say "EXPLAIN WHAT YOU MEAN" because I'm not a stupid scientist who thinks they know everything. It's totally pathetic and I'm not going to explain about it further, because no matter what I say you won't care anyway.
I'll probably regret letting my emotions take over but at the moment I don't really care.
*smacks head against her keyboard a million times*

............. sorry about that. But this is why I hate topics like this. I was once in a Legend of Zelda forum that had a topic like this.
Last edited by artemis-lady-warrior on Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Is this topic hurting anyelse's brain? I'm willing to admit that both sides make good points, but I'm just still just even more confused. No offense to anyone, but I think stuff like this is the reason why I'm Agnostic.
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Unread post by artemis-lady-warrior »

Let me tell you... some of those posters( On the zelda forum) were rude as well as retarded. I'd say something to them and they'd be like. "Show me proof" so I gave them poof and they told me not to take the word of someone else.
So I'm like to them. 'What do you want me to do then? "
and they're like. "show me proof but don't post anything from other people or your science book"
I was thinking. "what I'm not allowed to post proof that I've found supporting my theory but YOU can post everything supporting yours that is quoted and written down by other people?"
I was arguing with a bunch of rude hypocrites and they drove me mad!

This kind of topic is extremely sensitive to me because of all those rude and nasty posters on the forum. Plus they acted all high and mighty. ugh..
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

I'm beginning to think that it might be a good idea to drop this topic before things get too ugly. I'm sure that none of us want to lose friends over this.
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Unread post by artemis-lady-warrior »

I know I don't want to gain any enemies. This is why I wanted the topic to be dropped before. I hate topics like this to be honest because it's annoying and I hate when my temper gets the best of me. Oh man... I SO want to get rid of what I had said........ I AM SO SORRY FOR LOSING MY COOL!

Ugh.... I can be such a brat sometimes.
Last edited by artemis-lady-warrior on Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by guruhamboy »

I'll read through this all later.

All of you guys from skim reading made good points. But I like I said earlier - I doubt you'll be able to settle down and agree on a view. So why not agree to disagree?
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Unread post by 7Knight-Wolf »

Razor One, I agree with you that animals are very intelligent and have their own ways of talking to each other and to us.

I believe the Grand Canyon was formed by the flood. And I believe the flood was worldwide, too. The only reason anything survived was thanks to Noah who saved the animals and insects, which carried some seeds in their bodies.

Evolution through mutations is impossible. When there is a mutation, the animal usually dies. Comapre mutations with house blueprints. Somebody comes by and tears the blueprint, so that when the house is assembled there are mistakes in the structure. Now how in the universe do you justify that random force ruins the genetics of an animal and somehow hits the perfect note to let the animal live. It makes no sense! My common sense suggests that it is more likely for animals to have been what they were in the first place, than to rely entirely on chance mutations.

Guruhamboy, I know that none of us will alter our beliefs because of this forum. I just like stating what I believe.

Artemis, don;t sweat it! I've lost my temper online before and it is embarressing, but you'll learn from it. (Besides, I for one think you had just cause to freak out...)

And now, to continue disproving evolution. Evolutionists want to find a missing link to prove that humans are descended from apes. Not once have they been able to find that missing link. In the magnazine "Creation," Russel Grigg writes:

"The most well known autralopithecine is 'Lucy', a 40% complete skeleton found by Donald Johanson in Ethopia in 1974 and called Australpithecus afarensis. Casts of Lucy's bones have been imaginitively restored in museums worldwide to look like an ape-woman, e.g. with an apelike face and head but human-like body, hands, and feet. However, the orginal Lucy fossil did not include include the upper jaw, nor most of the skull, nor the hand and foot bones! Several other species of A. afarensis do have the long curved fingers and toes of tree-dwellers, as well as the restricted wrist anatomy of knuckle-walking chimpanzees and gorillas."

Most evolutions now admit that Lucy's kind are actually apes, and not a missing link at all.

All of the following fossil fragments were presumed to be ape-men, but were actually distinctly ape or destinctly human: Homo Hobilas, Homo Erectus, and the Neandertal man.

Here's another interesting thing that evolution has wrong: the planet of Neptune, by their theory, should be cold and extremely old. However, the Voyager II spacecraft revealed that the planet actually gives off heat and looks way, way too young to fit the evolutionist model of long-age. According to evolutists, planets like Neptune are not even supposed to exist that far away from the sun.
Emotions are the colors of the soul. They are like Crayola crayons: you want the 64 set box with the pencil sharpener, not the dollar-store 4 set box.
~inspired by Teresa Mcbean
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Unread post by Nurann »

When there is a mutation, the animal usually dies.

That's right - "usually." Blond hair is a mutation. Drug-resistant bacteria are mutations. Albinos are mutations. Just because something like cancer is a bad mutation, it doesn't mean all mutations are equally as deadly. That's the thing with biology; there are always exceptions to the "law," which is why debates like this can exist.
A few years ago my mother saw a cabbit on a(scientific) tv show.
I don't mean to offend, but were they also talking about Manx cats in that show by any chance?

Anyways, Artemis, I understand why you got upset. Religion is a topic you're passionate about. You've also had some negative experiences that in the past have made you very uncomfortable discussing this topic. It's alright. Would it be okay for you if this experience went differently than those past experiences?

Also, I'd just like to share that I've had a similar situation. However, I've also had a very good experience in this sort of situation and I think it can be applied to this thread.
It's a pretty common belief that Jehova's Witnesses are more aggressive in their missions than most groups. Last year, I had a very pleasant conversation with a coworker who was JW. I'd asked her why blood transfusions fell under the realm of "blood ingestion" and were therefore banned. She explained the medical reasons why she and her church were against transfusions, as well as spiritual reasons. In the end, she was willing to calmly and clearly share her opinions as well as her group's, and we both had a chance to share information that was enlightening for both sides.

The point I'm trying to make is that faith is fine, but I (and I think most people) appreciate hearing a rational, reasonable explanation for the belief. When I say "back up your argument" I expect you to reply with the same question, because that's how we both learn from eachother. And not letting you use research? That's just a dirty trick on their part. I want to see every shred of proof you have at your fingertips, because it may very well sway my opinion. But I also want to hear why
you think something is, reasoning and all. "Because God said so" isn't your reason, it's the popular voice's. For example, Sinead explained why she thought something was the way it was, and then she posted proof to back up her own opinion.

I'd like to try that technique right now. 7Knight, I'm going to pick on you for a bit because I can see you're able to get your material and use it well.

Why do you think the Grand Canyon was created by the flood? What specifically did you see and hear that contributed to that opinion? And I'm genuinely interested.

I'm also going to pick on RazorOne.
The concept of a soul is a philosophical and religious issue.
Razor, have you seen any of the work on auras? I.E. things like kirlian photography (physical, researchable material and therefore can fall under science). If you're interested, I can try scouring my college's database for some research. I think I may even have some of my old kirlian photos from my case studies last year...

Where I'm going with this one is that I've done work with things like kirlian photography and chakras and have had some suprising results. Results which I've been able to replicate. I'll have my pendulum with me next Botcon, so I can do an energy reading on you if you'd like. There's a good reason why the concept of a soul exists when you can see something like an energy reading being done. You might be suprised.

I love discussions like this (when they are kept in check) because it's such a learning opportunity.
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Unread post by 7Knight-Wolf »

Nurann wrote: I'd like to try that technique right now. 7Knight, I'm going to pick on you for a bit because I can see you're able to get your material and use it well.

Why do you think the Grand Canyon was created by the flood? What specifically did you see and hear that contributed to that opinion? And I'm genuinely interested. .
This is an excerpt from another article from Creation magazine, written by David Allen.

"Interestingly, the grand canyon strata extends over 400 km (250 miles) into the eastern part of Arizona. There they are at least 1600 m (1 mile) lower in elevation. Supposedly, the uplift of the Grand Canyon occurred about 70 million years ago--hundreds of millions of years after that the sediments were deposited. One would expect that hundreds of millions of years would have been plenty of time for the sediment to cement into hard rock.

Yet, the evidence indicates that the sediments were soft and unconsolidated when they bent. Instead of fracturing like the basement did, the entire layer thinned as it bent. The sand grains show no evidence that the material was brittle and rock-hard because none of the grains are elongated. Neither has the mineral cementing in the grains been broken and recrystallized. Instead the evidence points to the whole 1,200-m (4,000-ft) thickness of strata being still "plastic" when it was uplifted. In other words, the millions of years of geological time are imaginary. This 'plastic' deformation of Grand Canyon strata dramatically demonstrates the reality of the catastrophic global Flood of Noah's day."

Also, I just want to give you the newsflash that some people believe spiritual stuff is just as legitimate as scientific stuff. For example, “because it says so in the Bible” might be all the proof that someone needs. I rely on the Bible on a lot of topics with absolutely no scientific backup.
Emotions are the colors of the soul. They are like Crayola crayons: you want the 64 set box with the pencil sharpener, not the dollar-store 4 set box.
~inspired by Teresa Mcbean
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