Favorite Fanfics of All Time

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Favorite Fanfics of All Time

Unread post by Haystack »

Hey y'all! This is a thread where you can list your favorite BW/Transformers fanfics written by others. It would also be helpful if you can give us a link. :) I'll start first.

Basic Program: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/972551/1/
If you love Beast Wars then it's practically the law to read this fic. Seriously, it's that good.

Megatron: A Day in the Life http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1390721/1/M ... n_The_Life :lol: This one is rated T for some sexual humour and language, but this is one of the funniest BW fics I've ever read.

The Tragedy of Dinobot: Prince of Denmarkhttp://www.fanfiction.net/s/1314804/1/T ... of_Denmark If you've ever read Hamlet, then I highly recommend you read this mock up of the famous play, starring Dinobot as (what else?) Hamlet. Oh yes, and YOU MUST READ THE DRAMATIS PERSONAE. That way, you don't get any nasty suprises later.

Arachno What? http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3696605/1/Arachno_What. This is a Ironhide oneshot, and 'tis quite funny. For anyone who's scared of spiders.

They're Made out of Meat http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3762865/1/T ... ut_of_Meat.
What the Autobots REALLY think of the humans. :lol:

Beast Wars Abridged http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3412860/1/B ... s_Abridged.
Warning, rated T for swearing. Quite funny. :lol:

Anyway, that's about it. And yes, I love BW humour fics.

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Unread post by Wistwin »

All of Lady Dementia's are must-reads.

So are Wayward's.

Blackwing Rose's movieverse fics are pretty amazing. My favorites of hers are Hourglass, which is about the Decepticons winning in Mission City, and her Deux Claret trilogy, which starts with How We Seared the Sky. It's basically an Armada crossover with the movieverse.

>.> I've been reading too much Movieverse fics lately, so the only Beast Wars fics I know are the ones on here at BWint.
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Unread post by Sapphire »

I think my favourites are Powerplay by Stormcloud and The Greatest Sacrifice/Curse of the Animates by Taratron. I have also enjoyed a lot of Lady Dementia's fan fiction. Ooh, and Sinead's series! :D Having read nearly every fic on BWINT, it's hard to pick an alltime favourite. I have lots! Landray Depth Charge is a great one to read if you like DC fan fiction. I better stop now before I prattle on too long! XD
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Unread post by Sinead »

This is a great idea! Aw, thank you, Sapph! *hugs*

"Men Within the Machines" by Niteskye
A completely fresh and new view upon Transfomers, with a completely new universe in a way that hasn't been explored before. I can't say more or I'll just give it away. Give the story a few chapters to get momentum, and it just keeps going. She's working on the prequel right now, with this on hiatus, but you need to read THIS story before the prequel. Trust me.
FF.net rating: T

"Format" by Luki Dimension
Not your typical Sam-as-Autobot story, well fleshed-out, with a wonderful tension written into it.
FF.net rating: K+

"In the Line of Duty" by CasusFere
Barricade fanfic that has him hiding out in Los Angeles, sheltered by the local police force.
FF.net rating: K+

"Iron and Grace" by Glenn and Katina Rentholen
This one follows Ironhide as he continues to guard Will Lennox's daughter, picking up sixteen years after the events in the 2007 movie. Long, but worth the time that it takes to read all of it. Detailed very nicely, believable characters.
FF.net rating: T

"To Heal a Soul" by Water-smurf
A young woman is out roaming in the middle of a stormy night, trying to find help, yet scared to find that help. She finds an ambulance of all things, and gets into it, not knowing that it was Ratchet. Great story, Not TOO believable after the third chapter, but a nice read.
FF.net rating: T

"Allergies and Duct Tape" by Kyron
Sam explores the base and comes upon Ratchet in a very interesting situation. And also finds out the reason why every other Autobot was avoiding the mech.
FF.net rating: K

"Youngling" by Karategal
Thus is the chronicles of Bumblebee as a Youngling. It's funny, serious, heart-wrenching, and then by the end, warms the soul. Very good story.
FF.net rating: K

"Sparks and Plasma" by Lady Tecuma
Takes place some time after other Autobots have joined Prime on earth. Chomia and Ironhide come to the conclusion that they have been given a second chance, and with that, decide upon having a Sparkling. Enter chaos, a good long story, and a plot that twists and turns pleasantly.
FF.net rating: K+

"Favors" by FanfictionWriter83729
“Sam gazed at the metal chamber, at the bullets in his hand, and then said, ‘I guess you life-giving sentient thingies don’t believe in small favours, huh?’” Eleven chapters of non-stop action. Need I say more?
FF.net rating: T

That's enough stories, don't you think? Yeah, it's all Movieverse, but dang. They're good writers. You don't see much outside of Movieverse, TF Animated and the G1 sticklers these days. And I have no idea what TFA is really about. I haven't been watching it. So! Enjoy!
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Unread post by Jagna »

Mine. NOT.


The fics I've most enjoyed are Beastbot's series (which I just realised I haven't finished....I think I got up to chapter 16 some time last year O_o)

And Starath's short stories! I also loved 'Mr Crowley....was that by Lad Venom? Awesome. Pure cool.

Those three are my definate fav authors. There are a few other fics I like but I can't think specifically....eh....it's been a long day
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Yes, like Jagna said, definetely Mr. Crowley:

It was actually written by VampyerBA.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Wistwin »

Sinead wrote: "Iron and Grace" by Glenn and Katina Rentholen
This one follows Ironhide as he continues to guard Will Lennox's daughter, picking up sixteen years after the events in the 2007 movie. Long, but worth the time that it takes to read all of it. Detailed very nicely, believable characters.
FF.net rating: T
That's definitely a favorite there...

And to go along with that would be this:

"Fix You" by Carebear1 - http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3714126/1/Fix_You
This one has Ratchet being the guardian of a teenage girl who lost her family to the Decepticons. Ella, the girl shows up somewhere in Iron and Grace anyway...

It's an enjoyable continuity on its own...I think someone even wrote a fic to go along but from the Decepticon's side.
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Unread post by RobotInDisguise »

oh my too many to name. Sunstar's stuff, all of it.

Silver Spider's stuff, as well.
There's more to that than meets the eye.
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