BWint Newsletter Debate III

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BWint Newsletter Debate III

Unread post by Wistwin »

Well, I figured we could get a start on this, it never does hurt to start early, right?

Debate Team: Velociberg, Lady Ocelot, Blazemane, Una and myself. If you want to debate, then ask Sapphire.

Cheetor seems to be considered the fastest of the Beast Warriors, if only because he has the beast mode of a cheetah. But what about Airazor? What with being a Peregrine, considered to be the fastest animal alive due to its hunting dive.

So the question. Since Cheetor can easily top the speed of the average cheetah, what more Airazor? To add to that, Cheetor's Transmetal forms gave him additional speed, so what if Airazor had been granted Transmetal forms in the show as well--Who would really have been faster then, Cheetor or Airazor?

((This may need fact-stating to go along with the opinions.))
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Despite the fact that I'd love to consider Cheetor the fastest character, the truth is that Airazor is probably quicker. It's probably very close, since a cheetah is the fastest mammal, but Airazor doesn't have to worry about the obstacles the ground presents. Add that to the fact that Airazor is a giant compared to a real falcon, while Cheetor is just regular sized, and it would seem she just has to be quicker... least in season one, organic mode.

But, once Cheetor gets his jets:

A.) He doesn't have to worry about land-based obstacles either.


B.) His speed is mechanically created. His jets can probably generate a lot more velocity than a falcon, giant or not.

Now, if Airazor were to get a transmetal upgrade, I think it might be a tie. Her speed would probably also be mechanically generated, which would help her catch up to Cheetor, although probably not surpassing him since he also has his jets.

So, I'd say that while it might be close, Airazor is probably just a little bit quicker than Cheetor if both are in season one mode, but once Cheetor finds himself a nice couple of jet boosters, he wins.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Blazemane »

Yeah, this is a double post, but edits don't refresh a topic, and I need to call the attention of the debators.

This debate might have to be done soon, so send in your opinons.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by VelociBerg »


...MEGATRON! Because a T-Rex with turbines and roller skates can NEVER LOSE. EVER!"

Just kidding.

In reality...on the ground--Cheetor every time, since the only bird that can come fractionally close to a cheetah is an ostrich, of which Airrazor is not one.

In flight, Cheetor loses. Airazor knows every little in and out of flight, while Cheetor kinda blasts off, that and having a flight-oriented beast mode would seem to me, at any rate, that Airazor would have the edge in flight. Since as a transmetal she's probably be a jet or somethin.
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Unread post by Scourge »

I did what Wistwin said to do in her opening post to talk to Sapphire if I wanted to join the debate team and I have, so here is my take on the question.

Fact 1: Cheetor is not the fastest. In beast wars pt.2 Rhinox says that Optimus primal's flying robot form would make it to the energon before any of the other maximals, that includes cheetor.

Fact 2: In the episode equal measures Dinobot specifically states that cheetor has the fastest land speed. He does not say Cheetor is the fastest overall but the fastest on land.

Fact 3: In the episode call of the Airazor flys fast enoguh to destroy some Predacon autoguns just by flying past them. Cheetor never displays that much speed until he goes TM2.

Fact 4: All transformers that already had a flying beast mode that got a transmetal toy had some sort of plane as their vehicle mode. Airazor had a sea plane for her vehicle mode. I would assume that a full plane would fly faster then a cat strapped to two booster rockets.

So, in season 1 the 3 fastest transformers would be Optimus Primal's flight mode, Inferno's flight mode and Airazor then it would be Cheetor.

In season 2 I would say Megatron is the fastest fallowed by cheetor, inferno, silverbolt and Optimus Primal.

I say Megatron is the fastest because he almost caught cheetor in Coming of the Fuzors part 1 but 3 things happened. 1) Chetor had a head start, Megatron first had to give orders , then transform and then take off and pursue Cheetor while letting Silverbolt take point. 2) He was slowed down by flying through those rocks 3) Rattrap shot him out of the air. and he was able to make it from the Axalon to the Darksyde while Carring an injured Inferno and arrived Megacycles before Blackarachnia did and she had a significant head start.

Optimus can fly in season 2 but he is never seen going all that fast and is slowed down more when carrying passengers then Megatron was the one time he carried Inferno.

On land I would say the 3 fastest would now be Rattrap's vehicle mode, Tarantulas' vehicle mode and then Megatron when on his Rollerblades with the jet engines.

In season 3 I would say at first Optimal Optimus' flight modes was the fastest at first but then transmetal 2 Cheetor became the fastest but was then surpassed by Dragon Megatron.

According to the toy bios TM2 Cheetor's speed is only 10 and Dragon Megatron's is 10+ which indicates that he is faster. This makes Dragon Megatront the fastest over all.

Depth charge had a flight mode but he is never shown going all that fast compared to the other fliers in season 3.
"And now, Optimus Prime, in memory of the Decepticons... for the glory of the Predacons... for the Cybertron that is rightfully ours, and mine to rule! ... I unleash the storm of vengeance -- farewell!"
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