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KES Green Theatre

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 3:52 pm
by Jagna
well, huzzah and hurrah! It's finally up and running!

i'm afraid this is not BW-related, but this is MY website for MY drama group, GREEN THEATRE! ^_^

i shan't explain, coz you can read it yourselves! mwahahaaaa!

KES Green Theatre

little technical snags i ran into tonight....the site it would have been published to was...WRONG! :evil: it wasn't my fault, it was a default thing of GooglePages or something. so i had to create a new one to correct it, but i had to copy EVERYTHING and upload my files again and again! rrg >.<

stupi little technicalities

well, i hope (for a free web page) that this looks good enough. tell me what you think, coz your opinions would be welcome! and it'll give people a chance to see what this inclusive theatre means to us, and what it should mean to everyone ^^


Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:07 pm
by Rivet
Yeah, not bad!

So you're combining STOMP and The Lion King? That's beyond awesome, I love both those things! :D I hope it goes really well!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 8:22 pm
by Blazemane
Oh Jagna, Jagna. You're talking to the most fanaticized Lion King fanatic out there. I guess I haven't paid all that much attention to the musical (although I know at least one original song from it), but that is my favorite movie, so you've gotta' keep me posted on how it goes. Maybe when you perform you could get some videos?

Good site by the way.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 4:25 am
by Beastly
yep i clicky clicked

like the colour scheme, jus remember not too bright a green or b too hard to read!! not that it is bright

very nice website, well done

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:48 am
by Nyx
It's pretty good, Jagna!

The black and green go well together. Good job!