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Re: "More Than Meets The Eye"

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:45 pm
by Night-Hunter
"Oh...acting tough like a stupid cat. Come to think of it, a little doggy should've been your beast mode,"
Saber growled deeply with her teeth bared and her lying flat. She was so going to regret that!
"now you'll see how WEAK you are, Saberfang! Shocking, isn't it?!"
Without even thinking of some sort of plan, Saber backed away from the large boulder before running as fast as could towards it then jumped. She used the boulder itself like a spring board to launch herself at Starshadow.

She's got another thing coming if she thinks she can beat me with that pathetic light show of hers. Saber thought as she basically flew through the air straight towards the other Predacon.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye"

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:51 am
by starshadow
Starshadow raised an optic ridge when Saber jumped towards her. Was she that stupid since she does not have the ability to avoid an attack in mid air since she is not a flier. That would not be fun if she just charge towards her. Though it seems perfect that now that she could use some of her old moves back on Cybertron. Starshadow suddenly flew upwards for a few moments as she deactivated her wings' electroblades, avoiding Saber and deactivated her thrusters then slashed her back with the electro arm blades as she was near landing on Saber's back. The smell of her mech fluid and burnt fur just makes her smile.

"A true general always gives surprises. Your stupidity just disappoints me," she pressed on of her sharp heels on her wound, "Fight like your life is at stake! Fight like you have a blood feud! Fight like a BEAST!"

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye"

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 10:42 pm
by DarkSpark
OOC: Hope this checks out guys, I'm gonna wait a bit before posting for Tarantulas since Frilla hasn't had a chance to react back yet. I wish I could capture the way Megatron says the word "what," but no one can capture David Kaye's vocal talents with mere typing lol
Wintersong wrote:
Wintersong's gaze remained fixed on where Manterror had ducked down for cover, her gun still aimed in his direction and awaiting for the mantis to come out so she could hopefully try and get him to back off. Luckily it seemed Blackarachnia was busy with other things which gave her a chance to focus on one of the Predacons, least that's what she had been expecting since she figured Terrorsaur would end up stuck with one of the other Maximals who were on the battlefield. But even with her gun trained on her current foe the transmetal tigress reached back with her left hand and drew the sword she had from her left shoulder, just in case she ended up engaging Manterror in close combat rather then distance the complete time. And no sooner had she drawn it did the bug mech fire two saw blades towards her making her react immediately to lifting her sword and blocking them, gulping as they came rather close to her face, too close for comfort.

"He's a better fighter then he looks," She muttered to herself as Wintersong lowered her blade and began to fire a few shots towards Manterror, and only a few was all she could get out before she heard something approaching. Glancing up the tigress had no time to get out of range of the missiles, least the ones that remained from Landslide's attempts to stop them and she soon found herself blasted off her feet with a growl, flying backwards and slamming into a rock with enough force it sent her weapons flying from her hands and sliding across the ground. Groaning slightly, it took a little time for Wintersong to recover from the explosion, having been a while since she had been caught in an attack like that. "I hate fliers."

"Heh heh heh heh, I've always wanted a tiger skin rug!" Terrorsaur crowed as he watched Wintersong get blown away by the impact of his attack, the sickening thud she made as she hit the rocks music to his years, the pterodactyle easily evading Rattrap's attempts to shoot him down, cackling like a demon all the while.

"Don't worry vermin, you're next on the endangered species list!" Terrorsaur added, firing back at the rodent with his eye beams, already imagining the look of envy on Waspinator's face when he brought both the rat's and the cat's remains back to the base as trophies.

The only way his fun could have been better is if he'd blown both his targets to bits, but some killjoy had taken out enough of his missile barrage to spare them that fate...

NaitoKage wrote: Landslide nodded I can't promise anything.. He then looked towards Rattrap as he drew his heavy chainsword But I'll see what I can do.

Landslide started to walk forward, then activated his thrusters taking to the sky while blowing up some dirt and debris. He couldn't match Nemesis or Terrorsaur when it came to speed, but he had his own advantages. Flying up to Terrorsaur's altitude, the heavy giant looked towards the spindly young Predacon swinging his heavy sword against his shield with a very loud clang, then pointed it towards Terrorsaur as he spoke up That the best ya got lad? Surely even a scrawny welp like you can do more then spam missiles hiding behind the clouds.. Or are ya so scared yer going to hide behind the skirt of that lady friend of yer's while she does all the work?

Landslide swung his heavy sword onto his shoulder, then started to laugh a heavy throaty laugh at the Predacon.

Landslide nodded I can't promise anything.. He then looked towards Rattrap as he drew his heavy chainsword But I'll see what I can do.

Landslide started to walk forward, then activated his thrusters taking to the sky while blowing up some dirt and debris. He couldn't match Nemesis or Terrorsaur when it came to speed, but he had his own advantages. Flying up to Terrorsaur's altitude, the heavy giant looked towards the spindly young Predacon swinging his heavy sword against his shield with a very loud clang, then pointed it towards Terrorsaur as he spoke up That the best ya got lad? Surely even a scrawny welp like you can do more then spam missiles hiding behind the clouds.. Or are ya so scared yer going to hide behind the skirt of that lady friend of yer's while she does all the work?

Landslide swung his heavy sword onto his shoulder, then started to laugh a heavy throaty laugh at the Predacon.

Terrorsaur's eyes blazed in anger at Landslide's words, egging him on like he was some chump, or implying he needed "Big Bird" to do his fighting for him.

"Tough talk coming from someone who was at my mercy not too long ago, nothing sadder than a maximal in a hurry to die" Terrorsaur spat back, brandishing his own twin blades to defend himself from whatever was thrown at him as he dived down to deal with this new annoyance, firing a flurry of eye beam attacks as he did to keep the maximal from switching tactics, as well as to test his body for weaknesses, surely his armor was hurting from the punishment he had been taking earlier, just needed to hit the big lug in the right places to make him fall.

Terrorsaur would pick speed, agility, and firepower over whatever brute strength this dumb brute had to offer.

Phoenix wrote: That last sentence brought about a chuckle from the old admiral.

"Alas I have left all that behind," Nexus responded, the serious tone in his voice returning, finding no reason to conceal what was common knowledge to his friends and foes alike. His hand clutched the morning star a little more tightly as he eyed Megatron's sword. "As for my reasons for being here.. that much should be obvious, should it not?"

"Ahahahaha! Oh I like you oldtimer, you harbor none of Primal's delusions of peace and love, straightforward and to the point, predacons vs maximals, as it always has been and always should be...Until I win of course" Megatron boasted in response, his smile showing off his perfect white teeth.
Phoenix wrote: A teasing gleam appeared in his optics, revealing that despite his rank and advancing age there was still life in this old bot yet.

"Please do not insult me by feigning interest in the well-being of me or my ship, we're both aware of your true intent for coming out here. However there is one little.. shall we say.. miscalculation in your plan..
Megatron listened intently to Nexus' every word, his "winning" smile never leaving his face despite not being able to gleam anything useful out of the old relic. Nexus reminded Megatron of an elderly, more confident Primal, confirming at least that his old rival had in fact been mentored by Nexus, not unlike how he'd learned from his former teacher Cryotek. Fascinating really, they really were two sides of the same coin.

"Poor Primal, if you still need a mentor to hold your hand at this point your chances of surviving this war are even slimmer than I ever imagined" Megatron thought to himself in amusement, though not deluding himself into believing this spawn of prime was harmless, he wasn't nearly as jaded by maximal propaganda of right and wrong as Optimus was, though he still had the edge in youth and superior arms.

"And do pray tell, what miscalculation would that be?" Megatron inquired, unperturbed, until he spotted Primal's incoming attack, turning his grin to a scowl as he growled "What?!"

Phoenix wrote: He paused for a moment, eyeing the stream of heavy fire power that now came raining down towards the tyrant.

"You forgot to account for the fact that Maximals look out for each other."

He waited for the bombardment to hit its target and as it did, his own shoulder-mounted cannons suddenly took aim at Megatron's kneecaps and fired several blasts.

Megatron activated both his wheels and his jets and moved backwards at once to escape the barrage, forced to use his tail gun as a shield to defend his knees against Nexus' cannons rather than shooting back at him. Explosions went off all around him, dirt and debris flying everywhere, giving him cover while at the same time pelting him from all sides, doing little to help his mood.

"Inferno, give me cover fire, don't give Primal a chance to help his precious mentor any further" Megatron commanded, firing his shoulder guns back at Nexus as he recharged his tailgun in anticipation of frying the old bastard for his insolence.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye"

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 12:31 am
by Alak
Buster squealed a bit as Megatron picked him up with one hand and threw him across the jungle. He felt the trees break his fall as the Predacon gradually hit the ground. Groaning with slight irritation, the llama stood back up and stretched his back out again.
Tantrum wrote:"Boom goes dynamite, hahaha,"
"Oh, hey. It's you."

Seeing how the cow tank was already peppering the targeted area with his cannons, Buster assumed that Megatron would want him to do the same. Drawing his rifle, he switched off the safety and hopped on top of Tantrum. It would be easier to use his giant comrade as means of transportation through this thick jungle as well as a good vantage point for firing down on Maximal opponents. An explosion from below immediately took Buster by surprise. The Akira was now firing upon the two of them.

"You got this, big guy!" said Buster, patting Tantrum reassuringly with his hand, "Charge!!!"


Silverbolt wrote:"Never fear, friend. You won't have to fight alone. I'll be with you to the end."
The remark drew a smile beneath Orcariner's face plate.

"Likewise," he started to say.

The giant stopped short as he watched Megatron transform and fly towards the Akira. The action caught Orcariner by surprise. Apparently, neither of them were considered significant targets for the Predacon commander. He supposed that should have been expected considering that Optimus Primal and Nexus Prime were just farther down in the jungle. Yet, with the Predacon's new recruit being tossed across the battlefield, that left only Quickstrike to deal with both Maximals.

"Silverbolt," he said, looking down at the battle-ready fuzor, "I'm trusting you to take care of Quickstrike on your own. The others are going to need all the back-up they can get so I'm going back down to assist them. Please do not think of me as abandoning you in a time like this."

Giving an assuring nod, the transmetal orca turned and proceeded to run towards the Akira.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye"

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:24 pm
by Night-Hunter
Saber landed on her side with a grunt, her claws digging into the dirt.
"A true general always gives surprises. Your stupidity just disappoints me," she pressed on of her sharp heels on her wound,
Saber growled in pain and anger, she wasn't going to take this from some cub!
"Fight like your life is at stake! Fight like you have a blood feud! Fight like a BEAST!"
Letting out a snarl, Saber twisted around and lashed out, she smirked when her claws slashed Starshadow's side.

"How's that!" She snarled then kicked out with her hind legs.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye"

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:34 am
by una
((OOC: We posted in the Tangled Web thread just to let you guys know! :mrgreen: And I better post in this thread too! I was waiting for a couple of posts, but since it has almost been seven days and I have no distractions, I better do it or I may not get another chance. ))

Whitegrazer felt the presence of Orcariner approaching Aurora and her. She smiled as any type of help will be appreciated as it was hard to keep the ship from falling down on their heads and keeping the gigantic Tantrum at bay. From what she can gather, he was having some help of his own. The battle was going to be increasing difficult, but not impossible. Everyone had their own battles and her comrades as well as Nexus seem to be handling themselves well. But tides can always turn. If she can render Tantrum unable to continue, she could focus on the others and the end the battle before more harm can be done.

She kept her sights on Tantrum, firing a few shots aimed at the stomach region like before, but added a couple of more shots at his treads.


Blackarachnia had been playing ping pong, but the fact was it was her that was the ball. She had been dodging fire of missiles as well as make sure the weapon in her hands didn't get away from her. She crashed against the ground and smacked her head. With a groan, she shook her head as her computer ran diagnostics on the damage. Reports weren't very promising, thanks to a certain flying dinosaur! She growled at herself for being so careless and shouted curses at the Maximal Landslide.

Up at the sky, Landslide was still busy with Terrorsaur. She smirked as she aimed her cyber-venom, making sure she had a double dose before she fired at his back.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye"

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:57 am
by WorpeX
((I don't see why Manterror would be mad at Terrorsuar. I had him take to the sky in my last post, he should be far enough away from the blast.))


By the time the missiles hit, Manterror had already activated his stealth and been in the sky. His target wasn't so lucky, however. She was thrown from the blast and hit the rocks hard. The Mantis grinned, happy to see that his target would soon be neutralized.

It wasn't all good news for the Mantis, however. One of Wintersong's last shots did manage to find the Mantis' leg and pain swept over his body. Mech fluid was slowly dripping down out of his wound and down into his foot. It covered his once bright green leg in brown liquid. Luckily, he didn't need to use it while he was in the sky.

Still in stealth mode, the Mantis dropped back to the ground again and landed right in front of Wintersong. The time had come to eliminate her. Deactivating his stealth, he brandished his spinning kill-saw's. "Shhh..." he said to the maximal at his feet. "It will all be over soon." His voice was unusually calm but his big stupid grin still plastered his face. Moving his arms in a quick motion, he dropped the blade like a guillotine. Again, he aimed at the Maximal's through. He would have her head this time!

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye"

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 6:26 pm
by NaitoKage
(Good point Worpex, though having Nem mad is probably scary enough. )
Frilla wrote: "Guys, I just found Tarantulas, others may be en-route from the ground so keep your optics peeled."
Ironclaw wrote: "We've engaged the enemy"

Cheetor observed the call and reactions from his comrades, looking towards Dinobot as he spoke up to him.

Dinobot wrote:"Yes, I believe we have," Cheetor," "Head to Airazor's location. The Predacons may have reached the pod before us! You can reach her faster than we can." "Let's go see if we can provide back up to Frilla."

Cheetor gave a nod I'm on it! he responded, turning in the direction of the coordinates given by Airazor, he spoke up Vehicle mode! transforming to his cheetah mode with his cyber thrust wings popping out of his sides, he took to the air giving a snarl.

Soring through the jungle rather quickly, Cheetor soon made it to the location of the stasis pod, noticing Airazor circling over it. Cheetor brought his speed down, circling the pod with Airazor as he spoke up Hey, I'm going to go down and investigate the pod, watch my back alright?

Cheetor then flew down towards the stasis pod Cheetor, Maximize! he said transforming with his usual snarl, then landed on the ground in robot mode. He swiftly brought his arms together in their strange gun configuration as he made his way towards the stasis pod, sweeping the area with his gun looking for hostiles before stopping near the pod and speaking up surprised Empty?.. Did the Preds get here first? he asked himself aloud.

Terrorsaur wrote:"Tough talk coming from someone who was at my mercy not too long ago, nothing sadder than a maximal in a hurry to die"

Landslide smirked under his faceplate as Terrorsaur came at him, coming into his range.. He raising his shield up to take some of the laser shots causing a small chunk to break off from the shield, though a few got past striking his chest and shoulder with little effect as Landslide just pressed on. Mercy? I don't think you know what that means lad! he then laughed once again, his right arm extending it's grenade launcher as he turned his sword pointing his arm out, then fired off two grenades , deliberately missing Terrorsaur as they flew past his sides.

The grenades then remotely exploded behind Terrorsaur, sending two blast waves(no shrapnel) into his backside knocking Terrorsaur towards Landslide as he brought his sword up and changed the direction of his thrusters, swinging his whole body into the strike on Terrorsaur, but not using his chainblade on the weapon, as he didn't want to chop Terrorsaur in half, his own form of mercy in a sense.

Meanwhile a loud plonk was heard from Landslide's body, having been hit by Blackarachnia's cyberpoison at his backside, however much to Blackarachnia's surprise, the cybervenom had not taken effect at all, not even displaying the usual energy effect on Landslide's body that would be normal to anyone afflicted with poison.
(Just to note, Landslide's special ability is his body is fairly resistant to cybervenom and nanomachines due to being infused with Rheanimum gas, essentially making his body extremely dense and durable. Nanomachines generally can't do anything to him, Cybervenom you'd probably have to make a hole through his armor to an area with vitals like mechfuild and such.. The hardest way to do that is through his back though.. since his backside is a large armored hollow container for carrying cargo or maximals.. )

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye"

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:43 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: Where art thou Warwulf...? Slacking again. :P ))

It was pretty surreal for Optimus to be battling along side the one he looked up to most of his younger years back on Cybertron. How many others had had that kind of opportunity? Not many he presumed, not that this was his ideal situation for it to happen. As he and Nexus fired upon Megatron, his guns' targeting followed the Predacon's movements, Primal could barely comprehend what the t-rex shouted to Inferno over his heavy gun fire.
"Inferno, give me ... fire, don't give Primal ... to help his ... any further"
His audio distorted by his own weapon, the Maximal leader saw movement by Inferno from the corner of his optic which caused him to cease fire on Megatron and draw his attention toward the fire ant. He was just in time to notice the rockets that were piercing the air right in his direction but the only reactions Optimus could follow through with was retracting his autoguns to his back and turning to leap away from the projectiles. One of the rockets blew up on the ground right behind his feet, hurling him through the air, but being an experienced flier, he quickly gained his bearings and performed a somersault, managing a half decent landing on one knee with his other leg stretched out and its foot supporting his balance on the ground along with both of his palms as he slid backwards to a quick stop.

Assuming Nexus could hold his own against Megatron for the time being, Optimus thought of a plan while he stood up straight and momentarily brushed off the dirt and grass on his hands. It would be better if he made sure Inferno stayed away from their brawl so that he couldn't offer the Predacon leader any support or take Nexus unaware with an ambush. So, pulling his gun from his hip, Primal fired a few shots at Inferno to entice him to attack. Putting it back, he leaped up in the air and transformed to his hover hoard mode, immediately blasting off toward the Akira and fleeing from Inferno. The idea was to draw the pyro in the line of fire between Tantrum's and the Akira's weapons because the TransMetal ape was far more maneuverable in the air than Inferno was and so the ant was unlikely to avoid many of the shots. Hopefully. Knowing how loyal the ant was to his "Queen" and that he may be distracted by the lust of destruction or to perform satisfactory in Megatron's eyes, Optimus was certain Inferno would blindly follow him wherever he went. Let's find out, he thought in confidence as he headed for Tantrum and Buster's position next to the newly fallen vessel.

"Don't worry vermin, you're next on the endangered species list!"
Rattrap on yer six lad!
Hearing Landslide's observation, Rattrap turned around and fired a few master marksman shots at some of the incoming missiles causing them to explode in midair before they reached their intended targets, relieving some of the pressure off of the beetle's own counter attacks on them since he missed a few during his best ability. Then his aim followed Terrorsaur as the annoying bird did a fly-by with his laser beams, narrowly missing the rodent.

"Easy peasy," the Spy confidently commented.
No need to worry about me lad, it'll take more then that to bring this old bug down..
"Well, yay, 'cause I'm sure dey got a lot more comin' at us," Rattrap said.
Aye.. that we do. I can't promise anything.. But I'll see what I can do.
He watched him wield his chainsword and jump in to the air leaving the TransMetal rat alone on the ground, making a peculiar face up at the bellowing laughter he could hear soon after from above. Shaking his head, Rattrap hoped Landslide wouldn't do anything foolish before he suddenly saw something shoot up from the ground straight for the beetle. Dat good fer nothin' spider! he shouted angrily in his mind seeing that it was Blackarachnia's shot. He wouldn't have had enough time to aim and take it down while risking hitting Landslide as well, so Rattrap turned around and targeted the widow, firing several shots at her repeatedly. "Stay down, spida!" he yelled at her over his gun fire. He was lucky that she hadn't fired on him instead because even though Landslide might be able to block the venom, he wouldn't have and he would've been down on the ground paralyzed.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye"

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:23 pm
by Wintersong
((Sorry for delays guys, I've been working on the final stuff for this semester and next week my graduation is coming up so just been hectic with trying to get everything done before next Wednesday.))

"Sounds like it," Spineback agreed, hearing the message that was sent to them. Tarantulas sounded like he wasn't having the best time of his life at the moment which meant Arachnitron might end up coming across the Maximals as well since the two had gone through the trees together. Her optics then were scanning the trees for a bit, wondering if any of the Maximals had made it close to them as of yet but so far she was detecting nothing. No doubt if they weren't approaching their direction then they were more then likely near or at the pod itself. Though she turned as she heard Umbra, glancing up towards the trees with a raised optic ridge. "What shortcut did you have in mind?" She asked, showing some curiosity to what the octopus was up to.


Wintersong was still trying to get her barrings after the blast, her back aching along with the rest of her body from the collision. That flying featherless chicken just never knew when to give it up and he seemed to have a never ending supply of counterattacks up his sleeve. Certainly this couldn't get any worse.

And she spoke too soon. When the transmetal tigress went to stand she glanced up once the mantis landed right in front of her, obviously determined to finish her one way or another and his strangely calming tone compared to most other times made Wintersong uneasy. She was use to this bug being a loud mouth in battle and being rather quick to announce the Maximals dying by his hands but that had yet to happen far as she knew. Upon seeing his saws though her optics widened and her immediate reaction was to grab her remaining sword just as his claw was coming down and held the blade up to hold the saw back, but it wouldn't hold forever as eventually the saw could easily cut through it if she didn't think of something fast. "It'll be over for you bug!" Wintersong growled back, giving a side glance to her wrist launchers which were still up and she knew she had two mini-missiles remaining in each one which gave her possibly some chance to force Manterror back.

Even if she did use it though Wintersong knew his armor was still thick and likely could take some punishment, just as her armor had done so far. That was pretty clear as the openings in her armor from his blades earlier had cut down to some wires which sparked on occasion. "How about some good old fashioned bug repellent?" She said as she shifted the grip on the hilt to turn where her wrist was aimed at Manterror and fired one mini-missile straight towards his abdomen in hopes it'd blast him away long enough for her to recover.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye"

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:39 am
by Phoenix
(ooc: I'm waiting for, and nagging, Warwulf to post so I can reply with Aurora. But in the meanwhile, I can always post for the others.)

Nemesis had never been one to rest peacefully, even when her body craved it the most due to fatigue or injury. Well.. injuries were rarely a problem, given her natural talent of regenerating so rapidly that she could take most punishment anyone could dish out and still come back for more within moments. This ability had been bot a blessing and a curse for her, granting her a life that bordered on the line of immortality, some might say, but it had come at the cost of her childhood and left her constantly raging one battle after another. Never ending.

This was the case now as well. Although Nemesis went down, shot out of the sky by an incoming missile, it would take more than some scrapes and dents to keep the force of nature that she'd become known for being down. Her nanites had almost immediately started working on restoring her body back to normal, in their silent and subtle way, and soon after her optics flickered back online as she lifted her head ever so slightly to take in her surroundings.

She could only vaguely remember getting shot down, but it didn't take long for her to realize that the battle was still raging around her and that not much time had passed. Nobody was shooting at her, no doubt thinking she was down for the count, so Nemesis remained still, careful not to attract attention to herself..

The rat was standing not far from her, his focus alternating between the female spider and more incoming missiles. Unable to hold back a rather wicked smile, Nemesis grabbed the opportunity and suddenly leaped up on her feet and literally jumped the little vermin. He was quite a bit smaller than her, in fact his entire body length was barely longer than the length of her sword as she held it against his neck. "Perhaps you should have listened to your own advice just now," she told him, letting the sharp blade scrape almost playfully against his throat, careful not to do harm.. not yet.

Nexus had been unable to contain a smirk rather unfitting for a renowned military figure such as himself, finding a certain amusement in watching the formerly so cocky Megatron now struggling to keep his own hide from getting scorched by the massive incoming fire. His shoulder cannons maintained their fire against the Predacon commander, alternating between targeted body parts while pummeling him with a steady stream of shots. It was only a matter of time before Megatron made a mistake that would prevent him from blocking the shots.

The older Maximal took note of Optimus moving away, but seemed no worse for wear because of it. Megatron was already in a defensive position so it would take some effort for him to do anything other than retreat. If not.. oh well. It wouldn't be the first criminal whose life Nexus had taken, not that he ever bragged of such deeds. It was just a necessary part of fighting a war, so even though he respected all life he had no quarrels with taking a few of them for the good of the many. That was perhaps a lesson he had not reinforced enough in his pupil, since Optimus seemed reluctant to make such a choice.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye"

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:04 pm
by Warwulf
((OOC: Nightshadow and I did a joint (post) together. Figured it would help move some of the action along, since it was down to just the two of us.))
Orcariner wrote:"Silverbolt," he said, looking down at the battle-ready fuzor, "I'm trusting you to take care of Quickstrike on your own. The others are going to need all the back-up they can get so I'm going back down to assist them. Please do not think of me as abandoning you in a time like this."

Giving an assuring nod, the transmetal orca turned and proceeded to run towards the Akira.
Seeing the enemy break ranks in front of them, Silverbolt felt the anticipated battle resolved rather anticlimactically. With Orcariner needed elsewhere, the list of combatants had dwindled to just Silverbolt and Quickstrike. He gave a nod of acknowledgement to Orcariner and took off towards Quickstrike, gaining the advantage of elevation.

"You claim to be the toughest of us all, snake. But you have done little to prove it," Silverbolt shot pointedly at the Predacon as he closed in on him, holding his wing swords menacingly in front of him.

Quickstrike came to a stop, aimming up more carefully at Silverbolt as he let off a few cybervenom shots "Easy fer you to say hiding up there like ah clay pigeon!"

Silverbolt managed to artfully avoid most of Quickstrike's cybervenom shots as he descended upon him, except for one well aimed blast the struck Silverbolt's left leg. Wincing in pain, Silverbolt landed heavily just in front of Quickstrike, nearly being driven to his knees as the cybervenom glowed made his leg glow a luminous green until the effects wore off. Undeterred, Silverbolt swung his swords at Quickstrike's snake arm.

Quickstrike's snake arm was smacked to the side by the sword strike with a cut forming along the cobra hood, having him pull his arm back clutching it for a moment with the twisted mess he called his left hand. "Ow, that smarts ya varment!Take this!" he shouted, then released his arm and thrusted the Snake head towards Silverbolt in an attempt to bite him

Silverbolt attempted to block the bite, but wasn't quite fast enough. Quickstrike's snake head bit into his left wing. Silverbolt howled in pain as his wing glowed green from the cybervenom bite. He swung his sword wildly, beating on the snake head to get it to release.

Quickstrike quickly released Silverbolt's wing as he started hacking into his arm, letting out a yelp of pain holding his arm again and stepping back from Silverbolt. If he continued attacking like this, he was more then likely to lose his only weapon.

Silverbolt, too, stepped back from the engagement, cradling his injured wing. But, not one to miss the opportunity to put an end to the battle, Silverbolt threw his wing missile at the ground in front of Quickstrike, exploding at his feet.

"Your Predacon tricks won't help you this time," he snarled.

Quickstrike fell backwards from the blow, letting out a yell he leaned up thrusting his snake arm towards Silverbolt firing off a Cybervenom blast in a continuous beam. Not inclined to get yet another taste of the cybervenom, Silverbolt moved quickly and jumped on Quickstrike -- pinning the still dangerous cybervenom snake head against the ground with his talons. Realizing his advantage, Silverbolt inverted his wing sword and raised it to plunge down into Quickstrike's chest.

"This ends here," he annouced his fate to Quickstrike.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The added force of the Akira's gunfire hitting him at the same moment as the massive recoil of his chest railguns was too much for Tantrum's outriggers to withstand and he collapsed backwards to the ground. Incensed that the puny Maximals hiding behind their guns would dare knock him over, Tantrum got up and bellowed. "YOU LEETLE BABY MAXIMALS HIDING BEHIND PUNY GUNS! COME OUT HERE TO FIGHT! I WILL MOOSH YOU INTO EETY BEETY TEENY PARTS!"

Tantrum pulled out his 40mm gatling and peppered the side of the Akira as he continued to blast the ever widening hole in the hull with his rail gun -- staggering every few steps as his rail gun recoiled or some return fire impacted his armor.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye"

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:04 pm
by Phoenix
Aurora could barely make out the sound of Tantrum's shouted response through the loud, repeated blasts from the Akira's own weapons. If the hull of the ship had been intact, the sound would likely have been much more muffled, but with several large openings exposing them to the environment this was simply not the case.

So she merely upheld the persistent fire, letting the autotargeting system on the guns do the brunt of the work. That is until Tantrum's enraged bellow was swiftly followed by another series of blasts from the rail gun. This time the blasts were more focused on a single area, namely the large hole in the side of the ship. Aurora had to duck so she wouldn't melt from the intense heat that followed as the railgun hit its target, burning through layers of metal and crushing several consoles in its wake before finally reaching the ship's reactor.

Wide eyed she stared as the beam settled on the reactor, if only for a moment before continuing on its path, but deep down a sinking feeling began bubbling to the surface.

Oh no..

"Whitegrazer, get out! Now!!," she shouted as she rolled out from her hiding spot just in time to see the chain reaction in the reactor starting. She then made a swift dive for the nearest opening, the containment field of the reactor now at critical levels and unable to withstand any more punishment.

"Outside! It's going to explode!!"

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye"

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:43 pm
by New Moon
((Sorry everyone, but I can't guarantee if I really can stay active here. There's too much going on with family right now and real life I can't keep up in the game like I use to so if you ever have to skip ahead of me.))

Feralnight lied back on the cot after following Rhinox, glancing back towards the large mech as he brought over a machine that was intended to scan the lower parts of her systems which she was a little nervous to find out what might be there. Perhaps there was nothing and she could just be freaking out for nothing but as Rhinox and Optimus had said it was better safe then sorry and she had been holding this off for some time now so who knew what could have been going on beneath the surface of her armor all this time if there was anything.

So the fuzor patiently waited, watching as the machine was passed over her body and scanning her frame then tilting her head slightly as she saw the monitor beginning to show the results of which at first she wondered was normal. That was until the monitor reported of an abnormality within her systems, a kind of virus running through her systems that had been there for weeks, Feralnight suspecting even far back as when she supposedly had a run in with Glowstick. But that's not all the results showed as it did indicate change to her processor, most specifically to her memory chips which made the wolf/raven fuzor puzzled. Her memories had been altered? Had that happened at the same time the virus had been implanted in her systems? And the main question was did she really want to know what those real memories were? Looking towards Rhinox her puzzlement was clear in her optics, "Well, wasn't expecting any of that."


Frilla gulped before she pushed off the tree just seconds before the missiles would hit the tree, landing some feet across from Tarantulas as she glared towards the bug obviously not afraid as she use to be. Although, there was still some slight hesitation in engaging the larger spider one-on-one. "Gotta do better then some fireworks to get rid of me Tarantulas,I think you would have learned that by now." She mocked him before letting out a hiss as she transformed to robot mode and drew her laser gun, aimed towards the spider in hopes to keep stalling him from the pod. With his expertise Frilla knew he could easily make the protorform, if it still remained within the stasis pod, a predacon and their mission would be for not so she had to keep the mad scientist busy as possible unless he got back up or she did. "But I have to say, the transmetal look isn't really working for you maybe I can give you a little cosmetic change."

Pulling the trigger Frilla began firing upon Tarantulas, stepping forward slightly as she tried to force the mad scientist back some more, knowing the pod wasn't too far off from either of them and neither was Airazor, and unknowingly, Cheetor from her team. Though the frilled lizard doubted Tarantulas would have been alone, he wasn't that stupid enough to always work by himself so somewhere there was likely one of the other spiders or Predacons making their way towards the pod. Just hope this will be enough.,She thought to herself and if she had to she'd resort to her beast mode since she was far more nimble in it and her acid spit might do much more damage to that transmetal armor Tarantulas now had.

Re: "More Than Meets The Eye"

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 6:40 am
by starshadow
Starshadow stumbled backwards when Saber slashed her side and kicked her. She could not help but smirk at that and gave a slow applause, "not bad..." she stood up, holding her wound, "not bad...for an amateur!" her thrusters accelerated towards Saber with the catbot, digging her claws on the scruff of her neck.

"Let see if the myth is true...if kittens like you can land on their feet!" she flew to the sky bringing the sabertooth with her. As she reached closer to the low clouds, she dropped her where the bettle Maximal was and watched. Hopefully he doesn't realize her fall.