OOC: Hope this checks out guys, I'm gonna wait a bit before posting for Tarantulas since Frilla hasn't had a chance to react back yet. I wish I could capture the way Megatron says the word "what," but no one can capture David Kaye's vocal talents with mere typing lol
Wintersong wrote:
Wintersong's gaze remained fixed on where Manterror had ducked down for cover, her gun still aimed in his direction and awaiting for the mantis to come out so she could hopefully try and get him to back off. Luckily it seemed Blackarachnia was busy with other things which gave her a chance to focus on one of the Predacons, least that's what she had been expecting since she figured Terrorsaur would end up stuck with one of the other Maximals who were on the battlefield. But even with her gun trained on her current foe the transmetal tigress reached back with her left hand and drew the sword she had from her left shoulder, just in case she ended up engaging Manterror in close combat rather then distance the complete time. And no sooner had she drawn it did the bug mech fire two saw blades towards her making her react immediately to lifting her sword and blocking them, gulping as they came rather close to her face, too close for comfort.
"He's a better fighter then he looks," She muttered to herself as Wintersong lowered her blade and began to fire a few shots towards Manterror, and only a few was all she could get out before she heard something approaching. Glancing up the tigress had no time to get out of range of the missiles, least the ones that remained from Landslide's attempts to stop them and she soon found herself blasted off her feet with a growl, flying backwards and slamming into a rock with enough force it sent her weapons flying from her hands and sliding across the ground. Groaning slightly, it took a little time for Wintersong to recover from the explosion, having been a while since she had been caught in an attack like that. "I hate fliers."
Heh heh heh heh, I've always wanted a tiger skin rug!" Terrorsaur crowed as he watched Wintersong get blown away by the impact of his attack, the sickening thud she made as she hit the rocks music to his years, the pterodactyle easily evading Rattrap's attempts to shoot him down, cackling like a demon all the while.
Don't worry vermin, you're next on the endangered species list!" Terrorsaur added, firing back at the rodent with his eye beams, already imagining the look of envy on Waspinator's face when he brought both the rat's and the cat's remains back to the base as trophies.
The only way his fun could have been better is if he'd blown both his targets to bits, but some killjoy had taken out enough of his missile barrage to spare them that fate...
NaitoKage wrote: Landslide nodded I can't promise anything.. He then looked towards Rattrap as he drew his heavy chainsword But I'll see what I can do.
Landslide started to walk forward, then activated his thrusters taking to the sky while blowing up some dirt and debris. He couldn't match Nemesis or Terrorsaur when it came to speed, but he had his own advantages. Flying up to Terrorsaur's altitude, the heavy giant looked towards the spindly young Predacon swinging his heavy sword against his shield with a very loud clang, then pointed it towards Terrorsaur as he spoke up That the best ya got lad? Surely even a scrawny welp like you can do more then spam missiles hiding behind the clouds.. Or are ya so scared yer going to hide behind the skirt of that lady friend of yer's while she does all the work?
Landslide swung his heavy sword onto his shoulder, then started to laugh a heavy throaty laugh at the Predacon.
Landslide nodded I can't promise anything.. He then looked towards Rattrap as he drew his heavy chainsword But I'll see what I can do.
Landslide started to walk forward, then activated his thrusters taking to the sky while blowing up some dirt and debris. He couldn't match Nemesis or Terrorsaur when it came to speed, but he had his own advantages. Flying up to Terrorsaur's altitude, the heavy giant looked towards the spindly young Predacon swinging his heavy sword against his shield with a very loud clang, then pointed it towards Terrorsaur as he spoke up That the best ya got lad? Surely even a scrawny welp like you can do more then spam missiles hiding behind the clouds.. Or are ya so scared yer going to hide behind the skirt of that lady friend of yer's while she does all the work?
Landslide swung his heavy sword onto his shoulder, then started to laugh a heavy throaty laugh at the Predacon.
Terrorsaur's eyes blazed in anger at Landslide's words, egging him on like he was some chump, or implying he needed "Big Bird" to do his fighting for him.
Tough talk coming from someone who was at my mercy not too long ago, nothing sadder than a maximal in a hurry to die" Terrorsaur spat back, brandishing his own twin blades to defend himself from whatever was thrown at him as he dived down to deal with this new annoyance, firing a flurry of eye beam attacks as he did to keep the maximal from switching tactics, as well as to test his body for weaknesses, surely his armor was hurting from the punishment he had been taking earlier, just needed to hit the big lug in the right places to make him fall.
Terrorsaur would pick speed, agility, and firepower over whatever brute strength this dumb brute had to offer.
Phoenix wrote: That last sentence brought about a chuckle from the old admiral.
"Alas I have left all that behind," Nexus responded, the serious tone in his voice returning, finding no reason to conceal what was common knowledge to his friends and foes alike. His hand clutched the morning star a little more tightly as he eyed Megatron's sword. "As for my reasons for being here.. that much should be obvious, should it not?"
Ahahahaha! Oh I like you oldtimer, you harbor none of Primal's delusions of peace and love, straightforward and to the point, predacons vs maximals, as it always has been and always should be...Until I win of course" Megatron boasted in response, his smile showing off his perfect white teeth.
Phoenix wrote: A teasing gleam appeared in his optics, revealing that despite his rank and advancing age there was still life in this old bot yet.
"Please do not insult me by feigning interest in the well-being of me or my ship, we're both aware of your true intent for coming out here. However there is one little.. shall we say.. miscalculation in your plan..
Megatron listened intently to Nexus' every word, his "winning" smile never leaving his face despite not being able to gleam anything useful out of the old relic. Nexus reminded Megatron of an elderly, more confident Primal, confirming at least that his old rival had in fact been mentored by Nexus, not unlike how he'd learned from his former teacher Cryotek. Fascinating really, they really were two sides of the same coin.
Poor Primal, if you still need a mentor to hold your hand at this point your chances of surviving this war are even slimmer than I ever imagined" Megatron thought to himself in amusement, though not deluding himself into believing this spawn of prime was harmless, he wasn't nearly as jaded by maximal propaganda of right and wrong as Optimus was, though he still had the edge in youth and superior arms.
And do pray tell, what miscalculation would that be?" Megatron inquired, unperturbed, until he spotted Primal's incoming attack, turning his grin to a scowl as he growled "
Phoenix wrote: He paused for a moment, eyeing the stream of heavy fire power that now came raining down towards the tyrant.
"You forgot to account for the fact that Maximals look out for each other."
He waited for the bombardment to hit its target and as it did, his own shoulder-mounted cannons suddenly took aim at Megatron's kneecaps and fired several blasts.
Megatron activated both his wheels and his jets and moved backwards at once to escape the barrage, forced to use his tail gun as a shield to defend his knees against Nexus' cannons rather than shooting back at him. Explosions went off all around him, dirt and debris flying everywhere, giving him cover while at the same time pelting him from all sides, doing little to help his mood.
Inferno, give me cover fire, don't give Primal a chance to help his precious mentor any further" Megatron commanded, firing his shoulder guns back at Nexus as he recharged his tailgun in anticipation of frying the old bastard for his insolence.