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Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:06 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
(( OOC: I, or perhaps others, got a little confused here but I'll try to render it compatible for my post. Try to keep up, guys. :P ))
Get on both of you! Lets move!
It was a relief to see Valkyrie responsive and transform to her beast mode. Optimus allowed her to perch on his arm as he hopped onto Rhinox's back. Quickly they ran to the rest of the Maximals who were at a safer distance.

The Maximal leader looked at Valkyrie and asked with a very faint smile since it really was not a time for jokes, "So, you couldn't resist joining the battle?" implying that he thought she was leaving to salvage the other ship.

The gorilla climbed down from the rhinoceros and sat on the ground with his back toward the standing stones and crouched over just before the energon waves rolled over the area. But something else odd happened. The stones began to glow and surge, and at the center where the energon crystals were, a blue beam shot straight out of the planet's atmosphere into space. Definitely something beyond their understanding was going on here. After a few moments of the display, it was over, and the energon dissolved.

Rattrap glanced at everyone and then watched the blue and white surges skim across the air. Thank the Matrix for beast modes protecting the majority of the raw energon. He actually felt kind of bad for Orcariner, though. Not only was he an easy target because of his size, but his beast mode wasn't too helpful on land.

Dinobot was quiet as the remarkable scene unfolded. There was something more than met the eye at those stones. What kind of power and intelligence was behind this place...?
"Ugh," "Picking a marine life form seems a bit regrettable right now."
"Don't worry once the energon waves stop you'll be able to transform again."
Heh. Fishy outta water, Rattrap smirked at himself. Poor Orcariner. But he was one of few capable of swimming to great depths of the waters. The majority of them weren't built for great lengths of swimming at all.
"That didn't go as i had planned it, but the crash didn't caused me any damage besides a few twisted circuits. Internal repairs are already on it, and will be done before we get back to base."
Once everything calmed down, Optimus stood up and turned around to see the standing stones, quiet as if nothing had happened at all. Hm. Peculiar.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:27 pm
by NaitoKage
Rhinox made it around rocks for cover as the energon exploded, a large blue surge of energon energies expanded to the standing stones becoming focused into a beam which shot into space.

Rhinox then raised from behind cover looking up Hmmm... like I said.. those stones arn't natural..


Tarantulus came out from behind his rock cover making it back towards the Predacon base, rather enraged at how the battle transpired.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:33 pm
by Alak
Night-Hunter wrote:"Don't worry once the energon waves stop you'll be able to transform again."
"Thanks," replied Orcariner with gratitude.

He was still upset that everyone else could return to beast mode and simply walk back to base. Not only did the killer whale have to lay there for a few cycles, he was completely vulnerable to any Predacon attack. Thinking back to his late friend, Ice Sight, Orcariner recalled the older Maximal telling him that Primus made every transformer unique. It was their individuality that would help them fulfill their very own purposes in life. While he knew that utilizing a marine animal would come in handy, Orcariner could not help but feel that he was holding the team back. No one likes to guard a sitting duck, especially in beast mode.

"Hey," he said to Optimus Primal, "You all go ahead. My circuits are going to take a little longer to cool down, but I'll be okay."

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:37 pm
by SkyxDB
The stones began to glow and surge, and at the center where the energon crystals were, a blue beam shot straight out of the planet's atmosphere into space. Definitely something beyond their understanding was going on here. After a few moments of the display, it was over, and the energon dissolved.
"Okay, what just happened there?" Skyfire asked. She certainly didn't excpet something like that to happen.
Ugh," "Picking a marine life form seems a bit regrettable right now."
"Don't worry once the energon waves stop you'll be able to transform again."
Skyfire, felt kind of bad for Orcariner not being able to do anything on land in Beast Mode, but of course when one though about it everybody's Beast Mode probably had disadvantages to them.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:51 pm
by NaitoKage
(Heh, since most the maximals are gathered up in one spot anyway.. may as well get the last one ready for that party.)

Off in the distance a high speed object was seen moving towards the stones and group, Icebreaker seen in a rather low crouch riding on his shield as it propelled him. He made a wide arcing turn as he came up from around and behind the group stopping by Orcariner. Geez.. No wonder I couldn't radio you guys.. this is really far away! Beast mode! He then kicked up his board transforming to his penguin mode.

He looked over the others and the environment Er.. looks like you guys had a heck of the party while I was house sitting.. Ah! Thats right.

I saw Glowstick heading towards that ship that came down. I don't know how many predacons were with him and I couldn't get ahold of you guys so investigating on my own would be suicide.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:10 pm
by Alak
"Icebreaker!" Orcariner said happily, immediately after making his request to the group leader.

"Hey, do you think you can make a path of ice so I can slide myself back to base? It's a weird request, I know, but I'm a little stuck in beast mode right now."

He knew it was awkward to appear so frantic to get back to base after asking Optimus to leave him behind, but the Maximal really did not want to be stranded here alone.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:33 pm
by NaitoKage
Rhinox looked towards Skyfire I can't be sure, but it looked like some sort of.. signal. he then looked towards the Penguin Maximal that arrived.

Icebreaker blinked That would take alot of energy to make an ice trail for that many miles.. but don't worry big guy! I got ya covered. On some planets for extreme sports, they will coat a board with ice and then use it to slide on all sorta environments. Really wicked stuff. Maximize! he then transformed to robot mode again pulling out his Frost launcher.

He then pulled out a tarp with a cord attached to to ends throwing it out over the grass. Then fired his gun at it flash freezing the surface, he continued firing as a thick layer of ice formed over it. Now with this we can get you goin'.

He then turned the board over carefully, then pushed it infront of Orcariner transforming to his penguin mode Climb on, it should hold pretty well. I've used the trick a few times to tow injured bots like a trailer.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:31 pm
by Blazemane
Skyfire wrote:Okay, what just happened there?
"I'm with Sky, here." Cheetor remarked with eyes still wide. "What the spotted heck was that?"
Rhinox wrote:I can't be sure, but it looked like some sort of.. signal.
Cheetor looked at Ocariner sitting on the ground. He looked kinda' lost on the ground like that, but Cheetor knew the beast mode could be effective for other problems later on.

This thought made him shutter. He didn't like the idea of doing a mission near water, he didn't like the fact that the Axalon was suspended above water, and he especially didn't like entertaining the possibility that Ocariner's beast mode might have to be used later for rescues in the water.

Cheetor hated water.
Icebreaker wrote:I saw Glowstick heading towards that ship that came down. I don't know how many predacons were with him and I couldn't get ahold of you guys so investigating on my own would be suicide.
"Then what are we waiting for?" Cheetor exclaimed. "There could be Maximals in that ship, and if the Predacons are already on the way, they'd be in big trouble!"

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:38 pm
by Night-Hunter
"Then what are we waiting for?" "There could be Maximals in that ship, and if the Predacons are already on the way, they'd be in big trouble!"
"If that ship had been Maximal they would have conacted us some how by now. I think that ship was a predicon ship." Saber said to Cheetor.
She looked over at Ocariner and her ears drooped slightly.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:01 am
by Venatrix
NaitoKage wrote: Geez.. No wonder I couldn't radio you guys.. this is really far away! Beast mode!

Er.. looks like you guys had a heck of the party while I was house sitting.. Ah! Thats right.

I saw Glowstick heading towards that ship that came down. I don't know how many predacons were with him and I couldn't get ahold of you guys so investigating on my own would be suicide.
Well, the raw energon that covered the entire planet did get a number on communications, she wanted to say, but the second part of what Icebreaker said sounded a bit more urgent.
Valkyrie processed the information quickly, and came with the best possible strategy in this situation.
"Optimus. It seems like we have another urgent situation to resolve along with the developments on the "Standing Stones". As priority equals both situations, it's imperative we do them both. And since I'm faster in beastmode in traveling long distances, i suggest that I'll be in charge of the mission to the other crashed ship, while you stay in charge of the mission regarding the standing stones. So who can you assign to me on this mission?"

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:54 pm
by una
Scorponok was still hurting from the fall but when he heard Megatron's order. He quickly changed to beast mode and tried to catch up to his glorious leader.

His eyes went wide as he saw the energon waves pulsing from the stone. Suddenly, a blue light went straight up in the sky.

Was that a signal or something? Those stones are strange!

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:11 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
"Hey," "You all go ahead. My circuits are going to take a little longer to cool down, but I'll be okay."
Optimus was not about to leave Orcariner stranded and alone. If anyone thought he wouldn't protest against a suggestion like that, then they didn't know him very well. But before he could say anything about it, Icebreaker showed up to help.
I saw Glowstick heading towards that ship that came down. I don't know how many predacons were with him and I couldn't get ahold of you guys so investigating on my own would be suicide.
"Hey, do you think you can make a path of ice so I can slide myself back to base? It's a weird request, I know, but I'm a little stuck in beast mode right now."
That would take alot of energy to make an ice trail for that many miles.. but don't worry big guy! I got ya covered. On some planets for extreme sports, they will coat a board with ice and then use it to slide on all sorta environments. Really wicked stuff. Maximize!
Primal watched Icebreaker assist Orcariner, impressed with the way he used his tools and the environment. Hopefully others were taking notes as well.

Rattrap, on the other hand, could think of a million pranks he'd use with a gun like Icebreaker's.
Hmmm... like I said.. those stones arn't natural..
"Okay, what just happened there?"
"I'm with Sky, here." "What the spotted heck was that?"
I can't be sure, but it looked like some sort of.. signal. But from who?
"Well," said Optimus, "perhaps we'll learn the answer. Some day." But that day would be all too soon, and no one knew what would be in store for them and the entire planet.
"Optimus. It seems like we have another urgent situation to resolve along with the developments on the "Standing Stones". As priority equals both situations, it's imperative we do them both. And since I'm faster in beastmode in traveling long distances, i suggest that I'll be in charge of the mission to the other crashed ship, while you stay in charge of the mission regarding the standing stones. So who can you assign to me on this mission?"
Coughing lightly on purpose, Rattrap folded his little front legs across his chest as he lazily leaned his right shoulder against a boulder. Sounds more like an order than a suggestion, he thought. Surely the boss monkey was capable of piecing all of that together for himself and making a decision without so much explanation from his "second-in-command" officer. The rat simply yawned and watched Icebreaker helping the whale for a moment.

The gorilla looked at Val as he replied to her recommendation, his tone firm at first. "We had already discussed you taking a team to that ship before this battle began, Valkyrie. The time it took you to return here and attack Megatron was valuable time that could've been used to investigate the fallen vessel." Optimus glanced among the other Maximals before he continued with a softer voice. Valkyrie may not have had enough people to travel safely with her at that time, and it felt as though they had put the energon before those who might be in more danger. But since that decision was already made, and the event was over, it was time to move forward. "Cheetor, Orcariner, and Icebreaker will accompany you," he granted Valkyrie. "The rest of us will return to base. It'll be nightfall soon." There wasn't much left to the standing stones after it put on quite a show. Perhaps the Axalon's scanners and analysis of any recorded data could give more details about the beam that had shot into space. Otherwise, all that was really left to do was wait and see if anything or anyone would answer the signal that they triggered.

Dinobot remained quiet but observant. His carnivorous eyes watched all of them without adding his own input while his long tail gently swayed back and forth.

(( OOC: I didn't know, Blaze, if you still wanted Cheetor to tag along with Val's team. If not, then Saber-Fang can take his place and Spots can come back to the Axalon. ))

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:08 pm
by Blazemane
(( OOC: I do still want Cheetor to go with Valkyrie's team. ))
Optimus Primal wrote:Cheetor, Orcariner, and Icebreaker will accompany you.
"Alright!" Cheetor whispered under his breath. He was hoping Saber Fang had been right, and that there weren't any Maximals there (the Predacon had[i/] to be there by now), but there was the possibility that any Maximals in there wouldn't have had the chance to get in range.

The last thing he wanted was a few Maximal crew members getting overwhelmed while he was still miles away.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:45 pm
by Alak
"Lead the way," Orcariner nodded towards Icebreaker.

Going on a mission immediately after a fight was not the Maximal's ideal situation, but he was going to follow orders to the very end. He never worked under Valkyrie's command so this was going to be quite the experience.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:56 pm
by Taran Ulas
Lineos did not care what others would think, but contrary to popular belief, bullets at high speeds do hurt berserkers. It seems that this Maximal has long ranged weaponry. A little close range combat would only hurt him... a lot. As Lasos was sheathed and Galvos was drawn, Lineos prepared to charge when a explosion far bigger than any of the Maximals' weapons were capable producing suddenly occurred at the pile of stones in the center of the standing stones. He distinctly heard over the screeches, cries, and screams the voice of Megatron yelling some order about how the crystal was useless thanks to Terrorsaur and that all Predacons need to transform into beast mode. "Beast Mode!", yelled Lineos before transforming into beast mode and running as fast as his short stubby legs would allow him to. As Lineos ran towards Megatron and the other predacons, he noticed some kind of bright light pulsating towards space. I wonder what that that was.

(On a side note for Venatrix and the rest of the maximals taking part in Blitzkrieg, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind picking up Cerano and Xzuk. We have no idea where we are thanks to the fact Cerano isn't not good at cartography. Reading he can do, creating not so much. I think we're near the Maximal base. Also ignore that post over in Beast wars part 2. We are not in that bad of shape. Please?)