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Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:39 pm
by Optimal Optimus Primal
Okay, N-H. Just making sure people didn't forget. :wink:

Storm Shadow, I must say, looks pretty freaking wicked. :D

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:08 pm
by NaitoKage
Yeah, I'm a bit surprised seeing these too. Well, she could probably use them if it was a one episode thing and they all died.. horribly.

Lets see here..

Storm Shadow uh.. really doesn't have enough firepower for that quote or a fusion rifle.

Hannibal.. again.. I guess the firepower rating is accurate if you have a shark carrying human level desert eagles, but.. that's not really high enough to be a sniper. Sniper's pride themselves on one shot one kill. And using solid super sonic projectiles would cause the guns to explode in your hands underwater. And if you don't want to use the term brass knuckle, Knuckle duster would be appropriate..
Skill is also really low, you might have trouble sniping..

and Striker.. You have a 6 on firepower and don't list a gun.. Why? Melee weapons are effected by the strength stat. Speed is kinda high on a guy with a limp.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:19 pm
by Alak
Night-Hunter wrote:I know, I was just throwing 'em out there just in case I choose to kill off my Oc's.
After all the work Orcariner put into keeping her alive in OC Episode #2, you better not kill off Saber :x

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:02 am
by Night-Hunter
Okay, N-H. Just making sure people didn't forget. Storm Shadow, I must say, looks pretty freaking wicked.
And I thank you for that. I'm glad you like her, she some thing I thought of a few days ago.
Yeah, I'm a bit surprised seeing these too. Well, she could probably use them if it was a one episode thing and they all died.. horribly.

Lets see here..

Storm Shadow uh.. really doesn't have enough firepower for that quote or a fusion rifle.

Hannibal.. again.. I guess the firepower rating is accurate if you have a shark carrying human level desert eagles, but.. that's not really high enough to be a sniper. Sniper's pride themselves on one shot one kill. And using solid super sonic projectiles would cause the guns to explode in your hands underwater. And if you don't want to use the term brass knuckle, Knuckle duster would be appropriate..
Skill is also really low, you might have trouble sniping..

and Striker.. You have a 6 on firepower and don't list a gun.. Why? Melee weapons are effected by the strength stat. Speed is kinda high on a guy with a limp.
Thanks for pointing those out, they were rough drafts when I posted that on here and a spur of the moment, they have been fixed. As for the Sniper's Pride them selves on one shot one kill, that goes for snipers who are sane in head while Sonar is not. He likes to play with his prey before he kills them. As for killing the newbies... I'm thinking of a way to kill them... as painfully and horribly as possible.
After all the work Orcariner put into keeping her alive in OC Episode #2, you better not kill off Saber
Don't worry, I won't kill off Saber. She's my first BW's OC, not to mention she's my baby and so is Sonar.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:50 am
by WorpeX
-- Not Actually an OC, but I prefer to use official characters over made up ones for now (Mostly because I like pictures and I can't draw to save my life. xD). So excuse my lack of originality as I copy and paste stuff from the TF wiki! I have added and changed things around to fit my liking though. 8) --


NAME : Manterror



FUNCTION : Infantry

ALTERNATE MODE : Praying Mantis

HEIGHT : 1.9m

QUOTE : "Dismember it first, ask questions later."

RANK : Assigned by the staff
[Stats excluding rank must not total over 45!]


Though somewhat ungainly in appearance, Manterror is an accomplished and adept fighter, nimble and amazingly fast. He often trades on his apparent awkwardness to lull opponents into a false sense of security... before tearing them limb from limb. Manterror has been known to strip an opponent to the main strut-assembly in a fraction of a second. It's only when he goes to work with his mandibles that his real persona comes to the fore, revealing a gleefully maniacal, hyperactive and twisted individual with an abiding love for pain and distress. Thorougly nasty and irredeemably rotten, Manterror has no virtues or scruples whatsoever. (BW Sourcebook)


In robot mode or in beast form, Manterror utilizes the sickle blades on both of his arms to deal devastating damage in close combat. While transformed, he is able to launch spinning ion disks at his opponents which slice through armor. Perhaps the most deadly part about his arsenal however, is not what the weapons are, but how he is able to use them. As if trained as a samurai on Cybertron, Manterror is able to fight with an almost unrivaled skill.

-2x Sickle Blades, Spinning Ion Blades


Ability to activate internal stealth silencers. This allows him to sneak up on unsuspecting foes without them hearing his approach.


He can often get so focused on fighting one individual that he isn't aware of other potential threats.


Image Image Image Image Image

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:16 am
by NaitoKage
Everything looks good. Three things.

If you want you can make the character large then 6 ft, infact it may be useful as the Predacons will probably end up using Manterror as a front line fighter or tank at times. 8 to 9 ft would probably work fine on the average scale of characters that are strong and melee specialists.

Secondly are you sure you want your courage so low? it's just slightly bellow average. It's not a problem, just saying that would make your character more prone to nervous fits or flinching moments.

Finally, have you thought of how you wanted to introduce your character or just pop in? We had in the game before that many stasis pods just fell from the sky, so Predacon criminals, damaged memory Maximals, and random maximals could be wandering the landscape. Stasis pod and reprogramming is of course also a option, or just popping in with the crew without much of a back story for the next episode. So you have options in anycase.

Rank wise, I'd say 5.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:31 am
by WorpeX
NaitoKage wrote:Everything looks good. Three things.

If you want you can make the character large then 6 ft, infact it may be useful as the Predacons will probably end up using Manterror as a front line fighter or tank at times. 8 to 9 ft would probably work fine on the average scale of characters that are strong and melee specialists.

Secondly are you sure you want your courage so low? it's just slightly bellow average. It's not a problem, just saying that would make your character more prone to nervous fits or flinching moments.

Finally, have you thought of how you wanted to introduce your character or just pop in? We had in the game before that many stasis pods just fell from the sky, so Predacon criminals, damaged memory Maximals, and random maximals could be wandering the landscape. Stasis pod and reprogramming is of course also a option, or just popping in with the crew without much of a back story for the next episode. So you have options in anycase.

Rank wise, I'd say 5.
Thanks for the comment! I made him short because hes not very tall in ascension/the gathering. Could make him at bit taller, but I don't think he would fit in well as a good tank anyway since his special ability is more for stealth. Besides, hes a Praying Mantis and they aren't exactly a large creature!

Your right his courage was a bit low... I raised it one and lowered his endurance a bit. I don't know what else to change, I like the rest of the stats as they are! I'm thinking he'll just be skiddish and run from any fight that isn't even.

As far as adding him goes, I have no idea! I kind of would prefer if he was added in someway other than by stasis pod, as we're already retrieving Airazor and Inferno's pod in the next episode. Perhaps Tarantulas could create him? We don't really even need to add him. I only made him since Frilla switched sides and the predicons were a bit outnumbered!

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:05 pm
by Blazemane
There's not that much of a difference between 5 and 6, but I think I might make Manterror a rank 6 for being, at the very least, an adept warrior who Megatron would feel comfortable actually sending into battle. Unless his courage fails him too consistently.

Plus, if it's worth anything, his toy's tech specs place his rank at 6.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:08 am
by NaitoKage
That was part of what I was thinking, but eh. Sounds like a plan.

As for Tarantulus building Manterror.. er.. to do that Tarantulus would have to somehow make a spark and fail having the body become a spider. That is just way too unlikely. Considering that while clones can be manufactured in BW, it seems they can't have a robot mode without a protoform and possibly a spark involved.

So unless Manterror was like.. massively injured and in stasis repairing for months on end inside of the Darksyde, I don't think there would be much of another way other then him poping out of a stasis pod. But like I mentioned before, we've had it so some pods already crashed but weren't all found.. You could just have Manterror be one of the criminal Predacons the Axalon was also carrying and just wandered the planet happening to come across one of the groups in the next episode.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:19 am
by WorpeX
You could just have Manterror be one of the criminal Predacons the Axalon was also carrying and just wandered the planet happening to come across one of the groups in the next episode.
I think i'd like that idea better. ^^ I don't really want to have two characters drop from a stasis pod at the same time.

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:59 am
by starshadow
I wanted to RP another OC of mine but I don't know which to choose!!! Blehh..I'll post their bios and I'll let you guys do the voting.

Name: Cecaelia
Gender: Fembot
Allegiance: Predacon
Function: Soldier
Quote: "I may look beautiful and innocent but I'm extremely venomous."
Alternate mode: Blue ringed octopus
Height: 5'7 in robot mode, 3'5 in beast mode

Cecaelia was Cerulia when she was in Cybertron. She was one of the guerillas in a group named Hell-Fang Society like Starshadow. After the big incident that happened in the group years ago, she was one of the fugitives in a ship with the other Hell-Fang guerillas that escaped from their cells. Then, Starshadow's second-in-command/sister sent Cecaelia to find their lost commander in Earth to retrieve her back to the ship and return to Cybertron. (Bleh...couldn't think of anything else...)

SPEED: 5.5 (6 in the water)

The tip of each tentacle also fires out lasers

In beast mode, when Cecaelia bites an enemy, deadly cyber venom is injected and it causes instant paralysis and difficulty in breathing. If too much venom is injected, the enemy would feel an excruciating pain on the area(s). In her robot mode, her teeth has the venom.

Venom Blaster(got the idea from NK :X ):
It's like a small gun that fires her cyber venom. Something like Quickstrike's cobra head..

Most of her armor parts has the octopus skin which makes her slippery which allows her to escape from her enemies when they have physical contact with her. She also has the ability to camouflage herself only in the ocean.

Weakness(the funny part :lol: ):
She's always attracted mechs who have beast modes of aquatic animals and cannot bring herself to attack them. (Examples: Glowstick, Icebreaker, Orcariner, Depthcharge and Rampage XD)
Because of her beast mode's skin, she is easily damaged by minor laser shots. When she feels any pain like laser burns or deep cuts, she will cry.

Sample post:
Cecaelia was in the blue sea, enjoying the view of coral reefs and the school of fishes swimming past her.
"OH! Stop slacking you weirdo! Focus on the mission..." she said to herself as she slapped her forehead with her tentacle. "Cecaelia, terrorize!" she transformed into her robot mode and swam up to the surface. Everything was dry and airy in the above world unlike the waters of the sea.
"Better get going.." the octopus femme then paddled to the shore.

Name: TerrorBite (Nickname: Anchor)
Gender: Mech
Allegiance: Predacon
Function: Assassin
Quote: "I'm the greatest sea assassin!"
Alternate mode: Shortfin Mako shark
Height: 7ft in beast mode, 10ft in robot mode

Terrorbite was a Hell-Fang member locked in a cell. He lost his trust of Starshadow after she left some of the other members and made her escape with a few most trusted assassins of the Hell-Fang Society. Few months later, he was able to break out of prison and stole ship that belonged to the police force. After many megacycles of travelling in space, using a transwarp drive, he crash landed on Earth and joined the Beast Wars. (Sheesh..I sucked at making bios)


- Quasar gun
- Explosive throwing knives

Terrorbite speed is much faster in water than on land. He has a good sense of smell.

Because of his beast mode, his vision is quite poor and has to depend on his sense of smell. If any of his comrades have any open wounds that bleeds and he smells it, he would attack him/her.

Sample post:
After throwing the weakened catbot in the salty water like a ragdoll, he walked towards her and lifted up her neck, squeezing it.
"What's the matter sweet starry cakes? Can't breathe?" he smirked as his grip got tighter and tighter. Starshadow was trying hard to remove his hands off her neck.
"I-I know- your- you're upset about-mm-me- leaving-y-yy-you-"
"Look kitten, the others are going to die because of you. I told you to forget about the mission but you wouldn't listen."
"I-II- I tried to-"
"You didn't try hard enough. Nightstar baby, you've lost my trust. I bet the others already quit following your orders-"
In a split second, Terrorbite got kicked in the face. "GAH!" he dropped the cat and put a hand on his face while the catbot make her escape.
Voting starts now! :D

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:25 am
by NaitoKage
Heh, why do I have a feeling Cecaelia would be a slight repaint of Mimic? :P

I guess if I had to go between the two, the Octopus is at least more done. Now then..
I don't really get the quote, does she do something with singing like a siren or something?

Backstory sounds confusing. How would they know where Star went, would it be the same method Depth charge and Ravage ended up doing? Her weakness lists more of her personality then her bio. It'd probably be easier to have her back story similar to Snowtrix and Manterror showing up as a already fallen criminal pod.

You really wouldn't need magnetic grips to have enemies have difficulty escaping your grasp, suction cups and strength should do that. So if you want more grappling power, apply more strength. As for Lasers from suction cups, I think the most allowed would be one per tentacle tip in robot mode like Tarantulus and Blackarachnia's machineguns, if they act like Glowstick's (High precision) lasers.. you'd need alot more skill to independently control that many lasers for laser spamming so you might not want it like that if the case.

Also as Blue Ring Octopus have to bite their victim to inject venom or from discharging it into the water kinda like a gas, probably have her applying cyber venom from a bite in beast mode, with possibility in robot mode from a octopus mouth or kiss. You could also have her carry a dart gun for projecting cyber venom darts or blasts (like Quickstrike's poison energy weapon).

Laser shotgun? Some reason I picture one of the guns out of a shump game, but that sounds fine.

Blue ring Octopus arn't very good at Camo, they're designed to just scare the living everything out of anything around them when they shine their blue rings.

And finally, not bringing herself to be able to attack underwater transformers kinda sounds counter productive..

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:01 pm
by starshadow
about the backstory... Cecaelia was on the same ship Star was on.

I'm still developing her bio and stuffs ...I checked out on her beast mode in wikipedia and there's sooooooooooo little info.... =/

hmmmmmmm...a bite sounds fine and..DOH!! Laser spamming!! TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THAT!!! HMMMM...must make improvements :/ I forgot that Cece loves to sing and lure mechs to their DOOM like sirens in the myths. I'll work on her later if I have the time.

hehehehe...I don't know if the femme should be a dream come true or a worst nightmare for Glowstick. :lol:

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:12 pm
by NaitoKage little more information, but yeah generally not alot is known. Their venom is a toxin produced by bacteria in their body, which is how all cephalopod venom is made (and in certain cases there is a squid which has bioluminescent bacteria in a special organ in it's mantle, the Bobtail squid.) I find it insane anyone would want one of those as a pet..

As for if she'd be a nightmare or dream, eh.. if she's anything like Blackarachnia to Tarantulus, probably Nightmare.. Specially if she has any habits StarShadow has combine with a venom worse then his own.*L*

Re: Character Bios 2.0

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:22 pm
by starshadow
nahh...she's quite similar to Scylla. She'll cling onto Glowstick every second. XD