"Aftermath: Part I - New Introductions"

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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(I'd say Nemesis or Venatrix would be hard to control, however Nemesis is the ex-decepticon. Not Venatrix. For that matter.. Manterror would be hard to control as well. Also, Nemesis is around 9 feet tall, so I don't think her size would make her easier to control unless Terrorsaur is now massive. )

Terrorsaur wrote:t would be a pleasure to have you tag along Umbra, but alas, a ground pounder like you wouldn't be able to keep up with us on foot, & even before his upgrade Waspinator alone was strong enough to carry a single stasis pod airborne. Though I suppose Manterror could give you a lift, he's certainly strong enough to carry you and a talented flyer in his own right...Or you could simply contribute your Shell Program for us to install ourselves?"

Umbra glanced towards Manterror for a moment, while he was certainly strong, his build seemed unlikely to support anyone other then himself in flight. It was more likely Terrorsaur was already onto his scheme.. Not that it mattered. All he had to do was go with them, if Terrorsaur knew or not.. well, that was optional. But it seemed he would have to take some preperations.. he'd better move quickly.

I see.. So basically your saying you're not capable of the task. But it's good to see a warrior who understands his own limits. Through one's weaknesses, one can know their strengths. As the shell program I carry has to be installed by someone with a background that understands anatomy and technology, I'm afraid it'd be useless to your group on it's own. But maybe next time. Umbra then bowed towards the group politely, turning away as he walked into the halls, seeming to disappear into the darkness of the hall.

As he silently walked, he looked towards a room with a familiar smell in the air. The smell of gunpowder. Opening the door he seemed to have come upon the armory. He did say help myself.. Guess I will. he muttered to himself under his breath walking into the Armory, then picked up a Plasma rifle with a scope from the wall. It wasn't his type of weapon as it was fairly noisy, and the idea of borrowing a gun didn't settle well with the Ninja, but he seemed to have been carrying light since he'd awaken from his Stasispod. He'd need range.. just incase.

Slipping the weapon away among the tentacles on his back, he then walked back towards Cecaelia's room. He knocked with his right hand at the entrance, then walked in Lady Cecaelia, I have a matter to discuss with you.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

NaitoKage wrote: (I'd say Nemesis or Venatrix would be hard to control, however Nemesis is the ex-decepticon. Not Venatrix. For that matter.. Manterror would be hard to control as well. Also, Nemesis is around 9 feet tall, so I don't think her size would make her easier to control unless Terrorsaur is now massive. )

I think I may have gotten the two of them confused with each other >_<...Is Venatrix a transmetal as well?

I'll alter my post when i get the chance, as for Terrorsaur's height...I dunno, how big is transmetal Megatron? I don't plan on making Terrorsaur bigger than him obviously, but maybe a little extra height would be alright, shrugs.
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Unread post by starshadow »

(YES! I've finally got something to write I think..Oh well I'm slightly lost. Don't worry bout' ol' me, I'll figure it out myself.)

Cecaelia stopped her posing and admiration of her looks and turned to face her fellow octopus bot while keeping her huge gun.
Lady Cecaelia, I have a matter to discuss with you.
"Sure thing! What is it about? Megatron? The team?"

(Gonna get rid of her kawaii-japanese accent. I don't think I could keep up with her cuteness..)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Vengeance has taken a huge impact! Shields are weakening! Four turrets down!"

"Somebody do something!"

"You do something!"

"Whhhhyyyy?! I'm just a medic!"

"And an engineer who turned one of our minion ship's controls into a video game controller!"

"Enough! I'll go..." Nightstar stepped out of the crowd.

Shroud grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face him, "No. I'll go. The team needs you." Nightstar sighed removed his hand off her.

"I must go. It's my fault that most of us didn't survive. I rather die in battle than have more of us dead and I want all of you here to be safe including you."

The black armored mech held her hand and looked into her optics, "we're in this together no matter how much you complain or whine about it. It would be like living in the cold and darkest pits of Cybertron without you.."Nightstar smiled and hugged him for the last time of her life.

"I promise I'll come back..you'll never be alone." and with that, she kissed him on the lip and left the bridge.

Starshadow woke up from her nap and rubbed her face. Her dream..Shroud..her team..she missed them all. She noticed Tarantulas' body had gone some cosmetic changes and probably Arachnitron. Would this cosmetic change somehow upgrade her systems and her weapons?
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Terrorsaur wrote:"Thank you Megatron, I shall endeavor to surpass your expectations."
Megatron did not respond to Terrorsaur's fake pleasantries. Instead he gave the lieutenant a quick nod of acknowledgement, expecting little more than another failure from the flyer but hopefully his dutiful spy would be able to keep everything in check. Allowing the pteradonon to lead this mission left a bad aftertaste in the leader's mouth, however a quick survey of his remaining Predacons revealed that he was missing a number of his troops. His ever loyal servant Inferno had yet to return, and Megatron had not decided how to handle the traitorous spiders and their panther sidekick.

Megatron's expression soured to a frown and for the first time since Scorponok's fall into the lava did the Predacon commander offer him a second thought. His second in command had rarely proved effective in battle, but at the very least he was loyal and could be trusted. Terrorsaur was neither of those things. At the moment the Maximals were without a leader but the Predacons were missing several soldiers. So to assure his final victory over the Maximals, Megatron had decided they needed a strategic advantage in the form of capturing those fallen stasis pods.

And where had Onyx run off to?

The Predacon commander returned his attention to the pod schematics that were now blinking on the screen. Two of the pods had impacted in close proximity to each other, whereas the third pod had deviated from its original course and appeared to have landed some distance north-east of the others. If their estimates were correct that particular pod was of a much larger size than average as well.

There was yet another pod as well that had landed in a sector much further away, however he could not spare the troops to send anyone there right now so hopefully they would be able to locate it after they had control of the other vessels.

Megatron stroked his chin as he contemplated his approach.

"Terrorsaur," he ordered, "Take your team to secure the pod at these coordinates. The rest of us will head to the other drop zone."

(ooc: Sending the flyers to get Tantrum..)

Terrorsaur wrote:"Waspinator, Nemesis, Manterror! Front and center! Congratulations, consider yourselves drafted to Team Terrorsaur! RAWK!"
Nemesis turned her gaze upon Terrorsaur as she spun her chair around and got up, a strained smile plastered on her face.

"As you wish," she told her fellow flyer as she approached him. Once close enough she slid her fingers across Terrorsaur's arm, the smile on her face turning almost playful in nature as she circled around him so that her large wing nearly smacked him in the face. "But do try to keep up," she said teasingly, "If you think you can manage."

(ooc: Sorry for quality of post.. Me sleepy..)
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Unread post by Blackrosefencer »

(OOC: @Starshadow: Arachnitron did not go Transmetal. No need to change your post or anything...it just sounded like you were implying that she did....so I wanted to clear up any confusion you might have had.

@Una: Arachnitron couldn't hear that scream right?)

"Wh-what hit me?"
Blackarachnia was clearly back online. Arachnitron opened her mouth to speak, but Tarantulas answered before she could:
"A transwarp wave, no doubt resulting from the aftermath of the alien weapon's destruction! There, now that your curiosity has been satisfied, hurry up and aid Arachnitron in retrieving my body, the maximals are likely recovering as you have as we speak. Unless you wish to experience what it means to be the fly to my spider every day for the rest of OUR lives, hhhmm?"
Arachnitron snickered at Blackarachnia's plight. It was interesting how quickly the tables were turned. Just a few cycles ago, Blackarachnia called Arachnitron weak for turning to Tarantulas to help...she claimed that were she in the same position she would have chosen a different path. She would never have let him into her head. Well, now, desperate to get off of this planet, Blackarachnia had tapped Tarantulas' brain for the knowledge on how to finish the escape pod that he had started effectively letting Tarantulas run free throughout her mind. She was now in the same boat as Arachnitron.

"I can't wait to see the things she'll do to get him out of her head." Arachnitron thought to herself.
"Arachnitron, report! What is the extent of the damage done to my shell?" Tarantulas ordered.

Arachnitron turned back to look at Tarantulas' body.

"I wish I knew where to start," Arachnitron said honestly. "You look.....different and I think you have wheels." she continued. "Maybe Blackarachnia should just let you see for yourself....I'm not sure I can explain it."

She turned back to Blackarachnia and spoke to Tarantulas shrugging. "If it's any consolation, you don't actually look damaged."

Sig by WorpeX.

"Better be prepared for anything
When those demons rise."
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Unread post by Big Convoy »

(OOC: Sorry for the absence, my line to the Internet was cut and had to be replaced.)
Terrorsaur wrote:"Waspinator, Nemesis, Manterror! Front and center! Congratulations, consider yourselves drafted to Team Terrorsaur! RAWK!"
"Ooohhh! Doez that mean Wazpinator can use new weaponz now?" The metallic wasp responded with a child-like curiosity before pulling out a metallic red rifle out of his back.
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Unread post by WorpeX »

"Waspinator, Nemesis, Manterror! Front and center! Congratulations, consider yourselves drafted to Team Terrorsaur! RAWK!"
Manterror grinned at his allies comments. This fool really thought the Mantis God would follow him? He was sorely mistaken. However, he did have plans to use this team as a means of achieving his own goals of taking over the world. Its easy to let the predicons kill the maximals, but getting the maximals to kill the predicons was much trickier. Manterror intended to be the only living robot on this planet!!! Perhaps the Maximals would get a little bit of help when the time was right... if Terrorsaur died, Manterror would likely become the team leader!!!!

Wait... no...

Manterror corrected his thoughts. Nemesis would become the leader. BUT if they both died, Manterror would lead!! Yess!!!!
"It would be a pleasure to have you tag along Umbra, but alas, a ground pounder like you wouldn't be able to keep up with us on foot, & even before his upgrade Waspinator alone was strong enough to carry a single stasis pod airborne. Though I suppose Manterror could give you a lift, he's certainly strong enough to carry you and a talented flyer in his own right...Or you could simply contribute your Shell Program for us to install ourselves?"
The crazed bug laughed and turned on the blades located on the underside of his "hands". "I'll gladly carry you!! hahahhahah!!!" No sane bot would fly in the arms of another who has blades for hands.
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Unread post by Alak »

Orcariner sped up his pace as he walked back towards the bridge. He felt almost... giddy. The new transformation and ensuing epiphany had given him a feeling of invigoration. He hoped that the others were in good shape and that they underwent similar changes. As the orca moved through the ship's hallways, his headset continued to feed information into his interface as if it wanted him to review his new body's tutorial before even taking a walk. Orcariner found it to be a bit overwhelming, having to navigate towards the bridge as well as review his new changes.

Vehicle mode acquired.

Energy cycles restructured.

Navigational bios updated.

Beacon 2.0 updated.

The list continued to go on and the killer whale forced his processor to scroll through them as quickly as possible. If he really wanted to figure out what was different with his hardware, he would test it in the field. Orcariner's radar, however, was one new aspect that he could not ignore. Arrows depicting his teammates as well as the Predacon captives were in constant motion. Everyone who was originally on this ship seemed to be alive and well. Movement occurred on the bridge, so the other crew members must be alright.

"Hey, guys," he said entering the bridge.

The giant stopped and took in the sight of new appearances. Several of the Maximals looked completely different than before. Orcariner did not even recognize one of them, and assumed that this was a newcomer who had not been introduced to him yet.

"Whoa," he said, "I guess I'm not the only one who got a new shell."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(Heh, can't keep up with her cuteness? I guess Cecaelia's grown up because of her transmetalizing. Though I'm sure some may miss some of it, as Cecaelia's personality is cute and refreshing from many of the Predacon stereotypes. I'm sure Umbra's Ninja personality quirks may drive some crazy.)
Cecaelia wrote:"Sure thing! What is it about? Megatron? The team?"

Umbra gave a nod as one of his tentacles moved to slide the door behind them closed. He glanced over her noticing the gigantic gun, finding it a bit strange but shrugged it off as he didn't fully understand the capabilities of any of the Predacons,let alone these new types. I have two bits of information. Your new body seems to now have a vehicle mode for your beast mode based from evidence I've seen of the others. The second bit of information is, Four stasis pods have dropped, two near each other and a third not too far from them. He then knelt down before her, tilting his head down as he spoke I realize this is a bit forward, but I'd like to request your assistance on a task I've been given for the operation. One I believe only you would be suited for.. Of-course, this would not go without repayment. If there is any item I may have or service I may provide then I'd gladly do so to repay you.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: My apologies for such a late reply, guys. Been kinda crazy here and unmotivated. But I'm getting back into the groove now, so bear with me while I try catching up here. Let me know if I miss anything or have errors because there is a LOT for me to cover and I'm still confused on which pods are whose and which have fallen where. :shock: Oh, are any of these pods the blank one that Rhinox and Whitegrazer will need? I was going to "operate" that pod part myself but I'm so lost right now. I can't decide on what teams to make because I don't know which pods are where and which Preds are going to them. Kind of wanted Rattrap to face Megatron like in the show, especially since he's the temporary leader now, and I'm sure Megatron would love to crush his confidence and his spark. :lol: ))

Rattrap noticed Aurora's movements as she picked up their former leader's swords and dashed out of the brige in her beast mode, and was about to call to her to come back since he had already asked Feralnight for the Predacons' whereabouts but perhaps it was a good idea to have someone check out the corridors just in case Feral couldn't get the camera video feed. He just didn't want her to go alone when there could be at least three of them on the loose and possibly hostile after the way they had just treated them; like common thugs. If the Maximals were lucky, maybe they'd just happily escape the base as soon as possible and not bother with any attacks since they would still be greatly outnumbered in unfamiliar territory. "Wintersong, hurry after Aurora, would ya? And give 'er some back-up in case she runs inta trouble," the newly refurbished demolition expert asked of the shiny tigress. It wasn't that he felt the ermine needed looking after, it was just really, really unwise to go looking alone for foes who were very good at being stealthy and sneaky, especially when their ship's systems were on the fritz.
"Hey, guys," "Whoa," "I guess I'm not the only one who got a new shell."
After all the commotion with Cheetor's horrible test flight around the bridge and crashing just as badly as Rattrap had earlier, the TransMetal rodent looked at Orcariner with a grin, relieved to finally see him in a different energy. Something about him seemed... new, besides his body's upgrade. It was his attitude. There seemed to be more confidence in himself now, a newly found purpose in life or motivation or inspiration. If only Optimus could see him now, he would be proud. "Really good to see ya back, Big O," he said looking up at him and taking in his blades on his back wondering what his vehicle mode was and his new color scheme. Could he actually participate more out of the water now? Because that would be really helpful. And if he could move quicker when in beast mode, then jackpot!
"Maybe we should tinker with the new toys outside."
Got that right, 'Grazer! thought the rat.
"Well a flying cat is something you don't see every day,"
"You! New girl!" Rattrap suddenly pointed at Silverstreak when she spoke up for the first time. "What was yer name? Silver something er other..." He started snapping his fingers as if the motions would help him recall. "Silverstreak!" Answering his own question seemed to boost his ego if only for a second. "If you got skills, specific functions, qualifications, we need 'em. I know it's probably been a lot to take in since you got here, and I wish I could let everybody sit back and relax but we still got things to do."
"Umm..." "Give me a nanoclick"
"On it Rattrap,"
While waiting for Airazor and Feralnight, the Spy-turned-Commander heard Rhinox's CR chamber beep, notifying them that his repair cycle was over, so he hurried over and opened the door.

Groggy, his red optics adjusting on the lighting and focusing as the door opened, Rhinox slowly stood up and stared at... this small, shiny, metal-covered bot before him. "Uh," he stammered, uncertain as to who this was and what happened, but the little guy showed a lot of similar resemblances to his short friend. "Rattrap...?"

"Hey, Big Green," RT greeted him with a smile and giving him some space. "You okay?"

"What...? What happened to you?" Rhinox inquired, pointing at his body.

"Oh! You like it? It's kind of a new look. Heh."

Studying him for a moment, the engineer suddenly turned on to a more serious note. After the vision he had, he had to know. He had to ask. "Where's Optimus?"

Rattrap's playful, more cheerful demeanor suddenly took a nose dive at his friend's question, and he bowed his head in sorrow as he answered quietly. "Gone... Transwarp explosion..."

It was as Rhinox had feared. His oldest friend, their commanding officer, had been killed. He couldn't even imagine how the moral of the crew had fallen to now. For many of them, Optimus was their best hope, their beacon of light, their fearless leader, their only "weapon" to stop Megatron. This team would not be the same without him. And then he recalled the voice he heard earlier during his repairs. Primal's voice. He wasn't dreaming about that, it was real. Could there be any possibility of...? He couldn't know for sure right now, but clearly gears were beginning to suddenly speed up in his head. An idea had hatched, but Rhinox needed the details first. "Ugh," he groaned in a slight state of depression. "Tell me what happened. All of it," he demanded as he stepped out of the CR and turned to face the others in the bridge. His optics enlarged for a moment seeing all the ones who had changed, those who hadn't like himself, and their newest addition.

Rattrap moved aside to let Rhinox exit the chamber, and as he did so, he glanced at Ironclaw's status before looking back at his much more robust ally, speaking softly to Rhinox. "Well, long story short, we confiscated one of our own stasis pods from Blackarachnia, Tarantulas, Arachnitron and Starshadow, who were all hopin' ta use it to get off the planet before the alien weapon was gonna blow us up. ...Still ain't sure why Inferno was here, too, but he took care of Tarantulas. Heh. Blackarachnia was supposed ta change the pod's commands ta Optimus's so he could fly it up there and kick the Voks' skidplates. We had rigged up a demo charge to the transwarp cell that the spiders brought with 'em and Optimus flew up dere but he was supposed ta have time to eject and fly back to Earth," he said without realizing the correct name he had just given to the planet as if they all had known it was Earth all along. "Den Blackarachnia starts wiggin' out, telling us Optimus has no hopes of surviving like she knew why he wasn't escaping the pod, 'Grazer mumbled something about Megatron and I still have no idea what she was talkin' about, and... And he never got out in time. He took out the weapon but it caused some kinda transwarp wave, a quantum surge," he corrected himself, "and it gave some of us dese new bodies." Rattrap shrugged. "We locked the Preds up in the brig before the explosion but since our systems an' power have been down and fluctuating, we're tryin' ta find out if they've escaped or not."

The larger green and brown Maximal nodded, eventually stroking his chin thoughtfully while Rattrap told him what happened. Two points peaked his interest; Blackarachnia "wigging out" as Rattrap so colorfully mentioned - why, and what exactly did she say or do that obviously freaked Rattrap out -, and Whitegrazer saying something about Megatron when clearly the Predacon leader was no where near the alien weapon, Optimus, or even the Axalon. Certainly sounded like odd occurances and Rhinox wanted to seek deeper explanations on them. Their Commander's death was not a suicide, it sounded like murder. Something went wrong that someone had control over. And what had been Inferno's involvement in the operation? He was far too loyal to Megatron to be making any deals with the arachnids. So many mysteries and little explanations. Rhinox stood there quietly for a moment before moving closer to the others in the command center, positioning himself near Whitegrazer. He made no notion of assuming command despite his rank over Rattrap. Instead, he was focusing on something else. He would have questions for Whitegrazer; he knew about her connection with Optimus. She must have seen or felt something that no other Maximal could have. She must have known what happened to him up there. If he could pull off this crazy and miraculous idea of his, then she would play a key role in it as well.
"3 pods in sector 7 and one in sector 11. We better move quick, i'm sure megs is looking at this too!"
"It seems they're still around the brig trying to get Tarantulas now guys, I'd suggest we be quick unless they slip away."
"Wait, Feralnight. Aurora and Wintersong are already after 'em. We gotta make these pods our priority. They've fallen all over the planet, most of 'em likely ta be damaged. We gotta get 'em before the Preds do," Rattrap explained, following Rhinox and walking back over to the group. "You guys wanna test drive your new abilities? Here's our chance."

(( OOC: I'll leave it there until I get some clarification on the pods. Sorry for losing track on those. It's also getting late, so I need to wrap this up so I can finally go to bed at decent hour this week. :lol: ))


Geez.. it really IS you. I know we were good buddies and all Optimus, but you didn't have to follow after me so soon.

"Icebreaker?" While Optimus was overjoyed to "see" the penguin again, some sorrow also surfaced, but he quickly tried pushing it back. "I don't believe it. Aurora and Orcariner have been torn apart ever since we lost you, moreso than the rest." Sadness suddenly crept back on him remembering how he swore she wouldn't lose anymore friends. But here he was. He wanted to say what a lost cause it might all have been, but that was only weakness and depression speaking. He refused to give in to those emotions. He had faith in his Maximals. They were going to manage without him. They had to. They didn't need him to survive, they just needed each other.

"First, let's introduce each other fully."

Caught up in Icebreaker's presence, Primal had almost forgotten that there was someone else with them until he interrupted them. Who was this guy...? Then everything suddenly went white, and this spark began manifesting an image... a face? His optics glowed brightly as his facial features took shape and formed a head then his entire body. By Primus...

"Don't worry, I'm not a devil. Though, many people believed I was in one lifetime."

Optimus wasn't quite sure how he did that, but he was more focused on something else anyway, besides his menacing appearance. "You're the one Whitegrazer seeks so often..." he said bluntly. It was more of a statement than a question. This guy already knew who Optimus was, so it was time he identified himself if he truly sought official introductions. There was a feeling, or at least a previous feeling he had felt when he was alive that he suddenly recalled. The mental image he saw of Whitegrazer. The voice he had heard with it. Was this seemingly frightening being... her master...?Optimus was not very intimidated by his appearance. After all, he was already dead, so what else could he lose? And if this guy was here, he must have made good of his life or something. However it worked, he didn't fully understand. He just wanted to know who this guy was and why he was looking for him.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Dinobot snarled at Rattrap's tail hitting his leg, but he quickly stopped himself. He certainly didn't want to give the vermin the indication that his retaliation had been in any way painful--for it hadn't been--and besides, the less he reacted here, the less indication Rattrap would be given that his comeback had mattered.
Rattrap wrote:Turn 'em off!
Rattrap's suggestion only made Cheetor's processor race faster (How?how?how?how?how?!), especially when he saw Whitegrazer stepping into his path to try and stop him.

Oh,wouldWhitegrazerplease mov---nope.

Cheetor grunted as if the wind had been knocked out of him; when he rammed head-on into his teammate, he could only hope that she was in less pain than he was. Soon, a natural thought came to him--he wished he wasn't flying anymore--and his thrusters instantly cut out. He fell onto the floor in a graceless heap of metallic limbs before getting back up on his paws. Then, in an expression of both relief and self-effacing despair, he bowed his head and deliberately clunked it against the floor.
Whitegrazer wrote:Maybe we should tinker with the new toys outside.
Cheetor looked up at her with a rueful smile and then turned away. "Yup. Yup, yup,yupyupyup..." He was starting to walk to the center of the bridge, but he stopped and tried to face her again to ask if she was alright. She'd already walked away to a computer.
Silverstreak wrote:Well a flying cat is something you don't see every day.
Dinobot found Silverstreak and chimed in. "Ah, but a crashing cat is something we see very many days, thanks to the furball." Cheetor smirked to himself. Dinobot was going to need to create a new insulting nickname--Cheetor wasn't a furball anymore.
Rattrap wrote:Big O...? Is that you?
When Cheetor turned and saw Orcariner, covered in armor, in blue and in silver, his jaw dropped. Somehow, the size of Orcariner made his transmetallization seem impossible. But there he was.
Orcariner wrote:Whoa. I guess I'm not the only one who got a new shell.
Dinobot rapped his knuckles against the warrior's leg, already thinking of the strategic ramifications of Orcariner's new armor. Cheetor found his voice again. "No, but... slag... Who else needs 'em when we've got you?"

Worpex wrote:...if Terrorsaur died, Manterror would likely become the team leader!!!!

Wait... no...

Manterror corrected his thoughts. Nemesis would become the leader. BUT if they both died, Manterror would lead!!
Nice. I love hearing the inflections in Manterror's thoughts.))

And... given everything with the pods and the spiders, I think I probably need to post more soon. And write for Steelclaw.))
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by starshadow »

(Cece has reached cyber puberty at a late age. Wow... :P)
I have two bits of information. Your new body seems to now have a vehicle mode for your beast mode based from evidence I've seen of the others.
Cecaelia looked at herself and scratched her head. "Umm..okay! Good to know!"
The second bit of information is, Four stasis pods have dropped, two near each other and a third not too far from them.
So it was about pods? Three at the same time? Sounds like a game. When he knelt down, it made her feel short like a small kid, not a pleasant feeling at all.
I realize this is a bit forward, but I'd like to request your assistance on a task I've been given for the operation. One I believe only you would be suited for.. Of-course, this would not go without repayment. If there is any item I may have or service I may provide then I'd gladly do so to repay you.
"You can count on me! Payment is not needed," she smiled with glee, "so where are we hunting the pods? the beach?"
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Optimus Primal wrote: "I don't believe it. Aurora and Orcariner have been torn apart ever since we lost you, moreso than the rest."

Icebreaker cleared his throat Er.. well, guess my bad luck and recklessness finally caught up to me. he said a bit sheepishly. He didn't exactly plan to get shot in the head, and then get killed by a defect in the CR chamber.. But ofcourse Optimus knew this. He suffered the same results from his own reckless nature catching up to him to protect others. He could only hope that whatever Optimus did, his results were not in vain. While the others may have been sad at his own demise, he knew the Maximals would be torn apart and lost from losing Optimus. He was the duct tape that kept them together..

He observed quietly as the one that called Optimus put on his show, wondering if they'd be able to do similar things. So far all Icebreaker seemed to have learned from being dead was it hurt alot, and of the results that happened to himself and Nightmist. In the case of Nightmist, not even a fragment of her Spark was here, all that was left of her had brought Aurora online with a large portion of his own life energies.
Optimus Primal wrote:"You're the one Whitegrazer seeks so often..."
The one Whitegrazer seeks so often? And just what was she doing with a creepy dead guy? Then again.. she did seem a bit unusual herself.. maybe she was some sort of psychic? He'd heard of Cybertronians having mystical powers from the martial arts, like focusing and projecting internal energys into electric blasts, or finding the fracture point on any surface making it explode. Even a case of a acient that was known to speak to the dead without the use of a matrix. But out of all those accounts were from myth and legend he thought..However having seen creatures like Starscream and Nemesis, he couldn't say it was too far fetched..

Cecaelia wrote:"You can count on me! Payment is not needed" "so where are we hunting the pods? the beach?"
Umbra shaked his head, then stood up No. From what I could tell, it seemed to be an area just outside of the badlands. Having seen some of this planet, I doubt we'd be so lucky as to go to the beach.

He then smiled warmly I'm glad you're so willing to cooperate.

He wasn't so sure he should tell her the exact specifics of the mission yet, though he was only supposed to act if Terrorsaur screwed up, so she didn't have to sully her tentacles with such dirty work. While she wasn't a Ninja, he was curious to see how she would do on a mission having a similiar beastmode to his own, though with a completely different skill sets beyond a natural stealth, the two almost seemed opposets.
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RPG Characters: Whitegrazer, TyCross, and Blackarachnia
Location: swinging on Optimal Optimus Primal's finger

Unread post by una »

((OOC: I will definitely have a post tomorrow. :mrgreen:

Edit: I will post for BA for now. Whitegrazer and her master's response will be coming soon. I just need to go over it and finally be happy with it. :lol: ))
"A transwarp wave, no doubt resulting from the aftermath of the alien weapon's destruction! There, now that your curiosity has been satisfied, hurry up and aid Arachnitron in retrieving my body, the maximals are likely recovering as you have as we speak. Unless you wish to experience what it means to be the fly to my spider every day for the rest of OUR lives, hhhmm?"
What does he think I am, his personal keeper? Ugh!

The horrible nightmare she experienced because of him burned into her mind. She never felt so humilated or helpless in her life. Is this was she was now reduced to? To be someone else's slave?

Oh, I heard your snicker, little widow. You may love my little predicament but at least, when I finally get Tarantulas, I will be able to be free, alive or dead, while you will still be wallowing in your own insanity

She held her glare at Arachnitron, but expressed pain when Tarantulas took over her mind.
"Arachnitron, report! What is the extent of the damage done to my shell?"
"I wish I knew where to start," Arachnitron said honestly. "You look.....different and I think you have wheels." she continued. "Maybe Blackarachnia should just let you see for yourself....I'm not sure I can explain it."

"If it's any consolation, you don't actually look damaged."
Blackarachnia would had made a snarky remark of hoping his body was damaged, but that would be foolish on her part. Not that she was afraid of any backlash, but the fact that if his body was damaged, he would spend more time in her own mind.

Looking at that body, she sniffed, "Well, looks like you have a new outfit waiting for you to try on."

She walked over and lifted it up, which made her grimace because of how heavy he was. Despite his new body, he weighed like he had eaten too many mice or some other prey he enjoyed killing for his pleasure.

Though, if it wasn't for them being inside an enemy base, she would love to kick his body like a ball across the corridors just to tick him off. He couldn't do much more to her than temporary pain or his disturbing little fetishes. She gave a passing glance towards Inferno who didn't change and Starshadow who did. She seemed to be online now. Well, she better scattled like they were doing.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

(ooc: lol@Manterror.. Oh, whatever happened to Inferno? Megsie misses him. Sorry for slowness.. Went straight from being a stay-at-home-mom to working full time as a registered nurse this past week. Haven't had much time for personal fun.)

Aurora trotted as silently as she could muster through the hallways of the Axalon, keeping close to the ground with her ears perked up just in case one of those pesky Predacons happened to be close by. Most of the systems of the Axalon had come back online by now, which aided her confidence considerably. Yet by the time the last of the wall-mounted computer consoles regained power, she was already approaching the brig. Hearing voices inside, she slowed her pace considerably, almost to a crawl as she rounded the final corner and stopped before she came into visual range.

The little ermine then transformed to robot form, still attempting not to make a sound.

She tapped her computer gauntlet a few times, watching as the image flickered on and connected to the security cams in the brig itself. Albeit the image was obviously not as clear as if she'd been watching them with her own eyes, the visual input she got was still of pretty decent quality and showed that some of the Predacons had undergone the same transformation as her Maximal comrades. It appeared as if they were debating how to get away with the bodies of their unconscious friends in tow.

Then she forwarded the transmission to the bridge displays to alert them of the situation without breaking radio silence. Well.. that and also the fact she was a bit concerned the others would yell at her for sneaking off on her own like that. It had not occurred to her until she had almost reached her destination that the others, especially Whitegrazer perhaps, would be less than pleased when learning of her actions.

They always wanted to protect her.. to keep her safe. Aurora knew fully well that they did so because they cared about her, but at times she felt a little frustrated by their persistence. Sometimes they would just have to let her walk on her own, just like each and every one of them were allowed to do. Aurora longed for that freedom, she craved it like nothing else. Well.. aside from a chance to save those she held so dear that had been claimed as victims of this stupid war.

"Predacons," boomed the powerful voice of Megatron as he viewed them in turn, "You have your assignments. Now go. Victory shall be ours!"