Quotable Quotes

Where we talk about nothing other than that. :)

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Wicked Woman
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Unread post by Wicked Woman »

DinoBot: To be... or not to be? That is the question. These disks I hold, are they a record of what will be, or only of what may? For, if the future is, indeed, forumtably fortold, then my demise is but moments from the comfromation, for I could not live, if not for the master of my fate. But, if the future can be changed, if these disks record merely one path of all the million ways the cosmos might can form, then it's power if infinate and yet, still, limited... for it can be used but once and in this change be rendered fiction forevermore. I COULD DESTROY THEM... but, no. T'would be a coward's answer. I will note the truth instead, then to it will be them or me that face oblivion. 'Till then...

Wow... that was a 'frag' long speech. :roll: And yes I watched it while typing this... leave me alone. :lol:

Prime: "Any last words?"
Demolisher: "not the face, NOT THE FACE!"
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Unread post by una »

Hey I do that all the time WW! Watch episodes to remember the quote!

Thanks for finishing the quote Jagna

Optimus "My Turn"

Silverbolt "Yes, My beloved has many skills" (DIRTY DIRTY SILVERBOLT)
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Unread post by Starath »

Hmmmmm.... >_>

"We lose when we quit, and I'm not ready to quit." --Optimus

(A quote I think highly of and I try to live by it)

"Do you mean fly?"

"Do I mean fly--? NO! I mean take a SUB-MA-RINE! O' course I mean fly! Now get goin'!"

-- Cheetor and Rattrap

xD I laugh SO HARD everytime I hear Rattrap say those lines. He puts so much sarcasm into it.

--Starath :mrgreen:
"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
--Adam Savage, Mythbusters

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"You're... [i]real![/i]"
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Unread post by una »

Rattrap "Fire up! We'll be right behind ya!

Dinobot " My weapon is depleted."

Cheetor "I need a running start."

Rattrap "Crimeny, the pair o' ya! I gotta do EVERYTHING!?"
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Unread post by Jagna »

"Strip my gears and call me a floor lamp!" RT

"the rodent's words give off a stench of truth. destiny has one great test for us all. has mine already come...and have i failed it? a deed once done. cannot be undone. but perhaps it may yet be mitigated" DB

"cat-patrol to bot0base. got a blue-plate sighting in Tengu sector. crab legs and crabby, all you can eat. but be warned! this plate is HOT!" C

"someone's gotta follow up an megattron. fiund out what hes up to." C
"fear not. someone most assuredly will" DB

ill be bak!
[img]http://www.bwint.net/bannertigatronfanclub.jpg[/img] || [img]http://www.bwint.net/membercheetorclub.jpg[/img]
and OP, RT and DB
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Unread post by Jagna »

i'm bak! again! i had to go coz i had to make my way to next class! heh :lol: anyway wht i was GOING to write was:

"The question that once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own. And yet, how ironic…For I now find I have no choice at all. I am a warrior. Let the battle be joined."

tadaaa!!! im lovin this thread. its gone on for so long and we might as well quote the whole script!

and wht about this one?

"Farewell, Maximals! The future has changed! The Autobots lose! evil TRIUMPHS! -- and you...YOU no longer EXIST!!"

"By the way, how do you dance with all those skinny legs?" C

"You don't know what fast is furball!" BA
"I know what ugly is and you're it!" C

never fear, fellow beast warriors..."i will be back!"
[img]http://www.bwint.net/bannertigatronfanclub.jpg[/img] || [img]http://www.bwint.net/membercheetorclub.jpg[/img]
and OP, RT and DB
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

You guys are rocking with these quotes. XD

Depth Charge: "Your spark. It stinks of Rampage."
Megatron: "Perhaps. But it is the spark that keeps on sparking. Unlike yours! Dinobot, you may start the feast."

Transmutate: "I am... hurt."

Tigatron: "Curious."

Terrorsaur: "Well, well, well. Looks like curiosity just claimed another cat."

Waspinator: "Yezzzz, Megatron."
"Well, that's just prime!"
Kittie Rose
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Unread post by Kittie Rose »

Optimus: "I think Megatron's bitten off a little more than he can handle. Yeeeess." (I just can't help liking the way how he imitated Megs...)

What episode is that from..?
Wicked Woman
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Unread post by Wicked Woman »

Kittie Rose wrote:Optimus: "I think Megatron's bitten off a little more than he can handle. Yeeeess." (I just can't help liking the way how he imitated Megs...)

What episode is that from..?
Dark Designs. Rhinox imitated Megs while he was still a Predacon too near the end of the episode.

Rhinox: It's called irony sport, I take over and you head straight for the recycling bin, yeeessss.

DinoBot: Well... and bot can hope can he not.
Cheetor: Hey!

Waspinator: Wazzzpinator having good day. Not yet been shot once. *gets shot*

Prime: "Any last words?"
Demolisher: "not the face, NOT THE FACE!"
Kittie Rose
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Unread post by Kittie Rose »

Waspinator is a legend... I hate Wasps normally but I find Waspinator adorable, especially his scene in Beast Machines, I love that cute "Nubbly" thing he does with his voice near the end of sentences when he's describing stuff he likes.
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Rattrap: "But yer forgettin' just one little thing."
Dinobot: "And that is...?"
Rhinox: "Optimus would get blown to scrap. Big problem."
Dinobot: "Well. That depends on your view point."
Rattrap: "Hey!"


Primal: "You're a real piece of work, Rattrap."
Rattrap: "Ain't it the truth."

Primal: "Rattrap can be a pain in the circuits but I'd hate to lose him."

Primal: "Although, you didn't have to make it that believable."
Rattrap: "Hey, what can I say? I was trying ta miss."

Primal: "You're disgusting."
"Well, that's just prime!"
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Primal: "You're welcome."
Rattrap: "You're de leader, it's your uh... job."

And Optimus glares at him. XD Rattrap got on his nerves so much in the first two episodes. LoL
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by una »

"Incompetent(Sp?) bug" Megatron

'WE CAN"T SEE!!!" Dinobot

Aw, forget him, big R.

You and I can go to the Six Lasers Over Cybertron amusement park!

There's the Space Slide, and the Galaxy Coasters --

Kid, don't make me hurt ya.
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Unread post by fizzybird »

Optimus: 'I swear, I can't take you aywhere!'
Rattrap: 'Hey, just keepin' the peace.'
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Unread post by una »

Rattrap"Oh man oh man, if I wanted to fly, I would've become a bat, not a rat"

Optimus"It was the fastest way, and will you stop wiggling?
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